Customs broker exam pass rate october 2015 2017 calendar pdf


Customs broker exam pass rate october 2015 2017 calendar pdf

Currently, US Customs outsources the exam site to a 3rd party company called Pearson Vue. You will have to provide a current credit report, processing fees and fingerprints. The course itself was very organized, with videos, readings, and tons of previous exam questions which were a huge help to familiarize oneself with the questions (especially the

tricky ones). Aylin S. Jun 6, 2021: I wanted to inform you that I received my formal notification from customs this past Friday and I officially passed the April 2021 Customs Broker License Exam! I¡¯m so ecstatic that I passed because this was something that I have coveted and wanted for a long time. March 19, 2022: Tom, I just wanted to let you know

that I passed the CBLE¡­. I wanted to notify you that I passed the brokerage exam in April! ... It is the ¡°Bible¡± ? Li D California November 17, 2021: Hello Mr. Tom, Hope you are well. If you want the license, you have to pass the US Customs broker exam . I wanted to thank you for putting together such a great course, without it I definitely would not

have passed. Select the port closest to your home address, the testing area will be located close by. Thank you for your help. In addition, Tom was also very responsive with any questions I had. Thank you! Brad A., Il. March 17, 2022: Hi Mr. O¡¯Leary, I just wanted to thank you very much for your Prep Course.

? Melissa A. ... The exam registration

fee now costs $390 and you must pay online via the . I will recommend your program with any other acquaintances that would give to take a try on the brokers exam. ? Juan R Laredo, TXNovember 17, 2021: Hi Tom, I just want to thank you for always being there for me¡­ Yesterday I got the letter from Customs telling me I had passed the

exam¡­ Thank you soooooooooooooo much. By learning how to navigate both the 19 CFR and HTS catalog quickly, you will be able to answer questions much faster. The Imports Academy prep course will guide you through the exam categories and focus on the most relevant information. For exam, the Series 7 exam has around 65% pass rate, the Bar

Exam is around 59% and the Chartered Financial Analyst exam has around a 47% pass rate. Simple, you can¡¯t, in fact no one can! There are over 2,000 pages of regulations in the 19 CFR. Really love your study guide. Within 60 days receiving the letter, CBP will mail you the official application on CBP Form 3124. I wouldn't have been able to do it

without your help. December 12, 2021: Hi Tom, I wanted to reach out and say thanks! I passed the October 2021 CBLE with a score of 88.75%, and I know it would not have been possible without your course! Lucas O, FloridaNovember 20, 2021: Good morning Tom, I passed the CBP exam. I wanted to say THANK YOU so much for your course! ¡­

Having this course with concise lectures and such well organized materials helped me to understand and learn things quickly. ? Elisa Y, Arizona November 12, 2021: Hi Tom, I passed, 80%. I have received a passing notice letter from CBP yesterday¡­ I did it with your support and help in that short amount of time. ? Yonjune K, New JerseyNovember

17, 2021: Greetings Tom, I received my Notification Letter from U.S. Customs and I want to notify you that I passed the Customs Brokers License Exam at my first try¡­ Thanks for your great communication that we had through this time. MXMay 14, 2021: ... Florida. Cheers! ? Jeff S, Houston Texas November 12, 2021: Hi Tom, I just checked my

answers against what the CBP released and I am happy to say that I passed with an 80% (84% if I appeal 3 questions). (you just did, thanks) ? Dante P, El Paso Texas Aug 25, 2021: Hi Tom, ... I very much enjoyed the self-pace aspect of it. Most examinees will need to take a prep course in order to pass. CBP will mail you a response telling you what

your examination score. While relatively unknown outside of the global trade community, people who have taken the exam consider it one of the hardest to take. ? Alejandra G., Austin, TX Jun 7, 2021: I just wanted to say thank you again for the great course. On average, the Customs broker exam pass rate is roughly 15%, some exams have had an

estimated pass rate of only 2%! However, do not let these numbers discourage you. An even better approach is taking timed tests that simulate the real exam. This exam is one of the most difficult to pass in the USA. Examinees who know how the regulations and HTS catalog are structured have the best chance to pass the exam. Thank you so much

for your guidance and encouragement, Tom. There are roughly 2,600 examinees a year who take the exam, and only around 15% are able to pass. There have been lawyers who have taken the exam multiple times before passing and there have been people who have never worked import compliance and passed on the first go. We finally got our

official letter results on Friday, and I passed! And this course was a major help! Thank you! ? Megan W., MichiganJun 6, 2021: I've received an email from CBP stating that I've passed the exam. You can take these into the exam with you! These have proven to be critical when taking the exam, quickly finding the answers on our reference guides helps

you spend more time on other questions. I felt very prepared on exam day. Thank you for everything. So THANK YOU, Tom! ? Kayla P, CAJun 22, 2021: Just wanted to share great news with you - I passed the CBLE!... No matter how much experience a person has with import compliance, real world application does not guarantee a passing grade. I

relied on that guidebook throughout the entire exam (can take guidebook into the exam). Thank you Tom. Once you have passed the exam you will still need to apply for the actual Customs broker license. Once upon a time, not long ago, you had to take the exam on a Scan-Tron. Tom, I truly appreciate you and your course. ? Bissoondai K, Jamaica

NYNovember 16, 2021: Dear Tom, Thank u for your help. Once you have paid you will receive a confirmation email from with a tracking number for confirmation, keep this for your records. Preparation is key! .... I couldn¡¯t have done it without your support and the excellent course structure. The videos, homework and flashcards made it all so

easy to study. Difficult subjects were easier to understand and remember thanks to this threefold strategy. If you are able to carve out 4.5 hours on a Saturday or Sunday, you will get a better feel for the actual exam. ? Philip O, UAE and DC area November 17, 2021: Hi Tom, I just wanna take this moment to share the good news and say thank you.

Just received official email from CBP. Thank you so much! ? V Zhu, CaliforniaNovember 12, 2021: Hi Tom- Just checked the official answer key¡­ Wanted to reach out and say thank you! Your class absolutely prepared me. I couldn't have done it without your course. Our course is broken up into all the main categories covered by the exam as well as

quizzes, interactive modules, practice exams and printable reference guides. The fee is $390 and must be paid at least 30 days in advance of the exam date There is no limit on how many times you can take the exam if you do not pass Ideally, examinees should start studying for the test somewhere between 10 to 12 weeks before taking the exam. The

most important part of studying for the exam is taking practice tests. Title 19, Code of Federal Regulations parts 1-199 (current year) Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (current year) ACE Entry Summary Business Process 10.00 Instructions for Preparation of CBP Form 7501 (December 2019) Right to Make Entry Directive 3530-002A

If you sign up for the Imports Academy prep course for the US Customs broker exam, you will receive quick reference guides that you can use during the exam as well as study guide printouts for each lesson. Thanks again! ? Christian S, Houston TX area Jun 30, 2021: There were a few courses I considered for the Custom Brokers License Exam.

Because of how difficult the exam is, Imports Academy provides a robust US Customs broker exam prep course to help anyone pass. , thanks for all the help. With this and the official answer key, comfortably passed with a score in the mid 80's... I passed...I am really just so happy, so I just wanted to thank you¡­ Have a great day! Natalie C., El

Paso March 16, 2022: Hello Tom, (Passed) ¡­Extremely thankful for your guidance on this tenure. The exam lasts 4 ? hours A passing score is 75% or higher (You must correctly answer 60 questions to pass) Administered twice a year, April and October The exam is open book, examinees must bring the 19 CFR, HTS catalog, specified Customs

directives and any other paper reference material (no personal electronics are allowed) Test sites do offer electronic copies on site. ? Jenna N, South Carolina November 12, 2021: Hi Tom, I¡¯ll wait to get the official letter from CBP, but it looks like I passed, ¡­ I really appreciate the help and loved the class, not sure I would have even come close to

passing without it¡­ ? Jamie D, PennsylvaniaNovember 12, 2021: Good afternoon Tom, ¡­ based on the CBP exam results, I got an 85%. It looks like I passed! Tom beforehand I want to thank you so much for all the support you have given me and I want you to know that I shall write a rave review about your course. I couldn't have done it without the

help of your course. Copyright Notice. Creative Commons License terms do not apply to this page. Materials may not be reproduced or copied without written permission. Due to the ¡°Modernization of the Customs Broker Exam¡± that went into effect on October 2017, the exam is now administered on a computer. Once again I can¡¯t thank you enough

and I can¡¯t express my gratitude and appreciation for always answering my questions.? Jerry D. ? Zach A, Houston, TX AreaMay 10, 2021: Thanks Tom!! Could not have done it without you! ? Yara B., CA. I wanted to thank you for being my mentor, for providing excellent resources and training material, because without your help and support

throughout this process, I would have never been able to have passed the exam. l did get my official email results this morning and l have attached it below. Aside from just taking practice exams, you will benefit even more from taking a prep course. The Imports Academy prep course for the US Customs broker exam is specifically designed to help

you learn the key elements to passing the exam. This can add an extra level of stress! Instead of having a booklet with all the questions in front of you, the test is administered one question at a time. Anyone can pass; all you need is dedication and an understanding of how to take the test. I passed the Customs Brokers License Exam on my first try! I

did put in time to study and finish the entire course, but it wouldn't have been possible without Tom and this course. ? Karine L, CaliforniaNovember 16, 2021: I passed !!!!!! Thank you so much Mr O¡¯Leary !!!!!!! ? Shantel W, Houston TexasNovember 12, 2021: Hey Tom, Just wanted to share some good news. New YorkJun 4, 2021: Hi Tom, just

received my official notice from CBP, and I passed with a 81.5 No words to express my appreciation to you, this would never happened without your courses and your study guide, and your devotion during my studying!! ? Shimon L., NYMay 14, 2021: THANKS Tom. ? Caleb C. I decided on this one because I read a review that Tom's guidebook was

like a CB bible, and they were absolutely correct. l just wanted to say thank you for your help, guidance clarity and explanations. While you can skip around from question to question, it may seem more difficult without a physical document to skip around in. The Notice of Examination for the Customs Broker License Exam published on CBP¡¯s website

where you can register for the exam. The way CBPrepCourse is structured - readings, lecture videos plus online test banks - was vital to my study process. Not to mention, it is impossible to memorize the harmonized tariff schedule catalog. Must be United States citizen Must be 18 years or older Cannot be a Federal government employee Consists of

80 multiple choice questions Topics typically cover classification, valuation, trade agreements, entry, broker compliance, power of attorney, marking, drawback, bonds, foreign trade zones, warehouses, fines and penalties, and intellectual property rights. Pearson provides a breakdown of what to expect in their testing facilities, click the button below

to be redirected to Pearon Vue¡¯s page on the Customs broker license exam. Unless you have a photographic memory, do not waste any time trying to memorize all the timelines, forms or regulatory requirements. I got passed with a score of 82.50%. I just checked my answers against the CBP key and I got 66/80 correct. Customs allows 3 years from

the date of the letter to apply for the license.

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