ASN Portal Instruction Guide - Logistics

ASN Portal Instruction Guide

■ This will allow users to both enter an ASN (replacing the old method of emailing) and view a log of previously submitted ASN’s.

■ This will allow users to view a log of EDI submitted ASN’s.

■ The log will show the past 60 days of ASN submissions only by the User.

■ The Customer Admin will have the visibility of all ASN submissions of any user falling under that Customer Admin’s group.


ASN Form

To enter and submit an ASN, Select ASN Form.


To complete the form, User must:

1. Select from the drop down the SLC Ship To. If changing from the SLC displayed, wait for screen to refresh.

2. Select from the drop down the Supplier Name.

3. If changing from the one displayed, wait for the screen to refresh.

4. Enter Date of Arrival by using the calculator link.

5. Enter Carrier.

6. Enter Shipping Reference Number (HAWB, Container Number, Etc).

7. Select the SOI – Note only one SOI can be submitted per ASN.

8. Enter Packing List number.

9. Enter Dell Part Number.

10. Enter Quantity per Item or Part Number.

11. Check the box for Qip for only that line that needs to be Qipped.

12. Wait for screen to refresh.

13. Enter the qip reason into the Reason box.

14. Complete steps 9-14 until all desired lines are completed.

15. If more than 5 lines are needed, click Add Lines once the 5th line has been completed.

16. Once all information has been entered, click Submit,

17. Page will display message across the top if ASN was Submitted Successfully.


Possible Errors

1. Part number is not set up or linked to the SOI selected – Error Message “Item ….. Not Found”.

2. Packing list number entered has already been used – Error Message “DOCID Exists”.

3. Required Fields on the form are not filled out – Error Message “The Field Name can not be blank”.

Correct errors and resubmit, or Contact your Account Manager for any questions.


To view status of ASN’s, view Past ASN Submissions, print ASN’s, or export to the log to Excel, click ASN Log.


1. Users will have the option to either enter filter information and/or select “Apply Filters” and will only see their ASN’s for the past 60 days. Customer Admins and Eagle Account Managers will see all ASN’s submitted for that supplier.

2. Applying Filters: Filters can be applied to reduce the information being return, however do not have to.

a. SLC – Select SLC location from the drop down

b. Trading Partner (Supplier) – Only the supplier associated to your login will be available.

c. ASN Status – Will allow either All, Pending, Passed/Processing, Passed/Received Complete, Passed/Received Short, Passed/Receipt Closed Unused, or Failed/Reason for Failure.

d. User – Only Customer Admin can filter by User as all other User’s will only having visibility of the ASN’s he/she submitted.

e. Packing List – Packing List number or Document Id.

f. SOI – SOI specific to what you would like to display.

g. Part Number – Part number specific to what you would like to display.

h. HAWB – Carrier Hawb or BOL number entered during the ASN submission.

i. From ETA – Allows for a date range to be entered by the Calendar link.

j. To ETA – Allows for a date range to be entered by the Calendar link.

k. Carrier – Carrier entered during the ASN submission.

3. Once Filters are applied, select “Apply Filters”


4. Detail information listed will be:

a. SLC

b. Trading Partner

c. SOI

d. ETA Date

e. Packing List Number

f. Item

g. Line Qty

h. Status

i. Qip Reason

j. Total Qty

k. User

l. Order Date (Date of ASN Submission)

m. Hawb

n. Carrier

5. Once an ASN has reached the Passed Processing status, users will have the ability to go in and edit the ASN. Five fields are editable and include ETA Date, LineQty, QIPReason, HAWB, and Carrier. To Edit an ASN the user will simply filter for the desired ASN and then click on the Edit button next to the correct ASN/Packing List


After the Edit button is clicked the five editable fields will become open fields. The user will simply edit the fields to their desired information and click the update button. The information will be added into the Warehouse Management System in real time and the alterations will be visible on the ASN Log immediately.


6. Printing ASN’s - User will also have the ability to print the ASN by selecting the button in the print column on the ASN Log. The Print button will only be available if the ASN status is in either Passed/Processing, Passed/Received Complete, or Passed/Received Short. ASN’s will display as status Pending for up to 15 minutes during the hours of 5AM – 12AM Central Time and will not allow ASN printing until the ASN status changes to a Passed. Any ASN’s submitted between 12AM – 5AM will not process until after 5AM. If an ASN should fail, email notification of the failure is provided to the ASN submitter and Eagle Account Manager.

a. Select the Print Button

b. Page will open in the ASN format including the specific packing list number desired as well as other packing list provided during that submission.

c. Select “File”

d. Select “Print”


7. Exporting Excel - User can Export the displayed information to Excel.

a. Select the Export to Excel button


b. Select either Open or Save.





8. Select Save and document will saved in desired folder.


To view status of EDI ASN’s, view Past EDI ASN Submissions, print EDI ASN’s, or export to the log to Excel, click EDI ASN Log.


1. Users must enter the SLC they wish to filter before any information will be displayed. Users will have the option to enter additional filter information select “Apply Filters” and will only see their ASN’s for the past 60 days. Customer Admins and Eagle Account Managers will see all ASN’s submitted for that supplier.

2. Applying Filters: Filters can be applied to reduce the information being return, however do not have to.

a. SLC – Select SLC location from the drop down is required

b. Trading Partner (Supplier) – Only the supplier associated to your login will be available.

c. ASN Status – Will allow either All, Pending, Passed/Processing, Passed/Received Complete, Passed/Received Short, Passed/Receipt Closed Unused, or Failed/Reason for Failure.

d. User – Users will have visibility to all ASN’s that were submitted via EDI for the past 60 days.

e. Packing List – Packing List number or Document Id.

f. SOI – SOI specific to what you would like to display.

g. Part Number – Part number specific to what you would like to display.

h. HAWB – Carrier Hawb or BOL number entered during the ASN submission.

i. From ETA – Allows for a date range to be entered by the Calendar link.

j. To ETA – Allows for a date range to be entered by the Calendar link.

k. Carrier – Carrier entered during the ASN submission.

3. Once Filters are applied, select “Apply Filters”


4. Detail information listed will be:

a. SLC

b. Trading Partner

c. SOI

d. ETA Date

e. Packing List Number

f. Item

g. Line Qty

h. Status

i. Qip Reason

j. Total Qty

k. User

l. Order Date (Date of ASN Submission)

m. Hawb

n. Carrier

o. PalletID

p. Supplier Part Number

5. The same ASN print functionality and Excel Export functionality will be available on the EDI ASN Log as is available on the ASN Log. Please reference ASN Log for instructions for printing ASN’s and for exporting the EDI ASN Log if necessary.

Eagle recommends the supplier save their ASN Log between 30 and 60 days as ASN information on the log will only be displayed for 60 days.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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