MIchigan behavior resource manual (BRM)

center200660Version 2.09410012100Version 2.0center700007040880Publication Date: December 17, 20189410010000Publication Date: December 17, 2018center300003017520MIchigan behavior resource manual (BRM)Michigan Energy Waste Reduction (EWR) Collaborative941000MIchigan behavior resource manual (BRM)Michigan Energy Waste Reduction (EWR) CollaborativeTABLE OF CONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGEREF _Toc527369338 \h 11.Michigan Behavior Resource Manual (BRM) Introduction PAGEREF _Toc527369339 \h 21.1Purpose PAGEREF _Toc527369340 \h 21.2Structure PAGEREF _Toc527369341 \h 32.Key Concepts PAGEREF _Toc527369342 \h 42.1Measure Definition PAGEREF _Toc527369343 \h 42.2BRM Stakeholders PAGEREF _Toc527369344 \h 42.3BRM Terminology PAGEREF _Toc527369345 \h 72.4Measure Classifications PAGEREF _Toc527369346 \h 83.BRM Measures PAGEREF _Toc527369347 \h 104.Maintenance & Update Process PAGEREF _Toc527369348 \h 134.1New and Modified Measure Submission PAGEREF _Toc527369349 \h 134.1.1Measure Requirements PAGEREF _Toc527369350 \h 134.1.2Measure Submission Process and Timeline PAGEREF _Toc527369351 \h 144.2BRM Review Process PAGEREF _Toc527369352 \h 154.2.1Review Process and Timeline PAGEREF _Toc527369353 \h 15Appendix A. Approved Whitepapers PAGEREF _Toc527369354 \h 17Home Energy Report Model Calibration Results PAGEREF _Toc527369355 \h 17Home Energy Report Approved Whitepaper (Year 1 – Year 6) PAGEREF _Toc527369356 \h 17Michigan Behavior Resource Manual (BRM) IntroductionThe BRM is a collection of tables and supporting documentation that presents approved electric energy and demand savings values and natural gas energy savings values for behavior energy waste reduction (EWR) measures in the state of Michigan. This manual is intended to provide an overview of BRM purpose, structure and supporting documentation, key concepts, the maintenance and update process, and communication protocols used to manage and maintain the measures herein.The BRM is maintained by third-party evaluators and published by the Michigan Public Service Commission. Natural gas and electric providers in Michigan support the generation of the BRM and participate in the EWR Collaborative’s BRM Technical Subcommittee which manages the creation and maintenance process of the BRM throughout its lifecycle. An updated BRM is published on an annual basis with supporting documentation updated on an ongoing basis, as available. Interested parties and individuals can sponsor the addition of new behavior measures or updates to existing measures annually. These requests are reviewed by the BRM Technical Subcommittee and are included in the updated BRM, if approved. The BRM utilizes a Deem-but-Verify approach, meaning the per-unit savings for all existing BRM measures are deemed, but must be verified on an annual basis. Verification results will be compared with existing deemed savings values to determine whether a calibration study is warranted to update deemed savings values as part of the annual “Existing Measure Review and Calibration Process” as outlined in the Michigan Energy Measure Database Overview and Maintenance Process Manual.PurposeThis BRM is sponsored by natural gas and electric providers in Michigan and overseen by the Michigan Public Service Commission and the BRM Technical Subcommittee. The measures and values within this BRM are incorporated into the development of provider-specific Energy Waste Reduction (EWR) plans. The primary users of this BRM are program planners, regulatory reviewers and planners, utility and regulatory forecasters, and consultants supporting utility and regulatory research and evaluation efforts. Values published in the BRM represent statewide averages across various user groups, and do not reflect specific project applications.The purpose of this BRM is to:Provide a common and consistent source of information for behavior energy waste reduction measures Facilitate demand and energy savings calculations for stakeholdersSupport standardization across Michigan, expedite evaluation measurement and verification (EM&V), and increase transparency in reporting, calibration, and reconciliationProvide accurate information on behavior energy waste reduction measures that could be used by Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) and EWR program planning teamsDocument the available best-practice assumptions regarding behavior measures and their evaluation, and how these assumptions are incorporated in adopting Michigan behavior measures.Document assumptions and Michigan-specific parameters (weather, load profiles, etc.) for measure savings calculationsStructureThis BRM is comprised of: Section 2. Key Concepts, defines key concepts referenced in the document Section 3. BRM Measures, includes a table representing savings values for approved behavior energy waste reduction measures Section 4. Maintenance & Update Process, describes the process for new and modified measure submissions, and the review process Appendix A. Approved Workpapers, provides the workpapers for all approved behavior measures contained within this BRMIn addition to this manual, a repository of supporting documents can be found on the MPSC website. ,Key ConceptsThe following key concepts are referenced in this document and supporting documentation, and are defined here for clarity and consistency of interpretation. These concepts are outlined in four categories: (1) Measure Definition, (2) BRM Stakeholders, (3) BRM Terminology, and (4) BRM Measure Update Classifications.Measure DefinitionThis BRM addresses behavior EWR measures, defined in REF _Ref489609091 \h Table 1.Table 1. Measure DefinitionMEASURE TYPE DEFINITION Behavior MeasureMeasures (including tools or programs) characterized by various kinds of customer engagement designed to achieve energy savings by motivating them to adopt energy efficient behavior changes. ?To qualify as a behavior measure, the program intervention must meet the following criteria:Use one or more behavior-based approaches rooted in applied social science (e.g., feedback, social norms, goal setting, rewards)Encourage either the adoption of energy efficient equipment (e.g., weather-stripping, LED lighting) or the more efficient use of use existing technologies (e.g., adjusting thermostat settings, turning off lights).Adhere to a systematic design that allows for the reliable quantification of attributable energy savings (e.g., randomized control trials, normalized metered energy consumption analysis) by following industry best practice research designs and removing any energy savings that may be claimed by parallel EWR programs.BRM StakeholdersMultiple stakeholders are involved in the BRM maintenance and update process. Key stakeholders are described below ( REF _Ref487556477 \h Table 2), with an overview of their responsibilities as they relate to the BRM. Additional details on Stakeholder responsibilities are outlined in the REF _Ref497221726 \h Maintenance & Update Process section.Table 2. BRM Stakeholders BRM STAKEHOLDERDEFINITION Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC)The mission of the Michigan Public Service Commission is to protect the public by ensuring safe, reliable, and accessible energy and telecommunications services at reasonable rates for Michigan's residents, and provide regulatory oversight in a prudent and efficient manner while implementing legislative and constitutional requirements. The MPSC is composed of three members appointed by the Governor of Michigan with the advice and consent of the state Senate. Commissioners are appointed to serve staggered six-year terms. No more than two Commissioners may represent the same political party. One commissioner is designated as chairman by the Governor. The staff of the MPSC support the management and maintenance of the BRM.Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) StaffStaff hired by Commissioners to carry out the mission of the MPSC. Commission Staff serve as the chair of the EWR Collaborative and BRM Technical Subcommittee, and oversee the decision-making process of the groups. Natural Gas and Electric Service Providers (Also known as “Utilities”)Providers are entities which deliver energy to customers. This group can also include third-parties which perform planning and implementation for EWR programs on behalf of the utilities. Providers support the maintenance and updates of the BRM as members of the EWR Collaborative and BRM Technical Subcommittee. Third-Party EvaluatorsIndependent third-party contractors that perform evaluation, measurement and verification (EM&V) services for Provider EWR programs. Evaluators are responsible for the overall maintenance of the BRM, and support the updates of the BRM as members of the BRM Technical Subcommittee. Energy Waste Reduction (EWR) Collaborative (Formerly “Energy Optimization (EO) Collaborative”)In October 2008, the Governor signed 2008 PA 295 into law, requiring providers of electric or natural gas service to establish the Energy Optimization (EO) (now EWR) Programs. In compliance with PA 295, the Commission issued U-15800 to implement the Act, to give guidelines for EO plans. Plans were required from retail rate-regulated electric utilities, retail rate-regulated rural electric cooperatives, member-regulated electric cooperatives, municipally-owned electric utilities and retail rate-regulated natural gas utilities. Included in Orders approving Consumers Energy (U-15805) and Detroit Edison (U-15806) EO plans were provisions for the establishment of a collaborative to:"include all electric and gas providers subject to the Commission’s jurisdiction under Act 295. In addition, energy efficiency experts, equipment installers, and other interested stakeholders should be encouraged to participate in the collaborative."The goals of the Collaborative include the following:Make recommendations for improving EO (now EWR) programs for all providers.Provide program evaluation support and develop any needed re-design and improvements to energy efficiency programs.Update and refine the MEMD and BRM.Promote economic development and job creation in Michigan by providing a forum to connect Michigan manufacturers, suppliers and vendors with utility EO (now EWR) programs.The EWR Collaborative meets on the third Tuesday of every month from 9am -12pm EST. Behavior Resource Manual (BRM) Technical SubcommitteeA selection of EWR Collaborative members focused on the review and approval of New and Modified measures for inclusion in the BRM. This group supports the general oversight and maintenance of the BRM. Like the EWR Collaborative, Technical Subcommittee members are comprised of Commission Staff, Utilities, Implementation Contractors, Third-Party Evaluators, energy efficiency experts, and other interested stakeholders. BRM Technical Subcommittee members are established on a volunteer basis, must be technically qualified, and approved by Commission Staff. Behavior Resource Manual (BRM) Technical Subcommittee ChairA single member of Commission Staff serves as the BRM Technical Subcommittee Chair who oversees the decision-making process of the group and BRM update process. BRM Measure Sponsor A utility that submits a New Measure or Modified Measure for consideration for inclusion in the BRM.BRM Measure ProponentIndividual or non-utility who is seeking or has secured a BRM Measure Sponsor to submit a New Measure or Modified Measure for inclusion in the BRM. Measure Proponents may include implementation contractors, third-party evaluators, measure vendors or other stakeholders.BRM TerminologyKey terms used in this BRM and supporting documentation are defined in REF _Ref487557301 \h Table 3.Table 3. BRM Terminology TERM DEFINITION Measure(Also known as “Energy Waste Reduction Measure”)Specific, defined equipment and/or actions that are intended to reduce electric demand, electric energy consumption, and/or natural gas energy consumption. Deemed SavingsSpecific and fixed per-unit energy savings or demand reduction values which have been accepted in the BRM by stakeholders. These values are accepted because: measure definitions are consistent over time, locale, program, and/or customer type; and sound engineering practices and /or research support the savings calculation. Workpaper TemplateThis document presents key details for an EWR measure, including but not limited to: measure description, savings summary, methodology, assumptions, and measure life. Measure Sponsors submitting a New or Modified measure for inclusion in the BRM must complete this template. This template ensures essential measure information is captured and consistently presented to the BRM Technical Subcommittee for review and will be distributed to the EWR Collaborative by the BRM Technical Subcommittee Chair.Draft WorkpapersThese documents are completed Workpaper Templates, developed by Measure Sponsors, and to be reviewed for potential inclusion in the BRM. Approved WorkpapersOnce Draft Workpapers are submitted, they are revised by the measure sponsor based upon feedback by the BRM Technical Subcommittee and if approved, reclassified as Approved Workpapers. Approved Workpapers are available upon request from the BRM Technical Subcommittee Chair. Draft Measure Summary MatrixSummary of Draft Workpaper submissions for potential inclusion in the BRM. Once all measure submissions are received by the BRM Technical Subcommittee Chair, BRM Technical Subcommittee Chair combines all the key measure characteristics in a matrix which is then distributed to the BRM Technical Subcommittee for reference during the BRM update process. CalibrationMichigan-specific research which analyzes the per-unit savings impacts from current BRM measures with the objective of updating the deemed savings value. This research is typically performed by third-party evaluation teams, and leverages data from all currently installed measures, by all utilities as applicable, in Michigan. Behavior measures are prioritized for Calibration based on the “Exiting Measure Review and Calibration Process” outlined in the Michigan Energy Measure Database Overview and Maintenance Process Manual. Deem-But-VerifyUnlike deemed measures included in the MEMD, the per-unit savings for behavior measures included in the BRM are deemed but must be verified on an annual basis. Verification is utility-specific research typically performed by a third-party evaluation team, and leverages data from currently installed measures in Michigan. Third-party evaluation teams will review verification results across Michigan utilities, comparing to BRM savings values, and complete a calibration needs assessment as part of the “Existing Measure Review and Calibration Process” outlined in the Michigan Energy Measure Database Overview and Maintenance Process Manual. Measure ClassificationsMeasures submitted to the BRM Technical Subcommittee for potential inclusion in the BRM may be classified as (1) New Measures, or (2) Modified Measures. These measure classifications are defined in REF _Ref506909200 \h Table 4. Additional detail on measure requirements, review processes and timelines can be found in the REF _Ref497221726 \h Maintenance & Update Process section. Table 4. BRM Measure Update ClassificationTERM DEFINITION New MeasureMeasure which is proposed for review and addition to the BRM.New Measures should be based on one or more of the following: customer usage analysis, secondary research applicable to Michigan, and/or pilots conducted by Michigan natural gas and electric providers.Measure Sponsors are strongly encouraged to submit measures as a New Measure to ensure sufficient time to review for inclusion in the BRM.Modified MeasureMeasure which is proposed for review and/or addition to the BRM.Measures may be modified for the following reasons:Revision of an existing measure based upon Michigan-specific (calibration) research.Revision of an existing measure based upon new research from secondary sources, correcting an error from a previous BRM version, or removal of a measure from the BRM.New application of an existing measure based upon adding a new participant population, adding a new building type, or adding a new baseline condition. Modified Measures have the potential to be viewed as New Measures, therefore Measure Sponsors are strongly encouraged to submit measures as a New Measure to ensure sufficient time to review for inclusion in the BRM.BRM Measures REF _Ref491958351 \h Table 5 identifies the behavior EWR measures approved by the EWR Collaborative. A customer may not contribute savings to a utility portfolio from more than one behavior measure in a program year.Table 5. BRM MeasuresMEASURE CODE?ELECTRIC/ GASSECTORBEHAVIOR MEASURE DESCRIPTIONASSUMED HOURS OF OPERATION CF 2018 ACTUAL (NON-COINCIDENT) KW2018 TARGET KWH PERCUST2018 TARGET (COINCIDENT) KW PERCUST2018 TARGET THERMS PERCUSTMEASURE LIFEINCREMENTAL COSTS BASE EFFICIENCY LEVELPROPOSED EFFICIENCY LEVELSIZE BASISINSTALLATION COSTINSTALLATION COST SOURCEB-RE-MS-000002-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01?ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, >11kWh Annual Usage (1st year)876011.80%1.20%1.80%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/AB-RE-MS-000003-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 9k-11kWh Annual Usage (1st year)876011.62%1.08%1.62%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/AB-RE-MS-000004-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 7k-9kWh Annual Usage (1st year)876011.26%0.84%1.26%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/AB-RE-MS-000005-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 5k-7kWh Annual Usage (1st year)876011.05%0.70%1.05%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/AB-RE-MS-000006-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, >11kWh Annual Usage (2nd year)876012.67%1.78%2.67%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/AB-RE-MS-000007-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 9k-11kWh Annual Usage (2nd year)876012.28%1.52%2.28%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/AB-RE-MS-000008-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 7k-9kWh Annual Usage (2nd year)876012.25%1.50%2.25%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/AB-RE-MS-000009-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 5k-7kWh Annual Usage (2nd year)876011.16%0.77%1.16%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/AB-RE-MS-000010-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 9k-11kWh Annual Usage (3rd year)876012.66%1.77%2.66%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/AB-RE-MS-000011-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 7k-9kWh Annual Usage (3rd year)876012.73%1.82%2.73%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/AB-RE-MS-000012-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 9k-11kWh Annual Usage (4th year)876011.88%1.25%1.88%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/AB-RE-MS-000013-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 7k-9kWh Annual Usage (4th year)876013.41%2.27%3.41%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/AB-RE-MS-000014-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 9k-11kWh Annual Usage (5th year)876013.27%2.18%3.27%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/AB-RE-MS-000015-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 7k-9kWh Annual Usage (5th year)876013.02%2.01%3.02%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/AB-RE-MS-000016-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 9k-11kWh Annual Usage (6th year)876013.18%2.12%3.18%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/A?B-RE-MS-000017-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 7k-9kWh Annual Usage (6th year)876012.55%1.70%2.55%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/A?B-RE-MS-000018-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 9k-11kWh Annual Usage (7th year)87601n/a2.73%4.10%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/A?B-RE-MS-000019-E-XX-XX-XX-XX-01ElectricResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 7k-9kWh Annual Usage (7th year)87601n/a2.20%3.30%n/a1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/A?B-RE-MS-000020-G-XX-XX-XX-XX-01GasResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 900-1200 Therms Annual Usage (1st year)87601n/an/an/a0.34%1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/A??B-RE-MS-000021-G-XX-XX-XX-XX-01GasResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, >1200 Therms Annual Usage (1st year)87601n/an/an/a0.43%1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/A???B-RE-MS-000022-G-XX-XX-XX-XX-01GasResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 900-1200 Therms Annual Usage (2nd year)87601n/an/an/a0.53%1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/A???B-RE-MS-000023-G-XX-XX-XX-XX-01GasResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, >1200 Therms Annual Usage (2nd year)87601n/an/an/a0.60%1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/A???B-RE-MS-000024-G-XX-XX-XX-XX-01GasResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 900-1200 Therms Annual Usage (3rd year)87601n/an/an/a0.91%1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/A???B-RE-MS-000025-G-XX-XX-XX-XX-01GasResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, >1200 Therms Annual Usage (3rd year)87601n/an/an/a0.57%1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/A??B-RE-MS-000026-G-XX-XX-XX-XX-01GasResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 900-1200 Therms Annual Usage (4th year)87601n/an/an/a0.86%1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/A??B-RE-MS-000027-G-XX-XX-XX-XX-01GasResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, >1200 Therms Annual Usage (4th year)87601n/an/an/a0.66%1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/A??B-RE-MS-000028-G-XX-XX-XX-XX-01GasResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 900-1200 Therms Annual Usage (5th year)87601n/an/an/a0.66%1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/A??B-RE-MS-000029-G-XX-XX-XX-XX-01GasResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, >1200 Therms Annual Usage (5th year)87601n/an/an/a1.09%1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/A??B-RE-MS-000030-G-XX-XX-XX-XX-01GasResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 900-1200 Therms Annual Usage (6th year)87601n/an/an/a0.73%1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/A??B-RE-MS-000031-G-XX-XX-XX-XX-01GasResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, >1200 Therms Annual Usage (6th year)87601n/an/an/a0.73%1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/A??B-RE-MS-000032-G-XX-XX-XX-XX-01GasResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, 900-1200 Therms Annual Usage (7th year)87601n/an/an/a0.82%1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/AB-RE-MS-000033-G-XX-XX-XX-XX-01GasResidentialBehavior Modification: Home Energy Reports, >1200 Therms Annual Usage (7th year)87601n/an/an/a0.82%1$6.77 No ReportsReportsPer HomeN/AMaintenance & Update ProcessThis section describes the following components of the BRM maintenance and update process: 1) New and Modified Measure Submission, and 2) BRM Review Process. The BRM is published annually in October, reflecting that year’s updates, additions, and removals. All documents are maintained by the MPSC. REF _Ref493486444 \h Table 6 and Figure 1 present the details and flow chart for this process, respectively.New and Modified Measure SubmissionMeasure sponsors must adhere to a set of requirements and the BRM update process schedule to enable review and adoption of proposed measures. Measure RequirementsMeasure Sponsors are required to fully complete a Workpaper Template and Measure Summary Matrix and submit a Draft Workpaper for all proposed measures. The Workpaper Template outlines all information needed for the BRM Technical Subcommittee to review the merits of each proposed measure for potential inclusion in the BRM. These details include but are not limited to:Measure DescriptionMeasure Savings SummaryBaseline and Proposed Condition DescriptionsCalculation Methodology and AssumptionsRelevant reference sources and attached documentationThe BRM Technical Subcommittee will use the following criteria to assess the proposed measures for approval and inclusion in the BRM: Complete Draft Workpaper. The submitted Draft Workpaper must include all required information, and a sufficient level of detail and support. Reasonable Savings Estimates. A reasonable savings estimate is one that relies on the best practical and reliable data collection and estimation methods. Savings estimates must be supported by sound evaluation results and/or engineering estimates. For measures that rely on primary research to develop key parameter assumptions, savings can be considered reasonable if the errors associated with sampling meet or exceed 10% precision at a 90% confidence level. For measures that rely on billing analysis, engineering analysis or simulation modeling, savings can be considered reasonable if the analysis and/or modeling approach follows industry best practices and passes the review of the BRM Technical Subcommittee.Representative Baseline. A satisfactory measure baseline should reflect typical choices by eligible customers of existing behavior, equipment, current codes and standards, and market conditions. Michigan Specific Parameters. Savings estimates may be based on primary or secondary data. Savings estimates must rely on parameters specific to the Michigan region and its climate zones, and be applicable to measures implemented in Michigan.Measure Interactions Considered. The savings from one measure may in part be determined by another measure that has already been implemented by the customer. Potential measure interactions should be considered in measure savings estimates. Reasonable Data Timeframe. When applicable, savings values should rely on a reasonable and sufficient timeframe for data collection to produce repeatable and consistent results (e.g., savings values established based on billing analysis typically require at least 12 months of post-installation customer data). Final Data Utilized. Savings estimates must be based on final, not preliminary, customer data. The BRM Technical Subcommittee collectively will make the final determination of whether a Draft Workpaper meets the above criteria and is recommended for inclusion in the BRM. Measure Submission Process and Timeline The BRM Measure Submission Process and Timeline is outlined in REF _Ref493486444 \h Table 6. Table 6. BRM Measure Submission Process and TimelineSTEPRESPONSIBLE PARTYTASKDESCRIPTIONNEW MEASURE DUE DATEMODIFIED MEASURE DUE DATEMS-0Third Party EvaluatorsComplete Annual VerificationBehavior measures included in the BRM must be verified on an annual basis. Third-party evaluation teams will review verification results across Michigan utilities, comparing to BRM savings values, and complete a calibration needs assessment as part of the “Existing Measure Review and Calibration Process” outlined in the Michigan Energy Measure Database Overview and Maintenance Process Manual.N/AJune 1MS-1Measure SponsorSubmit Draft WorkpapersMeasure Sponsors submit Draft Workpapers and Measure Summary List to the BRM Technical Subcommittee Chair. April 1June 1MS-2BRM Technical Subcommittee ChairDistribute Draft WorkpapersThe BRM Technical Subcommittee Chair compiles a Draft Measure Summary Matrix; confirms all appropriate supporting documentation is aggregated; and sends out the Draft Measure Summary List and Draft Workpapers to BRM Technical Subcommittee for preliminary review. Within 5 business days following the April 1 deadlineWithin 5 business days following the June 1 deadlineMS-3BRM Technical SubcommitteeReview Draft WorkpapersThe Subcommittee meets to discuss findings and hear reviewer comments. The committee then develops a consensus as to which measures pass the BRM Technical Subcommittee review and are recommended for inclusion into the BRM. Approved measures are returned to the BRM Technical Subcommittee Chair. Rejected measures are returned to the Measure Sponsor with comments or requested revisions (if applicable).May 1July 1BRM Review ProcessThird-party evaluators will incorporate New and Modified measure submissions and develop a Draft BRM for review by the EWR Collaborative. Once the review process is complete, Commission Staff will publish the Final BRM on the MPSC website. Review Process and Timeline The BRM Draft and Final Review Process and Timeline is outlined in REF _Ref493486677 \h Table 7.Table 7. BRM Draft and Final Review Process and TimelineSTEPRESPONSIBLE PARTYTASKDESCRIPTIONDUE DATEMR-1Third-Party EvaluatorsSubmit Draft BRM & DocumentationThird-party evaluators update the BRM savings table and compile supporting documentation, providing a draft of the BRM to the BRM Technical Subcommittee Chair. August 1MR-2BRM Technical Subcommittee ChairDistribute Draft BRM & DocumentationThe BRM Technical Subcommittee Chair forwards these documents to the BRM Technical Subcommittee, the EWR Collaborative, and Measure Sponsors.Within 5 business days following the August 1 deadlineMR-3Measure SponsorReview Draft BRM Measure sponsors review the Draft BRM and Approved Workpapers for accuracy related to their submittal to assure workpaper calculations and data were interpreted and applied correctly. Reviewers (Measure Sponsors and Evaluators) are asked to send a confirmation email or an email detailing the discrepancies to the BRM Technical Subcommittee Chair. August 15MR-4EWR CollaborativeReview Draft BRMThe Draft BRM is received by all stakeholders (EWR Collaborative, BRM Technical Subcommittee, Measure Sponsors) in advance of an EWR Collaborative meeting. Stakeholders participate in the meeting and provide comment or request clarification (if appropriate). August EWR Collaborative MeetingMR-5EWR CollaborativeReview Draft BRMThe EWR Collaborative completes a review of the Draft BRM, and members propose any desired changes by sending comments via email to the third-party evaluators and copying the BRM Technical Subcommittee Chair. September 1MR-6Third-Party EvaluatorsSubmit Final BRM & DocumentationThird-party evaluators incorporate revisions into the Draft BRM based on received comments, clarifications, and recommended changes and then submits a Final Draft of the BRM and its supporting documentation to the BRM Technical Subcommittee Chair. September 15MR-7BRM Technical Subcommittee ChairPublish Final BRMThe BRM Technical Subcommittee Chair publishes the Final BRM and the supporting documentation on the Michigan Public Service Commission website, and alerts stakeholders (EWR Collaborative, BRM Technical Subcommittee, Measure Sponsors) via email.On the 10th business day of OctoberFigure 1. BRM Update ProcessAppendix A. Approved WhitepapersThis appendix contains the Home Energy Report model calibration results and approved whitepaper for the Home Energy Report measure. These and other related documents may be found on the MPSC website.Home Energy Report Model Calibration Results Home Energy Report Approved Whitepaper (Year 1 – Year 6) \sHome Energy Report Approved Whitepaper (Year 7) \s ................

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