North Butler Elementary School uses Accelerated Reader as a reading incentive program. The Accelerated Reader program challenges all readers – from the novice to the most advanced bookworms - to read quality literature at their own level.  The program is not a replacement for direct instruction in reading. Instead, the program is a supplement designed to increase students’ practice in daily reading.  

     To use the Accelerated Reader program, the student reads a book (or the parent reads it to them for Kindergarten) from the list of books that we have tests for. We currently have over 7,037 tests, and the number grows monthly.  (You may access the list of AR tests we have at NBES by going to the school district webpage, and clicking on North Butler Elementary School, then Teacher Web Pages, then North Butler Elementary Library Media Center, then click on Links & Downloads, then scroll down under downloads to find the AR list you would like to search by (title, author, reading level). If you have books at home that we have the AR tests for, you may send a note to your teacher stating your child has read the book at home and is ready for a test (make sure to list the title of the book in your note). AR books are designated on our library shelves by a colored, round sticker on the spine.  Since your child is in Kindergarten, he/she should have yellow sticker AR books (Yellow – Kindergarten & First grade, Green – Second grade, Red – Third grade, Blue – Fourth grade, and Pink – Fifth grade and above). After the student has read one of these books three times, he/she then tests his or her knowledge and comprehension of the book by answering multiple-choice questions on the computer. (Kindergarten students have the questions read to them by a teacher or aide, who in turn enters the answer he/she gives in the computer.) The computer handles all scoring and record keeping automatically and presents the student with a score based on the number of correct responses, the reading level and the length of the book.  If the student passes the AR test with a score of 60% or better, he/she earns points that accumulate throughout the school year. Students are given prizes for how many points he/she has earned. Please see the attached AR Prize List for the list of prizes given. This list is also found on the school webpage.

Lastly, if you look inside an AR book on the first page, you will see the reading level and points given written or typed. For example, it might look like the following examples:

0.8 RL 1.2 BL 1.5

½ pt. ½ pt. ½ pt.

(RL means reading level, BL means book level, both are the same. Most yellow AR books give a ½ point when the student makes 100%.) The first number of the reading level means what grade it’s for, such as 0 means Kindergarten and 1 means first grade. The second number after the decimal is how many months along in that grade level, such as 8 months or two months. So, for example, 1.8 means this book is mostly for students who have been in first grade for eight months. However, all students are at different levels of reading. So, this reading level is used as a guide only. After students take several tests, the scores show whether the reading level was too high or too low. Depending on those scores, students may need to go up or down on their reading levels.

I know the above information is a lot to take in at one time. However, I wanted to give you some information on AR since it will be used throughout your child’s education here at NBES. The main things to remember are:

- Read the AR book 3 times to your child (Point to the words as you read).

- Students will test on AR books.

- Students will receive prizes as they earn points AND keep their average above 80%

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask your child’s teacher or me (Christy Havens, Librarian). My email is Read to Succeed!

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This year ‘s theme is “Score Big with Reading”

Kindergarten AR Prizes

1 pt: Sports Bookmark

2 pts: Sports Tattoo

3 pts: Sports Pencil

4 pts: Sports Notepad

5 pts: Play Ball

6 pts: Sports Bracelet

7 pts: Sports Keychain

8 pts: Sports Card

9 pts: Ball

10 pts: All Star Picture

15 pts: Noisemaker

20 pts: Treasure Chest

25 pts: Field Trip

30 pts: Cap

40 pts: Book

50 pts: T-shirt



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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