Providing remot - education information to parents ...

Remote Education ProvisionJanuary 2021Remote education provision: information for parents This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home. For details of what to expect where individual pupils are self-isolating, please see the final section of this page.The remote curriculum: what is taught to pupils at homeA pupil’s first day or two of being educated remotely might look different from our standard approach, while we take all necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching.What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of pupils being sent home?The first two days of remote education the teachers sent out emails, parentmail regarding activities and useful websites and school clips off YouTube that would engage their child in home learning. Where parents could not access these resources a hard copy pack was put together for parents to pick up from reception, some were posted out for some families and some dropped off at family homes but following the social distance guidelines. The teachers made contact with parents to see how there were accessing the activities and also offered any support that the families needed be it discussing the curriculum information given to them or physical resources to aid learning. The teachers contacted the IT support team in school to arrange loaning equipment out to families who needed laptops, switches etc. and also for them to look at the government funding available for such families.The first two days of remote education the teachers sent out emails, parentmail regarding activities and useful websites and school clips off YouTube that would engage their child in home learning. Where parents could not access these resources a hard copy pack was put together for parents to pick up from reception, some were posted out for some families and some dropped off at family homes but following the social distance guidelines. The teachers made contact with parents to see how there were accessing the activities and also offered any support that the families needed be it discussing the curriculum information given to them or physical resources to aid learning. The teachers contacted the IT support team in school to arrange loaning equipment out to families who needed laptops, switches etc. and also for them to look at the government funding available for such families.Following the first few days of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school, but adapted for individual student’s needs and requirementsWe teach a planned and well-sequenced curriculum so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally and at the students’ pace of learning, the curriculum planned, is tailored to the individual student’s way of learning stylesResources will be made available linking to what would have been taught in school e.g. AQA maths and English past papers. As well as other engaging and hands on activities. Physical resources were put together for students who required or parents requested them to allow students to access the curriculum fullyWe have selected Microsoft Teams as a digital platform for remote education provision and it is used consistent across the school in order to allow interaction, assessment and feedback from teachers, students and parents.We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school, but adapted for individual student’s needs and requirementsWe teach a planned and well-sequenced curriculum so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally and at the students’ pace of learning, the curriculum planned, is tailored to the individual student’s way of learning stylesResources will be made available linking to what would have been taught in school e.g. AQA maths and English past papers. As well as other engaging and hands on activities. Physical resources were put together for students who required or parents requested them to allow students to access the curriculum fullyWe have selected Microsoft Teams as a digital platform for remote education provision and it is used consistent across the school in order to allow interaction, assessment and feedback from teachers, students and parents.Remote teaching and study time each dayHow long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?We expect that remote education (including remote teaching and independent work and play based activities) will take students approximately the following number of hours each day: This will be dependent on the family situation and the child’s engagement. All students have an EHCP and learning is appropriate to their age and stage of learning. This is decided on an individual basis and with the agreement of the parent/carer where the child is learning at home. The school curriculum has a clear focus on EHCP targets and independent living and functional skills which are also key learning opportunities within the home environment and are supported by teachers and staff in school.We are very conscious of the demands on parents and they are free to choose what they deliver based on engagement and needs of their children, who they know best. EYFS / Stage 1Approx. 1-1.5 hours of work made available each dayStage 2Approx. 1-2 hours of work made available each day Stage 3 Approx. 2-2.5 hours of work made available each dayStage 4Approx. 2-3 hours of work made available each daySixth FormApprox. 2-4 hours of work made available each dayAccessing remote educationHow will my child access any online remote education you are providing?The students will have access to Microsoft Teams for their class, School YouTube channel and other useful websites that will engage them and enhance their learning.Staff are encouraged to make use of Oak National Academy materials (specialist resources or those appropriate stage related materials)The students will have access to Microsoft Teams for their class, School YouTube channel and other useful websites that will engage them and enhance their learning.Staff are encouraged to make use of Oak National Academy materials (specialist resources or those appropriate stage related materials)If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?We recognise that some students may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:Where parents could not access these resources a hard copy pack is made available for parents to pick up from reception, some are posted out for some families and some dropped off at family homes but following the social distance guidelines.The teachers are in regular discussions with families and IT support team to see about loaning out equipment and Wifi access to families.DfE laptop scheme has been accessed and 7 devices arrived at school 20.01.21Where parents could not access these resources a hard copy pack is made available for parents to pick up from reception, some are posted out for some families and some dropped off at family homes but following the social distance guidelines.The teachers are in regular discussions with families and IT support team to see about loaning out equipment and Wifi access to families.DfE laptop scheme has been accessed and 7 devices arrived at school 20.01.21How will my child be taught remotely?We use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:center0Some examples of remote teaching approaches:live teaching (online lessons) Microsoft Teams recorded teaching printed paper packs and physical resources produced by teachers textbooks and reading books pupils have at home commercially available websites supporting the teaching of specific subjects or areas, including video clips or sequences including National Oak Academy materials and school based subscriptions. Help Kidz learn (Games) - Maths, english and science Top Marks (Games)- maths Oxford Owl (free online books) –English/phonics Vooks (free online books)- English English- Reading?This link will take you to stories read aloud by different authors with animation also.? link will take you to famous illustrators where you can draw along with them.? Phonics?These links will help you pronounce different sounds.? for Physical Activity?Habitz-?Encourages healthy habits including healthy eating and physical exercise to earn rewards (only parents can authorise rewards)?Couch to 5K – helps build up strength and stamina for all the family to run for your daily exercise.Kid Fitness- helps track your steps and level of activity?Kids Spotify- because you always need a good song to work out to, or even just have a good boogie around the living room.??App for cross curricular -Quiver app to make your?colouring creations?come to life and learn lots of?new facts!?Some examples of remote teaching approaches:live teaching (online lessons) Microsoft Teams recorded teaching printed paper packs and physical resources produced by teachers textbooks and reading books pupils have at home commercially available websites supporting the teaching of specific subjects or areas, including video clips or sequences including National Oak Academy materials and school based subscriptions. Help Kidz learn (Games) - Maths, english and science Top Marks (Games)- maths Oxford Owl (free online books) –English/phonics Vooks (free online books)- English English- Reading?This link will take you to stories read aloud by different authors with animation also.? link will take you to famous illustrators where you can draw along with them.? Phonics?These links will help you pronounce different sounds.? for Physical Activity?Habitz-?Encourages healthy habits including healthy eating and physical exercise to earn rewards (only parents can authorise rewards)?Couch to 5K – helps build up strength and stamina for all the family to run for your daily exercise.Kid Fitness- helps track your steps and level of activity?Kids Spotify- because you always need a good song to work out to, or even just have a good boogie around the living room.??App for cross curricular -Quiver app to make your?colouring creations?come to life and learn lots of?new facts!?-9144032385?Click here to get FREE?‘My Footprints’?app info:? about other species here:?? Apps to Learn a New Skill?– Cross Curricular Simply Piano- onscreen piano and tutorial to help you learn the names of the notes, learn to read music and help with rhythm.??UK Driving Theory- for 17-year olds + learning the theory questions through practice and hazard perception videos.?Bee-Bot- practice simple coding skills by helping Bee-Bot navigate different environments.?Sketch book- express your creative side with colour at your fingertips and NO MESS! Lots of stickers, stamps and even edit your photos.??BSL Hands One Starter Pack- practice some simple sign with example videos, maybe try it on your family.?Free Geography Apps?Ocean Forests-?Play games to clear the oceans, have stories read to you or read them yourself about the depths of the sea.??Kids world atlas- Explore the world from the comfort of your sofa, learn about lots of animals and the countries they live in.?Geocaching- While out on your daily walk, see if you can find treasure! Take something interesting you can leave for someone else to find tooSupport for regulation/sensory processingEquipment has been loaned out from school to support and meet sensory and regulation needs in order for students to access learning e.g:Zumer ChairsTrampetesEar defendersChewy sensory toysSchedules/visual timetablesPECSsSensory stories0?Click here to get FREE?‘My Footprints’?app info:? about other species here:?? Apps to Learn a New Skill?– Cross Curricular Simply Piano- onscreen piano and tutorial to help you learn the names of the notes, learn to read music and help with rhythm.??UK Driving Theory- for 17-year olds + learning the theory questions through practice and hazard perception videos.?Bee-Bot- practice simple coding skills by helping Bee-Bot navigate different environments.?Sketch book- express your creative side with colour at your fingertips and NO MESS! Lots of stickers, stamps and even edit your photos.??BSL Hands One Starter Pack- practice some simple sign with example videos, maybe try it on your family.?Free Geography Apps?Ocean Forests-?Play games to clear the oceans, have stories read to you or read them yourself about the depths of the sea.??Kids world atlas- Explore the world from the comfort of your sofa, learn about lots of animals and the countries they live in.?Geocaching- While out on your daily walk, see if you can find treasure! Take something interesting you can leave for someone else to find tooSupport for regulation/sensory processingEquipment has been loaned out from school to support and meet sensory and regulation needs in order for students to access learning e.g:Zumer ChairsTrampetesEar defendersChewy sensory toysSchedules/visual timetablesPECSsSensory storiesEngagement and feedbackWhat are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?There is no expectation. The tasks set should only be completed if the child wants to engage with them. We don’t want any pressure put on parents. The most important thing is that their child/children are happy, settled and safe.If parents/carers could practice Independent Living and Functional Skills e.g. getting showered, dressed, making their own breakfast and lunch and drinks. Any ‘academic’ work is great on top of this. We recognise that for many children, particularly those with Autism, home and school are very distinct and this may bring challenges.There is no expectation. The tasks set should only be completed if the child wants to engage with them. We don’t want any pressure put on parents. The most important thing is that their child/children are happy, settled and safe.If parents/carers could practice Independent Living and Functional Skills e.g. getting showered, dressed, making their own breakfast and lunch and drinks. Any ‘academic’ work is great on top of this. We recognise that for many children, particularly those with Autism, home and school are very distinct and this may bring challenges.How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?Weekly parent phone calls Email correspondenceMicrosoft Teams meetings and any completed activities and photos of activities are sent back via the assignment page on Microsoft Teams and feedback sent to studentsCiN/TAC and Annual Review meetingsWeekly parent phone calls Email correspondenceMicrosoft Teams meetings and any completed activities and photos of activities are sent back via the assignment page on Microsoft Teams and feedback sent to studentsCiN/TAC and Annual Review meetingsHow will you assess my child’s work and progress?Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children. Our approach to feeding back on students’ work is as follows:Work and photos sent via assignment page on Microsoft Teams or email. Online quiz results get sent back via email to identify individuals understanding on the subjects and any misconceptions can be addressed.Hardcopy work is marked and transferred into journals with annotations and feedback to inform next steps.Consultation and feedback from parents/carers.Assessment is still assessed via SOLAR and evidence towards targets for each student in line with their individual EHCPs.Work and photos sent via assignment page on Microsoft Teams or email. Online quiz results get sent back via email to identify individuals understanding on the subjects and any misconceptions can be addressed.Hardcopy work is marked and transferred into journals with annotations and feedback to inform next steps.Consultation and feedback from parents/carers.Assessment is still assessed via SOLAR and evidence towards targets for each student in line with their individual EHCPs.Additional support for pupils with particular needsHow will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?All our students have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:Parents know they can email or phone admin and they will pass on message to the member of staff it concerns.Weekly phone calls cover any additional support needed. Senior Leaders with work with staff to monitor family situations. Senior Leaders will liaise with families and agencies as required. Parents know they can email or phone admin and they will pass on message to the member of staff it concerns.Weekly phone calls cover any additional support needed. Senior Leaders with work with staff to monitor family situations. Senior Leaders will liaise with families and agencies as required. Remote education for self-isolating pupilsWhere individual students need to self-isolate but the majority of their peer group remains in school, how remote education is provided will likely differ from the approach for whole groups. This is due to the challenges of teaching pupils both at home and in school.If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, how will their remote education differ from the approaches described above? N/A as aboveN/A as above ................

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