Department of the Army

Department of the Army *TRADOC Regulation 672-7Headquarters, United States ArmyTraining and Doctrine CommandFort Eustis, Virginia 23604-570016 September 2016Decorations, Awards, and HonorsBRIGADIER GENERAL DAVID H. STEM AWARD_____________________________________________________________________________FOR THE COMMANDER:OFFICIAL: PAUL M. BENENATI Major General Deputy Chief of Staff-15240017145000RICHARD A. DAVISSenior ExecutiveDeputy Chief of Staff, G-6History. This is a rapid action revision to U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Regulation 672-7. The portions affected by this revision are noted in the summary of Change.Summary. This regulation prescribes policy and procedures for awarding the Brigadier General David H. Stem Award to the most outstanding TRADOC Military Police Law and Order Detachment.Applicability. This regulation applies to all TRADOC military police law enforcement and military working dog detachments.Supplementation. Supplementation of this regulation is not authorized.Suggested improvements. The proponent for this regulation is the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7, G-34 (Protection Directorate). Send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) through channels to Commander, TRADOC, ATTN: ATTG-OPJ, 950 Jefferson Avenue, Fort Eustis, VA 23604-5700. Suggested improvements may also be submitted using DA Form 1045 (Army Ideas for Excellence Program (AIEP) Proposal).*This regulation supersedes TRADOC Regulation 672-7, 27 September 2005.Distribution. This publication is available on the TRADOC Homepage at ______________________________________________________________________________Summary of ChangeTRADOC Regulation 672-7Brigadier General David H. Stem AwardThis rapid action revision, dated 16 September 2016-o Updates organization addresses to reflect the move to Fort Eustis (throughout).o Updates references to Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Training to Deputy Chief of Staff, G-3/5/7 (throughout).o Removes reference to 'correctional units' and added 'military working dog detachments' in applicability paragraph.o Provides the list of evaluated areas used in selecting the winner (para 2-2).o Removes references to rescinded United States Army Training and Doctrine Command Form 672-7-1-R-E (app A).ContentsPage TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u Chapter 1 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc459881005 \h 51-1. Purpose. PAGEREF _Toc459881006 \h 51-2. References. PAGEREF _Toc459881007 \h 51-3. Explanation of abbreviations. PAGEREF _Toc459881008 \h 51-4. Responsibilities. PAGEREF _Toc459881009 \h 51-5. Background. PAGEREF _Toc459881010 \h 5Chapter 2 Policy and Procedures PAGEREF _Toc459881012 \h 52-1. Nomination submission. PAGEREF _Toc459881013 \h 52-2. Selection of award winner. PAGEREF _Toc459881014 \h 62-3. Announcement and presentation. PAGEREF _Toc459881015 \h 6Appendix A References PAGEREF _Toc459881017 \h 7Glossary PAGEREF _Toc459881018 \h 7This page intentionally left blankChapter 1Introduction1-1. Purpose. This regulation prescribes policy and procedural guidance for the submission of nomination packets and the award criteria for the Brigadier General David H. Stem Award. One U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) military police detachment is selected for this award annually.1-2. References. Required publications and forms are listed in appendix A.1-3. Explanation of abbreviations. Abbreviations used in this regulation are explained in the glossary.1-4. Responsibilities. The TRADOC Command Provost Marshal (CPM) will: a. Appoint a board composed of CPM staff members for selection of the award winner. b. Forward the award winning packet to Headquarters, Department of the Army, Office of the Provost Marshal General (DAPM-OPS), 2800 Army Pentagon, Washington DC 20310-2800 to represent TRADOC in the Department of the Army Brigadier General Jeremiah P. Holland Award competition. c. Make arrangements for delivery of the award to the winner.1-5. Background. The Brigadier General Stem Award, which honors the most outstanding TRADOC military police unit each fiscal year, came into existence in 1985 as the Liberty Award. In 1987, the award was renamed the Brigadier General David H. Stem Award in honor of the late Commandant of the United States Military Police School and Chief of the Military Police Corps and Regiment._____________________________________________________________________________Chapter 2Policy and Procedures2-1. Nomination submission. a. The nomination deadline for Brigadier General David H. Stem Award submissions is announced annually by letter or message. Although participation is voluntary, units are encouraged to submit nomination packets. b. Follow guidelines in Army Regulation (AR) 672-11, chapter 3 to prepare, tab, and assemble nomination packets. Procedures for preparing correspondence are found in AR 25-50. Only packets prepared in accordance with AR 672-11 will be considered. Nomination packets should include a formal memorandum, addressed through Commander, TRADOC (ATTG-J), 950 Jefferson Avenue, Fort Eustis, VA 23604-5700, to Headquarters, Department of the Army, Office of the Provost Marshal General (DAPM-OPS), 2800 Army Pentagon, Washington DC 20310-2800. The packet cover and memorandum should indicate the packet is for the Brigadier General Jeremiah P. Holland Award.2-2. Selection of award winner. Selection of the award winner is based on the unit’s performance during the fiscal year (1 October - 30 September), as measured by recorded accomplishments, achievements, and command programs that best exemplify the intent of the award’s sponsor. The CPM-appointed board will use the following evaluation areas to judge each packet: a. Modified Table of Organization & Equipment Document b. Training assessment c. Weapons qualification d. Physical fitness e. Noncommissioned Officer Education f. Military education g. Civilian education h. Reenlistment i. Unit awards j. Individual awards k. Unit discipline l. Foundations of excellence m. External evaluations n. Evaluator’s points2-3. Announcement and presentation. The winning unit is announced during the first week of November. The winning detachment is responsible for coordinating the presentation of the award with the installation commander or designated representative. When possible, the presentation may be coordinated during a Headquarters TRADOC senior leader visit to the respective installation. ______________________________________________________________________________Appendix AReferencesSection IRequired PublicationsAR 25-50, Preparing and Managing CorrespondenceAR 672-11, Brigadier General Jeremiah P. Holland AwardGlossaryARArmy RegulationCPMCommand Provost MarshalTRADOCU.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command ................

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