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Strayer with Sources Chapter 11 Identification Quiz1. Nomadic Arabs are known as _________________.a. Shaykhsb. Masaic. Bedouinsd. Persianse. Copts2. The great religious shrine of both pre-Muslim and Muslim Arabia is called the ___________.a. Dome of the Rockb. Temple of Solomonc. Great Shrined. Great Mosquee. Kaaba3. The founding prophet of Islam was _______________, who had a series of revelations beginning in 610 C.E.a. Ishmaelb. Muhammadc. Zoroasterd. Khadijae. Ali4. The ________________ is the community of all Muslim believers, the basis of Islamic society.a. hijrab. zakatc. hajjd. ummae. jihad5. In 751, Arab armies crushingly defeated the forces of China at the Battle of ____________.a. Adrianopleb. Talas Riverc. Beijingd. Tourse. Yellow River6. In the Islamic Empire, protected subjects who followed other "religions of the book" besides Islam were known as __________________.a. serfsb. jizyac. berbersd. helotse. dhimmis7. The _______________ was Muhammad's successor as political leader of the Islamic world.a. emirb. caliphc. qadid. ayatollahe. sultan8. The leaders of the Shia sect of Islam were known as ____________.a. imamsb. emirsc. qadisd. Husaynistse. caliphs9. In 750 an Arab dynasty known as the ______________ overthrew the Umayyad caliphate.a. Seljukidsb. Abbasidsc. Tamaridsd. Ayyubidse. Alids10. The body of Islamic law, concerned with both religious and social life, is known as the ______________.a. jizyab. ummac. hadithd. ulamae. sharia11. Muslim mystics known as _____________ sought a direct and personal experience of God.a. ulamab. emirsc. imamsd. Sufise. caliphs12. The _________________ are traditions about the sayings or deeds of Muhammad, regarded as authoritative for proper Muslim practice.a. shariab. ulamac. hadithsd. Shiae. mullahs13. In 1258, invading Mongols sacked ______________ and killed the last Abbasid caliph.a. Baghdadb. Damascusc. Cairod. Meccae. Babylon14. Turkic rule of India became more systematic with the establishment of _______________ in 1206.a. the Seljuk Empireb. the Abbasid caliphatec. the Ottoman Empired. Sikhisme. the Sultanate of Delhi15. ________________ is a religion blending elements of Hinduism and Islam that developed in sixteenth-century India.a. Shiismb. Sikhismc. Zoroastrianismd. Baha'ie. Sufism16. The West African city of ______________ had more than 150 Quranic schools and thousands of more advanced scholars by the sixteenth century.a. Fezb. Meccac. Timbuktud. Ghanae. Istanbul17. The Islamic name for Spain is ____________________.a. el-Alameinb. al-Ghazalic. Iberiad. al-Andaluse. Portugal18. Spanish Christians who adopted Arabic language and cultural practices were known as ___________________.a. Mozarabsb. quislingsc. mariscosd. Sufise. people of the book19. Formal colleges known as ______________ were established in the Islamic world beginning in the eleventh century.a. hadithsb. Quranic schoolsc. ulamad. mosquese. madrassas20. The Islamic intellectuals who argued that truth could be more certainly reached by reason rather than through revelation were known as _________________.a. Sufisb. Mutazalitesc. rationalistsd. ulamae. MozarabsThe correct answer is c. (See page 302 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 474 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is e. (See page 303 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 475 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is b. (See page 303 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see pages 475 and 476 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is d. (See page 305 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 477 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is b. (See page 309 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 481 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is e. (See page 310 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 482 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is b. (See page 311 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 483 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is a. (See page 312 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 484 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is b. (See page 312 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 484 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is e. (See page 313 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 485 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is d. (See page 313 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 485 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is c. (See page 316 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 488 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is a. (See page 317 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 489 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is e. (See page 318 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 490 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is b. (See page 319 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 491 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is c. (See page 321 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 493 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is d. (See page 322 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 494 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is a. (See page 323 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see pages 494 and 495 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is e. (See page 324 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 496 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.)The correct answer is b. (See page 326 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History; see page 498 if you are using Ways of the World: A Brief Global History with Sources.) ................

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