Remotely Accessing a Desktop Computer - University of Utah

Remotely Accessing a Desktop Computer

After IT has configured your computer for remote access, this document provides instructions for using the Citrix Application Portal for accessing a desktop computer on the University of Utah network.

1. Access the Citrix Application portal a. Open a web browser and type to open the application portal. b. Type in your Unid Uxxxxxx and password (same logon you use for Kronos and CIS) c. If requested, authenticate with Duo d. Click on the Detect Receiver button

i. If the Citrix receiver app is installed, browser will continue to the Citrix app screen

ii. If using a browser that doesn't integrate with Citrix, a pop-up may ask if you want to use or allow the Citrix program. Click allow or yes.

iii. If the Citrix receiver is not install, install the Citrix receiver program. 2. From the Citrix App portal click on the Remote Desktop app to launch the Remote Desktop


3. The web browser may ask if you want to open with the Citrix receiver, click yes or allow 4. The Citrix receiver will launch the Remote Desktop app

5. Once the application has launched type in your computer name PED-0xxx and press connect

6. Verify your logon name is correct AD\uxxxxx (AD\your unid) 7. Once logon name is correct type in your password (CIS password) and press okay 8. The remote desktop program will open up and you will be logged on to your desktop

When you are finished DO NOT select power down. If you power down your desktop you will be unable to access until someone powers the machine back on. Either close the remote desktop app or log out.


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