Nombre - Weebly

Nombre: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Fecha: Hoy es el _________________ de _____________________________________ Hora: __________

Repaso de Gramática – Para Empezar➞3B

Para Empezar

p. 11 Nouns

Nouns refer to people, animals, places, things, and ideas. In Spanish, Nouns have a ____________________. They are either ____________________________ or _____________________________.

|Masculine |Feminine |

| el libro | la |

| |carpeta |

| el |la hoja de |

|bolígrafo |papel |

Most nouns that end in -__________ are masculine.

Most nouns that end in -__________ are feminine.

The definite articles el and la also point out if a word is masculine or feminine. They both mean “____________”.

|Masculine |Feminine |

|el profesor |la noche |

|el lápiz |La conversación |

Spanish nouns that end in -_________ or a _____________________ MUST BE LEARNED as masculine or feminine. You should practice them with their definite articles, el or la.


1. _______ pierna

2. _______ nariz**

3. _______ cuaderno

4. _______ hora

5. _______ pupitre

6. _______ pie

7. _______ profesora

8. _______ estudiante**

Capítulo 1A

p. 32 Infinitives

Verbs are words that are most often used to name _________________. Verbs in English have different forms depending on _______________ is doing the action or ______________ the action is occurring: I walk, she walks, we walked, etc.

The most basic form of a verb is called ____________________________. In English, you can spot infinitives because they usually have the word “_______” in front of them: to swim, to read, to write

Infinitives in Spanish, though, ____________ have a separate word like “to” in front of them. Spanish infinitives are only _____________ word, and always end in -ar, -er, or -ir: nadar, leer, escribir

Look at each infinitive below and underline its ending. Follow the model.

Modelo: patinar

1. escribir 2. nadar 3. correr 4. esquiar 5. usar 6. dibujar 7. leer 8. jugar 9. ver

Now, write the infinitive in the correct column of the chart. Is it an -ar verb, -er verb, or -ir verb? The first one has been done for you.

|- ar verbs |- er verbs |- ir verbs |

|patinar | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

p. 36 Negativos

*To make a sentence negative in Spanish, you usually put __________ in front of the verb or expression. In English you usually use the word “________.”

*To answer a question negatively in Spanish you often use no _______________. The first no __________________ the question.

The second no says, “_____________...(___________).” This is similar to the way you answer a question in English.

*In Spanish, you might use one or more negatives after answering “no.”

*If you want to say that you do not like either of two choices, use ni . . . ni:

Fill in the blanks in the dialogue with one of these expressions: no, nada, tampoco, ni . . . ni.

Ana: Hola, Tomás. ¿Te gusta escuchar música?

Tomás: No, 1. _________me gusta.

Ana: Pues, ¿qué te gusta más, jugar videojuegos o usar la computadora?

Tomás: No me gusta 2. _______ jugar videojuegos 3. ________ usar la computadora.

Ana: ¿Te gusta practicar deportes?

Tomás: No, no me gusta 4. _____________practicar deportes.

Ana: Pues, Tomás, no me gusta pasar tiempo con personas negativas.

Tomás: ¡A mí 5. ___________________ !

Capítulo 1B

p. 55 Adjectives

In Spanish, most adjectives have both masculine and feminine forms.

The masculine form usually ends in the letter _____ and the feminine form usually ends in the letter _____.

• ___________________________adjectives are used to describe masculine nouns.

Marcos es ordenado y simpático. Marcos is organized and nice.

• ___________________________ adjectives are used to describe feminine nouns.

Marta es ordenada y simpática. Marta is organized and nice.

• Adjectives that end in ______ describe both masculine and feminine nouns.

Anita es inteligente. Anita is smart.

Pedro es inteligente también. Pedro is also smart.

• Adjectives whose masculine form ends in -__________ have a feminine form that ends in ______________.

Juan es trabajador. Juan is hardworking.

Luz es trabajadora. Luz is hardworking.

• Some adjectives that end in _-_________, such as __________________________, describe both masculine and feminine nouns. You will need to learn which adjectives follow this pattern.

Tomás es deportista. Tomás is sports-minded.

Marta es deportista también. Marta is also sports-minded.

Circle the correct adjective to complete each sentence and write it in the blank.

1. Raúl es ( estudioso / estudiosa ).

2. Rebeca es ( artístico / artística ).

3. Pedro es muy ( ordenado / ordenada ).

p. 60 Definite and indefinite articles

*__________ and _________ are called _____________________ _____________________ and are the equivalent of “the” in English. El is used with _______________________ nouns; la is used with _____________________ nouns. You’ve already seen words with definite articles:

el libro the book la carpeta the folder

*__________ and __________ are called __________________ _______________________ and are equivalent of “a” and “an” in English. Un is used _______________________ nouns; una is used with _____________________ nouns:

un libro a book una carpeta a folder

definite article indefinite article

Maculine el un

Feminine la una

Circle the correct definite or indefinite article to complete each sentence.

1. ( El / La ) estudiante es estudiosa. 5. ( El / La ) profesor es trabajador.

2. ( El / La ) profesora es buena. 6. ( Un / Una ) estudiante es artístico.

3. ( Un / Una ) amigo es simpático. 7. ( El / La ) amiga es inteligente.

4. ( Un / Una ) estudiante es atrevida. 8. ( Un / Una ) estudiante es reservada.

p. 62 Frases desordenadas – Put the sentences in order so that they make sense.

Modelo: Perezoso Antonio es chico un Antonio es un chico perezoso.

1. artística es una chica Marina ___________________________________________________________

2. es un Tito perezoso chico ___________________________________________________________

3. deportista chica una es Paquita ___________________________________________________________

4. Marcos chico un es reservado no ___________________________________________________________

5. chico no Rafael es estudioso un ___________________________________________________________

6. no una Teresa chica es inteligente ___________________________________________________________

Capítulo 2A

p. 82 Subject Pronouns

The subject of a sentence tells ______________________________________________________________.

You ofthen use people’s names as the subject:

Gregorio escucha música. Gregory listens to music.

Ana canta y baila. Ana sings and dances.

You also use subject pronouns ( _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, ________) to tell who is doing an action. The subject pronouns ____________________ people’s names.

Él escucha música. He listens to music.

Ella canta y baila. She sings and dances.

Here are the subject pronouns in Spanish:

Fill in the English subject pronouns:

yo - ________ nosotros,-as - ________

tú - ________ vosotros,-as - ________

él - ________ ellos - ________

ella - ________ ellas - ________

usted (Ud.)- ________ ustedes (Uds.) - ________

If a group is made up of males only or of both males and females together, use the ____________________ forms:

*nosotros, vosotros, ellos

If a group is all females, use the _________________________ forms:

*nostoras, vosotras, ellas

You can combine a subject pronoun and a name to form a ____________________. (Subject pronoun + Name = subject.)

Alejandro y yo = nosotros Pepe y tú = ustedes / vosotros

Carlos y ella = ellos Lola y ella = ellas

p. 83 Gramática - ¿Es ella? - What subject pronoun would you use to talk about these people?

1. Carlos = _______________________________ 4. Pablo, Tomás, y Anita = ___________________________

2. Felipe y yo = ___________________________ 5. el señor Treviño = ________________________________

3. María y Sarita = _________________________ 6. tú y Esteban = ___________________________________

p. 84 Present tense of -ar verbs

The largest group of verbs end in -____________. Hablar is one of these -ar verbs. You will want to use verbs in ways other than in the infinitive form. To do this, you will drop the -ar ending and make changes. To create the forms of most -ar verbs, you first drop the -ar from the infinitive, leaving the stem:

Hablar ( ___________________

Then you add the verb endings to the stem:

-_____________, -________________, -_____________, -________________, -______________, -______________

Here are the forms of hablar:

| | |

|yo habl_______ |nosotros,-as habl____________ |

| | |

|tú habl_______ |vosotros,-as habl____________ |

| | |

|él |ellos |

|ella habl_______ |ellas habl____________ |

|Ud. |Uds. |

Circle the subject pronoun that matches each verb.

1. ( usted / tú ) hablas 6. ( ellos / nosotras ) patinamos

2. ( yo / ella ) nado 7. ( ustedes / nosotros ) dibujan

3. ( usted / yo ) canta 8. ( yo / él ) bailo

4. ( nosotros / vosotros ) tocamos 9. ( ellas / usted ) pasan

5. ( tú / usted ) trabajas 10. ( ella / ustedes ) escucha

Now, complete each sentence with the correct verb form of the infinitive in parentheses. Follow the model.

Modelo: Tú (nadar) nadas .

1. Yo (bailar) ___________________. 6. Tú (nadar) ___________________.

2. Ella (cantar) ___________________. 7. Él (dibujar) ___________________.

3. Nosotros (trabajar) ___________________. 8. Ellas (usar) ___________________la computadora.

4. Ustedes (patinar) ___________________. 9. Tú y Elena (practicar)____________________ deportes.

5. Ellos (esquiar) ___________________. 10. Andrés y Sarita (pasar) _________________ tiempo con amigos.

Capítulo 2B

p. 107 Gramática

o The –ar verbs you have used until now are called _______________________ _________________ because they follow a regular pattern. Verbs that do not follow a regular pattern are called ______________________ __________________.

o Estar is irregular because the ________ form doesn’t follow a regular pattern and because the forms _____________, _______________, and ________________ require accent marks.

The vosotros,-as form ______________________ already has an accent. (not in book)

Use estar to tell how someone _______________ or ______________________________________________________.

¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? - Write the correct forms of estar.

Marcos: “¡Buenos días! ¿Cómo 1. _______________________Uds.?”

Paula y Roberta: “¡Hola, Marcos! Nosotras 2. ____________________________bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?”

Marcos: 3. “___________________ muy bien. ¿Dónde 4. _________________________Pedro y Juana?”

Roberta: “Pedro 5. _______________________ en la sala de clases. Juana 6. ________________________en la oficina.”

p. 110 The plurals of nouns and articles

To make nouns plural you usually add -s to words ending in a vowel and -es to words ending in a consonant.

silla ➞ sillas teclado ➞ teclados cartel ➞ carteles

Singular nouns that end in z change the z to c in the plural.

el lápiz ➞ _____________________________

The plural definite articles are los and las. Like el and la, they both mean “the.”

las sillas ➞ ____________________________

The plural indefinite articles are unos and unas. They both mean “some” or “a few.”

unos carteles ➞ _________________________

1. el cuaderno - ____________________________

2. la bandera - _____________________________

3. la papelera - _____________________________

4. el profesor - _____________________________

p. 132 Present tense of -er and -ir verbs

To create the present-tense forms of -_________ and –_________ verbs, drop the endings from the infinitives, then add the verb endings -______, -______, -______, -________ / -________, -________ / -______, or -______ to the stem. Here are the present-tense forms of -er and -ir verbs using comer and compartir:

comer ( _____________________

yo ___________________ nosotros,-as __________________

tú ___________________ vosotros,-as __________________

él, ella, Ud. ___________________ ellos, ellas, Uds. __________________

compartir ( ______________________

yo ___________________ nosotros,-as __________________

tú ___________________ vosotros,-as __________________

él, ella, Ud. ___________________ ellos, ellas, Uds. __________________

▪ Regular -_______ verbs that you know are _________________, _________________, _________________, _______________________, ______________________.

▪ Regular -_______ verbs that you know are ________________________ and _________________________.

▪ You also know the verb ___________. It is regular except in the ____________ form, which is ____________..

Conjugating –er and -ir verbs.

Lee la tarjeta postal (post card) de una amiga de Venezuela. Escribe la forma correcta del verbo apropiado que está entre paréntesis.

Querida Amalia,

Elena y yo estamos en Caracas. Nosotras 1. ____________________ (comprender / correr) todos los días y 2. ___________________(comer / ver) muy bien. Los estudiantes aquí 3. ____________________ (comer / leer) mucha pizza y 4. ______________________(ver / beber) mucho café. Ellos 5. ______________________ (leer / beber) muchos libros y 6. __________________________(escribir / ver) mucho también para las clases. Las clases son difíciles pero me encantan. En la clase de español nosotros 7. __________________(correr / leer) revistas y cuentos en español. Elena 8. __________________(comprender / beber) muy bien pero para mí es un poco difícil. Tengo que estudiar. ¡Hasta luego!

Tu amiga, Tu amiga,


p. 135 Me gustan, me encantan

Use me gust_____ and me encant_____ to talk about a ______________________ noun.

Me gusta el té pero me encanta el té helado.

Use me gust_______ and me encant_______ to talk about ______________________ nouns.

Me encantan las fresas pero no me gustan mucho los plátanos.

Complete the following sentences by writing encanta or encantan.

1. Me _______________ el queso. 4. Me _______________ el pan.

2. Me _______________ los plátanos. 5. Me _______________ el yogur.

3. Me _______________ los jugos. 6. Me _______________ las galletas.

Complete the following sentences by writing gusta or gustan.

1. ¿Te _______________ las sopas? 4. No me _______________ el tocino.

2. No me _______________ el queso. 5. ¿Te _______________ las naranjas?

3. No me _______________ la leche. 6. ¿Te _______________ las papas fritas?

p. 156 The plurals of adjectives

*Just as adjectives agree with a noun depending on whether it’s masculine or feminine, they also agree according to whether the noun is singular or plural. To make adjectives plural, just add an -________ after the vowel at the end of the adjective. If the adjective ends in a consonant, add -________. (If the noun is plural, the adjective also must be plural)

La hamburguesa es sabrosa. Las hamburguesas son sabrosas.

El pastel es muy popular. Los pasteles son muy populares.

1. Las zanahorias son _________________________________________. (bueno para la salud)

2. Los guisantes son ___________________________________________. (interesante)

3. Los espaguetis son __________________________________________. (sabroso)

4. Las galletas no son __________________________________________. (sabroso)

5. Las uvas son _______________________________________________. (bueno para la salud)

p. 158 The verb ser

Ser, which means “_________ ___________,” is an irregular verb. Use ser to describe what a person or thing is __________________.

1. Victoria ___________________ interesante.

2. Antonio y yo ____________________ divertidos.

3. Alicia y Ana _____________________ graciosas.

4. Tú y Miguel _____________________ estudiosos.

5. Yo ______________________ trabajador.

6. Tú ______________________ perezoso.


9. _______ bolígrafo

10. _______ Señor

11. _______ noche

12. _______ sala de clases

13. _______ profesor

14. _______ libro

15. _______ lápiz

16. _______ mano**

4. Paulina es muy ( atrevido / atrevida ).

5. Javier es ( trabajador / trabajadora ).

6. z ¦ ¾ À Ä Æ Þ à ö ø µ¶ÉÊÌÎÓÔê×ĬÄ× ‘p`N>1N>NhÈXCJOJQJ\?aJhü[?]hÈXCJOJQJ\?aJ"hü[?]hÈX5?CJOJQJ\?aJhü[?]hü[?]CJOJQJ\?aJhü[?]5?CJOJQJ\?Elena es ( perezoso / perezosa ).

Here are the forms of estar:

estar ➞to be

|estoy |estamos |

|estás |estáis |

|está |están |

5. una clase - ______________________________

6. una mochila - ____________________________

7. un escritorio - ___________________________

8. un pupitre - _____________________________

| |Definite Articles |Indefinite Articles |

| | | | | |

|Singular |el |la |un |una |

| | | | | |

|Plural |los |las |unos |unas |


You have used definite and indefinite articles in the singular:

• definite: el, la = __________

• indefinite: un, una = ________, _________

Here are the present-tense forms: ser -->to be

| | |

| | |

| | |


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