TTC Interview - Bookshare

Hey, and good afternoon everyone. Thank you for joining me for the Bookshare Webinar. This is focused on our updated website. So, I just want to give you a couple housekeeping items before we get started. If you have any technical difficulties, feel free to contact Ready Talk at 1-800-843-9166 or you can e-mail them at help@ . This webinar will go for about 30 minutes. If you have any questions throughout the webinar, please feel free to chat in your questions. And I will answer the questions either during the webinar or definitely at the end. If there are any questions that we don't get to in the 30 minutes, we will personally follow-up.

Also, at the end of the webinar we will send out a recording of the webinar, and the PowerPoint slides. So I will have that information for you after the webinar. So again, you're here to learn more about the updated Bookshare website. Before we get started I'd like to get more of a sense of who you all are. On your screen there you have the option to raise your hand. Raise your hand if you are currently a Bookshare individual member. And if you currently are signed up for Bookshare, and you are downloading books from Bookshare, raise your hand. Great. Okay.

Raise your hand if you a sponsor. Do you have a Bookshare account through your school or organization, and you facilitate downloading for qualified students, raise your hand. Okay. Super. Raise your hand if you are a parent. If you're a parent of a qualified member. Great. And raise your hand if you're brand new to Bookshare, you're not signed up yet. But you recently heard of Bookshare and you're interested in learning more. Okay, super. And just this is a quick question about technical support. Again the number at Ready Talk is 1-800-843-9166. Okay, great. And as I mentioned we will follow-up with you at the end of the webinar.

My name is Kristina Cohen. I'm a Senior Education Program Manager with Bookshare. I've been with Bookshare, which is part of Benetech, an organization based in Northern California since early 2008. So I actually have been here now through two website launches. We updated our site, oh about 6 years ago. And now currently are showing, obviously another updated site. So it's been a wild ride, an adventure, and really fun. I'm joined by Lara Rondberg, she's going to be answering your chat questions. She's our Training Manager. And you'll notice here our contact information is available. My e-mail is kristinac@ and my first name is spelled with a K.

And then Lara's e-mail is there. larar@ . You can always reach us at training@ . Okay, so training@ is a great way to reach me and Lara. So as I mentioned, I have about 30 minutes of content for you. So basically what I'm going to preview is what is new on the updated website. What hasn't changed, what's the same. Then I'm going to give you a tour of the updated website. And then I just have a couple other things to note. And then we'll have plenty of time to answer your questions. So our main purpose in redesigning our website was to basically provide better information for you all, and better access to information.

So it's simpler and easier access to information. And I think if you have looked at our website you will notice that it is a cleaner layout. There's less content. And it is easier to navigate. The other thing that we're excited about is our search is working better now. We've done some work on our searching mechanism. And you will notice that searching is also easier. We're also introducing My Bookshare. And this is what formerly was your Taskbar. And I will go to Bookshare, My Bookshare and show you what that is all about. Also, we've dated our Help Center. This used to be the Support Center. It's now called the Help Center.

And this is where you can get answers to your questions. You're going to find improved FAQs, improved search mechanisms. And I will highlight some of the areas of the Help Center that you'll be most interested in. We've also introduced the Bookshare Academy. This is an updated training resources area. And this where you'll find a whole variety of training resources and tools. And I will highlight what all that looks like. And then our Get Involved section. This is also a brand new area, where you'll find more information in terms of connecting with various communities, finding information about volunteering, and other opportunities.

And also opportunities to support Bookshare as a donor, etc. And then Mobile Access, improved mobile access. So you will find that our website will appear better on mobile devices. And this is exciting, because we all know that mobile is the way of the future. So what basically has stayed the same? A lot of the functionality of what you're all used to in terms of using Bookshare has remained the same. So how you find books. How you search for books. That has all pretty much remained the same. Although the search is better. But how you do standard search, advanced search, and browse, pretty much as stayed the same.

How you download books. So how you find a book, how you select a file format, how sponsors select members when they're downloading on behalf of a member. How individual members download their books. That pretty much has stayed the same. Okay. So, the main changes what you'll find that it's more of the information on the website. It's less the functionality of the site. How you read books and how you create Reading Lists, that has stayed the same. So our free reader technology that we offer all of you, and our various apps, those will all remain the same. And how you create Reading Lists. How individuals can create Reading Lists.

How sponsors can create Reading Lists and share them with students. That all remains the same. And then our reading tools as I mentioned. Like, Read Out Loud, Bookshare Edition. The Web Reader, our cloud based reader. Our various apps, Read2Go and Go Read all of those remain the same and function the same. Okay. So that was, those are some quick highlights in terms of what is new, and what has remained the same. So now I'm going to take you on a tour. And I'm going to take you to the updated website. And I will try my best to describe everything that I'm doing.

Okay. So, , and what you'll notice about the URL is it has changed a little bit. It's now \cms\. Okay. And when you go there you will notice to the right is the Standard Search field. And below that is the Advanced Search and Browse. So that functionality has pretty much stayed the same, although our Standard Search has improved. You will notice to the far right is the Log In. This has changed for screen reader users. Though using screen readers have been used to logging in on the left side of the website. So you will notice that, and you'll need to change some of your callouts.

When you go to our Home Page and you go down the page a little bit, you're going to find this nice introduction to the updated Bookshare website that has this very helpful video, a tutorial on the new areas that you want to be aware of. And there's some very helpful FAQs. Part of this FAQ is a place here for screen reader users. When you select that, you're going to get some great information for screen readers users, for using screen readers. Okay. And it does highlight how the log in has changed, the positioning of the log in. Okay. So I encourage you to browse that and read more about that information there. Okay.

Again, I found that by going to the Home Page and to the updated Bookshare website is live message here where you can access a video. And a nice FAQ. Okay. So going from left to right is Bookshare For Me. This is where folks can, who are not signed up for Bookshare can find out more information about who qualifies for example, for the qualifications. And what does it cost. When you go to what does it cost, you're going to see options for individual members, and also qualified organizations or organizations working with qualified members. And when you select Membership Partners, this is where you'll get information primarily for international members.

And you're going to see a whole range of partners who we're working with around the world who are supporting qualified individuals again, in other countries. So very helpful information if you are calling in from internationally, and interested in those international opportunities. So again, is Bookshare For Me is primarily for new members. It focuses on who qualifies, and what does it cost. Again, when you go back to the Home Page to the far right you're going to see Sign Up Today. That's a big button and not to be missed. So again, for new members you're easily going to find that Sign Up option.

And then you'll have the option as a qualified individual to sign up, or as an organization working with qualified individuals. Okay. The next area here going to the right on the Home Page is Get Started. This is where you will again have the option to sign up. You'll have more information here about how to find books. And this again gives you further information about the best way to search for books, how to discover books. And How To Read Books. This is where you can get more information about the various reading tools available to you. So if you're an individual reading on your own as an individual member, or if you a sponsor helping members read.

We do highlight Web Reader for those who are reading on their own. And then for sponsors helping individuals read, we have a nice description here again of Web Reader for those individual members. Or we have the option to go to Compatible Reading Tools. Okay. So again all this is under Get Started. And when you to go How To Read Books, helping members read you have the option to go to this Compatible Reading Tools page. This is where you're going to find more information about our free tools and other compatible reader technology.

So whether you're an individual or you're a sponsor working with a qualified student you'll be able to find information on how to read on Smartphones or Tablets, on computers and other hardware devices. And this is also where you're going to find our free reading tools. Okay. Again, the Bookshare Web Reader, and the Read Out Loud. So again, the path for finding those reading tools is Get Started and How To Read Books. Okay. So another updated section, which I'm really excited about is the Get Involved. And is where you can find out more information about how to connect with us in our various communities. Here we highlight our Mentor Teacher Program.

Your Parent Ambassador Program. And we actually recently started the Parent Ambassador Program this past summer. And this is a great opportunity for parents of qualified members to connect and share ideas, and network. And then we obviously are on the various social network channels. So you can read, sign up for our blogs, sign up on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, You Tube. We have some really nice play lists on You Tube now. We have some updated videos. And if you go to Pinterest there's some resources for educators, for parents, for individuals. And it's just again a great place to resource share.

And then if you're an individual member and you're a volunteer for example, you can connect to our volunteer discussion list. And then for other individual members you can contact, or connect with us on our discussion list. We have a couple discussion lists here. Okay. Again, that's all found under Get Involved, which is one of the top sections you can choose from. And then Connect. So again, going back to Get Involved, there's also an area you can find out information about how to donate, how to support Bookshare. And then also how to volunteer. When you select volunteer, there's some great information here about volunteer opportunities nationally, and also internationally.

Okay. So that's all found under Get Involved. Alright, another excellent updated section is the Help Center. This is where you can search for your, for solutions. We have also organized this in different categories with sort of most popular questions that come up. For instance, when you go to using Bookshare and the Help Center, you can see that we've listed free reading tools, reading books on mobile devices, other reading tools. Okay. So these are sort of more frequently asked questions. So we've organized the Help Center I think in a really nice way here. When you scroll down the page you're also going to see an area where you can e-mail us or you can call us.

We list the hours here. And then to left here on the Help Center you also have the option to go to User Feedback. This is our User Feedback sort of a discussion forum. It was called the Idea Forum I believe on our old website. But anyway, I do encourage you to go to User Feedback to send us ideas or requests. Then you have Training and Resources, and I'll go there in a second. And then you have the option to request a book. So for those needing to request a book, you can either do that through our Getting Started how to find a book, or you can do it here through the Help Center. Through the Help Center is probably the fastest way.

But again you'll have a couple options for requesting a book. The process for requesting a book is still the same. And we'll still ask you for all the variety of, you know, book information. And we will be in touch with you about the timeframe. Okay. So again, here's the Help Center and area to search for your questions. And we've organized it by the categories of using Bookshare, how to manage my account, how to learn more about Bookshare, and resolving issues. So I think you're going to find that this is much better organized and again easier to find your, find solutions to your questions. So that is the new Help Center.

So also in Help Center again, is the Training and Resources. And this is now the Bookshare Academy. We're very excited about this. This is going to offer you easier access to online learning opportunities for professional credit. Tools for Trainers. So if you're a Mentor Teacher, if you're the trainer, if you are a parent ambassador, you're going to find tools here that you can use for training others teachers, parents and students. And then in this section videos and webinars, so you'll get direct access to our online learning tutorials. And these are all on You Tube and Teacher Tube. And these are all, we are updating these quickly. But you'll find here some updated ones already.

And then webinars. And here's where you can sign up for current webinars, or you can go and listen to recordings of previous webinars. You can also request webinars. And you can do that by going to training@. So again, this all under the Bookshare Academy. Online Learning, Tools for Trainers, Videos and Webinars. We also have some nice resources under the Training and Resources page. So if you go to the left on this page here you're going to see a couple options down the menu here. And when selection Other Resources, there's, is where you're going to find more information about other professional development opportunities, learning opportunities.

More information about accessible and instructional materials, assisted technology. So both, you know, resources for individual members, and also teachers. Okay. So again, that's all found under Help Center, Training and Resources, which is now the Bookshare Academy. Alright. So when you go to log in or if you select My Bookshare, which is also to the left of the Home Page, you're going to want to log in. And again, this is what used to be the Taskbar. So I'm logged in as an organizational demo here. So I will show this to you first. And then we'll go to individual member, what that looks like.

So under My Bookshare, you're going to see to the left of page here on the screen, My History. So again, it's a lot of it is going to be similar to what you used to see in the Taskbar, but you'll probably see a little bit more. And this is more of a personalized home page. So My History, you'll see your Reading Lists. Here you're going to see your members and sponsors. And this is where sponsors can add members, delete members, add other sponsors, etc. And you'll be able to see your organization information. You'll be able to see your book requests. They will be able to get access to your free reading tools. And more information, or excuse me, access to your account.

Okay. So it is, it's like a personalized home page. And again, I just found out by going, by logging in or by going to My Bookshare. And this is where you're going to really manage your account. You can even download your free reading tools. You can see your Reading Lists, and see your book requests. So great area for you to manage your account. In the same way the sponsors have their personal page there, individual members, it will work in the same way. So let me just log in as a demo here. Oh, let's, okay, there we go. So I just logged in as an individual demo. So individual members will see similar things as sponsors.

You'll see My History, my Reading Lists, you'll be able to do a quick search. You'll be able to see your book requests. Get access to the free reading tools, and keep your account current there. This also gives you some nice status information. Again, that's your personal home page. And what is nice here too is you'll see your recent books. So it'll start to list some of the books that you've downloaded recently, and you'll be able to go ahead and select Reading Now to open it up in the Web Reader, Reader Technology. Alright. So what used to be your Taskbar is now My Bookshare. So I would check that out, use it.

You know, organize your reading lists that way, your book history, your book requests. And that's a great resource. So a couple of other things I wanted to point out. As I mentioned the search function is improved, and has not really changed. But when you go to Browse, which again is at the top of the page, you're going to see that that area has changed a little bit. We have organized it differently. So you can now browse our collection by different catalog records, lists, our special collections. When you go to special collections, uh-oh, that's not good. (laugh) Let me see if I log out, and I select Browse if that's going to help me here. Okay. It must be being worked on.

So the special collections has also been organized a little bit differently. We like the Help Center. We're highlighting a few of the special collections that get, sort of get accessed most frequently. So you'll start to see that we're organizing things more by sort of age groups, interests, various collections. So I just think it's organized better and you will notice that. And I apologize, I don't know why that page is down. It must be being worked on. But you can get to the other sections by browsing these other categories here on special, on, in the Browse section. You'll also notice the newspapers and magazines are also in the Browse.

So what used to be a quick link on our old site is now, it's in Browse. So again, use that Standard Search, Advanced Search, which hasn't changed, and then Browse is where you're going to find those newspapers and magazines. Okay. One other thing I wanted to point out is again, when you're on the Home Page and you see this link to the Video Tour and the FAQ, there is some information about Braille Sense, and Braille Notes devices. So if you use a Braille Sense or a Braille Note, I encourage you to look at this information. The way you download is going to change a little bit. The main issue here is that both the Braille Sense and Braille Note are using older operating systems.

And so they're, the device doesn't handle our updated website as well as our old one. So there are instructions here for how to download books using those devices. So again, when you're on the Home Page select that option to see the Video Tour, and you'll find the FAQ, and that's where you're going to get more information about the various devices. And as I mentioned for screen reader users there's some great tips. Alright. So those are the things I wanted to highlight. Again, the various sections, what you're going to find in the Help Center and Get Involved, My Bookshare, and areas where I think you're going to be most interested in. Okay.

So I'm going to take you back to the slides. And I bet questions have come in, which is super. On this Contact Us side I have again, you can always reach us through the updated Help Center. Okay. You can call us or e-mail us. You can also e-mail us at training@ . And then we're always, we're on all the social media. So feel free to connect with us that way. Okay. So I'm going to take some questions here. Okay. So a question about using Read2Go to search our collects. When you're using Read2Go the app on your IOS device you're actually just going to be searching by the Bookshare collection, right. It's connect to our API.

So you can search by title, author, ISBN, all of that. And you'll get results. So Reading Lists. The question is about sharing Reading Lists with sponsors. With those teachers that facilitate the reading for kids, or the downloading, excuse me. Unfortunately, no, that is not an option. Sponsors can create Reading Lists and share them with students, which is really important. 'Cause you can also share textbooks that way. But unfortunately right now we don't have the option for sponsors to share Reading Lists. So a question about, is Bookshare available in China? Do we have some stories in Mandarin? And that is a great question.

And what I'm going to do... (laugh) is take you right to the website. And we will see if we have some partnerships. I know we do have partnerships in Asia. I'm just not certain about China. So let's go to our Asia section. So we have partnerships in Korea and the Philippines. Which means we have books in those languages. But unfortunately we don't have books in Mandarin. But if you have some ideas on that, or some people we could partner with in China, we'd love to hear from you. So feel free to contact us. A great question. So a question about can teachers see if a student has read a certain book that's been shared on the Reading List? And yeah, that's a great question.

You actually can. If you go to your Reading List, you, and you select members it'll give you activity. So you'll notice if the student has downloaded the book. So you'll get the download update, right. You won't, it won't necessarily mean they read it. (laugh) But they, it will tell you if they downloaded it or not. So yeah, that's a great question. You can see that. So another question about China. And again, I'm not sure what our plans are. If you want to copy down an e-mail, I'm happy to give you an e-mail contact. The, our International Program Manager, her name is Kristina Pappas. So her e-mail is kristinap@ – feel free to reach out to her. kristinap@ .

So again, a question about seeing if whether or not your students have downloaded a book. If you're, if you have created Reading Lists and shared those with a student, you can track the download activity. Other than that you won't be able to see much. So it will be important to create those Reading Lists and share them with students. So every year when students get their memberships, we are going to check with the student to be sure they're still number one, enrolled in school, and number two, well primarily enrolled in school.

Because again our free memberships are for students of any age. They will get a notice that they need to contact us and renew. That's really our only way to manage the memberships. 'Cause if we didn't do that we wouldn't be able to track, you know, whether or not a student is really a student. So they will get an e-mail and that will give instructions for how to contact us. So if you're interested in getting access to our demo accounts? That's a great question. Those are available to anyone who wants to train, or do demonstrations. Where you find those are in the Bookshare Academy, which again is under Help and Training Resources. And they're in the Tools for Training, Trainers, excuse me.

If you go to Tools for Trainers you will find the demo accounts. Feel free to download those and use those. And again, those are only for training purposes. And they give you access to demo books. So a question about accessing our Daisy Reader. We do offer the various reading tools. The Read Out Loud Bookshare Edition is a great reader software. And it reads Daisy books and it offers some study tools. So that is a good option. The other one is Web Reader. But that is only for individual members. And will read our Daisy books as well, and that's via browser. So those are a couple of great options. And again, those are free for members.

And you can find those by going to Get Started. And then under the Compatible Reading Tools section. So and these are all fabulous questions. And I'm noticing that we're at the half of an-hour. But I think I'll take a few more here. And then I can follow-up individuals with folks. The difference Bookshare and Learning Ally. The primary difference used to be that Bookshare offered text and audio books. So you would get that multi-modal option. You could also get the text. Learning Ally used to only offer audio books with human narration. Now Learning Ally is offering text and audio. So there's not much difference there.

We're both offering the multi-modal option. But I would say the biggest difference now is that Bookshare, we have over 300,000 books in text and audio. And I believe Learning Ally has about 90,000 books in text and audio. And the other thing is Bookshare is still free for qualified students of any age in the U.S. And Learning Ally does charge for membership. So those are the biggest differences. Yes. So individual members can see their Reading Lists as long as you've shared them or if they've created their own, they will be able to see those. And again, that's all under My Bookshare. So when you've logged in you'll see your Reading Lists.

A question about searching books by the Lex file. Unfortunately we don't have that option. It has been requested before, so I will bring that to our team again. That is a great question, and I know that's been a need for folks. So some fabulous questions. So I'm going to keep going for a bit. If people need to sign off, that's okay. I will share the recording with people. But I think since I've got a lot of you still on the line, and these are great questions. I think they'll be useful for everyone. So I think I'll keep going here. So for individuals getting a membership, we do have competent authorities that need to certify.

And there, you will find those under qualifications. You'll see the list of competent authorities. Okay. Disability Service Providers, typically are competent authorities. So that should be fine. Right. So when you're searching for books and you're looking for books with images, you're going to see when you find a book, and you need to select a file format, you have option to select Daisy Text, Daisy with Images, Audio, excuse me, MP3 or Daisy Audio or Braille, Professional Braille. So you will see that option in the download option.

So in terms of supporting a school that's just getting started I always recommend either a district account or a school by school account. And that you have a point person at the district or school managing the account. Then be sure to sign up all the qualified students and get them their individual memberships for home use. And then once you've got the membership established, the key is figuring out the technology. So what technology is going to work best at the school level, and also for the student. And obviously we offer a lot of free options. But there also are other options out there. So that would be the main way of organizing a Bookshare membership.

And then we also offer a lot of training with the video tutorials. And you can always request a webinar from us as long as you have 20 teachers. Okay. Do we require a minimum of 20 teachers. But you can request those webinars from us at training@ . Web Reader on Chrome? You've got to install an extension. So when you download Web Reader using Google Chrome for the first time you will be prompted to install an extension. Okay. And that will start to work. Yes, Bookshare is definitely compatible with Kurzweil 3000 and 1000.

Both tools are linked up to our database, so you should be able download, or excuse me, search and download directly from Bookshare via Kurzweil 3000. Alright. And if you have questions about Kurzweil I would really contact them. But you'll find in our Help Center, you can also search for solutions and you'll find the answers about the various compatible technology as well. So printed Bookshare materials. We do have some brochures, and you'll find those in the Bookshare Academy under Brochures. We are updating some quick guides. These are one-page handouts that you can use with teachers and parents and students. We're in the process of updating those.

And those will be available in the Bookshare Academy as well. So stay tuned on those. Books in Spanish. Yes, we have lots. So when you go to Advanced Search, you can search by language, and you'll find thousands, well yeah, I think it's 4,000 books in Spanish. If you find typographical errors in books, please report the book issue, quality issue. You can do that by going to the book, selecting the title, and then on the right you are going to see report book quality issue. Please report those, 'cause typically we'll go back and re-scan book. You can do it that way. You can also e-mail us to our tech support and notify about us about the book quality issue.

So questions about Read2Go. I would really contact our Tech Support. Yeah, I'm not, I don't know if I'll be able to troubleshoot right now. But any Read2Go issues please contact our tech support. So NIMAC source textbooks. There is a NIMAC section in Bookshare. You'll find that under Browse. If there are textbooks in the NIMAC that are not in Bookshare, if we're an authorized user in your state, you can request those from us. So the best way to do that is request the book from us. We will let you know, you know, if we can get it from the NIMAC or we need to scan the book. But again, just make the request and we'll send you some details.

So there, and I again, thank you, again if you need to leave I know I'm beyond the half an-hour here. But feel free to stay on if you'd like. All these are really fantastic questions. So a question about Web Reader using the French tts. Yes, that has been an issue. There are some Chromebooks where Web Reader when you use it, it's pulling up the French text to speech engine. That is being worked on. That is being fixed. It's actually a Google issue. So Google is aware of it and working on it. And I hope we'll have a solution for you in a few months. So it's (word?) on Read2Go, you know, again I would contact our Help.

I'm just not as informed on all that. You can also go to on the website, or excuse me, and there will be information on the website there about Read2Go. So yes, information and PowerPoints for Trainers. We are updating the PowerPoint. We actually have it all updated, but we're waiting on a new template. So we are going to come out with a brand new look completely. So new template, new images, everything. I am hoping by next week we'll have those ready. And then we'll have those in the Bookshare Academy under Tools for Trainers. And we'll also be sending those out to any Mentor Teachers. Okay. So stay tuned.

So textbooks for students in private schools. We do have a lot of open source textbooks, and textbooks available to all qualified students. But if you are trying to get access to our NIMAC Source Textbooks, unfortunately those are restricted to students in IEP plans. So okay, so qualified students on IEPs can still access our NIMAC Source Textbooks. But if you don't have that IEP you'll have to search our open source textbooks. So just, you know, definitely contact us if there's a particular book you need that's not in Bookshare, and we'll see what we can do. So webinars for new to Bookshare to learn Bookshare. Please feel free to request webinars from us.

We will do those for a minimum of 20 teachers. In the upcoming year I think we'll have a lot more partner webinars, for example, so highlighting different assist in technology. And we'll just have to see what we're going to offer this spring and summer. But I really encourage if you do have a group of new teachers, please schedule a webinar with us. We're doing those all the time. And it's a great way to get some, you know, hands on and one-on-one support. Okay. I'm just going through the questions here. So there's some questions about downloading books. And I encourage to look at our video tutorials. I won't be able to go over that process right now.

But again, I'm happy, we're happy to do webinars with your groups. Or again, we have these great video tutorials you can use. So if you have a student under 18 and there's no parent or guardian to sign for them, you know, I'm not really sure what to do there. I presume every student under 18 has a guardian. Boy, I hope so. So if not, please contact our membership team. So Reading Lists again go to My Bookshare and log in, and you will see your Reading Lists and be able to see what's been shared with students. Great questions about signing up.

We have a wonderful video tutorial about the different membership options. So please go to those. And you find those again in Help Center, Bookshare Academy. Okay. Yeah, great questions. Yes, Bookshare is available to students of any age, so that included post-secondary. And they do need to qualify. There's no limit to the number of teachers on accounts. Read2Go does offer images. So again, any Read2Go questions, please feel free to contact Tech Support. They'll be able to troubleshoot with you. So questions about accessing Bookshare on the Kindle. Yes, that is possible.

People have found ways, and I actually think there's even a video about it. So feel free, I know people are sharing that information, and that's fine. Again, as long as you're a qualified member we shouldn't have any copyright issues. So again, Reading Lists are the best way to share textbooks with students. So, yeah, and I think I'm actually to the final question. Oh my gosh, those were awesome questions. Again, about individual memberships for students. If you're having trouble getting the parent or guardian's signature. Boy, I don't know what to tell you? That's required for any student under 18.

I'm hoping in the near future we will introduce e-signatures. So online signing. But there's no guarantee. And I don't even know if that would help in some cases. So, good luck with that. I'm not sure what to tell you. But again, that's a pretty standard requirement for most services for kids under 18. Alright, super questions. And a lot more information to come. As I mentioned we will send out a recording, and the PowerPoint slides. You can always reach us at training@ . And I've listed our e-mails here. kristinac@ and larar@ . So thank you all for your time.

Thanks for going over time here. But I think, I'm hoping it benefitted everyone. And we will definitely see you in a future webinar. So I appreciate your time. Have a good rest of the week. Take care.


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