This incredible story of HKU Lectures on UFOLOGY were cancelled without

clear notice by the Hong Kong University made headline news at the APPLE DAILY last week.

The GOOGLE search engine, when searching “UFO” was listing HKU and its cancelled lectures as number 1 News. Today it has slipped to number 3 news.

News magazine E-Touch will feature a 4-page article on the contents of cancelled lectures. It will let the people of Hong Kong decide as to what all the fuss is about.


The Exopolitics Network tracked the article as it spread around the world,

Pulling the credibility of HKU and its academic freedom into serious doubt.


HK school hit for dropping UFO course

, Philippines - 3 hours ago

HK uni drops UFO course

Straits Times, Singapore - 4 hours ago

Hong Kong university criticized for dropping UFO course

Asia One, Singapore - 4 hours ago

University sends UFO course into deep space

Independent Online, South Africa - 4 hours ago

Hong Kong university criticized for dropping UFO course

, VA - 4 hours ago

Hong Kong students criticize cancellation of UFO Exopolitics course

 USA - 37 minutes ago

Some of the excuses given for the cancellation were extremely weak. One of the HKU Professors stated that there was not enough room in the lectures for the speakers to be challenged. Another excuse was that a member of the public called in to complain about the subject. Sadly, there is nobody at the HKU that is fluent in Ufology; as one Exopolitician stated; “they suffer from Tenure

Tetanus—a condition of complacency whereby Professors are guaranteed their jobs and no longer wish to risk thinking outside the box”.


Another Exopoliticians stated; “It is indeed a challenge to introduce Exopolitics into the current academic environment. Far too many academics cannot fathom the extent to which the wool has been pulled over their eyes for so long. Indeed they are embarrassed by the prospect that a cover up of extraterrestrial life and technologies has gone on while they have risen to the highest level of academia without them discerning what was happening, and fulfilling their primary function of fully educating others about their fields of expertise. Despite the entrenched conservativism of most within the academic environment, there are pockets of progressive academics open to the Exopolitics ideas. Progressives at the University of Hong Kong, the University of Toronto, University of Minnesota, University of Colorado, and other pockets where academics are supporting Exopolitics courses, meetings, study, or ideas need to be supported when they run into opposition. The future of Exopolitics lies with the student body and progressive open-minded academics that can effectively distell these ideas to a larger conservative academic audience”.


The Exopolitical Network released a list of over 32 Universities who have

Awarded Doctorates in UFO and Exopolitical related Subjects



I urge the HKU to watch the videos below, especially the Testimonies.


Sgt James Pennisten USAF retired—testimony


Col. Charles Holt retired Base Commander—testimony



Neil Gould—Exopolitics Hong Kong Editor

Advisory Board Member of the Exopolitics Institute



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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