



Fourth Edition


Approved by the Doctoral Studies Council on May 19, 2008


Please read this handbook carefully. A completed and signed copy of this form must be submitted to your committee chair.

Each doctoral program may have other forms and requirements for its students. Please check with your doctoral program for specific details.

I understand that I must follow the requirements and procedures set forth in this handbook in order for my work to meet APU’s standards for final approval. I understand that my doctoral degree will not be granted until all requirements are fulfilled.


Print Name



This handbook is dedicated to Lillian Wehmeyer, Ph.D. (1934-2005), the Doctoral Dissertation Librarian at Azusa Pacific University. Dr. Wehmeyer was an educator, a librarian, a mentor, and an author who believed in excellence and practiced it consistently. She is missed by those who knew and loved her.

Table of Contents

Dedication 1

Dissertations and the APU Dissertation Coordinator 5

Style Manuals 5

Copyright Permission and Academic Integrity 6

Format of the Document 6

Margins 6

Pagination 7

Other Format Requirements 7

Corrections 7

Pre-Binding Dissertation Coordinator Review 7

Required Components 7

Optional Components 8

Suggested Order of Required and Optional Components 8

Instructions for Selected Sections 8

Final Submission to Dissertation Coordinator for Binding 9

Paper and Printing 9

Fees and Method of Payment 9

Number of Cashier’s Checks or Postal Money Orders Needed 10

Number of Dissertation Copies Needed 10

Method of Submission After Pre-binding Approval 10

Contents of ProQuest Box 11

Final Review of Dissertation Copies 11

Picking Up Bound Copies 11

Appendix A: Sample Pages 12

Title Page

Instructions 13

Sample 14

Signature Page

Instructions 15

Sample 16

Copyright Page

Instructions 17

Sample 18

Dedication Page

Instructions 19

Sample 20

Acknowledgments Page

Instructions 21

Sample 22

Abstract Page

Instructions 23

Sample 24

Appendix B: Forms 25

APU Binding/Dissertation Abstracts Order Form 26

ProQuest Forms (Quick Link to ProQuest Instructions) 27

Appendix C: Check List 28

APU Dissertation Pre-Binding Student Check List 29

Dissertations* and the APU Dissertation Coordinator

Submitting copies of an approved capstone project, thesis, project or dissertation to the dissertation coordinator (for pre-binding review) is required for completion of the doctoral degree. When required by the doctoral department, the dissertation must also be submitted to ProQuest’s Dissertation Abstracts. Since the document records the student’s independent research or creative effort that will be preserved and shared with other scholars, the student may decide to submit to ProQuest even when not required by the department. All documents submitted to the dissertation coordinator must have already been approved by the school through which the degree program is offered, in accordance with requirements published by that program.

Unless it is already required by the department, it is highly recommended that after approval by the dissertation chair and prior to submission to the dissertation coordinator, each dissertation be reviewed by a department-approved copy editor in accordance with the appropriate style manual. Corrections may be made by the editor or the student. In the latter case, the copy should be returned to the editor to verify that the changes were made.

Students should be aware that some doctoral programs may require approval of final copies before participation in a commencement ceremony. Regardless, the degree will not be posted to the student’s transcript until the ready-to-bind copies have been approved by the dissertation coordinator. The university reserves the right to refuse any document that does not meet its format requirements or is unsuitable for binding.

The dissertation coordinator reviews the dissertation document to verify that it conforms to this handbook and checks it for consistency, accuracy, and clarity of presentation. However, students have final responsibility for their documents in regard to accuracy of content, neatness of appearance, and compliance to their department’s or their discipline’s style manuals.

Style Manuals

The department indicates which manual is required for that subject or discipline. Below is a list of recognized manuals, although there are others for the sciences. When the requirements in this document differ from the style manual, this document prevails.

• Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).

• The Chicago Manual of Style.

• The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Paper (MLA).

• A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (Turabian).

* The word dissertation in this manual includes doctoral projects, theses, and capstone projects.

Copyright Permission and Academic Integrity

Creators of printed materials and nonprint media should be acknowledged for their material, whether it appears in the dissertation as a quotation, paraphrase, or summary. Copyright law is intended to protect intellectual property from misrepresentation and to guard potential income of authors. Not all material falls within copyright law–its age is one factor. In addition, material that is unpublished or lacks notice of copyright may nevertheless be protected.

Under the doctrine of “Fair Use,” a writer may quote no more than 200 words from a source without permission, and then only if full credit is given to the source in citations, notes, and references, as required by the applicable style manual. The use of any table or figure (including a photograph, chart, etc.) or of longer quotations or the major portion of any work must be authorized, in writing by the copyright holder.

If copyright permissions are required, the doctoral student is responsible for contacting the copyright holder, obtaining the necessary written releases, and paying any fees that may be required. Such permissions must be acknowledged in the dissertation as required by the appropriate style manual and the copyright holder. See ProQuest’s sample permission letter on page XIII in the ProQuest Publishing Agreement Manual.

The demands of scholarship include, but often exceed, the requirements of copyright law. Scholars must recognize the community to which they belong by tracing and acknowledging all sources including the originator of an idea. This principle includes, where applicable, explaining that one is replicating a study or acknowledging someone who may have recommended a study like one’s own. Violation of these principles constitutes academic plagiarism, even if copyright law is observed.

Students should refer to the APU Graduate Catalog for further information about academic integrity and the consequences at Azusa Pacific of violating these standards. Also, see pages XI-XII of the ProQuest Publishing Agreement Manual. URL address is provided on the last page of Appendix B.

Format of the Document

1. Margins: All documents must observe the following uniform margins:

a. Left: 1-1/2"

b. Top: 2” are needed at the top of the title, signature, dedication, acknowledgments, and abstract pages, as well as the list of appendices, list of tables, and list of figures pages, and also the first pages of the table of contents, chapters, endnotes, bibliography (or list of references), and appendices; otherwise 1"

c. Right: 1”

d. Bottom: 1"

2. Pagination :

a. Page numbers appear in the middle of each page at the bottom margin (in a footer using MS Word’s ½” from the bottom edge default), including chapter pages.

b. In the front matter, each page after the title page counts (the title page is counted as zero).

c. The signature page is counted, but does not show a page number.

d. Pagination for front matter is in small Roman numerals; other pages use Arabic numerals that begin on the first page of chapter 1 and continue through the bibliography and/or appendices or end of the manuscript.

3. Other Format Requirements

a. Printing may appear only on one side of each page.

b. The entire document is to be in a serif font, such as the most commonly used Times New Roman.

c. The entire document is to be justified left (also stated as “alignment: left”) not justified left and right (also known as “alignment: justified”).

d. Font size throughout the manuscript: 12 point

e. The front matter contains bold only in the title.

f. Major divisions of the document (introduction, review of literature, methodology, etc.) should be given chapter numbers.

g. Spacing, typeface, headings, layout, and any other aspects of format must follow the requirements specified in this manual and supersede the style manual required by departments. However, formatting for the table of contents, the bibliography (or list of references), the list of figures, illustrations and tables, or any other element not addressed in this style handbook, follow the style manual required by the department.

4. Corrections

a. Each page is to be error-free.

b. When correcting a single page, check the flow from the preceding page and to the following page, since changes may shift the first or last line on a page.

Pre-Binding Dissertation Coordinator Review

All dissertations are subject to a format review by the dissertation coordinator before final copies are to be made on required acid-free paper.  During this process, parts of the dissertation (the preliminary pages, figures, and tables, if any, and the text) are examined for compliance with APU requirements. Although discouraged, on a case-by-case basis, an electronic copy may be sent if approved by the dissertation coordinator.

Required Components (see Appendix A for samples)

Dissertations must include the following components in the following order:

Title page

Signature page

Copyright page


Optional Components (see Appendix A for samples)

Students may choose to include the following components.

Dedication (Optional)

Acknowledgments (Optional)

Suggested Order of Required and Optional Components

Following the copyright page, the order of elements may differ from this order, if required by your department. Please consult with your dissertation chair.

Title page

Signature page

Copyright page

Dedication (optional)

Acknowledgments (optional)


Table of Contents

List of Tables (optional)

List of Figures (optional)

Preface (optional)


Bibliography or List of References (see style manual)

Appendixes/Appendices (see style manual)

Instructions for Selected Sections

1. See Appendix A for instructions and samples of the following pages: title, signature, copyright, dedication, acknowledgments, and abstract pages.

2. For format of items not included in Appendix A, follow the appropriate style manual and program handbook.

3. Two inches are needed at the top of the title, signature, dedication, acknowledgments, and abstract pages, as well as the list of appendices, list of tables, and list of figures pages, and also the first pages of the table of contents, chapters, endnotes, and bibliography (or list of references), and appendices. Formatting for the table of contents, the bibliography (or list of references), the list of figures, illustrations, and tables or any other element not addressed in this style handbook, follow the style manual required by the department

4. A copy of the APU order form, which must be submitted with final copies, is found on first page of Appendix B.

Final Submission of Copies to Dissertation Coordinator for Binding

1. Paper and Printing

a. All final copies for the university libraries, departments, and faculty are to be submitted unbound.

b. Paper must be acid-free, or paper with a PH level of 7.0 or higher.

c. The paper weight should be 20-lb. or 24-lb. with at least 25% cotton or rag content. Paper with watermarks is acceptable. The following brands carry the correct paper (their websites may help you locate a nearby dealer for purchase):

• International Paper (Strathmore Bond Paper)

• Neenah

• Foxriver

• Conservation Resources (Byron Weston Linen Record)

• Hollinger Corporation (Hollinger Acid-Free)

• University Products, Inc.

d. A laser printer is recommended for producing originals suitable for reproduction.

e. Copies may be reproduced by offset printing or professional photocopying.

f. As more institutions accept theses, capstone projects, and dissertations in electronic format, APU may allow such submissions. However, until the university creates a policy for electronic versions, print is required.

2. Fees and Method of Payment

a. Fees charged by the bindery may change without notice.

b. The fees charged by some departments include 8.25% sales tax and/or shipping.

c. There are additional charges for extra lettering or extra lines on the spine or front cover.

d. There are additional charges for copies which are over 2 ½” and 3 ½” thick.

e. Cashier’s checks (or postal money orders) are used to pay binding fees.

f. The payment for binding is to be given to the appropriate doctoral program.

g. A cashier’s check for ProQuest charges must accompany copies submitted to the doctoral librarian. There is the option of paying the author discount offer with a credit card. (See Author Discount Form for instructions.)

h. To determine the number of checks needed, see the following table.

Number of Cashier’s Checks or Postal Money Orders Needed

|Check |Purpose of Fee |Payable To |Delivered To |Required/ Optional |

|#1 |Binding |Azusa Pacific |Doctoral program department |Required |

| | |University | | |

|#2 |UMI dissertation publishing |ProQuest |Dissertation Coordinator |Option of department or|

| |fee | | |student |

| | | |(with ProQuest copy) | |

|#3 |Open Access fee |ProQuest |Dissertation Coordinator |Option of student |

| | | | | |

| | | |(with ProQuest copy) | |

|#4 |Copyright fee |ProQuest |Dissertation Coordinator |Option of student |

| | | | | |

| | | |(with ProQuest form) | |

|#5 |Soft or hard cover; microform|ProQuest |Dissertation Coordinator |Option of student |

| |copies | | | |

| | | |(with ProQuest form) | |

Note: Amounts for 2, 3, 4, and 5 may be combined in one cashier’s check or postal money order.

Number of Dissertation Copies Needed

|No. of Copies* |For |Requirements |Purpose |

| 2 |Library |WITH original signatures on signature page |Circulating and Thesis |

| | | |Collection |

| [1] |Dissertation chair |Optional by program |Chair’s collection |

| [2] or more |Committee members |Optional by program; number depends on size |Personal collections |

| | |of committee | |

| [1] |Doctoral program |Optional by program |Program library |

| [x] |Student |Optional by student |Personal copies |

| [1] |ProQuest |Optional by program or student; second copy |Dissertation Abstracts |

| | |of title and abstract pages; signature page |(ProQuest) |

| | |WITHOUT signatures. | |

Note: Brackets indicate optional number of copies depending on doctoral program.

3. Method of Submission After Pre-binding Approval

a. After submitting payment for binding (cashier’s check #1) and any required information to the department, all unbound final copies are to be brought to the dissertation coordinator in individual 8 ½" x 11" boxes (preferred) or manila envelopes (note: pages often get bent in manila envelopes).

b. A copy of the title page is to be taped at corners to the outside of each box. If the dissertation is short, two copies may be placed in one box. A colored paper should separate the copies and the number of copies should be noted on the title page taped to the box.

c. As noted above, under Number of Dissertation Copies Needed, one copy may be designated for submission to ProQuest for inclusion in Dissertation Abstracts (ProQuest).

d. The title page taped to the box containing the ProQuest copy must be so labeled.

e. In addition to a complete copy of the dissertation with an unsigned signature page, the contents of the ProQuest box is summarized in the following table.

Contents of ProQuest Box

|Contents |Instructions |Samples |Required/Optional |

|APU Binding/ Dissertation Abstracts |Completed and signed |Appendix B, p.22 |Required |

|Order Form | | | |

|ProQuest Open Access vs. Traditional |Completed and signed |ProQuest Manual, p. 3|Required |

|Publishing Form & Author’s Signature | | | |

|(check #3)* | | | |

|ProQuest Dissertation Submission Form|Completed |ProQuest Manual, p. 4 |Required |

|Cashier’s check (check #2)* |Payable to ProQuest; clipped to |NA |Required |

| |Dissertation Submission Form | | |

|Second copy of title page and |Clipped to Dissertation Submission Form |Appendix A |Required |

|abstract page | | | |

|ProQuest Copyright Registration Form |Completed and signed |ProQuest Manual, p. 5 |Optional |

|Cashier’s check for copyright (check |Payable to ProQuest; clipped to |NA |Optional |

|#4)* |Copyright Registration Form | | |

|ProQuest Author Discount Offer Form |Completed and signed |ProQuest Manual, p. 6 |Optional |

|Cashier’s check (check #5)* |Payable to ProQuest; clipped to Author |NA |Optional |

| |Discount Offer Form | | |

*Amounts for 2, 3, and 4 may be combined in one check and clipped together with

the appropriate forms

4. Final Review of Dissertation Copies

c. Following the pre-binding review as well as changes made by the student, the final copies to be bound (including the copy for ProQuest/Dissertation Abstracts, if applicable), will be delivered to the dissertation coordinator for the final check before binding.

d. If the requirements in this manual have not been met, the document will not be processed and the student will be notified.

5. Picking Up Bound Copies

e. Dissertations returned from the bindery are delivered to individual doctoral program departments.

f. Students are notified by their department if there are additional charges incurred due to title length, thickness of volume, and/or inclusion of supplemental disc.

g. Arrangements to pick up or send bound copies from the student’s department must be made by the student.

Appendix A

Sample Pages

Instructions for the Title Page

(See sample on the following page)

1. Use a standard serif font such as Times New Roman, and 12-pt. type for the entire page.

2. No lines or borders are to be placed on the page.

3. Arrange lines approximately as shown, for a balanced effect.

4. Center AZUSA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY in caps, 2 inches from the top edge of the page (not in italics and not in bold).

5. Center the title on the 5th single line after AZUSA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, in caps, bold type, single-spaced. Please note that only the title is in bold type.

6. Arrange lines of title, using single line spacing, in pyramid (shortest line on top) or inverted pyramid (shortest line on bottom) format.

7. Center the word “by” (not in italics) on the 3rd single line after the title.

8. Center the author’s name on the 2nd single line after the word “by”. For more than one author, add on the next single line following the first author.

9. On the 5th line after the author’s name, type the information about the dissertation, using double spacing. As appropriate, change the word dissertation to thesis, project or capstone project, as well as modify the school and degree title.

10. The city and date may be placed at the student’s discretion to maintain a balanced effect, but must be at least double-spaced.

11. The month should indicate the date of successful oral defense or date of graduation whichever is the standard in the department offering the degree.

12. The title page is not numbered or counted as a page.







Jane A. Doe

A dissertation submitted to the

School of Education

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree

Doctor of Education

Azusa, California

December, 2008

Instructions for the Signature Page

(See sample on the following page)

1. Use a standard serif font such as Times New Roman, and 12-pt. type for the entire page.

2. Arrange lines approximately as shown, for a balanced effect.

3. Center AZUSA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY 2 inches from the top edge of the page.

4. Center the title on the 3rd single line after AZUSA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY, in caps, bold type, single-spaced. Please note that only the title is in bold type.

5. Arrange the title exactly as it appears on the title page, using single line spacing, in pyramid (shortest line on top) or inverted pyramid (shortest line on bottom) format.

6. Center the word “by” (not in italics) on the 3rd single line after the title.

7. Center the author’s name on the 2nd single line after the word “by”. For more than one author, add on the next single line following the first author.

8. On the 3rd line after the author’s name, type the phrase “has been approved…”

9. Double space copy for the rest of the degree description and, as appropriate, change the word “dissertation” to “thesis,” “project” or “capstone project,” as well as modify the school and degree title.

10. On the 4th line following the degree title, create lines, triple spaced apart, where the committee members and dean will sign.

11. Center lines (which are to be equal lengths) and names (press Control + E).

12. Note the format for degrees and titles. Degrees can be with or without periods and are to be consistent throughout the document including the abstract page.

13. This page is considered to be “i” but the page number is not shown.

14. NOTE: Only two original signature pages are required by the University Libraries. The remaining signature pages needed may be copies of an original. However, some departments require that every signature page be signed. Only black ink is to be used.







Jane A. Doe

has been approved by the

School of Education

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree

Doctor of Education


Patricia J. Bonner, Ph.D., Committee Chair


Ying Hong Jiang, Ph.D., Committee Member


Beverly Hardcastle Stanford, Ph.D., Committee Member


Helen Easterling Williams, Ed.D., Dean of the School of Education

Instructions for the Copyright Page

(See sample on the following page)

1. Use a standard serif font such as Times New Roman, and 12-pt. type for the entire page.

2. Insert the copyright page (numbered ii) immediately after the signature page.

3. Center the following information and place it 8 1/4 inches from the top or about three-fourths down the page.

© Copyright by John Doe 2008

All Rights Reserved

4. Show small Roman numeral page number (ii) in footer.

© Copyright by John Doe 2008

All Rights Reserved


Instructions for the Dedication Page

(See sample on the following page)

1. This page is optional.

2. Use a standard serif font such as Times New Roman, and 12-point type for the entire page.

3. Type the word DEDICATION in all caps after a 2 inch margin from the top edge of the paper.

4. The word DEDICATION is centered (not bold).

5. Begin the text on the 3rd single line below the word DEDICATION.

6. Indent the first line of the dedication text by ½ inch.

7. The text is double spaced.

8. If used, this page follows the Copyright page.

9. It is numbered with a small Roman numeral.


I wish to dedicate this dissertation to my parents, May and Eugene Martindale, and to my brother, Jason.

Instructions for the Acknowledgments Page

(See sample on the following page)

The Acknowledgment page is optional. The acknowledgment is the student’s expression of recognition and appreciation, plus it includes a note about permission received to use copyrighted material.

Please use the following requirements:

1. Use a standard serif font such as Times New Roman, and 12-pt. type for the entire page.

2. Write the word ACKNOWLEDGMENTS in all caps after a 2 inch margin from the top of the paper.

3. The word ACKNOWLEDGMENTS is centered (not in bold).

4. Begin the text on the 3rd single line below the word ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.

5. Indent the first line of text by ½ inch.

6. The text is double spaced.

7. This page should follow the Copyright page, or, if used, the dedication page.

8. It is numbered with a small Roman numeral.


No one can write a dissertation in a social vacuum. The discipline required came to me because of the encouragement I received from students, faculty, family, and friends. I wish to especially thank Dr. Robin Jones and Dr. Scott Morrison. Dr. Jones spent many hours guiding me through the dissertation process . . .

Instructions for the Abstract Page

(See sample on the following page)

1. Use a standard serif font such as Times New Roman, and 12-pt. type for the entire page.

2. Write the word ABSTRACT in all caps, with a two inch margin from the top edge of the page.

3. Center the title on the 3rd single line after the word ABSTRACT.

4. Use bold caps and center the title exactly as it appears on the title page.

5. Use single spacing for the title.

6. Center the author’s name on the 2nd single line after the title. For more than one author, add on the next single line following the first author.

7. Using single spacing, make individual lines for the author’s name, name of degree and date, Azusa Pacific University, and the name of the advisor, as follows:






Jane A. Doe

Name of degree, 2008

Azusa Pacific University

Advisor: [name and degree]

8. Begin the text on the 3rd single line below the advisor’s name.

9. Abstract should be a single block paragraph (no indent).

10. ProQuest requires (for its print indices) the abstract to be 350 words or less.

11. Show page number(s) in footer.






Jane A. Doe

Doctor of Education, 2008

Azusa Pacific University

Advisor: Joshua Robinson, Ph.D.

This study presents the results of positively-perceived professional mentoring, or behaviors exhibiting encouragement by administrators or supervisors toward kindergarten to eighth grade teachers in their second to fourth year of teaching and to determine how these encouraging behaviors influenced the teachers to remain in the profession. Over 1000 teachers, all members of the American Teachers Association (ATA) were asked to complete a questionnaire developed by the ATA. Responses were received by 890 teachers. The K-8 participants rated ten positive factors. In ranking the factors, teachers valued mentoring, feedback on instructional strategies, and applying classroom management techniques. In addition, interest and participation by parents played a role in the professional life and choices of teachers.

Appendix B


Azusa Pacific University

APU Binding/Dissertation Abstracts Order Form

Student’s name _____________________________________ Phone no. (_____)____________


Street __________________________ City ________________ State _______ ZIP________

Degree ________________ Chair ________________________________________________

I certify that these copies have been printed on 20-lb. or 24-lb., acid-free paper with at least 25% cotton or rag content.

_________________________________________________________ (Student’s signature)

Copies to be bound

__2__ copies for the Azusa Pacific libraries (original signatures)

_____ copy for the dissertation chair

_____ copies for committee members (one for each)

_____ copy for the department (if required)

_____ copies for the student (optional)

_____ TOTAL x $____ = $______ Make one cashier’s check or postal money order payable to Azusa Pacific University and send to department with this form.

Copy not to be bound and to be sent to Dissertation Abstracts

__1__ copy for Dissertation Abstracts

Each department establishes a policy as to whether or not dissertations or theses are to be submitted to Dissertation Abstracts (ProQuest). However, the student may nevertheless opt to submit.

With the copy to be sent to Dissertation Abstracts, include the following:

• ProQuest open access/ traditional options for publishing, embargoes, and signature form

• ProQuest Dissertation Submission Form completed

▪ Signature page WITHOUT signatures

▪ Second copy of the title and abstract pages

▪ Signed copy of Copyright Registration Form (optional)

▪ Author Discount Offer form if soft cover, hardcover, microfiche, or rollfilm copies are being ordered from ProQuest (optional).

▪ Copyright releases needed for material used in the document, indicating ProQuest may duplicate on demand (see sample permission letter in ProQuest Publishing Agreement Manual page XIII)

$ 55 publishing the abstract, storing the dissertation, and making it available

$ 65 copyright fee (optional; if desired, include required form)

$ 95 open access fee (optional; OA-1 or OA-2 choice)

$_____ reprints of documents from ProQuest (optional; if desired, include required form)

TOTAL $_____ Make one cashier’s check or postal money order payable to ProQuest and submit it to the dissertation coordinator with this form and dissertation copies.

ProQuest Forms (Quick Link to Instructions)

Please go to the following URL to retrieve the ProQuest’s Publishing Your Doctoral Dissertation with UMI Dissertation Publishing document in PDF for important information on implementing the ProQuest agreement and forms:

User name: dissertations

Password: publish

Appendix C

Check List

APU Dissertation Pre-Binding Student Check List

This check list is designed to guide doctoral students through the steps necessary to submit their dissertation to the Dissertation Coordinator for pre-binding. Students are expected to use the most recent APU Handbook for Style and Format Requirements for Doctoral Publications and (if applicable) ProQuest’s Publishing Your Doctoral Dissertation with UMI Dissertation Publishing. The Handbook is located in Cougar’s Den under “Forms and Publications.” The ProQuest document is available via a URL, username and password on page 27 of the Handbook.

Dissertation Coordinator: Janice Baskin (, 626-815-6000, ext. 5266, Azusa Pacific University, Duke 611, 701 E. Foothill Ave., Azusa CA 91702

The following steps are required:

□ 1. Format all front matter (title page, copyright page, dedication page, acknowledgments page, abstract, etc.), and margins throughout the document following the APU Handbook for Style and Format Requirements for Doctoral Publications.

□ 2. Submit one copy of the final draft of the dissertation on regular paper to the Dissertation Coordinator (hereinafter called the “Coordinator”) and include a valid email and telephone number. Electronic versions are discouraged but can be submitted if approved by the Coordinator. A complete paper version is needed to check the margins throughout, table/chart alignments, pagination agreement with table of contents, etc.

□ 3. Within a 10 business day turnaround, the Coordinator will email the student any required corrections to the document. The student will be asked to resubmit an electronic copy of the dissertation with the requested changes. The Coordinator will notify the student by email if any further changes are required, until the document is fully approved.

□ 4. Once the final version is fully approved, the student will be instructed (via email) to prepare final paper copies on 20-lb. or 24-lb., acid-free paper with at least 25% cotton or rag content, according to the directions in the Handbook for Style.

□ 5. The student will obtain the signatures of his/her dissertation chair and committee members on multiple copies of the signature page on the special paper (which can be done after the final defense) and submit them to the department for department chair (if applicable) and dean signatures. The department will then send the signed copies of the signature page to the Coordinator.

□ 6. The student will prepare two copies of the “Binding/ Dissertation Abstracts Order Form” (located on page 26 in the Handbook for Style). Contact the departments for the correct binding charges. One copy of the form is submitted to the student’s department with a cashier’s check or postal money order made out to Azusa Pacific University. The other copy of the form is to accompany the dissertation copies delivered to the Coordinator. Some departments ask that final dissertation copies be submitted to the department which will then forward them on to the Coordinator for final review.

□ 7. If the dissertation is to be submitted to ProQuest for publishing or the student wishes to use ProQuest for their other services (additional copies, copyright submission, etc.), a second cashier’s check or postal money order is made out to ProQuest and submitted with the ProQuest copy of the dissertation as well as all required forms to the Coordinator.

□ 8. The Coordinator makes a final check on all copies and submits them to the library for binding. An email is sent to the Office of Graduate Registrar, student’s department and dissertation chair, noting that the dissertation has been approved for library binding.

□ 9. When the bound copies return to the library, all non-library copies are returned to the student’s department. The department then contacts the student to arrange pick up or delivery options.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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