GRADE: E4 (SPC) ? E6 (SSG)

MOS/AOC: Immaterial

POSITION: Recruiting and Retention NCO

UNIT: 22nd RRB



(Lauderdale, Colbert, Franklin, Marion, Winston, Cullman, Lamar, Fayette, Walker, Pickens and

Tuscaloosa County)

OPENING DATE: 25 January 2022

CLOSING DATE: 24 February 2022

AREA OF CONSIDERATION: Open Statewide to all AGR, Military Technician, and Traditional Guardsman in grades E4 thru E6 who are current members of the Alabama Army National Guard. Must become SQI4 qualified within 180 days of initial hire date.

Must meet the following prerequisites:

a. Must be at least 21 years of age and have a minimum of 3yrs Time in Service.

b. E4 Service members must have completed BLC/WLC/PLDC and SSD 1, no waivers authorized.

c. Physical demands rating and qualifications for initial award of MOS:

- A physical profile of 132321. Soldiers possessing a 3 in Upper Extremities must have prior MOS Administrative Retention Review (MAR2) clearance (waiver not authorized).

- Must not possess obviously distracting physical characteristics or mannerisms to include a shaving profile (waiver not authorized). Tattoos must be in compliance with AR 670-1

- Physical demand rating of Moderate (Gold) - Must possess manual dexterity in both hands - Frequently reviews documents and records/correspondence - Frequently engages in verbal conversation - Frequently sits for extended periods of time

d. Must have a minimum score of 110 in aptitude area GT waivable to GT score of 100 or GT score of 95 with a skilled-technical(ST) score of 95.

e. Must meet selection criteria in National Guard Regulations 601-1, 600-200, 600-5, 600-10, and Army Regulation (AR) 601-280 and AR 135-18 as applicable.

f. Must be a high school graduate with diploma or have a GED.

g. No record of convictions by special or general courts-martial or civilian courts of offenses listed in AR 27-10 (Military Justice), chapter 24 or otherwise required to register as s sex offender under AR 27-10, chapter 24.

h. Applicants applying for Position of Significant Trust (POST) positions must meet all the requirements listed. After state level checks come back favorable, applicants can be hired in AGR status temporarily until National Guard Bureau (NGB) level checks come back favorable. If non-favorable results are received, temporary AGR status will be terminated.

-Must not have a Type I or Type II offense (See HQDA EXORD 193-14, Annex B) -Must be able to produce a favorable National Agency Check with Law and Credit (NACLC) -Must complete a Department of the Army Sensitivity Assignment Eligibility Questionnaire (DA Form 7424) -Must not be listed on the National Sex Offender Public Website -Must receive favorable results after completing a DD Form 369 -Must complete, and provide, a Behavioral Health Interview (DA Form 3822) to the RRBN CDR -Must have a favorable results from:

? Department of Army Inspector General (DAIG)

? Criminal Investigation Division (CID) ? Office of Military Personnel File Review ? Army Substance Abuse Program

i. Must complete the Recruiting and Retention course at the National Guard Professional Education center within 180 days of entry into the Active Guard and Reserve program or AGR status can be terminated.

Duty Position Job Description/Criteria: The Recruiting and Retention NCO (RRNCO) is responsible for all three tenets of the Strength Maintenance Program; (Recruiting, Attrition Management, and Retention). The RRNCO is a critical part of the Strength Maintenance Program and is absolutely essential to maintaining the strength and relevance of the ARNG. Assist commander/1SG in developing, conducting, evaluating, and maintaining effective Strength Maintenance (SM) programs to include unit attrition/retention and Unit Sponsorship Program. Maintain compliance with SM regulations, policies, procedures, and State guidance. Establish and maintain contacts and recruiting programs in designated recruiting area. Conduct telephone prospecting, area canvassing and other lead generating activities. Interview and Pre-qualify prospects, to ensure current basic enlistment eligibility criteria are met prior to administration of Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. Provide transportation of applicants to Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) and the Military Examination Test Sites (METS). Prepare, complete, and submit complete enlistment packets prior to transporting applicants to MEPS to include waivers if applicable. Develop and maintain a good working relationship with unit leaders and full-time support personnel. Prepare, conduct, and evaluate SM: training seminars, workshops, for assigned units. Determine basic eligibility for extension/immediate re-enlistment. Maintain contact with unit members to determine needs and assist with resolving problems/concerns as related to the unit and the ARNG. Works under the supervision of the Area NCOIC. Day-to-day work is performed without constant supervision consistent with established policies and mission priorities. Work is subject to review for acceptability and adherence to instructions and regulations. Must be qualified in DMOS or become qualified within the period prescribed in NGR 600-5. Also must have excellent speaking ability and presentation skills with knowledge of the organization and mission of the ARNG.

QUALIFICATION/ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must be a Federally recognized member of the Army National Guard of Alabama. 2. Must be able to serve at least 3 years in an active military status prior to: (a) Completing 18years of active Federal service, or (b) The date of mandatory removal (without any extension under any provision of law or regulation from Ready Reserve status based on age or service as prescribed by current directives). 3. Meet medical standards as prescribed by AR 40-501, chapter 3, 4 or 5. 4. Must meet physical standards prescribed by AR 600-9. 5. Must not be under current suspension of favorable personnel actions. 6. Applicants who voluntarily separate from the AGR program for one or more days are not eligible to reenter the program for one year from date of separation. 7. Applicants must not be entitled to receive Federal military retired or retainer pay, receive Federal civil service annuities, or be eligible for immediate Federal civil service annuities. 8. Individuals who voluntarily resign from the AGR program in lieu of adverse personnel actions are not eligible to reenter the program. 9. Individuals who have been separated from other military services for cause, unsuitability, or unfitness for military service (other than temporary medical disability) are ineligible to enter the AGR program. 10. Individuals who would attain 18 or more years of active military service during their initial tour period of AGR duty are ineligible to enter the AGR program. 11. Individuals involuntarily separated from the AGR program are not eligible to reenter the program. 12. Eligibility of females will be consistent with existing Department of the Army Combat Exclusion policies. Selection and nomination will be made from those applicants' determined best qualified in terms principally involving experience, demonstrated ability, performance, training, and education. 13. Must be eligible for AGR service IAW AR 135-18. 14. Must be able to obtain and maintain a secret clearance. Security clearance must not be suspended or denied. 15. No documented instances in the last 5 years of conduct, which reflects adversely on the character, honesty, or integrity of the Soldier to include: (a) No conviction by court-martial or by any Federal or state court. (b) No punishment under Article 15, Uniform Code of Military Justice

(UCMJ) or Alabama Code of Military Justice (ACMJ) caused by incidents that reflect adversely on the soldier's integrity and lack of trust. (c) No letter of reprimand, censure, or admonition under the provisions of AR 600-37 16. All permanently filed adverse documents from any time or service in any component must be disclosed and included with packet. Soldier can provide additional explanation as needed. Failure to disclose all documents above may result in curtailment of the AGR Tour

GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicants are subject to personal interview upon notification of time and place. 2. Selection and nomination will be made without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, gender, political affiliation or age.

If interested in interviewing for this position, forward the following documents with this checklist on top:

1. NGB Form 34-1 dated Nov 2013 (AGR Application). 2. Copy of current MEDPROS IMR Report. 3. Copy of last 3 NCOERs. 4. Current ERB with ASVAB scores posted and completion of BLC or BLC 1059 5. Last 3 record APFTs (DA 705). 6. Commander's Height & Weight Memo 7. DA 5500/5501 (if applicable). 8. Copies of all DD 214's. 9. Current RPAM Statement. 10. Current DD Form 369 Police Records Check (Within 30 days) 11. HRR Form 600 Recruiting and Training Cadre Suitability Questionnaire 12. Security Clearance memorandum 13. If your current grade exceeds the maximum grade of this announcement, you must submit a statement indicating willingness to accept an administrative reduction. 14. Memorandum from supervisor acknowledging your interest in the position (For current AGR members only).

Application packet must be received NLT COB on 24 February 2022. Please email packet to SFC Azure S. Prad, and All applications must be in a single PDF. Any questions concerning this announcement contact SFC Prad, at the above email or call 334-271-7419.



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