Application for Enrollment

Thank you for your interest in attending Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona. Please be sure to respond to all parts of the application. It is the sole responsibility of the parent/guardian to obtain the required documents for enrollment from the previous school attended.

Each of the following must be completed and submitted for enrollment:

Enrollment Application Must be submitted with application:

Student Agreement Form Copy of Immunization Record

Student Essay and Questionnaire Copy of Birth Certificate

Parent/Guardian Application Agreement

Student Enrollment Form Discipline Records

Consent for Medical Emergency Treatment and Information Attendance Record

Medical/Allergy Information Form Copy of current IEP, if applicable

Physical Activity Consent Form

McKinney-Vento Questionnaire

Primary Home Language Other than English (PHLOTE) Withdrawal Form

Consent for Off Campus Activities Form Eighth Grade Promotion Certificate

Acceptable Use Policy Form (must be submitted by first day of school year)

Student Records Opt-Out Form Copy of Custody Papers, if applicable

Parent/Guardian Engagement Form Guardian Proof of Arizona Residency

Transcript Release Form (copy of guardians drivers license, utility bill,

rental agreement, payroll stub, bank statement)

How did you hear about Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona?

Relatives Friends

Website/Internet Flyer

Television Banner

School Counselor (name of school)

Newspaper (name of newspaper)

Other (please indicate)

We expressly do not use the content of any of the application materials to make enrollment decisions. We would like you to complete the questions in the following sections so we may learn more about you.

Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona enrolls students on a first-come first-served basis under the following guidelines: In accordance with ARS §15-184, GLAAZ enrolls all eligible pupils who submit a timely application unless the number of applicants exceeds the capacity of a program, class, grade level, or building. Application forms (pages 1 -22) MUST be complete and on file in the office before a student’s name can be placed on the waiting list.


|Student Name: |Waiting List #: |

|Complete Application Received By: |Date: |


Parent or Guardian must complete this important part of the application.

Please print clearly in blue or black ink.

Student’s full name: First MI Last

Age Date of Birth

Name(s) of parent/legal guardian

Home Address:

(Street) Apt. #

(City) (State) (Zip)

Student e-mail address:

Parent e-mail address:

Home phone Business phone Cell phone

Student cell phone Parent additional cell or phone number

School Presently Attending Current Grade Level

Do you currently have another student attending GLAAZ? If so, student name

May we add your contact information in the school directory? Yes ______ No _____

PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: By submitting this application, you understand the commitment of effort and time required by GLAAZ. Your signature below indicates that you understand that parental/adult support is critical to the academic success of students and that you agree to partner with GLAAZ in the education of your child(ren) and to support academic interventions if they become necessary.

Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Student is enrolled at GLAAZ Date: ________________ Student is placed on a waiting list

School Official Signature Date


Thank you for your interest in Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona (GLAAZ). All application instructions are listed below. If you need additional information or assistance please call (602) 288-4518. We appreciate the time you take to complete the process and look forward to hearing from you.

We have designed this application to ensure that interested families understand the rigorous nature of our program and are fully committed to academic excellence. All materials should be delivered in person or sent by mail to:

Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona

Admissions Department

715 W. Mariposa Street

Phoenix, AZ 85013


1. All parts of the enrollment application must be filled out and signed where indicated. Please use the checklist on

the front page as your guide.

2. Applications must be hand-written by the student.

3. Parent/Guardian Agreement must be signed.

4. A transcript and attendance profile must be included in the application packet.

5. Applicants with an IEP must have parent/guardian secure a copy of the IEP and include it in the packet.

6. Place all materials in one packet and either hand-deliver or mail your completed packet to our main office. Only

completed application files (with all the above items) will be considered for an interview with an administrator.

7. The above materials will be reviewed by one or more members of the administrative team and candidates will

be contacted to schedule a personal interview.

8. Applications that arrive after the application deadline will be reviewed and students will be interviewed if there

are any remaining seats available and then placed on a waiting list.

9. Read the following paragraph carefully before deciding to submit a full application packet.

GLAAZ is an academically challenging school that provides the nurturing environment necessary for student growth and success. We offer a unique educational opportunity designed specifically for students who have high academic goals. Students who apply are interested in completing their remaining high school graduation requirements while also taking college courses. The four years spent at GLAAZ will be engaging and academically rigorous. By combining our high expectations with a commitment to forming strong student/teacher relationships, we create a successful atmosphere for students to complete their high school studies.

GLAAZ student possesses the maturity and independence to accept the challenges of this progressive school, and is capable of honors level work and successfully completing college classes. GLAAZ student is interested in being part of an intimate community of peers and faculty.

Student Signature Date


Please handwrite your thoughtful responses to the following questions. We are interested in learning more about you and your past experiences which may include, hobbies, community service or any activities you enjoy as well as your future goals and your potential as a student.

1. Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona offers a rigorous academic curriculum that requires you to demonstrate a high level of commitment, maturity, and responsibility. You will be expected to demonstrate readiness for college classes both in terms of behavior and academic achievement. Given this, please tell us why this kind of school is a good fit for you. (Response needs to be written in a complete essay and should be, minimum, the length of the page. Please attach a separate sheet if needed.)

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2. Write a brief summary of your eighth grade or last grade experience. Are there particular things that have made it a positive or negative experience?

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3. What has been most difficult for you in your current learning environment?

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4. What academic subjects interest you? Why?

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5. How would you contribute positively to the GLAAZ community?

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6. Where do you see yourself in ten years?

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7. How many days were you absent from school for the 11-12 academic year? Please explain your absences.

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8. Check the characteristics that best describe you.

( Creative ( Independent thinker ( Team player ( Good time management

( Shy ( Strong leadership skills ( Reclusive ( Readily accepts authority

( Friendly ( Misunderstood ( Flexible ( Can walk away from conflict

Other characteristics not listed:


Your signature below indicates that you agree to the following expectations:

• Participate in mandatory student-led conferences/exhibitions twice per year.

• Devote a minimum of two hours each evening to homework and study.

• Arrive at school daily and to all classes on time.

• Attend school regularly and have a parent call to notify school on the day of an absence.

• Complete all GLAAZ and Arizona graduation requirements.

• Keep your parents informed of your academic progress at GLAAZ.

• Participate positively in all aspects of student life at GLAAZ.

I agree to the above outlined expectations and can be depended upon to demonstrate a high level of commitment, maturity, responsibility, and readiness for college classes both in terms of behavior and academic achievement.

Student Signature Date


Student Name (Please Print) Date

Please provide a written response to the following questions:

1. Does your child have any special needs? Please provide date of most current IEP (if applicable).

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2. Please provide any information that will help us better know your child. This might include health, learning differences/preferences, interests, leadership abilities, or family circumstances.

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3. Why do you believe GLAAZ is the best school for your child?

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Students succeed best when all stakeholders work together. Do you agree to the following expectations for GLAAZ parents?

• Participate in student-led conferences/exhibits twice per year.

• Provide for two hours each evening for students to study and do homework.

• Support regular attendance and call the school on the day of an absence.

• Voluntarily be involved in the school to promote school-wide parent support, shared decisions, special enrichment, and recreational activities.

• Encourage and expect students to continue to attend college following graduation.

• Understand that enrollment in college classes is based upon academic and social readiness.

My signature affirms agreement to the parental commitment statement and acknowledges that all information provided in this application is accurate and complete.

Parent/Guardian Signature Date



|Name (Last, First, MI) |2014-2015 Grade: ________ |

|Date of Birth |State of Birth | |

|( Male |( Female |Age |Country of Birth | |

|Student Ethnic Group |Student Race Group |

| |( Hispanic or Latino | |( White |( Black or African American |( Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander |

| |( Not Hispanic or Latino | |( Asian |( Pacific Islander |( American Indian/Alaskan Native |

|Has the student ever been identified and/or placed in a special education? program? |( Yes |( No | | |

|If yes, does the student have a current IEP? (please bring to enrollment interview) |( Yes |( No | | |

| What is the primary language used in the home regardless of the language spoken by the student? | |

|What is the language most often spoken by the student? | |

|What is the language that the student first acquired? | |


|Primary Contact | |Relationship to Student |Parent |Guardian |Self |

|(Last, First, MI) | |(Please circle) | | | |

| | | |Other: | | |

|Street Address |Apt# |Okay to pick up from school? |( Yes |( No |

|City |State |Zip Code |Home Phone | | |

| | | |Work Phone | | |

|Mailing Address | | | | | |

|(if different) | | | | | |

|Secondary Contact | |Relationship to Student |Parent |Guardian |Self |

|(Last, First, MI) | |(Please circle) | | | |

| | | |Other: | | |

|Street Address |Apt# |Okay to pick up from school? |( Yes |( No |

|City |State |Zip Code |Home Phone | | |

| | | |Work Phone | | |

|Mailing Address | | | | | |

|(if different) | | | | | |

|List any siblings attending this school | |Parents are: |( Married |( Divorced |

| | | |( Single |( Widowed |


|Additional Contact Name |Relationship to Student |

|Home # |Work # |Cell # |OK to pick up from school? |( Yes |( No |

|Additional Contact Name |Relationship to Student |

|Home # |Work # |Cell # |OK to pick up from school? |( Yes |( No |

|Additional Contact Name |Relationship to Student |

|Home # |Work # |Cell # |OK to pick up from school? |( Yes |( No |


Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian Date

|Do Not Complete – For Office Use Only |

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|Interviewer Initials | |Official Entry Date |Last Day of Class: |Withdrawal Code: | Screener |

|Entry Code | |Date Entered in SDMS: |Official Withdrawal Date |Withdrawal from SDMS: |WD form |



Student Name (Please Print) Date

In the event of a medical emergency, we will attempt to contact the primary guardian first, and then the secondary guardian listed on the Enrollment Form. In some circumstances, it may be necessary to seek medical treatment before they can be reached. Your permission is needed for your child to receive medical emergency treatment should a medical emergency occur at school. Please complete the following medical and insurance information.

Yes, I give permission for my child to receive medical emergency treatment by authorized pre-hospital personnel and members of the hospital staff, as may, in their professional judgment, be necessary or in the best interest of my child. I hereby acknowledge that no guarantees have been made to me as to the effect of such examination or treatment on the child’s condition. I also acknowledge that I am responsible for all reasonable charges in connection with care and treatment rendered during this period.

|Hospital Preference: |Phone Number: |

|Medical Insurance Carrier: |Policy Number: |

|Family Physician Name: |Phone Number: |

|Dental Insurance Carrier: |Policy Number: |

|Family Dentist Name: |Phone Number: |

|Please use this space to explain any special procedures or requests: |

No, I do not give permission for my child to receive emergency medical treatment.

|Please use this space to explain any special procedures or requests: |

Emergency Contact Name and Phone Number

|Emergency Contact Name: (This person will be contacted only if the primary and secondary guardians are unavailable) |

|Emergency Contact Phone Number: |

Student Name (Please Print) Date

Medical /Allergy Information

Please list any existing medical problems:

Please list any known allergies:

Consent for Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medication

The office has some over-the-counter medication (non-aspirin pain reliever, aspirin, antacids, cold & flu relief) that can be given to students for common ailments. They cannot, and will not, distribute any more than the recommended dosages listed on the packages.

Yes, I give permission for my child to receive over-the-counter medications from the school office staff.

No, I do not give permission for my child to receive over-the-counter medications from the school office staff.

I understand that if my child needs medication, prescription, or anything other than the recommended dosage for over-the-counter medications, the following stipulations must be met:

1. Whether a prescription drug or an over-the-counter drug, the medicine must come in the original container. The pharmaceutical label must be on the container of any prescription drug.

2. The parent must provide signed and written directions to the school regarding medications to be administered.

3. All medications shall be kept in the school office. When necessary, provisions may be made for students to carry asthma inhalers when accompanied by a doctor’s note.

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date


Physical Activities Acknowledgement and

Assumption of Risk and Release

Student’s Name (Please Print) Date

Your son or daughter (the “Participant”) would like to participate in Physical Activities associated with Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona. Physical activities require each Participant’s parent/guardian (and if the Participant is 18 years of age, the Participant) to sign this Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risk and Release. By signing this document you:

1. Acknowledge that injury may result from the Participant’s participation in the physical activity;

2. Represent to Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona and their affiliates, that the Participant has no injury, illness, or other medical condition that would prevent him/her from participating in the physical activity, or that would make it dangerous, harmful, or inadvisable for him/her to do so;

3. Assume the risk of and release and hold Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona harmless from and against any and all liability for any physical or other injury or harm suffered by the Participant during, or as a consequence of participating in, physical activity; and

4. Agree that neither Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona nor the facility at which any game, practice, or other physical activity is held, nor any other person involved in organizing or conducting the physical activity (including coaches, referees, and Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona) shall have any liability or responsibility for any such injury or harm the Participant may suffer.

I have carefully read, understand, and hereby agree to the above, and acknowledgement that this agreement shall be binding on me, my spouse, my children, legal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns:

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Signature of Participant: (if 18 years of age or older) Date


If your living arrangement is both temporary and the result of economic hardship, you may qualify for services under the McKinney-Vento Act. The purpose of this law is to provide academic stability for student of families in transition.

You may want to talk with our Homeless Education Liaison if your family’s temporary living arrangement is one of the following:

• You are living with friends or relatives, or moving from place to place because you cannot currently afford your own housing.

• You are living is a shelter or a motel.

• You are living in housing without water or electricity.

• You are living in a place not considered traditional housing, like a car or a campground.

• A student may also qualify as an “unaccompanied youth” if he or she is living with someone who is not a parent or guardian, or if he or she is moving from place to place without a parent or guardian.

Children who qualify under McKinney-Vento have the right to:

• Attend the school they were attending when their family was forced to move to a temporary address because of economic hardship, even if that school is in another school district. The choice must be a reasonable one that is in the best interest of the children involved. Check with the district Homeless Education Liaison if you are not sure.

• Stay in this school for the duration of the school year if their families are forced to move to another temporary address because of economic hardship.

• Receive assistance with transportation to attend school while they are being temporarily housed.

• Start school immediately while people at the school help families obtain school and immunization records or other documents necessary for enrollment.

• Enroll in school without having a permanent address.

• Participate in the same programs and services that other students participate in.

• Receive any applicable Title 1 services.

Dispute Resolution: If you disagree with school officials about enrollment, transportation, or fair treatment of a homeless child or youth, you may file a complaint with the school district. The school district must respond quickly and it must be a written response. During the dispute, the student must immediately be enrolled in the school and provided transportation until the matter is resolved. The Homeless Liaison will assist you in making a decision, providing notice of any special process, and filling out dispute forms. You have the right to appeal a decision to the state level.

If you have questions, call 602-288-4518


Student Name (Please Print) Date

This questionnaire is intended to address the McKinney-Vento Act, Title X, Part C of No Child Left Behind. Answers to these questions will help determine services a student may be eligible for. See the prior page for a description of the McKinney-Vento Act. Filling out this questionnaire is voluntary.

1. Is your current address a temporary living arrangement? Yes____ No____

2. Is your temporary address due to a loss of housing or economic hardship? Yes____ No____

If you answered “NO” to both of these questions you may stop here. Thank you.

(Please sign at bottom)

Responses to the rest of this page are also voluntary and will tell us that you are interested in possible services under McKinney-Vento. If you answered “yes” to the questions above, please fill out the remainder of this form. You may fill out one form for all of your children.

Names of adults in the home:

1. Where is the student presently living? (Check one box only)

Doubled up with relatives or friends

In a motel

In a shelter

Moving from place to place

In a place not considered traditional housing (campground, car, public place, etc.)

2. Do you also have pre-school children at home? Yes____ No____

3. Are you a high school student who is currently living on your own? Yes____ No____

(Unaccompanied youth also qualify for services under this law.)

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Date

State of Arizona

Department of Education

Office of English Language Acquisition Services

Primary Home Language Other Than English (PHLOTE)

Home Language Survey

(Effective April 4, 2011)

These questions are in compliance with Arizona Administrative Code, R7-2-306(B)(1), (2)(a-c).

Responses to these statements will be used to determine whether the student will be assessed for English Language Proficiency.

1. What is the primary language used in the home regardless of the language spoken by the student? __________________________________________________________

2. What is the language most often spoken by the student? _______________________

3. What is the language that the student first acquired? __________________________

Student Name ______________________________________ Student ID __________________

Date of Birth _____________________________________ SAIS ID ______________________

Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________ Date _________________

District or Charter ______________________________________________________________

School _______________________________________________________________________


Please provide a copy of the Home Language Survey to the ELL Coordinator/Main Contact on site.

In SAIS, please indicate the student’s home or primary language.

1535 West Jefferson Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85007 • 602-542-0753 • oelas


Student’s Name (Please Print) Date

Please check the boxes of the items you would like to allow your student to participate in and sign below.

Yes No

□ □ Permission to Participate in Off-Campus Activities

I give permission for my student to participate in school sponsored events during the school year. The school will take all reasonable precautions to ensure against the possibility of accidents. I understand the school or teacher in charge is not liable for accidents occurring to students either on school premises or while on school sponsored events as part of the school’s activities.

Information concerning a specific school sponsored event, such as date, time of departure, destination, cost, and means of transportation will be sent to the parent/guardian prior to each school sponsored event.

□ □ Permission to Release News Information

There may be times during the school year when Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona, news media, or others may wish to photograph or videotape your student at school for use in print, video, Internet, or other communications.

I give my permission to the school to provide information concerning school activities with my student to the general news media. I also give my permission for my student’s name, portrait, picture, or voice to be used for display or in promotional material in a variety of mediums.

□ □ Permission to Use Artwork

There may be times during the school year when Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona, new media, or others may wish to use artwork created by your student at the school for use in print, video, Internet, or other communications.

I give my permission to the school to use artwork created by my student for promotional purposes in a variety of mediums.

Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Prior to receiving authorization to use the internet, students and their parents/guardians must sign the following permission contract document:

Student’s Name (Please Print) Date

To be completed by all Parents/Guardians:

I give my permission for my son/daughter to participate in the use of the Internet, a worldwide telecommunications network. I realize that he/she will be able to access major networks throughout the world using the Internet. I understand that this access is designed and intended for educational purposes only. I also understand that the student will receive instruction in the appropriate use of this resource.

I realize the Internet contains material that is inappropriate for school purposes. I support the school’s position that students are responsible for not accessing such material. Such unacceptable use of the network will result in the suspension of all privileges. I will not hold Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona accountable for unsuitable materials acquired by the student through Internet usage for school.

I acknowledge that I have read the Internet Use Policy:

Parent/Guardian’s Name (please print)

Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date

To be completed by all Students:

I will abide by the Acceptable Use Policy. I understand that the Internet contains material inappropriate for school use and therefore will take personal responsibility not to access this material. I recognize that it is impossible for Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona to prevent access to all controversial materials and I will not hold them responsible for materials found or acquired on the network. I further understand that any violation of the regulations in this policy is unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked and appropriate school discipline and/or legal action may be taken.

Student’s Name (Please Print) Grade

Student’s Signature Date

Witnessed By Date


Student Name (Please Print) Date

Military Recruiter Opt-Out

Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona receives Federal monies under the Elementary and Secondary Act of 1965 (ESEA), which gives military recruiters the same access to secondary school students as they provide to postsecondary institutions or to prospective employers. GLAAZ is required to provide students’ names, addresses, and telephone listings to military recruiters; however, parents/guardians or eligible students may opt out by checking off the Military Opt-Out box below, signing this form, and returning it to the school administration office. Please be aware that we are obligated to provide this information if we have not received this form.

I do not want my name, address, or telephone number released to military recruiters.

Parent/Guardian or Eligible Student Signature Date


Student’s Name (Please Print) Date

Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona values parent/guardian involvement.

Please share your thoughts on the following questions.

1. How did your daughters’ previous school communicate her academic progress with you? ____________________________________________________________________


2. How were you involved in your daughters’ previous school? _____________________


3. Would you be willing to participate on a parent committee to assist the school in creating a quality educational environment for your daughter? _____Yes _____ No.

4. Would you be willing to volunteer at any of the following school activities?

| Vision and Hearing Screening | School Parties |

| Classroom Volunteer | Picture Day |

| Testing Volunteer | Field Trips |

| Chaperone dances | Orientation/Open House |

| Graduation | Front Office Volunteer |

5. Do you believe school to be a place where you are welcomed and involved? __ Yes___ No.

Parent/Guardian’s Name

Parent/Guardian’s Phone Number


Parent/Guardian’s Email

Dear Families:

Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona must annually notify parents of students currently in attendance of their rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Access to educational records is governed by FERPA, and parents and students age 18 and older have the following rights to:

• Inspect and review their student’s educational records

• Request amendments of the student’s educational records to ensure they are accurate and not misleading or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights.

• Consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s educational records, except to the extent that the Act and regulations in this part authorizes disclosure without consent.

• Obtain a copy of the confidentiality policy and list of places where copies of the policies are located.

• File a complaint with the United States Department of Education.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at (602) 288-4518 if you have any questions.

Your partners in education,

Girls Leadership Academy


Attention Registrar:

(name of last school attended)

City and State:

Student Name:

Last Date of Attendance: Date of Birth:

(month/day/year) (month/day/year)

Please send to GLAAZ Registrar, at your earliest convenience, the complete official transcripts of the above-named student.

Please include the following documents:

|( Dates of attendance at your school |( AIMS, Terra Nova, AZELLA scores |

|( Grades earned until date of withdrawal |( Psychological evaluations |

|( Explanation of marks used in grading |( Current and previous IEPs |

|( Health and immunization records |( Current hearing/vision text results |

|( Withdrawal form (with SAIS ID number) |( Discipline records |

|( Birth Certificate |( Course Description |

|( Official Transcripts |( 4-Year Plan |

|( Letter of Promotion | |

Please forward/fax requested records to:


ATTN: School Records

715 West Mariposa Street

Phoenix, AZ 85013

Fax: (602) 288-4118

If you do not maintain Special Education records, please forward this request to the appropriate office. Thank you for your prompt attention. If you have any questions, please call our office at (602) 288-4518.

I consent to the transfer of the requested records. I also understand that I waive my right to read confidential teacher recommendations.

Parent/Guardian Signature Date


In accordance with ARS §15-184, GLAAZ enrolls all eligible pupils who submit a timely application unless the number of applicants exceeds the capacity of a program, class, grade level, or building. Enrollment application packets MUST be complete and on file in the office before a student’s name can be placed on the waiting list.

Girls Leadership Academy of Arizona

715 West Mariposa Street

Phoenix, AZ 85013

(602) 288-4518

FAX: (602) 288-4118

Application for Enrollment

Student Agreement

Parent/Guardian Agreement

Emergency/Medical Consent

Physical Activity Consent

McKinney-Vento Questionnaire

Consent for Off Campus Activities

Internet Use Policy

Student Records Opt-Out

Parent/Guardian Volunteer

Transcript Release Form


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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