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Theories of Systems Thinking Lesson Plan Using Technology with Marzano’s StrategiesSubject: BiologyGrade Level: 9Unit: BiochemistryTopic: Structure/Function of BiomoleculesTime Estimate: 2-3 days TEKSB.9A: Compare the structures and functions of different types of biomolecules, including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acidsGoalsFor students to gain a deep understanding of the various differences in structure and function of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids and subsequently explain these differences. ObjectivesStudents will be able to: Compare the structures and functions of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.What are the monomers and polymers of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids?Explain what reagents are and how they are useful in determining the presence of macromolecules. Investigate different food sources and draw conclusions about what types of macromolecules are found in these foods. Describe how knowledge of macromolecule function is helpful in determining what types of food to consume. Materials/Resources/Technological NeedsSmartBoard for Opening Activity Video/Closure/Reteaching VideosLab Computers Macromolecule Virtual LabMacromolecule Virtual Lab HandoutDigestive and Endocrine Virtual LabStudent iPads for OA Popplet App activity, Combination Notes (Book Creator App), Definition Frame (Whiteboard Pro), Reteaching ThingLink Activity, Skitch Assessment, Closing Padlet activity.Modified Assignments Instructional Procedures Focusing EventInstructional Strategy: Setting Objectives & Providing Feedback Establishes a direction to guide student learning. Students can more readily see the connections between what they are doing in class and what they are supposed to learn. Providing students with feedback that is corrective, timely, and focused on criteria, along with involving students in the process creates a supportive learning environment. Tool: Popplet LiteTool Description: Popplet Lite is a mind-mapping tool for the web or iPad. This app allows users to think and learn visually as they capture facts, brainstorm ideas, and use images to create relationships. It’s colorful, easy to use, and enables the incorporation of images and videos. Instructional Method: Students will watch YouTube video on an overview of organic chemistry and the structure and function of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. () Students will then use the link to open up the Biochemistry (B.9A) Objectives Popplet on their iPads. Once open, we will discuss the standards and objectives for this unit and how they apply to the introductory video we watched.Students will then proceed to fill in the two blank popples for each objective depicted (in orange) titled “What more would I like to learn about this objective?” and “How can I be successful in learning this objective?” Once completed, students will email their popplet to me. During the next day’s class, I will provide feedback about common things students wanted to learn and suggestions for being successful in this unit. Teaching/Learning Procedures(1) Instructional Strategy: Summarizing and Note taking Enhances students’ ability to synthesize information and distill it into a concise new form. Tool: Book Creator Tool Description: This app allows users to incorporate text, photos, images, and multimedia as they create notes, lab notebooks, or stories. It also features a drawing tool, multiple layouts, comic styles, and sharing capabilities (email, cloud services, publish in iBook store, save as a movie). Instructional Method: Students will use the app, Book Creator to add combination notes on the structures and functions of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids to their Biology Interactive Notebooks. Students will first open the app Book Creator on their iPads and then open their Biology Interactive Notebooks. On a new page, they will insert 4 copies of the Combination Notes Template and one copy of the Summary Definition Frame Template from the photo stream on their device. Students will then proceed to fill in the information on the structure and function of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids (one macromolecule per page), adding in drawings and images they find on the web, and wrapping up their notes with a summary statement.Once the combination notes are completed, students will be divided into four groups and assigned a macromolecule. Each group is then tasked with collaboratively completing the Summary Definition Frame Template for their macromolecule. Students will turn in one copy per group through email with all group members listed. Combination Notes Template in Book Creator 571500-241490500Summary Definition Frame Template in Book Creator571500-252857000(2) Instructional Strategy: Generating and Testing Hypotheses Using this strategy, students are engaged in complex mental processes, applying content facts and vocabulary, and enhancing their overall understanding. Tools: Macromolecule Virtual Lab Digestive and Endocrine Virtual LabTool Descriptions: Macromolecule Virtual Lab: This tool allows students to explore the structure and function of macromolecules by generating hypotheses, testing for the presence of various macromolecules in common foods using reagents, analyzing their findings, and drawing conclusions in a guided format. Digestive and Endocrine Virtual Lab: This tool allows students to hypothesize about what constitutes proper food choices based on nutritional labels and dietary guidelines. Students use their knowledge of macromolecules to create a full day’s menu, analyze their results in graphical form, answer analysis questions, and then draw conclusion about why or why not their choices were/ were not within dietary guidelines. Instructional Method: Each student will be placed into lab groups and given a Macromolecule Virtual Lab Handout. Collaboratively, students will follow the directions as they create their hypotheses, conduct each macromolecule experiment (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids), and answer analysis questions. Once finished, students will turn in their Macromolecule Virtual Lab Handout80010027559000Macromolecule Virtual LabOnce students have completed their Macromolecule Virtual Lab, they will individually move on to the Digestive and Endocrine Virtual Lab (no handout needed). Students will use the knowledge gained from the Macromolecule Virtual Lab to compare the content of food labels in order to create a healthy menu that falls within the U.S. Government’s recommended daily guidelines for calories, fats, cholesterol, carbohydrates, protein, and sodium. Students will hypothesize which food combinations will meet their daily allowances, analyze their results, and then draw conclusions based upon their data by answering journal questions (students answer journal questions online, print out, and turn in). The Digestive and Endocrine Systems Virtual Lab 6858007810500 Formative Check: Ongoing student observation and questioning to check for understanding and prompt critical thinking. -What are the monomers and polymers of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids?-What are the functions of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids?-How does the structure of ___________compare to ________________? -Why is this food combination more beneficial than another? -What macromolecules are contained in these foods?Closure Instructional Strategy: Providing Feedback Providing students with feedback that is corrective, timely, and focused on criteria, along with involving students in the process creates a supportive learning environment. Tool: Padlet Tool Description: Padlet is a blogging and inspiration board that allows users to share and collaborate on projects by posting videos, interviews, selfies, texts, or documents on a digital canvas. It can also be used for to create Venn diagrams, discussions, group greeting cards, portfolios or business plans. Instructional Method: Students will use Padlet to describe their understanding of main points presented in this lesson. At the end of class, students will be shown the prompt pictured below on the SmartBoard and asked to post a response to the questions listed on Padlet. I will review the responses and the following class will provide feedback at the beginning of class to correct any misconceptions about macromolecules and clarify questions to the teacher. Exit Slip Prompt800100-229171500Padlet Site with Exit Slip Prompt68580010033000AssessmentInstructional Strategy: Identifying Similarities and DifferencesHelps students to structure their understanding of a concept. Students make new connections, experience insights, and correct misconceptions. Tool: Skitch Tool Description: Skitch is an app that allows users to?annotate existing images, web pages, or PDF’s (arrows, shapes and text), create images & drawings, edit (reposition, recolor and remove annotations), share (twitter, Facebook, email), and present projects in real time via AirPlay on Apple TV. Instructional Method: Students will use the app Skitch and their iPads to individually complete a project assessing their ability to compare the structure and function of macromolecules. Students will upload the below template into the Skitch app from their photo stream and presented the following prompt on the SmartBoard. Next, students will use images, text, shapes, drawings, or various contrasting colors to convey the required information. Once complete, students will email their saved project to me. Prompt: Compare the structure and function of carbohydrate, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Make sure to include images of the monomers and polymers of each macromolecule (individual images of each or one image with the monomers/polymers labeled) and examples (must include text descriptions and images). 68580027559000Uploaded Macromolecule Template in SkitchAssessment Data: Assessment data will be analyzed for student understanding (average grade of 60 or above). If the average grade is below 60, the below reteaching activity will be assigned. Reteaching (if necessary): Students will watch the Khan Academy Macromolecule videos on carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids and then create an interactive graphic organizer using ThingLink that includes structures, functions, examples, and importance to life. Modifications for Special Ed/ELL-Lower ability students placed with higher ability students for group virtual lab work.-Partner assignments for individual virtual lab work. -Guided notes/partner work provided for Combination Notes/Summary Definition Frame.-Partially completed (fill in the blank) assessment provided.-Guided closing activity provided. ................

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