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Name:______________________________________________The Arab Spring Protest Campaign IntrosInstructions: Open Arab Spring Country Profiles Assignment at sprintz. and use sources listed there and the questions below to help you answer the following questions. With your group members, you will create a 3-5 minute introduction about the protests, violence, and/or political change that has occurred in your assigned country since December 2010. You will present this introduction as the opening of your protest campaign video. Assigned country:________________1. History of the protestsa. When did protests begin?b. Who was the leader of the country when the Arab Spring protests began? Who is the leader now? How long was the last leader in power?c. What were/are people protesting?d. Explain the contribution made by women in the protest movement.e. How did the government respond?f. What has been the result?2. Todaya. What is happening in your country now?b. Who is in charge of the government?c. Will there be elections? If so, when?d. What key challenges does the country face today?3. The international communityHave international organizations (for example, the Arab League, the UN, or NATO) or other countries been involved in events in your country? If so, how?What has been the position of the United States on the events in your country?4. How would you characterize what has happened in your country? Would you call it a revolution?5. As of Fall 2014, to what extent would you say the Arab Spring uprising has resulted in positive change in your country? Consider political, economic, and social changes that have taken place since the uprising.Name:______________________________________________■ Choices for the 21st Century Education Program ■ Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University ■ choices.eduThe Arab Spring: Two Years OnThe Arab Spring: Looking at the RegionInstructions: Use this chart to take notes while the other groups present information about their assigned countries.CountryHistory of the protestWhat’s happening now?BahrainEgyptYementory What’s happening now?TunisiibyaSyriaYemen ................

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