FHS Applied Science

Assignment 2 – Laboratory Design


You work for LabTek, a design company specialising in the development of specialist and non-specialist scientific laboratories. As part of you role as chief designer you are required to hold consultations with individuals so they can have their input on your designs.

Task 1

Interview 3 people that would commonly use a laboratory. These could include a technician, teacher and a student. Make detailed notes on what these people feel would make a good laboratory for a school or college.

Using all the information you have gathered produce a simple design for a laboratory that includes all the features necessary for it to be called a scientific laboratory, these should be clearly labelled and drawn on graph paper or on a computer. (P3)

Task 2

The school/college laboratory is non-specialist as it can be used to deliver most types of science. In industry laboratories are far more specific. Investigate and find out the differences between a Forensics Lab and a School lab. Describe the pieces of equipment which would be different and explain what they are used for and why they are needed. (M3)

Task 3

GSK have offered to sponsor the redevelopment of the School Laboratory. You must put together a proposal to secure funding that must include the following; (D2)

• Rationale – Why the school’s lab needs developing.

• Equipment you would need

• Lab design

• Explanation of how your design will improve efficiency, effectiveness and safety in the school.



Unit 2 –Working in the Science Industry (BTEC National Diploma Applied Science)

Name: Teacher:

Centre Number 12430


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