Introduction - University Council of Modern Languages

3095625114300Guide to Virtual Mobility IntroductionModern Languages departments across the UK have come together under the UCML umbrella to put together this guide along with virtual activities to help you navigate the coming academic year. We know that the COVID-19 pandemic has had significant implications for travel plans and we understand that this will be disappointing. We also know that virtual mobility is in no way the same as an immersive year abroad experience, but hope that these activities will help you make the most of your time and that you will be able to get abroad at some point this year. What UCML puts on is in addition to what your university is providing. We offer these activities knowing that every student is different, and how you engage will depend on your individual circumstances, but we wish to support you in whatever way we can in these unprecedented times.1. Virtual study skills3971925523875The tips we have included below have been thought about with modern languages students in mind, and designed following a series of student focus groups held in August. They are not intended as exhaustive lists, but will hopefully be of use to you as you prepare to undertake virtual mobility activities.Time management:Plan ahead: make lists, keep a diary (digital or otherwise), and make sure you check in advance what you need to bring to an online sessionTry to stay focused: work on one task at a time where possible; turn off phone/email notifications if you canPrioritize: you all have different demands on your time and different linguistic needs. Think about these carefully and devote time to what you need most. We don’t expect you to be available for everything; do what you can, but don’t do nothing!Set realistic goals: when prioritizing, try to think carefully about what you can achieve in a certain timeframe, and adjust your expectations of yourself as you gain more experience in virtual learningSet milestones, and reward yourself for reaching them!Motivation:Think about your own learning style and find activities that work for you. Perhaps try daily activities in your language(s) of study e.g. online Spanish cooking class, French workout videos...Work in groups where possible (and outside confines of scheduled activities): language study is inherently about communication, so work with others or a study buddy whenever you canTry to find ways of differentiating downtime from study: disconnect from online activities wherever possibleExpectations: don’t worry if you miss a class, but keep in touch with teachers/session leaders. Think about what you expect from virtual mobilityMake use of your support network: academic advisors or personal tutors, language tutors, friends, family1219075Using online platforms:You will undoubtedly encounter a range of online platforms throughout your virtual engagement. While they broadly offer the same functions, they can feel quite different. We recommend that you plan ahead, and to help with this we include below links to the support pages of the most common platforms, which include screenshots showing that give you an idea of what to expect.You might also wish to play around with these platforms in advance of a session to get a feel for what they look like, and if you are ever unsure do just get in touch with the session leader/coordinator/administrator.Microsoft TeamsZoomBlackboard Collaborate (Ultra)CanvasGoogle hangouts 2. Virtual Language Learning Resources4205288528638There are many virtual language learning tools out there, but we recommend exploring Tandem to keep up language use through online exchanges with native speakers. Apps like Duolinguo, Babbel, and Memrise can also be useful to keep things ticking over and for offering a different way of learning vocabulary, as well as helping set targets. You might also wish to broaden your language learning skills by dipping into a new language. These apps are useful for this, too, as are the Tea Break Tasters from the Multilingual Manchester Research Unit, or the tasters from the Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies project.In addition to any virtual activities made available to you by your institution, UCML has identified three MOOCs (virtual modules) focusing on themes relevant to the year abroad. While these courses are not language specific, they address various intercultural skills that the year abroad is designed to help you develop. HYPERLINK "" \h Understanding Language: Learning and Teaching, University of SouthamptonExplore key concepts of teaching and learning languages, and how to apply themWhat is language? What is the best way to learn a language? How do we teach languages?On this course, you’ll tackle these questions and more, as you build yourunderstanding of language. You’ll discover some of the latest ideas and techniques in the field of language teaching, including the importance of English as a global language, and new language learning technologies.These skills will be extremely useful for anyone looking to teach English online.You’ll also explore the difference between online and face-to-face learning, and consider the changing roles of teachers and learners.**** HYPERLINK "" \h Working with Translation: Theory and Practice, University of CardiffExplore what it means to communicate in multiple languages. Translation is one of the most fundamental of human activities, allowing us to interact with one another within and across cultures.Drawing on the research and expertise of specialists at Cardiff University and the University of Namibia, on this course, you will discover a wealth of practical tips and knowledge about the nature of translation in an increasingly multilingual world.You will explore translation in a global context, and observe translation in healthcare and the justice system as well as in music, manga, video games and historical romances. You may even discover your own ‘inner translator’ in the process!This course was recently voted one of the top 20 Humanities online courses ‘of all time’ **** HYPERLINK "" \h Introduction to Intercultural Studies: Language and Culture, University of Leeds Examine the relationship between language, nationality and cultural identityOn this course you will analyse why language is a social construction and examine how it relates to cultural identity.You will start by exploring what language is, how it relates to the way we think and how it is shaped by the culture it originates from. You’ll learn how language is used and explore cases of intercultural communication. You will examine the difficulties of translation and how politeness is expressed across cultures. Finally, you’ll learn about the controversial issue of language loss and examine the reasons that cause it and its implications for cultural identity.19526252190753. Digital WellbeingAs you start using online tools more and more, the distinction between study and downtime begins to blur. It is important to try and find ways to avoid screen fatigue as much as you can. Everyone will experience this differently, but some suggestions:Put your phone on silent from time to time if possibleTurn off unnecessary notificationsKeep in touch: identify who your relevant contacts are in your institution (e.g. personal tutor/advisor, student union)Try not to worry if you can’t access things for any reason, communication is the key There are people out there to help. Make sure you know who your local contact is, and make sure you’re registered with a GP. Young Minds includes a section dedicated to mental health and COVID, and support can be sought anonymously through Kooth.4. AccessibilityWe know that the increased use of different virtual platforms for teaching, language exchange, and other activities. While the accessibility of different platforms is beyond our control, we have been careful to use providers committed to making their resources accessible. If you have any concerns, we advise you to check with your university.1514475561975 ................

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