University of Washington

Your Name:

Assistantship and Fellowship Application

Department of Applied Mathematics

University of Washington, Seattle

This form should be used by all applicants who wish to be considered for financial support in the form of a teaching or research assistantship, or a fellowship. All who submit this form will be considered for such support, to be awarded on the basis of merit. Applicants should insert their answers on this form.

• Citizenship/Visa status.

• Have you applied for/received funding to attend the University of Washington from any grants or fellowship organization?

• Do you have any previous teaching, tutoring, or teaching assistant (TA) experience?

• Do you have any previous research experience? Any publications (including in-progress, submitted, or in print)?

• List any honors awarded to you for scholarship (fellowships, prizes, etc.).

• What computer software are you familiar with, and at what level (beginner, intermediate, expert)?

• What is your present position/activity?


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