StudAPUSHsyl09 - Holland CSD

Advanced Placement United States History





Course Objective:

The course has been designed to challenge and enhance students’ ability to critically read and respond to different aspects of United States history. The course will resemble that of many college level courses.  The students will have the same expectations as college students.  As such the following should be the goal of each student:

Students will be able to:

Master a broad body of historical knowledge

Demonstrate an understanding of historical chronology

Use historical data to support an argument or position

Differentiate between historiographical schools of thought

Interpret and apply data from original documents, including cartoons, graphs, letters, etc.

Effectively use analytical skills of evaluation, cause and effect, compare and contrast

Work effectively with others to produce products and solve problems

Prepare for and successfully pass the AP U.S. History Exam

Course Books:

The Kennedy book will be our primary textbook.  Selected readings will also be assigned from the list below as well.


Primary Text

Kennedy, David M.  Cohen, Lizabeth and. Bailey, Thomas A. The American Pageant: A History of the Republic. Boston: McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin, 2002.


Used as the primary text for the course the historical information provided meets the requirements for both Course and School resources for the overall study of United States history.  While the book is broken down chronologically it also provides a clear thematic pattern.


Historical Investigation and Interpretation Readings

Davidson, James and Lytle, Mark.  After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection.

New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000


Used to enhance the students understanding of historiography and the skills required to practice historiography.


Alternative Views

Zinn, Howard.  A People’s History of the United States. New York: Harper

Perennial, 2003


A second text used to diversify the resources and points of view the students will experience.


Davis, Kenneth. Don’t Know Much About History. New York: HarperCollins, 2003


A second text used to diversify the resources and points of view the students will experience.


Document Analysis

Dollar, Charles and Reichard, Gary. American Issues: A Documentary Reader.

New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998


Henretta, James, Brody, David and Dumenil, Lynn. America’s History: Documents to Accompany. New York: Bedford/St. Martins, 2008


A book that contains a number of primary source documents as well as historical scholarship designed to enhance student understanding of a time period. 


Various readings and articles as well.


The grading system will be 50 % for test/quizzes and multi page papers, 40% for homework and work done in class and 10% for attendance and participation/involvement.  For each assignment there will be points to be earned through the completion of that assignment.  The successful completion of the homework and classwork will allow you to prepare for major assessments.  The homework and in-class assignments will be worth fewer points per assignment than exams, reports, and tests.  But, there will be more homework assignments and this is a great way for you to help yourself and prepare for the bigger assessments.  In addition to the coursework that will be completed you will also be graded on your attendance and involvement in class. 


Listed below is a brief list of the types of assignments you will be completing during this course.  This is only a partial list:


Tests/Quizzes/Term Papers – 50%

Papers of various lengths - (size specific)

Multiple-choice test - 1 point/Question

Terms quiz - 2 points/Term

Thematic Essay – 50 points each

DBQ Essay – 50 points each


Homework and Classwork – 40%

America’s History response – 15 points/assignment

Questions to go with Davis reading – 25 points/chapter

Chapter reading Notes/Assignments – 10 points/chapter

1 page response to readings - 15 pts


Attendance – 10%

Attendance and involvement – 10 points/cycle


The assignments are designed to assess your understanding of the material as well as to help prepare you for a future assignment.  Each unit will include assignment to investigate primary sources and/or historical interpretations from the time period.


The instruction of the course will be primarily politically based, however we will be investigate relevant social, intellectual, cultural, and economic developments as the occur and analyze the significance of each to the overall development of the nation.

Advanced Placement in United States History


To the students and parents of Advanced Placement in United States History,


The Advanced Placement course in United States History (APUSH) will develop your knowledge of American history.  The APUSH course is based on collegiate texts and expectations.  The course has been designed using the syllabi of several local colleges and national universities as well as other APUSH courses. 

The course you will experience is designed to provide you with the knowledge to be successful on the Advanced Placement Exam and prepare you for college.  The exam is annually given in early to mid May.  The general time period for this exam allows us roughly 30 weeks of school to thoroughly examine the political, social, and cultural aspects of American history.

As a member of the APUSH course you will be expected to complete summer reading assignments for the months of July and August.  These readings are mandatory and will be collected on the first day of class.  The assignments require you to purchase one book for the course.  The assignment for July is the work by Kenneth Davis, “Don’t Know Much About History.” The assignment for August will be out of your text for the year “The American Pageant.”  You are to pick up the American Pageant book before the end of the school year from me.  The Davis book can be found in most major bookstores or ordered through websites like and . 


The assignments:

              The American Pageant is the text for this course.  You may pick it up at anytime before the end of the school year after that time you will need to request it from the guidance office.  You are expected to read the first 5 chapter of the book by the start of next year and completed the questions, definitions and essays assigned.  The work is to be HAND-WRITTEN.  


              Davis – Read Chapters 1 – 3.  The beginning of each of these chapters has a number of questions that the text will address.  You are to answer these each of these questions.  As part of answering the question please include whether you agree or disagree with the authors interpretation of the facts, and tell why.  These should be answered fully but are not meant to be research papers.  Use the authors’ information as the basis of your response.  These are to be HAND_WRITTEN.



Enjoy your summer and I will see you in September,














Schedule of September



Week of September 8 –

• American Pageant – Chapters 1 – 5

• Introduction of course and requirements/expectations

• American History – 1.7,11; 2.2, 2.5,7

• Lecture - Colonization – who went where and why?


Week of September 13 –

• Test  - Colonization (Essay, Definition of Terms, and Multiple Choice)

• Skill Building - Reading and Analysis – Davidson and Lytle – Salem Witch Hunt

▪ 1 page response

• Lecture - French and Indian War and the effect on the Colonies

• Lecture – Events leading to the Revolutionary War

• Terms Quiz – Colonization - Revolution


Week of September 20 –

• Colonization – Independence Review

• American Pageant – Chapter 6 and 7

• American History - 3.10; 4.7,12

• Test - Colonization – Independence (Multiple Choice, Terms, Essay)

• Constitutional Convention debate and analysis CR3


Week of September 27–

• American Pageant – Chapter 8

• Skill Building – Analysis/Discussion - historical scholarships (Colonial)

▪ 1 page response

• Lecture/Discussion on Revolutionary War, Declaration of Independence

• Test - Revolution


Week of October 4 –

• American Pageant – Chapter 9 and 10

• Lecture - Constitutional Convention and the New Government Tested

• American History –7.2

• Terms Quiz – Revolution – Constitution 




Week of October 12 –

• Test - Revolution – Federalism Test (Multiple Choice, Terms, Essay)

• American Pageant – Chapter 11

• Davis – Chapter 4

• Skill Building – Analysis/Discussion of historical scholarship (Constitution)

o Federalist Papers

o Anti-Federalist Papers

o Constitutional Convention Notes

▪ 1 page response


Week of October 18 –

• American Pageant – Chapter 12 and 13

• Lecture – Jefferson and the development of nationalism

• Skill Building – Test taking skills (writing a DBQ)

• American History - 8.1,3,12

• Test - Jefferson and the development of nationalism (DBQ, Multiple Choice) CR8

• Terms Quiz – Constitution to Jefferson


Week of October 25 –

• American Pageant – Chapter 14

• Lecture – the National Economy

• Lecture – Jacksonian Democracy

• American History - 10.3,5,6,8

• Test – Jacksonian Democracy and the National Economy (Multiple Choice, Essay)

• Historical Readings – Jacksonian Era

▪ 1 page response

• Terms Quiz – Jefferson - Jackson


Week of November 1 –


• American Pageant - Chapter 15 and 17

• Terms Quiz – Reform movements of the early 19th Century

• Manifest Destiny Lecture

• American History – 13.1,2,3,4

• Terms Quiz – Manifest Destiny

• Test - Manifest Destiny (Multiple Choice)



Week of November 8 –

• SPRITE Sheet review of APUSH to date. 

o Social, Political, Religious, Intellectual, Technological, Economic

▪ Colonial Times

▪ Revolution

▪ Critical Period

▪ Jefferson 

▪ Jackson 

▪ Manifest Destiny


Week of November 15 –

• APUSH 1st Trimester Exam – topics to this point

o APUSH format

▪ Multiple Choice (80)

▪ DBQ (1)

▪ Thematic Essays (2 of 4)


Week of November 22 –

• Review of Trimester Exam

• Davis - Chapter 5

• American Pageant – Chapter 16


Week of November 29 –

• American Pageant – Chapter 18

• Lecture – Issues of Sectionalism and causes of the Civil War

• Historical Reading - Sectionalism

▪ 1 page response

• Skill Builder – rating the DBQ

• Terms Quiz – Sectionalism


Week of December 6 –

• American Pageant – Chapter 19

• Lecture – Drifting towards disunion

• American History – 13.7,8,11,12,13,14

• Test – Sectionalism (Multiple Choice and Essay)


Week of December 13 –

• Skill Builder – Creating a DBQ (Pre –Civil) War and Supplements

• Davis - Chapter 6 – Discussion and Analysis of points







Week of December 20 – 

• Davis - Chapter 6 – Discussion and Analysis of points

• American Pageant – Chapter 20 and 21

• Lecture on the Civil War

• American History - 14.9,10

• Terms Quiz – Civil War issues

• Test – Civil War



Christmas Break: December 24 – 31

• American Pageant - Read Chapters 22 –24

• 2 page comparison of 2 people/groups in history



Week of January 3 –

• American History – 15.1,6,9,10,12

• Lecture – Reconstruction

• Test – Reconstruction (Multiple Choice, Essay, Terms)



Week of January 10 –

• American Pageant – Chapter 25

• Lecture – Gilded Age and Big Business 

• Historical Readings – New and Old immigrants’ role in the development of big business

▪ 1 page response

• Terms Quiz – Gilded Age and The Rise of Big Business

• Test – Gilded Age and Big Business (Multiple Choice and Essay)

• Davis – Chapter 7



Week of January 18 –

• SPRITE Sheet review of APUSH to date. 

o Social, Political, Religious, Intellectual, Technological, Economic

▪ Sectionalism

▪ Civil War

▪ Reconstruction

• APUSH Practice Test


Regents Week – January 25 - 29


• 2 page paper – Industries effect on society

• Mid-Term





Week of February 1 –

• American Pageant - Chapter 26

• Lecture – The West and American Society

• American History – 16.2,3,8,11

• Terms Quiz – The West

• Test – The West (Multiple Choice and Essay)


Week of February 7 –

• American Pageant – Chapter 27 and 28

• Lecture – American Expansion

• American History - 19.8,9

• Terms Quiz – American Expansion (Imperialism)

• Test – DBQ essay on American Expansion

• Historical Readings – American Expansion (Imperialism)

▪ 1 page response

• Davidson and Lytle – USDA Government Inspected

▪ 1 page response



Week of February 14  -

• American Pageant – Chapter 30

• Lecture – Roosevelt and Progressivism

• Lecture – Wilson’s Progressivism

• American History – 20.3,4,5; 28.8,9

• Davis - Chapter 8

• Terms Quiz – Progressives and Progressive Presidents

• Test – Progressives (Multiple Choice, Thematic Essay)


Vacation - February 21-25

• 2 Papers on Progressive reforms (2 pages each)

• American Pageant – Chapter 29


Week of Febuary 28

• American Pageant – Chapter 31

• SPRITE Sheet review of APUSH to date. 

o Social, Political, Religious, Intellectual, Technological, Economic

▪ The West

▪ Immigration

▪ Big Business

▪ Progressive Movement

▪ World War I




Week of March 7 –

• APUSH 2nd Trimester Exam – topics to this point

o APUSH format

▪ Multiple Choice (80)

▪ DBQ (1)

▪ Thematic Essays (2 of 4)




Week of March 14 –

• American Pageant – Chapter 32 and Chapter 33

• Historical Readings – The 1920’s Politics and Social Change

▪ 1 page response

• Lecture - 1920’s Politics and Society

• Terms Quiz – 1920’s

• Test – 1920’s Politics, Society, and Culture (Multiple Choice and Essay)


Week of March 21 –

• American Pageant – Chapter 34 and 35

• Lecture – Roosevelt and the New Deal

• Terms Quiz – Depression

• American History – 24.1,5,6,10; 23.12

• Historical Reading – Economic Theories

▪ 1 Page Response

• Test – Depression and New Deal (Multiple Choice and Essay)


Week of March 28 –

• American Pageant – Chapter 36 and 37

• Lecture – World War II causes and the start of the Cold War

• Terms Quiz – World War II



Week of April 4 –

• American Pageant – Chapter 38 and 39

• Lecture – Cold War and Domestic Issues

• American History - 26.2,3,12; 29.2,3,7

• Test – Cold War Chapters 36 -39 (Multiple Choice and DBQ Essay)


Week of April 11 -

• Read American Pageant Chapter 40 – 42

• Write 2 Essays

▪ Civil Rights Movement

▪ Cold War

▪ American History - 26.8, 10; 28.10,13;29.5,6



Vacation Week of April 18 - 22

• SPRITE Sheet review of APUSH to date. 

o Social, Political, Religious, Intellectual, Technological, Economic

▪ 1920’s

▪ Depression

▪ World War II

▪ Cold War

▪ Civil Rights

• Review (will include writing 2 essays/week: 1 DBQ and 1 Thematic)

o World War I

o 1920’s/Depression

o World War II

o Cold War

o Civil Rights


Week of April 25 –

• Review (will include writing 2 essays/week: 1 DBQ and 1 Thematic)

o Sectionalism

o Manifest Destiny

o Reconstruction

o Gilded Age

o Progressives


Week of May 2 –

• Review (will include writing 2 essays/week: 1 DBQ and 1 Thematic)

o Colonial

o Revolutionary

o Constitutional

o Jefferson

o Jackson 

• Practice Test (Multiple Choice)



May 6, 2011 – APUSH Exam






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