Faculty Research Definition of Applied Research (2).doc

Definition of Applied Research

The Faculty Scholarship Grants program will employ an applied research model. Applied research typically entails a series of independent and collaborative writing and research activities designed on an empirically based examination model. Thus, applied research is a process that concludes with a product. The process will require you to identify a research question or set of questions in your work setting, school, or field of interest and employ the scientific method to conduct an appropriately designed study to address your research question or questions.

The general steps in the scientific method are to (a) identify a problem, (b) review the related literature, (c) specify the purpose, (d) collect data, (e) analyze and interpret the data, and (f) evaluate and report the findings. The Faculty Grants program will employ a research model similar to this in that we will ask participants to submit, on the Grant Proposal Form, an abstract that contains a problem statement and also we will be asking for the research methodology or design that is to be employed in the project.

It is important that the problem statement be clear, concise, and limited in scope. It is often helpful to start the problem statement with the words: “The problem is…” followed by a 1-2 sentence description of the problem that will be researched in this project. If it takes more than one or two sentences, you may need to examine the scope of the project to make sure it remains feasible in scope and timeframe.

Recommended Research Designs for an Applied Research Project

There are a number of research designs that are appropriate for applied research. On the Grant Application, we are going to ask you to specify which one or ones you intend to employ in an effort to research and resolve your study’s problem. Once the study has begun, it may be very possible that the design will change but to have a better understanding of the potential impact of your study, we ask that you provide an initial assessment of the methods you will employ.

Recommend research designs to be used with applied research include:

|Quantitative |Qualitative |Other Designs |

|Correlational |Case Study |Action Research |

|Experimental |Ethnographic |Evaluation Research |

|Quasi-Experimental |Grounded Theory |Mixed Methods Research |

|Survey |Narrative Research | |

| |Phenomenology | |


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