AQA A-LEVEL CHEMISTRY TOPIC LISTSName:Year:Date:Workshop session (term time / holidays):School:center850009089390arlen education ltd1000000arlen education ltdAQA A-Level Chemistry Topic ListsPhysical – AS Paper 1482326536300489031156050011422312509500Atomic StructureElectron Configuration, Isotopes and Mass SpecAmount of a SubstanceFormulae & EquationsMeasurements & ErrorsMoles, Mass, Reactions & FormulaeVolumetric AnalysisBondingIonic, Covalent and Metallic Bonding, Lattices, Charge and ElectronegativityShapes of Molecules and IonsEnergeticsEnthalpy, Hess Cycles and CalorimetryChemical EquilibriaChemical Equilibrium and Industrial ApplicationsOxidation, Reduction and Redox EquationsElectron Configurations - Orbitals, Energy Levels and Ionisation Energy TrendsOxidation Numbers, Redox and Half EquationsAQA A-Level Chemistry Topic ListsPhysical – A-Level Paper 1482326536300489031156050011422312509500ThermodynamicsFree Energy and EntropyLattice Enthalpy, Ionisation Energy, Born-Haber Cycles, Hydration EnthalpyRate EquationsRates of Reaction - Rate Equation, Order, Rate Constant (k), Arrhenius Equation and Rate Determining StepEquilibrium Constant Kp for Homogenous SystemsEquilibrium Constants - Kc, KpElectrode Potentials and Electrochemical CellsElectrode Potentials - Redox, Half Cells, Electrochemical SeriesAcids and BasesAcids and Bases - Buffer Solutions and UsesAcids and Bases - Strength, pH Curves, IndicatorsAcids, Bases and SaltsAQA A-Level Chemistry Topic ListsINORGANIC – AS PAPER 1482326536300489031156050011422312509500PeriodicityPeriodicityGroup 2 – The Alkaline Earth MetalsTrends, Reactions and PropertiesGroup 7 – The HalogensHalogens, Halide Ions and UsesAQA A-Level Chemistry Topic ListsORGANIC – AS PAPER 2482326536300489031156050011422312509500Introduction to Organic ChemistryDefinitions, Functional Groups, Nomenclature, Formulae and YieldHybridisation in Carbon and Bond FormationAlkanesAlkanes, Pollution, Cracking and Petrochemical IndustryHalogenoalkanesHalogenoalkanes, Nucleophilic Substitution, Elimination Reactions, Uses and CFC ProblemsAlkenesAlkenes - Isomerism, Electrophilic Addition, Polymerisation and PolymersAlcoholsAlcohols, Oxidation, IR Spec, Biofuels and Industrial Preparation of EthanolOrganic AnalysisIR Spectroscopy and Global WarmingIdentifying Ions - Isotopes and Mass SpecMass SpectrometryAQA A-Level Chemistry Topic ListsINORGANIC – A-LEVEL PAPER 1482326536300489031156050011422312509500Properties of Period 3 Elements and their OxidesTransition MetalsTransition Metals - Oxidation, Coloured Ions, Colorimetry, Ligands, Coordination Number, Isomerism in Complexes and CatalysisReactions of Ions in Aqueous SolutionsReactions of Transition Metal Ions - Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Chromium, Silver and VanadiumAQA A-Level Chemistry Topic ListsORGANIC – A-LEVEL PAPER 2482326536300489031156050011422312509500Optical IsomerismIsomerism - Structural, E_Z, Optical and StereoisomersAldehydes and KetonesAldehydes and Ketones - Properties, Reactions, Identification and 2,4-DNPCarboxylic Acids and DerivativesCarboxylic Acids, Esters and DerivativesFriedel-Crafts Reactions - Alkylation and AcylationAromatic ChemistryBenzene - Structure, Reactions and SubstitutionAminesAmines, Amino Acids, Amides and PeptidesPolymersPolymers, Polyesters, Polyamides and PeptidesAmino Acids, Proteins and DNAAmines, Amino Acids, Amides and PeptidesOrganic SynthesisNMR SpectroscopyChromatography and GCMS ................

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