A Few Podcasting Resources

Podcasting Made Easy – Web Links and Resources

|Susan Crosson |Andy Williams |

|Susan.crosson@sfcc.edu |andy.williams@edcc.edu |

| | |

Apple iTunes -

EdCC iTunes U -

You Tube -

Virtual Publishing -

Audacity -

Camtasia -

QuickTime 7 Pro -

GarageBand -

SnapZ Pro -

Jing Project -

Podcasting Resources for Educators & Students -

Beginner’s Guide to Podcast Creation -

e-Learning Centre

Educause Resource Center

Apple Education Resources – Podcasting in Education

Apple Education Resources – Podcasting Videos

This Presentation!

What You Need to Get Started Podcasting


• Computer with speakers

• Microphone – Some computers have built in mics. Or, you can buy one at Radio Shack, Office Depot, etc, for < $20.


• Audacity – Free, open source software for recording and editing sounds

• Download .mp3 encoder from same site.

• Mac Users ( Garage Band

• Jing (

Web Space

• Sound files are large. Make sure that you have adequate web space.

• A way to upload files. FTP? Blackboard or other LMS?

• EdCC ITunesU (

• Jing SWF movies automatically saved to

Record your Podcast

• Plan your podcast! Prepare your script or notes.

• Press record button. Speak slowly and clearly into microphone.

• Click stop. Playback, review and edit.

• Save file in .mp3 format using encoder.

Upload to WWW

• Link file to web page, Blackboard classroom, or directly document.

• Encourage students to listen and give feedback!

Jing – Video and Screen Shots Made Easy!

• Set up an account with .

• Select Capture to select a window on your desktop.

• Select Image for a Still Screen Shot.

• Use arrow, text, and high lights to mark your Screen Shot.

• Click Save to Save picture file (.png) to desktop.

• Select Video to make a movie.

• Make sure your mic is plugged in and turned on!

• Video recorder starts automatically.

• Use buttons to Pause, Mute or Cancel.

• Select Save to save as a Shockwave (.swf) file to desktop.

• Select Share to send file to .

• URL is saved to your Clipboard.

• Copy to web browser or into Blackboard.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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