Mac mouse 2 not working


Mac mouse 2 not working

Many users are more comfortable with a mouse in their hand when using a Mac. So when your mouse is not working, it causes trouble. Mac mouse not working is a common issue and it should be easy to fix. In this article, we are talking about the wireless mouse. Check the mouse Checking your mouse should always be the first go-to option. Make sure the mouse has power and it's turned on.Make sure that your mouse has been set up to work with your Mac.Make sure that your device's Bluetooth is turned on. Take magic mouse 2 as an example. The power button is at the bottom of the device. Turn it on and it should appear in the Bluetooth window. Thenmake sure your magic mouse 2 is fully charged. After checking your mouse's physical condition, you can move to the next part. Mac mouse not working Situation 1: Your mouse isn't recognized by your Mac Situation 2: Your mouse doesn't work well Situation 1: Your mouse isn't recognized by your Mac You mouse is on and has power, but it can't be recognized by your Mac. You don't see it appears in the Bluetooth window. Below are the fixes you can try. Fix 1: Turn the device off and on Restart your Mac and turn your mouse off and on. It's an old but effective way. Restarting your device can make your devices reconnect with each other. So your mouse can be recognized again. Fix 2: Pair your mouse again If the first fix doesn't work, you can try to pair your mouse again. Note: You can use the trackpad to select and click. Select the Apple icon on the upper left and click System preference. Select Bluetooth. If your mouse is not magic mouse 2, you should press the connection button on the mouse to connect with Mac.Note: Make sure the Mac Bluetooth is on. Otherwise, you should turn on the Bluetooth first. Waiting for your mouse's name appears on the Bluetooth window. When you see it, your mouse has connected with Mac. Situation 2: Your mouse doesn't work well Issue 1: Your mouse sometimes stops responding You have your mouse connected with Mac but it sometimes stops responding. The issue may be caused by signal interference. A wireless network that operates on 2.4GHz may cause interference. To solve it: Move your Mac from microwave, cordless phone base stations, and other electrical devices that you suspect may cause interference.Keep wireless devices within 10 meters (approximately 30 feet) of your Mac.Avoid putting metal objects between your wireless device and your Mac. Issue 2: Your mouse can't scroll up or down or side to side If you find that your mouse can't scroll up or down in web pages or documents, you can use the trackpad to adjust mouse settings. Select the Apple icon on the upper left and click System preference. Select Accessibility. Select Mouse & Trackpad. Then, adjust your mouse settings. You can drag the slider right to speed up your mouse. Issue 3: Your mouse doesn't track as expected This is annoying when the mouse moves intermittently. There are several factors that can affect your mouse tracking. Try another surface?The first is your surface. Keeping your touch surface dry and clean, or try another surface to see if the tracking improves. Clean your mouse?Turn the mouse over to check its sensor window. Clean the sensor window gently if there's dust on it. Check the power adapter of your Mac?If you're using the power adapter made by a third-party company for your Mac, it may cause the problem. Unplug the power adapter and use your mouse while the Mac is running from battery power. If your mouse runs normally, the issue might be caused by your power adapter. Replace the power adapter to improve your mouse tracking. Turn off other Bluetooth devices?If you have more than one Bluetooth wireless device nearby in use, turning them off one by one to see if the issue is improved. Adjust scrolling speed?You can change Mouse settings to solve this issue. Click the Apple icon on the upper left and click System preference. Click Accessibility. Select Mouse & Trackpad. Click Mouse Options to adjust scrolling speed. You can drag the Scrolling speed slider to the right to speed up. Hope the above information can help. Thanks for reading. You're welcome to leave comments below. 11 people found this helpful I have to admit it: I rely heavily on a mouse when I'm working on my computer.Even now, when I write this article, the only tool I use is the Mac keyboard -- but I'm still used to moving my finger to touch my Apple mouse now and then. It may be a bad habit; I just find it hard to change. I've tried but always ended up feeling like something was missing.I use a Magic Mouse 2, and never have a problem with it. But that was not the case when I first received it over a year ago. I opened it excitedly, turned it on and paired it to my Mac, only to find that it wouldn't scroll up and down! The reason? Long story short: the device wasn't compatible with the macOS version that my MacBook Pro was running. The issue was resolved after I spent a few hours updating the Mac to a newer macOS.This is just one of the problems I encountered with my magic mouse 2. I've faced quite a few other issues, especially when I used Magic Mouse on my PC (HP Pavilion, Windows 10).In this guide, I share those issues and solutions with Magic Mouse. I hope you find them helpful.Magic Mouse Issues on macOSIssue 1: How to Connect Magic Mouse to Mac for the Very First TimeWatch this 1-minute youtube video made by Dan.Issue 2: Magic Mouse Won't Connect or PairFirst of all, make sure your wireless mouse is switched. Also, make sure your Mac Bluetooth is turned on. Then move your mouse or tap to click it. This often wakes up the device. If that doesn't work, restart your Mac.If that still doesn't help, your mouse battery could be low. Charge it for several minutes (or replace the AA batteries with new ones if you are using a traditional Magic Mouse 1) and retry.Note: If you are like me, and tend to slide the mouse switch to "off" after shutting down my Mac for the sake of saving battery, be sure to slide the switch to "on" first before you start your Mac machine. Quite a few times, when I turned on the switch at an inappropriate time, I couldn't locate or use the mouse at all and had to restart my Mac.Issue 3: Magic Mouse One Finger Scroll Doesn't WorkThis issue annoyed me for a while. My Magic Mouse 2 was successfully connected to my Mac, and I could move the mouse cursor with no problem, but the scrolling function didn't work at all. I couldn't scroll up, down, left or right with one finger.Well, the culprit turned out to be OS X Yosemite, which contains the worst bugs related to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Apple Mail. To check what macOS your Mac is running, click the Apple logo on the top left corner and select About This Mac.The solution? Upgrade to a newer macOS version. I tried and the issue was gone.Issue 4: Magic Mouse Keeps Disconnecting or Freezing on MacThis happened to me as well, and it turned out to be that my mouse battery was low. After recharging, the issue never occurred again. However, after viewing this Apple discussion, some fellow Apple users also contributed other fixes. I've summarized them here, the order is based on ease of implementation:Charge your mouse battery.Disconnect other peripherals, then move your mouse closer to your Mac for a stronger signal.Disconnect your mouse and repair it. If possible, rename the device.Reset NVRAM. See this Apple support post for how.Issue 5: How to Set up Mouse PreferencesIf you want to adjust the mouse's tracking speed, enable right-click, add more gestures, etc, Mouse Preferences is the place to go. Here, you can customize your preferences with Apple's intuitive demos shown on the right.Click on the Bluetooth icon on the top menu bar, move to your mouse name, and click "Open Mouse Preferences."A new window like this will pop up. Now select whatever you want to change and it will take effect immediately.Magic Mouse Issues on WindowsDisclaimer: The following issues are purely based on my observation and experience using Magic Mouse on my HP Pavilion laptop (Windows 10). I am yet to test it with Windows 7 or 8.1, or while using Windows on a Mac via BootCamp or virtual machine software. As such, some of the solutions may not necessarily work with your PC.Issue 6: How to Pair Magic Mouse to Windows 10Step 1: Locate the Bluetooth icon on the Taskbar on the bottom right corner. If it does not show up there, see this discussion to learn how to enable it. Right-click on it and select "Add a Bluetooth Device".Step 2: Search for your Magic Mouse and click to pair it. Make sure you've turned on Bluetooth, and slide your mouse switch to "on." Since I've already paired the mouse, it now shows "Remove device".Step 3: Follow the rest of the instructions your PC walks you through, then wait for a few seconds. You should be able to use your mouse now.Issue 7: Magic Mouse Not Scrolling on Windows 10You'll need to install some drivers to make it work.If you installed Windows 10 via BootCamp on your Mac, Apple offers Boot Camp Support Software (Windows drivers) available here. Click the blue button to download the drivers (882 MB in size). Then follow the instructions in this video to install them properly:If you are like me and using Windows 10 on a PC, you can download these two drivers (AppleBluetoothInstaller64 & AppleWirelessMouse64) from this forum (note: the language is Chinese). After installing them on my Windows 10 based HP, the Magic Mouse scrolling feature works amazingly well. Plus, they are free. Shout out to the Chinese geeks for developing them.I also tried another tool called Magic Utilities. It worked nicely as well, but it's a commercial program that offers a 28-day free trial. After the trial is over, you'll have to pay $14.9/year on subscription. So, in case the free drivers above don't work, Magic Utilities is a good option.Issue 8: How to Set Up Magic Mouse on Windows 10If you feel the scrolling is not smooth, right-click does not work, the pointer speed is too fast or slow, or want to switch right-handed to left-handed or vice versa, etc., you can change those in Mouse Properties.In the same Device Settings windows (see Issue 1), under Related settings, click "Additional mouse options". A new window will pop up. Now navigate to the different tabs (Buttons, Pointers, Wheel, etc.) to make the changes you want. Don't forget to click "OK" to save the settings.Final WordsThese are all the issues and solutions I wanted to share with you regarding using Magic Mouse 2 on a Mac or PC. If you find this guide useful, please kindly share it out. If you are experiencing another issue that I haven't covered here, please let me know by leaving a comment below. Meanwhile, check out related articles below:P.S. there are a lot of rumors out there about Magic Mouse 3, see here, here and here. Hopefully, version 3 will address some or all the problems that version 2 has.

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