APUSH WEEKLY LESSON PLANS: 9/16/2013 - 9/20/13


|MONDAY | | | | | |

|ESSENTIAL QUESTION: |I can analyze the causes and | |1. Class will discuss the Great Awakening and the effects: education, | |READ CHAPTER 4 |

| |effects of the Great Awakening | |lawyers, revolution | | |

|Why was education emphasized in the | | |2. Class will practice multiple choice questions, by playing four | | |

|1700s? | | |corners. | | |

| | | |3. Class will be introduced to thesis statements. | | |

|TUESDAY | | | | | |

|ESSENTIAL QUESTION: | |I can analyze and understand the|1. Students will have 20 minutes to complete chapter 3 quiz |CHAPTER 3 QUIZ |READ CHAPTER 4 |

| |I can analyze the causes and |language of AP style essay |2. Class will discuss and analyze the history of the French-Indian War. | | |

|Why was the French-Indian war |effects of the French and Indian |questions. |3. Class will analyze primary sources in order to understand different | | |

|fought? |War. | |perspectives. | | |

| | | | | | |

|What were the political, economic | |I can analyze basic primary | | | |

|and social causes? | |sources. | | | |

|WED/THUR | | | | | |

|ESSENTIAL QUESTION: | |I can analyze and understand the|1. Small groups will categorize French-Indian War effects into political,|MAJOR ASSESSMENT ON FRIDAY |READ CHAPTER 4 |

| |I can analyze the causes and |language of AP style essay |economic and social. | | |

|What were the political, economic |effects of the French and Indian |questions. |2. Class will discuss the effects and major players involved. | | |

|and social effects of the |War. | |3. Students will sequence arguments using primary sources. Small groups | | |

|French-Indian War? | | |will have to argue whether or not a document supports a given prompt. | | |

| | |I can analyze basic primary | | | |

|Can I properly analyze primary | |sources. | | | |

|sources? | | | | | |

|FRIDAY | | | | | |

|ESSENTIAL QUESTION: |I can analyze the causes and |I can analyze and understand the|1. Students will have class period to complete major assessment. |MAJOR ASSESSMENT TODAY |READ CHAPTER 5 |

| |effects of the French and Indian |language of AP style essay | | | |

|Can I properly analyze primary |War. |questions. | | | |

|sources in order to use them as | | | | | |

|evidence for a given prompt? | | | | | |

| | |I can analyze basic primary | | | |

| | |sources. | | | |


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