Lesson Plan Summary Sheet

Lesson Plan Summary Sheet

Teacher: Howerton

Subject: Forensic Science

Topic: The History of Forensic Science

|Date |Essential Question(s) |Activities |Vocabulary |Summarizing Strategies |

|8/25 |What will we do in this Forensic Science class? |Preview the class |None |A1: What do you hope to get out of |

| | |Collect data from students | |this class? |

|8/26 |What are some major milestones in the advancement of |Students will read pages 6-13 in the textbook and create a timeline of|Locard’s exchange |A2: Explain the significance of |

| |forensic science? |major events |principal |Locard’s exchange principal to |

| | | | |forensic science. |

|8/27 |What are some major milestones in the advancement of |Students will go to the following website: |Varies |A3: In your opinion, what is the |

| |forensic science? | | |most significant milestone in the |

| | |Students will create a timeline poster of the major events in the | |history of forensic science? |

| | |history of forensics | | |

|8/30 |At what level of government can you find crime labs? |Students will read pp14-23 and answer the Essential Questions |varies |A4: Describe the three crime lab |

| |What are the four major federal crime labs in the US? |Students will go to | |services that you think you would |

| |Why has there been such an increase in crime labs in the | and take a | |like to work in the most. |

| |last in the last 50 years? |virtual tour inside a Forensics Lab | | |

| |What services, basic and optional, are found in a full | | | |

| |service crime lab? | | | |

|8/31 |What do forensic scientists do? |Students will read pp 23-31 and outline the duties of a forensic |Scientific method |A5: Write a job description for a |

| |What landmark cases set guidelines for the admissibility of|scientist |Expert witness |forensic scientist. |

| |scientific evidence in the courtroom? |Students will compare and contrast the Frye vs US and the Daubert vs | | |

| | |Merrel Dow cases. | | |

|9/1 |How can Locard’s principle be applied in real life? |Students will complete Exercise 1: Locard’s Exchange Principle in |None |A6: Students should read the Case |

| | |Action | |Study on page 27 and write a brief |

| | |Students will view chapter powerpoint | |summary. |

|9/2 |How is scientific evidence used in the courtroom? |Students will read the Case Reading on pp 36-39 and answer the |None |A7: How would you summarize this |

| | |questions on page 35 | |chapter? |

|9/3 |What have you learned about the history of forensic science|Students will take a test on this material |None |A8: How can you improve on your |

| |during this chapter? | | |performance for the next chapter? |


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