Div 10WEEKLY HOME LEARNING PLAN May 11th - 15th Name: My goals for this weekAcademic - Social - Students - Be sure to fill in student comments column as you complete workAR reading with Mrs. McLean Mrs. McLean will explain this Tues. morning on Zoom - For this week…choose a book that is in your reading range from Tumblebooks myON (username-readnow, password - myon). Call Mrs. McLean at one of these times to read outloud to her for 10 mins. (Mrs. McLean will have the copy of the book on her computer screen while you're reading) Mrs. McLean's "Reading Office Hours" will be:Mon. 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 250 964-9874 (ext. 128) Tues. 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 250 961-6005 Wed. 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 250 964-9874 (ext. 128) Thurs. 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. 250 961-6005 Fri. 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 250 964-9874 (ext. 128)*If Mrs. McLean does not answer, please leave your name and phone number you want me to call you back on. I'll get back to you a.s.a.p. Student commentsOnline meeting-Zoom Not todayDid you attend?Monday, May 11th LiteracyReading: Read your AR book 20-30 min./day. Write the quiz when you're readyWriting: Set and write down your academic and social goal for this week Mini biography due tomorrow. Email to Mrs. McLean when done. If you didn't email Mrs. McLean your A.R. record, please do this today if possibleAR? Goals written down?Mini biography done?AR record sent in?Numeracy1. Gr. 5 & 6 Give yourself 4 mins. and complete a math drill (in the front of your math binder), please write the date on the top, ask parent to mark (keep in pocket of math binder). 2. Grade 5: Mathletics assignments Grade 6: 1. Review what a polygon is: 2. Do pg. 319 #7-9 + pg. 320 #1,2 Math drill score: Gr.5:Mathletics done?Gr. 6: Pg. 319, 320 done?Healthy LivingSuggested 30-60 mins./ of "healthy body" activities per day, try for at least one "healthy mind" activity per day Activities I did:Online meeting-ZoomTime: 9:00 a.m. Topic: Whole class - "Sharing" (4 students), check in and explain oral reading activity for this weekJoining info. Link sent to parents' email Did you attend?TuesdayMay 12th LiteracyReading: Don't forget to call Mrs. McLean Tues.- Fri. this week, for your read aloud sessionRead your AR book 30 min./day. Write the quiz when you're ready!Writing: Hand in your mini biography if it's not in yet. No new writing assign. for this week. AR? Hand in your mini biography?Call Mrs. McLean?Numeracy1. Gr. 5 & 6 15-20 mins. of Live Mathletics (level 2 minimum) or games on this website: . Grade 5: Do Package B Pg. 1 "Comparing Fractions (D)" *Must show your work - using equivalent fractions to get common dominators before comparing the two fractions. Mrs. McLean demonstrated in Zoom lesson (found in "Links" tab) and example found here: 't just write >, < or = (If you don't understand the showing your work part, try your best. Mrs. McLean will review it on Zoom tomorrow morning. Grade 6: Mathletics assignments Live Mathletics or ?Gr. 5 Pg. 1 done?Gr. 6 - Mathletics done?Healthy LivingSuggested 30-60 mins./ of "healthy body" activities per day, try for at least one "healthy mind" activity per day Activities I did:Online meeting-ZoomTime: 9:00 a.m. Topic: Grade 5 math - Comparing FractionsLink will be sent to parents' email Bring package B Did you attend?WednesdayMay 13th Literacy Reading: Don't forget to call Mrs. McLean Wed.- Fri. this week, for your read aloud sessionRead your AR book 20-30 min./day. Write the quiz when you're ready! Writing: -AR?Call Mrs. McLean?Numeracy1. Gr. 5 & 6 Complete a math drill (Include date), ask parent to mark (keep in pocket of math binder) 2. Grade 5: Do Package B Pg. 3 "Write the Correct Comparison Symbol In each box" *Must show your work - using equivalent fractions to get common dominators before comparing the two fractions. Don't just write >, < or =Grade 6: Do the first half of the test that Mrs. McLean dropped off Math drill score:Gr. 5: Pg. 3 done?Gr. 6 - Half of test done?Healthy LivingSuggested 30-60 mins./ of "healthy body" activities per day, try for at least one "healthy mind" activity per day Activities I did: Online meeting Not today Did you attend?ThursdayMay 14th LiteracyReading: Don't forget to call Mrs. McLean today or tomorrow for your read aloud sessionRead your AR book 20-30 min./day. Write the quiz when you're ready! Writing: -AR?Call Mrs. McLean?Numeracy1. Gr. 5 & 6 15-20 mins. of Live Mathletics (level 2 minimum) or games on this website: . Grade 5: Do last page of Package B Grade 6 : Finish your test. Hand in to Mrs. McLean when done. Live Mathletics or ?Gr. 5 Last page done?Gr. 6 Test done? Healthy LivingSuggested 30-60 mins./ of "healthy body" activities per day, try for at least one "healthy mind" activity per day Activities I did: Online meeting Time: 9:00 a.m. Topic: Gr. 6 math - Bring math package and red pen Joining info.: Link sent to parents' email Did you attend?Friday May 15th LiteracyReading: Don't forget to call Mrs. McLean for your read aloud sessionRead your AR book 20-30 min./day. Write the quiz when you're ready! Writing: AR?Call Mrs. McLean?Numeracy1. Gr. 5 & 6 15-20 mins. of Live Mathletics (level 2 minimum) or games on this website: . Grade 5: Do "Grade 5 Fractions Quiz" (posted in "Documents" tab) You do not need to print this quiz if you aren't able to. Copy the questions onto looseleaf and do your work on your looseleaf paper. Hand in to Mrs. McLean when you're done. Grade 6 : Watch: pg. 321 "Slides" Live Mathletics or ?Gr. 5 Quiz done?Gr. 6 Watch video?Done pg. 321?Healthy LivingSuggested 30-60 mins./ of "healthy body" activities per day, try for at least one "healthy mind" activity per day Activities I did: How I feel I did in achieving my goals for this week:Academic- Social – Email me your summaries at the end of the week, or when you have the work done. Thank you!!!**See the next few pages for some optional activities.You could win a prize!** 1. Try one of the STEM challenges on Mrs. Brown’s website. You don’t have to complete the written parts. . . just take a photo and send to Mrs. McLean for a chance to win a prize! 7411720952500. Spend time doing an activity from any of the suggestions provided by Mrs. Laupitz! *Take a photo or send Mrs. McLean proof that you did one of the activities for a chance to win a prizeMusic Challenges.MUSICTeach someone in your family a song or activity that you have learned in music classInterview a family member about their favourite song and listen to it togetherDraw and design a new instrument. Explain how it would be playedMake an instrument out of household items and play along to your favourite songsWrite 5 rhythm patterns and say, play and teach them to another family memberTake a listening walk (inside or outside) and list all of the sounds you hearWrite about and draw a picture of your favourite musicianWatch your favourite TV show or movie and write about how music enhanced the showComplete the musical scavenger hunt attached.Watch a musical with your family and write about or draw your favourite sceneTalk to a family member about your favourite musical memoryListen to a song and draw how it makes you feelDance or move to the beat of your favourite songAsk a family member to play an instrument or sing to youTalk to a family member about their favourite musical memoryWrite a parody song (change the words to a song that already exists)Listen to the radio. Write down the songs you hear.Create your own song dedicated to your favourite foodGive a music recital for your family. Play your recorder, piano, ukulele or sing a song!Who is your favourite composer?Find 5 musical facts about the composer and draw a pictureChoreograph a dance to a song and perform it for someone elseWatch a (parental approved) musical concert on YouTube and write a reviewRead a music related book, story or article. Tell a friend about it.Write what music means to you.May 2020More Music Ideas from Mrs. LaupitzIf you completed the Music Scavenger Hunt, you know that there are many objects around us that can be used to make music. I am sure that you were able to find a variety of items that each created a unique sound!Did you know that you can make music with glass jars or bottles and water? There are many different ways you can use these objects to make music. Using different size jars and different amounts of water will create different pitches.Here are some links to videos that show different ways to use glass containers and water to make music: these videos as inspiration to create your own glass-water instrument. See what different high and low pitches you can make with your instrument. If you feel really creative, see if you can make up your own song on your instrument!If you want further inspiration, you can try to play a song that you know with your instrument – here is a video for inspiration (tricky to try to recreate this one!) would love to see or hear what you create – if you would like to send a picture or a short video you can send it to me at my email ( creating – I hope to hear from you ................

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