Customs broker exam study guide pdf pdf format

[Pages:5]Customs broker exam study guide pdf pdf format

By Chron Contributor Updated April 13, 2021 U.S. Customs and Border Protection, or CBP, administers the Custom's Broker exam twice a year to ensure that applicants have a solid understanding of Customs laws and regulations. The exam is an open book/open test with a time limit of four hours. It consists of 80 multiple-choice questions, and you must answer at least 75 percent of them correctly to pass. According to Imports Academy, the Customer Broker's Exam pass rate is around 15 percent each year. However, with the right study strategy and hard work, you can beat the odds and pass the Customs Broker's Exam. Before each test, CBP publishes an examination announcement that lists all of the reference materials you will need. Test questions are on topics from the current Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS), the Code of Federal Regulations (19CFR), Customs directives, and the Customs and Trade Automated Interface Requirements (CATAIR) document, as indicated on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website. These government documents are accessible on the internet. Some reference materials are short documents that you can also print off from the CBP website to help you study. Examples include the Customs and Trade Automated Interface Requirements (CATAIR) and certain Customs directives. The CBP will provide searchable electronic reference materials on exam day. Because reference materials for the exam are expansive, you should focus on areas most likely to be covered on the test. The CBP website provides exams from previous years for use as a Customs Broker's Exam study guide. The answer keys include the specific chapter or section of the reference material where you can find the answer. Notice the areas that CBP tests on year after year. Highlight key sections of text in the materials so you can quickly find the information during the test. Customs allows you to use print materials during the computerized exam including your own lists or summaries. You may wish to consider enrolling in an online prep course offered through organizations such as the Amerian Customs Association, or ACA, that often come with all materials needed to take the Customs Broker's Exam. A free sample class lecture is available on the ACA website. Such instructional courses are offered in a self-paced format that includes streaming videos, DVDs, homework assignments and interactive quizzes. Meeting with a study group on a regular basis will help you stay motivated and focused. The group can also be a source of support to share frustrations or worries about the upcoming exam. The group may want to discuss the questions on old exams and work together to find the correct answer. Another approach is to focus on a particular topic each week, such as classification, valuation or record keeping. As the exam date draws near, you should simulate a taking few tests to practice your test-taking skills. Choose a time when you will have no interruptions to take one of the old exams. With all of the reference materials at hand, set a timer for four hours and begin. To complete the test in time, you need to average three minutes per question. Go through and complete the questions you can answer quickly first, and then go back and tackle the ones that are more time consuming. There is no penalty for guessing with this exam, so you have a one-in-five chance of getting an answer right if you have to guess. Grade yourself when finished and restudy the topics you answered incorrectly. If you take the exam and do not receive a passing score, you can submit an appeal. Customs will overturn results for individual questions if they agree with the argument you present. To appeal, you must send a cover letter with your name and address, the location where you took the test and the specific questions you are appealing. If you failed by missing only a few questions, it is worth a try to see if Customs will consider your argument. Refined through over 21 years of student feedback, our detailed guide breaks things down in an easy-to-understand way, and pairs well with the 19 CFR, videos, homework assignments, test bank, and flash cards. This study guide is not available anywhere else. In a recent survey of 67 students who have taken our course, over 88% rated our study guide with 5 stars.Here's what students say about the study guide:"His [Tom's] study guide is fantastic, such a concise breakdown of all the regs." Aug 2021"I appreciate the study guide has taken the regs and broken them down into smaller sections that are easier to understand and study, while allowing me to disregard areas of least importance." Aug 2021"The workbook is phenomenal." Jul 2021"I love the study guide. It makes things so easy to understand." Sep 2020Online Video LibraryOur video library offers lectures that you can view anywhere, anytime. These videos accompany the study guide. Our video series is not available anywhere else. Sample Videos If you want to pass the Customs Broker Exam you need to know how to study. This exam is one of the most difficult professional tests in the United States. I'm not just trying to scare you. Customs Broker Exam Pass Rate The pass rate for the CBP broker exam is between 3% and 20%. I read an interesting take on this comparing the Customs Broker Exam to some of the more well known professional exams. You can read it here. I've updated with relatively recent published pass rates to help put this all in perspective. Customs Broker Exam: less than 20% There are a couple of ways we can look at this. People taking the bar exam or the medical exam are some of the smartest people in the country. Does this account for the higher pass rate? I don't think so. I think it comes down to training personally. Doctors and Lawyers spend 4 years in undergraduate school and another 3-5 years in graduate school. In addition to the years of schooling there are a plethora of exam study guides available. How to Become a Broker To become a Customs Broker requires much less schooling and training. To begin working in the industry requires no formal education. If you are working under a licensed customs broker (LCB) you don't even need a license. In order to get your broker's license you must be at least 21 years of age, a US citizen, of good moral character, and receive a 75% or better on the broker's exam. This takes us back to the question of why the Customs Broker License Examination is so difficult? The answer is people aren't properly prepared for the exam. Most of us when taking the LCB test haven't been in school for many, many years. We aren't accustomed to taking tests any longer. And, this test is not one you can cram for. You should follow a good customs broker study guide. How to Study for the Customs Broker Exam The secret to passing the test is properly preparing for it. In order to have a real chance to pass the exam you must know how to study. You cannot memorize the material. In fact attempting to memorize answers or answer based on your experience will hurt you. The simple truth to passing the exam is that you must answer the questions based on how the definitions appear in the Code of Federal Regulations, the HTSUS, and the Directives. The key is finding the answers quickly. To do that requires practice with your test materials. There are 80 questions on the exam and you have 4.5 hours to complete it. This leaves roughly 3 minutes per question. Between the Regs and the tariff book you will have over 2000 pages of information. You need to be able to find your answers in all of these pages very quickly. Use indexes and page tabs to help you locate the sections the information is in. Customs Broker Exam Prep Course It is recommended that you put in 150-180 hours of study time to have a realistic chance to pass the test. If you start about 12 weeks out from the test date you will need to spend about 2 hours a day. Find a good exam prep course like the one we offer here. That link will take you to a free trial. It will give structure to your study time, help you prepare your materials, and explain areas you should focus on. For example, we have charted where questions have come from over the last 10 years. This is the basis for how the course is structured putting focus on the areas that are most heavily tested. In the last 10 years nearly 30% of the questions have been on Classification. It is by far the single most tested area. If you do poorly on the classification section you are almost guaranteed to fail. The next section that is tested heavily is Valuation coming in at 8%. In our exam course we focus on the 20 most heavily tested areas. Doing well on these sections will guarantee that you are prepared for the questions that will be on the test. Testing Tips Each question is worth the same value. So, a difficult question and an easy question are worth the same number of points. Answer the easy questions first. A question with an answer of "all of the above" can be determined by only verifying two of the options. This can save you very valuable time during the test. This can save you much needed time on the exam. The Test is Difficult, Not Impossible Don't believe the naysayers that tell you that you won't pass your first try. The test is very difficult, but with proper preparation you can pass your first try. Try the Course For Free! For a limited time we're giving new members a free preview to checkout the Customs Broker Exam Course. Try it out. No strings attached. You will have complete access to the first two modules of the course. If you would like complete access you can sign up at any time. Click Here to Sign Up for the Free Preview

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