The Rotary Club of Arlington Sunrise


These Scholarships are offered by the Rotary Club of Arlington-Sunrise.


1. The Scholarships shall be known as the Rotary Club of Arlington-Sunrise Scholarships.

2. The Scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis to Scholars currently in high school. The scholarship committee’s decisions are final.

3. The scholar will be required to enroll as a full-time Scholar in an undergraduate degree program for the full academic year for which the Scholarship is awarded. The scholar will be enrolled for the first time in 2020.

4. Scholars must be a Texas resident and must be prepared to present a valid social security card.

5. The Scholarship will have a value of $1,500 and is tenable for one year.

6. Scholars who elect to attend Tarrant County College may be eligible for a matching scholarship for the second year at TCC through the Tarrant County College Foundation.

7. The Scholarship is required to be repaid in full should the Scholar withdraw during the academic year.

8. The Scholarship may be held in conjunction with other scholarship awards.

9. Eligible candidates must apply for this Scholarship using the attached form.

10. Only scholarship recipients will be formally advised that they have been awarded a Scholarship.

11. Family members of Rotarians are ineligible.

12. Candidates may be interviewed by the scholarship committee.

13. For further inquiries, please contact the Rotary Club of Arlington Sunrise:

Telephone: (2017) 633-1645

Application Form

This application must be submitted to: Arlington Sunrise Rotary Club

Attn: Scholarship Committee

PO Box 3207

Arlington, TX 76004

Applications must be postmarked on or before Friday March 20, 2020 (new deadline)

Inquiries can be directed to: (2017) 633-1645

Please ensure that all questions are answered and that all the required attachments accompany this application form. You may jeopardize your chances of success if you do not complete your application properly.

When preparing your application form and attachments, please DO NOT fold, use staples, special binding, colored paper or colored ink. Please use paper clips, to fasten documents together. Please use as a single sided document. All documents may be photocopied.

Your Personal Details


Last Name: First Name:

Age at Graduation:

ADDRESS (for correspondence regarding this application)


City: State: Zip:

Home Phone: Cell Phone:

Email Address:

Facebook Name:

Employers of parents/legal guardians:



School: City: Years:

Grade Point Average: (On a 4.0 scale) Class Rank: /

ACT score: SAT score: Hours in community service:_____________

Academic Counselor: Phone Number:


Please indicate where you plan to enroll for your higher level education


Planned field of study:

Estimate first year tuition cost:


How are you planning to pay for college? (You may attach an additional page if needed.)


Parents Details


Last Name: First Name:


Job Title: .


Last Name: First Name:


Job Title: .

Household Income Range:

[ ] $50,000 and below [ ] $50,001 - $100,000 [ ] $110,001 and above

Are either of your parents members of a Rotary Club? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If yes, Club name and location: ___________________________________________________

Are you a recipient of the Arlington Web Elementary Scholarship program? [ ] Yes [ ] No

NUMBER OF SIBLINGS AND AGES: ___________________________________________


HOW MANY SIBLINGS ARE IN COLLEGE? ____________________________________

WHAT SCHOOL ARE THEY ATTENDING? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

MISCELLANEOUS – (You may attach an additional page if needed.)

What are your educational and professional goals and objectives?

List your academic honors, awards, and membership activities while in high school, noting especially any participation in the Rotary Youth Leadership Award Training (RYLA), the Rotary 4-Way Speech Contest, and Rotaract:

List your community service activities and total service hours in your high school years:

List your hobbies, outside interests, extracurricular activities, and anything else that you think might influence our decision

WORK EXPERIENCE: – (You may attach an additional page if needed.)

List your work experience stating the place of employment, the employer, and your position. Begin list with your current job.



Please list any scholarship that you have received, or that you expect to receive and the amount awarded.


Please write an essay of 500 words or less

Please write an essay and give examples of how you or someone you admire live by the Rotary 4-way test. Please limit easy to 500 words maximum.

1. Is it the truth?

2. Is it fair to all concerned?

3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?

4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Suggestion to type on a separate paper and attached to scholarship application ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Please attach the following to your application form

□ Resume

□ Two reference letters.

□ Most recent official high school transcript.


I hereby affirm that all the above stated information provided by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I also consent that my picture be taken and used for any purpose deemed necessary to promote the scholarship program.

I hereby understand that if chosen as a scholarship winner, according to the Rotary Club of Arlington-Sunrise Scholarship policy, I must be present at the awards ceremony/reception to receive my scholarship award.

Signature of scholarship applicant: Date:

Applications must be postmarked on or before Friday, March 20, 2020 (new deadline)

No Exceptions!


I understand that:

1. If I am offered the Scholarship, and I accept it, I will only be eligible to be formally awarded the Scholarship if I am enrolled in higher education in the year of tenure and I comply with any other specific requirements of the award.

2. The Scholarship Committee may terminate a Scholarship at any time and recoup any funds awarded if it is satisfied that the holder is not following the requirements or is not complying with the conditions governing the Scholarship.


The information requested in the attached application form will be used solely for the purposes of assessing your Scholarship application. Personal information contained in this application will be made available to members of the Scholarship Committee.

The Rotary Club of Arlington-Sunrise undertakes to store your application in a secure place in the event that you are awarded a scholarship or are selected as a reserve candidate for a scholarship. The Rotary Club of Arlington-Sunrise undertakes to destroy your application to preserve its confidentiality if you are not awarded a scholarship. Should you have reason to believe that information held about you in either your application or your academic record is incorrect, you have the right of access to and correction of that information if you request permission to amend your application in writing prior to the application deadline of March 20, 2020.


Signature: Date:

Applications must be postmarked on or before Monday, Friday March 20, 2020

Return all applications to:

Arlington Sunrise Rotary Club

Attn: Scholarship Committee

PO Box 3207

Arlington, TX 76004



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