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 NYC Mayor’s OfficeACCESS NYCDiscussion GuideSprint 2 Prototype TestingDate: June 20th 2016Time: 1pmNo of participants: TBDTeam:Genevieve (moderator)Hilina (moderator)Makaela (notetaking)Test Objectives - The goals of Sprint 2 testing are:Test out our new navigation between program sectionsGet feedback on the general tone of the site following our plain English updatesTest whether people will understand the screening interactionsGet feedback on the framing of screening results as my plan and saving for later.Assumptions:Users will want to screen for eligibilityUsers will want to be presented with action steps, rather than a list of programs. Prep & Considerations:For interviews: Be comfortable with the pause (e.g. when you think they've finished speaking, count to 10 before continuing)Create a casual conversation and ask 'open' questions (not Y/N)Try and be familiar enough with topics you want to cover that you can ask questions that get to that topic without reading from a script. Reminder: take photos to document.Note taking and follow up:Make sure you plan enough time (10-15mins) after each person you meet that the team can regroup on the activity and what they saw, and then time to reset and prep, bathroom, water, for the next person (5-10mins).As well as taking notes based on your guide, each observer to prioritize and share the three most significant things they saw/heard from that session (rather than reviewing all the notes).When writing notes/sharing thoughts make sure that you clearly separate between observations (what you saw/empirical), interpretations (why you think what you saw/heard happened), and actions (things that you think need to change/need investigation).Materials:iPhone 6Pen & PaperSurface for digital notetakingDigital camera (on phone)Release formsThank you cardsIntroduction Hello, we are designers from NYC Mayor’s Office working on a new website for New Yorkers called ACCESS NYC. The website helps people find out if they might qualify for different kinds of benefits and helps them apply for them.We’d like to get your interpretation of what ACCESS NYC is, and should be, during the interview.Why are were here?We are here today to ask a few questions about your experience with government benefits and using online applications. We will be taking notes so that we can record your feedback. We have this script with us because the team has a list of areas that we want to cover, and don't want to forget to cover any area.Background questions:General:We want to start off by learning a little about you. Can you tell us about yourself and the kind of work you do?How do most clients find out about your organization?What would you say are the five most popular services your organization offers?Are there any unique needs we should know about when considering the community you serve?Government services:Have you ever applied for a government benefit or service before like SNAP (Food Stamps) or Cash Assistance? How did you decide to apply?What was that like?How did you feel about the process?How does it work?How do you go about finding information about government services and benefits you need?What’s your primary way of accessing this information?Have you ever applied for anything online? Like an account or for school or an online class?Prototype evaluation -Introduction:We are going to show you a prototype. It only has a few screens so far and might be incomplete or buggy and we sometimes might need to verbally walk you through some parts. This prototype is one of many, and we are doing this activity to find areas that are difficult to use or don’t make sense so we can make it better each time.We are asking you to ‘think aloud’ and describe what you are seeing. Feel free to be brutally honest—the content and design has been worked on by multiple people, and much of it by the NYC Mayor’s Office.Prototype Testing:Set the scene:You see an ad at a bus stop for ACCESS NYC, which says it can connect you to City programs that might help your situation. When you put in the URL, you see this, [Hand over device] TASK 1 [home page]:This is the homepage for ACCESS Front Door.Tell us what you see.Do you feel like you are in the right place? Is this the kind of information you’d expect to find here?Say you want to learn more about a specific program. How might you do that?TASK 2 [program page]:Here is a sample program page from ACCESS Front Door. Scroll around and tell us what you see. Imagine that you wanted to apply for this program. How would you do that?Which option would you choose to apply?If you decide to apply online, how would you do this?Did you know about this information before? Tell me what you’re seeing, Can you talk me through what’s clear? What isn’t clear?What do you expect will happen when you _____?Is this information what you would expect to find here?How useful would these resources be to you?TASK 3 [screening]:Imagine that you want to see if you're eligible for this and other programs. How would you do that?[Do they notice the ‘not sure if you’re qualified? screen for other programs’ link?]Can you navigate to the Screening page?Is this the kind of information you’d expect to find here?Talk me through how you would find out if you’re eligible.[Once they have put in info for screening]Given your results, what would you do now?How useful do you find this part of the application?Specific feedback:In your own words can you describe what this app is and does?What content did you find most important?Do have friends that would be interested in using this?If you wanted to find this site again, how would you do that?If you could change anything at all about the way benefits are delivered in NYC, what would it be?Is there anything else we haven’t asked you that you think we should know?Closure -Thank them for taking the time to meet with us.We will be continuing with the designs and meeting more of the public next week. ................

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