EText for iPad 1 - Pearson

Pearson eText for iPad 1.0

Questions and Answers

Updated – March 1, 2011


Q: What is the Pearson eText for iPad app?

A: The Pearson eText for iPad application enables users to work with their eText titles from an Apple iPad as they would use existing Mac/Windows eText viewer. Using familiar Apple UI gestures, users can easily page through a book, zoom-in/zoom-out, add their own notes, highlights, and bookmarks, and follow links to websites and media. There are some minor differences between iPad/Mac/Windows viewing experiences due to differences in underlying technology although both viewers access the same version of the title. In addition, all customizations that a user adds e.g. notes, bookmarks, and highlights, are stored at the server and therefore users can move seamlessly between their iPad and Mac/Windows machines.


Q: When will the eText for iPad app be available?

A: The eText for iPad is available today! To download the app go to the Apple iTunes store and search for “Pearson eText.” Click install to start the download. Launch the app and enter your SMS credentials. Please note that you will not be able to login to the app unless you have an existing SMS account that contains subscriptions to titles for the iPad. You must have be running iOS4.2 or higher on your iPad.


Q: What features are included with the current eText for iPad app?

A: Major features in iPad 1.0 include:

• Bookshelf of licensed titles (for online and offline access)

• Full fidelity to the original textbook display

• Online access via 3G and WiFi

• Download Manager to provision chapters for offline access

• Single page (portrait/landscape) and dual page (landscape)

• Go To Page navigation

• Zoom via pinch/expand

• Next/Prev Page via swipe

• Personalized notes, highlights, bookmarks for both online and offline titles (personalizations can not be added or edited while offline).

• Full Text Search within a title and Search History (disabled when offline)

• TOC, Glossary Baskets

• Notes Manager

• Web-based Help

• Hotspot links to rich online media (disabled when offline)

• Interoperability with the same title on a Mac or Windows

• Stored user credentials in the Setting preferences

• Auto return to last book/ last page preference setting

• Display of online / offline status in bookshelf and Download Manager

• Auto disabling of linked Flash assets when accessed via iPad

• Auto redirect from embedded links in HiEd Learning Platforms to app

• Supports H.264 video compression

Support “faceless” and modal audio

Q: What languages will eText for iPad support?

A: The eText for iPad app was released in English for the v1.0 release. Requests for localized versions should be sent to Janet Marhefka, Product Manager for HiEd/International. Note: the iPad Viewer can display page content in any language even though the eText application itself is in English.

Q: Can an eText title on the iPad contain hotlinks to websites?

A: Yes! When a user clicks on a link, the iPad Viewer will open the "webkit" and display the website. It will do this within the iPad application and will not launch the Safari browser. When a user is done reviewing the material at this link they simply select “Done” to return to where they left off in the eText. If the iPad does not have a network connection, hotlinks will be grayed out. If a user clicks on a link while offline, the user will be notified that they do not have an active network connection. Also note that if the URL points to a web page with an embedded Flash asset, that asset will not function since the iPad does not support the display of Flash objects.

Q: Can an eText title on the iPad contain hotlinks to videos, animations, and audio, etc.?

A: Yes, but with some important caveats:

Video Links: the iPad Viewer supports links to H.264 video assets. Flash video is not supported. If assets are H.264 encoded, clicking on the link will launch the iPad video player. The eText for iPad app will automatically hide “FLV” link types (the Flash (Mac/Windows) version will continue to display them). The Business Unit may want to consider re-releasing their videos encoded “H.264” if possible since this will allow them to play on both the Mac/Windows client as well as the iPad app.

Animation Links: Flash animations (“SCOs”) are not supported on iPad and as a result, SWF links will be disabled in the iPad view. There are no tools available to easily re-work Flash animations to function on the iPad. The eText Authoring environment supports alternative media links for existing Flash assets. The iPad can support animations created in HTML5 and/or SVG.

Audio: The iPad Viewer supports both “faceless” and modal audio. Note: non-modal audio and synched highlighting are not available in the iPad viewer in the current release.

Q: What happens if an existing eText title has links to Flash assets?

A: As mentioned above, FLV and SWF links will automatically hidden from the page when the title is displayed on the iPad. Note: if the hotspot is a URL link type and the web page contains embedded Flash assets the link will remain active and a window will open pointing to the correct URL, but the Flash assets will not render on the iPad. Business Units can notify the eText team of any such URLs by identifying those URLs on the Custom Hotspot spreadsheet. These hotspots will be tagged to be turned off when displayed on the iPad.

Q: Will the videos and audio be streaming or progressive?

A: The iPad app supports progressive playback of video and audio files hosted on a web-based server. Clicking on any video or audio hotspot link in an iPad eText will enable playback once the data has been downloaded. If the user is offline, the links will not be displayed.

Q: What iPad-specific functionality is used in the eText app?

A: The eText for iPad app takes full advantage of the technologies that Apple designed for the iPad. For example, the user can “swipe” to move from one page to another. Users can “pinch” to reduce magnification and “spread” to increase magnification. The app uses the built-in accelerometer to auto-sense the orientation of the iPad so it can be rotated from portrait to landscape view automatically. We utilize the iPad’s capability to store the UserID/Password to allow the user to instantly return to their books without re-entering their SMS authorization information if so desired. eText requires iOS 4.2

Q: Is there on-line Help?

A: Yes. There is a web-based Help system that displays in a web view within the iPad app when connected to the Internet. In keeping with the practice of other apps on the iPad, Help is not extensive and it does not cover standard mechanisms inherent in all apps such as pinching to zoom, etc.

Q: Does the eText for iPad interoperate with Mac and Windows titles?

A: Yes! eText offers two different ways to view eText titles – a Mac/Windows client and an iPad client. The Mac/Windows client uses Flash technology and the iPad client uses highly optimized PDFs Notes, highlights, bookmarks and search history are stored on the server and are synchronized and available to all clients. Existing titles will not automatically work on the iPad without our production team creating an iPad view. To have an iPad view created, please submit a File or Revision Request form.

Note: Business Units must submit files that meet eText production requirements for Mac/Windows and iPad clients. Internally, iPad versions are published using “S14” integration.


Q: Will the eText Production team automatically create an iPad version when the paperwork is filled out for a Mac/Windows version?

A: Yes. Any request for a new eText submitted using the HiEd/Int’l eText Conversion Request Form will automatically be interpreted to mean a request for both a Flash client and an iPad client unless specifically stated otherwise. The form is located on our Wiki here: .

Q: What is the iPad production process? Does it differ from the current eText process?

A: From the Business Unit’s perspective, there are only several slight differences. The BU submits the HiEd/Int’l eText Conversion Request Form to initiate the project and provides the eText Production team with the following:

• Highly-optimized, low res PDFs

• High resolution PDF of cover

• Custom icons in PNG format (if used)

• Updated spreadsheets with links to iPad-friendly assets e.g. H.264

The eText title is created and the content is QA’d., the title is published for customer access.

Q: How long does it take to produce an eText for iPad?

A: The production time for iPad is the same as Flash. Production may be delayed if BU delivers files that do not meet eText specifications and require rework. It may take slightly more time to QA both the iPad client and the Flash client if a 100% page-by-page inspection is requested.

Q: How does the review process work?

A: Content can be reviewed on a page-by-page basis for the iPad client, the Flash client or both. The Authoring Tool has option to “View as iPad User” in addition to the current View as Student and View as Instructor. This allows an editorial team to use a Mac or Windows computer to ensure that the iPad links have been properly toggled.

Q: What is the QA plan for the iPad version, keeping in mind that there are few iPads available to the editorial and PM teams?

A: The eText Production vendors have iPads to test titles that they create.  Some Higher Ed groups find that they do not require additional QA beyond the initial first round, especially if their titles have no embedded rich media or Flash media.  The Content Management Services Media QA team can perform additional content QA at their standard QA rates.  Contact the QA team at CMGTesting@ for more information.

Q: What file format is used in the eText for iPad app?

A: The iPad app uses highly-optimized, low-resolution PDFs. The existing Flash client uses SWF pages, In both cases, the eText maintains fidelity to the original printed version of the book.

Q: Does the BU need to create a new ISBN for the iPad view of eText or can they use the same ISBN as the Flash-based eText?

A: It is vital that the ISBN for the iPad view of the eText be the same as the Flash-based title. This ensures SMS can be correctly configured so that the user can seamlessly access his/her subscribed titles on the Mac, Windows or iPad platforms along with any personalizations (highlights, notes, bookmarks, Search history).

Q: Will the production costs to create the iPad version be lower if the BU creates it at the same time as the eText?

A: Yes. We can produce the iPad view at no additional cost if created at the same time as the browser view is created. Publishing an iPad view of an existing Flash-based title will be considered a new ingestion and priced accordingly.


Q: What are the options for licensing iPad versions of eText titles?

A: The eText Production team will, by default, ensure that any new titles will be made available for both Windows/Mac and iPad unless otherwise instructed by the BU. BUs must submit an eText Revision Request Form (located on our Wiki here: ) to Production if they want existing published titles made available on the iPad and they will be charged for the ingestion. Any user that has full access to their eText as part of a Mastering/MyLab account will automatically have that title available on their bookshelf when they login to the iPad assuming an eText version has been produced. If a student only has access to a disaggregated version of the title, the user will be directed to a web-site whereby they can license full access to the title (assuming the HiEd BU wants this and an iPad-compatible version is available).

Note that SMS is the ONLY Pearson authentication that the current eText for iPad app supports.

Q: What happens if a user downloads chapters and then their subscription expires?

A: The eText for iPad app will automatically check for subscriptions each time the user signs in when online. If the user’s access to a title has expired, any attempt to access the title will present the user with the option to re-subscribe. If the BU provides the eText team with an SMS extension link the user will be directed to that link. If the BU does not provide us with that link, the user will be directed to a generic SMS registration page where they must enter in an access code to subscribe.

Q: Where does a user register or purchase a title for use on the iPad?

A: The registration of titles must be done in a Mac/Windows computer browser . This needs to be done prior to attempting to access the title on the app. Users should go to the specific Mastering/MyLab Registration web site as directed by their instructors to enter their authorization codes or to set up a User ID if a first time registrant. HiEd Business Units will use existing SMS Setup tools to manage the specifics of the subscription such as pricing, description, duration of license etc.

Q: How does an eText appear on the iPad as available for subscription?

A: All titles produced from January 2011 on will have an iPad view created. The BU needs to promote the iPad view live by making sure that they add the Module ID for Scenario 14 into SMS and send that Module ID to Website Release. After the title is live a user is able to subscribe to it by going to the MyLab/Mastering website provided to them by their instructor and register. Once registered, the user is able to use their MyLab/Mastering credentials to access the app.


Q: From an iPad, how do students and instructors access eTexts for which they have a subscription?

A: The user goes to the iTunes App store and downloads the eText for iPad app. When the iPad eText App is launched, the user will be prompted to enter his or her current MyLab/Mastering Username and Password. After validation, a bookshelf will be presented within the app showing the user the thumbnail cover images of their authorized subscribed titles. Clicking on a given title will launch the textbook.

Q: What integration scenarios are available for the iPad eText?

A: Most titles published to the existing eText integration scenarios can additionally be made available for access via the iPad view by using the new "S14" integration scenario. The BU should select their integration scenario using the same criteria as they do currently to meet their specific requirements and then additionally publish to S14. As of January 2011, all eTexts created will automatically have an iPad view created as well. Even if the MyLab itself is not capable of being accessed in the iPad Safari browser, the eText will still be available for use on the app.

Q: Will ALL integration scenarios provide access to the iPad titles?

A: No! – At present, only SMS-authenticated UserIDs work on the iPad. Titles that are accessed today using non-SMS supported integration schemes (basically those using S7, S9 and S10) are not be available. In June 2011, School will release a version of iPad application that will support Rumba authentication.

If a user attempts to access them via Mobile Safari, an interstitial page will be displayed saying the title is not available. If the user tries to log on to the app with a non-SMS UserID (such as an eCollege logon), the user’s credentials will not be recognized.

Q: Can a HiEd user launch an eText from within a MyLab while using its Safari browser?

A: Maybe. Some of Pearson’s Learning Platforms make extensive use of Flash technology which will not operate in the Safari browser on the iPad. However, if a user can get to the URL that launches the eText (full eText, not disaggregated!), clicking on the link will launch the iPad app and load the title if there is an iPad-compatible version available and the user has the iPad eText app installed on his or her device and the title is authenticated by SMS.

The eText platform Has the ability to detect the Safari browser running on the iPad. If it detects the use of Safari on the iPad then it will present an “interstitial page” to the user. This interstitial page will present the link to launch the iPad eText application and will inform the user that if they click this link they will be leaving the Safari browser to go to the eText iPad app.

Q: Can a user access eText titles offline with the iPad?

A: By default, the iPad allows users to download chapters for offline use however the Business Units can make the decision to not allow downloading of chapters on a title-by-title basis. If they choose to remove that option, the user will not be presented with the option to download individual chapters within that title.

Q: Does the eText for iPad app support disaggregated links to eText for iPad from Pearson’s HiEd Learning Platforms?

A: When a user attempts to access a link to a disaggregated eText when in a MyLab using their Safari browser, an “interstitial” page will be displayed which informs the user that they can’t access their eText since they don’t have full access to their title. If the HiEd Business Unit has made it available, they will be offered a link a Pearson eCommerce website where they can purchase full access.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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