Name APUSH Unit Three DBQ Outline Assignment (30 pts) - New Hartford

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APUSH ? Unit Three DBQ Outline Assignment (30 pts)

Directions: For your first DBQ prompt, you will complete the outline below. Approach the outline as you would a regular essay. Please note that this outline only partially covers the rubric as it focuses primarily on the use of documents. Complete each lettered section and be sure to provide the appropriate amount of evidence.

Task: Evaluate the extent to which sectional conflict from 1820 to 1860 contributed to maintaining continuity as well as fostering change in political ideals and attempts to compromise

A. Thesis: 0-1 Point

0 points

Not present, restatement of question or does not present a historically defensible


Thesis .5 point

Statement present but does not address all parts of the task

1 point

Clear statement present which answers all parts of the question

Your Thesis:

For a strong essay your thesis should be consistent and present throughout the essay, weaved into all of your analysis.

B. Document Analysis

For the DBQ, there are 2 possible points to be earned from your usage of documents. The first point is achieved by

utilizing at least six (6) of the documents. Keep in mind: "Utilize" means that you analyze the content of a document

and also relate it to your thesis. Simply paraphrasing or citing a document would not earn you a point.

Usage of Documents

0 points

.5 point

1 point

Does not utilize enough documents to

Utilizes the content of a majority of

Utilizes the content of at least six (6) of the

support thesis and/or simply paraphrases documents to support the stated thesis or documents to support the stated thesis or


relevant argument

relevant argument

The second point possible from usage of document is from extending your analysis of a majority of documents (at

least 4). Extended analysis means that you do more than just analyze the document at face value by incorporating

information from beyond that which is provided at face value. This can be achieved in any of the following ways:

analyzing who the intended audience is for the document, analyzing the purpose of the document (its goal),

analyzing the historical context in which the document was created and/or analyzing the document's point of view.

Note: In order to achieve the point for extended analysis, you must say why the extended analysis (POV, audience,

etc.) is relevant to your thesis.

Extended Analysis of Documents

0 points

.5 point

1 point

Does not properly extend the analysis of the documents and/or does so incorrectly

Explains the significance of the author's point of view, purpose, historical context and/or audience for two (2) documents

Explains the significance of the author's point of view, purpose, historical context

and/or audience for at least four (4) documents

Below is a chart to analyze the documents for this DBQ. In the first box, simply analyze what the document is saying and connect your analysis to your thesis. In the third box, extend the analysis by incorporating discussion of either P, C, A or POV.

Key: A = intended audience; P= purpose; C=historical context; POV= point of view;

Document 1

Document 2

Analysis and Link to


Extended Analysis (A, C, POV,


Analysis and Link to


Document 3

Extended Analysis (A, C, POV,


Analysis and Link to


Document 5

Extended Analysis (A, C, POV,


Document 4 Document 6

Analysis and Link to


Document 7

Extended Analysis (A, C, POV,


C. Using Evidence Beyond the Documents: 0-2 points

There are two elements considered "outside information" in the DBQ: Contextualization and Outside Examples, each worth 1 point.

The first point comes from "Contextualization." This is where you "set the stage." Place the entire prompt into the context of United States

history (think "horizontally" for related/connected events and developments within the same time period).


0 points

.5 point

1 point

Situates the argument by explaining the

Not present

Partially connects task to broader historical broader historical events, developments or


processes immediately relevant to the


Contextualization requires using knowledge not found in the documents. The contextualization point is not awarded for merely

a phrase or reference, but instead requires an explanation, typically consisting of multiple sentences or a full paragraph. Ask

yourself, what else is happening in the United States during the time period given in the prompt that would relate to the task?

D. Synthesis: 0-1 points 0 points

Synthesis not present

Method of achieving synthesis:

.5 point

1 point

Synthesis is partially present, but needs more development

Synthesis is present and fully explained

Option A (Comparison) Option B (Additional Theme) Option C (Euro Only)

Additional Areas of DBQ Rubric The two segments of the rubric below (each worth 1 point), will need to be addressed when writing the DBQ essay. For the purposes of this outline, make notes as reminders as to how you plan to address these in your essay. These components will not be graded for this outline.

Outside Information

0 points

.5 point

1 point

Offers no outside information and/or does not connect outside information in a plausible manner to the task

Analysis of evidence beyond the document somewhat supports the argument

Provides specific outside information beyond that found in the documents to support the


This example must be different from the evidence used to earn other points on this rubric. Point cannot be awarded for merely

a phrase or reference. Responses need to reference an additional piece of specific evidence and explain how that evidence

supports or qualifies the argument. Consider any specific supporting evidence that is not already in use for document analysis

or contextualization.

0 points

Not present, restatement of question or does not present a historically defensible


Argument Development .5 point

Essay partially accounts for historical complexity involving the relationships between documents

provided and/or outside information

1 point

Essay presents, develops and supports a cohesive argument that accounts for historical complexity involving the relationships between documents provided and/or outside information

Thesis and Paragraph Development Use the outline boxes below to chart out your essay. You must remain consistent to your thesis throughout the essay and each paragraph should be a "building block" to create the complete argument. Use however many paragraphs you deem necessary (you may have extra blanks).

0 points

.5 point

1 point

Poor quality of writing; Level of writing strongly detracts from

quality of argument

Below average writing; Student needs to spend more time planning, proofreading and organizing

Satisfactory writing and organizing, but errors are


Use the space below to plan out the organization of your essay.

Body #1

Body #2

2 points

Thoughtful, well planned response with excellent transitions and proofreading



Docs Used:

Body #3 (If needed) Argument/Focus:

Docs Used:

Body #4 (If needed) Argument/Focus:

Docs Used:

Body #5 (If needed) Argument/Focus:

Docs Used:

Body #6 (If needed) Argument/Focus:

Docs Used:

Docs Used:

DBQ Essay Outline Points: ___________ (Only Parts A, B, Contextualization and Synthesis will be scored)

Grade conversion (5 pt. scale into 30 pt. scale)

No Outline







0 15 19 22 25 28 30



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