The twins Ikoma .com

The twins Ikoma

Wednesday, May 27, 2015.

Juan Hidalgo was in his office at the Journal that night worried, had regressed 38 years ago when I was presented to a notice which required a young writer to cover a monthly column on "secrets of gardening" with his young 18 years did not have theme idea but just ran, control CV and three columns on the subject requesting it.

A week later they called and immediately began. They quickly saw its potential as a writer of great potential and were allocating more and more columns, until I come in just a few years to have two columns themselves with their name and a promising future. He liked being on the road, there was the news. That was how the journal search became weekly and John started to become popular with the nickname The news maker, for the first fruits that could and originality of the same, and all men as obtained and what were their sources.

But John was working alone, he had its own system.

Juan had set up a crime network to get those scoops, which was growing rapidly and thus manufactured their news.

In 1977, during the military dictatorship in Uruguay, between on the one hand he hung out at night with a Marxist group and added to this, its methods and was ahead of the facts themselves to get the news that others failed to, they began to be a problem for both your personal life and at work.

The military was on the lookout for any demonstration against him, certain things were attracted attention and started harassing John and the magazine itself.

His mentor in the newspaper advised him time away country, I helped look for options, recommending, ended up getting an internship in Mexico.

That was how he started working as a journalist for the newspaper El Sol de Tijuana.

Juan remembered his first article in this journal ...

The gate at San Isidro (San Diego / Tijuana) is the most congested and busy border in the world, over 50 million people enter US this outpost a year are 150,000 daily border crossings.

The vast majority of them are workers and Mexican origin living in Tijuana and work in San Diego and southern California.

The logistics of the city is very unfriendly to tourists and vendors haggling you chase, although attractive erotic shows, Mexican typical food and young people looking for sex, drugs and alcohol, making it very popular.

Everything bad turn it into something good and special for those seeking a hectic city, it is not known for being touristically attractive, this little town kept, the services are bad, the bad Roads and traffic crazy.

Drug trafficking and power go hand in hand and run everything in Tijuana.

Insecurity with which coexist is minimal, which is the system itself that protects a corrupt police force and gunmen murderers who kill for a hundred dollars to his own family.

However, Tijuana has a population estimated at 1,500,000, functions as a city of 6,000,000, given its proximity to San Diego, special and conflictive border and its own attractions as a city out of control, where money and contacts you can get whatever.

Juan Hidalgo / JH / El Sol, Tijuana, Mexico.

Everything went perfect in Tijuana for Juan¡n to expand its skills in the field of crime and where soon defended his title as the maker of news, envied his colleagues and bosses were very pleased.

The web of corruption and crime which had been submerged and which was now integral in Tijuana, going in parallel with the recognition of their achievements in the newspaper, which in a few years after his arrival, he had become one of the newspapers of more circulation of Mexico.

As Assistant Editor of the newspaper El Sol, as a correspondent for most Latin American countries from Mexico, in early 2014, John was tempted by the offer of the weekly Busqueda, the newspaper that he was born in the beginning as a journalist which she offered him the post of Managing Editor.

The temptation had double attraction for one hand meant returning home with all the pomp and Chief and other serious side El Salvador Search Messiah, who was in a very delicate situation and knew well, had never lost contact with Uruguay and came to time.

The pay was similar, the difference was what he received in black, but the money did not worry him, he had to spare.

And would close with a flourish the end of his career.

I talk to Guadalupe, his wife and their two children, and came to Montevideo without thinking too much.

What he could not evaluate because of his ego, he was leaving a job already established before another bedeviled without news.


Now he was editor and directly responsible to the board of the weekly that years ago was number one in the city. Sales had declined so much for various reasons, the current economic crisis, a public that massively left the daily paper to switch to Internet, permanent union and union conflicts, lack of motivation, lack of financial resources, competence and the circumstance of being a very small market, and essentially ... the lack of news.

The directive had demanded immediate achievements since its inception, Juan had achieved very little at this time, having believed that it would be easier, I was distracted by the reunion of old friends, parties, facing the old boys of the neighborhood and lethargy the rhythm of this city without news for lack of people, so different from the world of Tijuana.

Until he came the ultimatum, and John to get by I request within three months to develop a plan I had in mind said, but he had nothing. Now they jumper with just 30 days of the requested term and was like the beginning ... nothing. This was the reason for his concern today and why was not dining comfortably at home with his wife and children as usual. He had to have a plan, a way out, something to let him get by and curb the anticipated dismissal was coming.

He left the newspaper and went home, where everyone had already eaten and were in their respective bedrooms, blended in their own lives and problems outside the household head that involved everyone.

He ate something light and went upstairs.

His wife asked sleepily because I was so late and apologized vaguely expressing do not worry and continue sleeping.


Thursday, May 28, 2015.

Juan, sleepy, suddenly I was startled and looked at the alarm clock, were the 3:31 a.m., was drenched in sweat and with a heavy head with desperate ideas presented to him without asking ...

I got up in the dark without waking his wife went to the bathroom en suite, shaved, showered and dressed, with the dim light in the bathroom, went to his desk light in search of an old book could not help watching his wife deeply asleep, had one breast exposed almost sticking out of her nightgown and her figure was outlined in the sheets, Guadalupe was a very sensual, intense brunette woman, a fantastic smile and heart-stopping legs.

He had met in Mexico in the early years I work in Tijuana and did not hesitate to make her his wife. His two sons born in Mexico, Maria Fernanda and Miguel also slept. The book was not.

Under toward the kitchen, she began to heat coffee and began to shuffle a couple of strategies to these desperate ideas, guilty of taking away the dream. John felt his sentence behind as the directors had completed that deadline to lift sales and attract new customers and sponsors, and we had very little time.

He was also concerned not find that book, I'd be in the office?

With that one thought and luggage he headed the newspaper very early, to find the old book where many years ago there was filled with data from some riffraff in Uruguay, which had provided firsts through odd jobs in exchange for sharing for years your monthly payment but not their labor achievements.

That was how he had earned the name of the news maker, achieving its best scoops, a condition that was perfected over the years in Mexico.

Call three of the leaders at that time he had provided better results, noting that one of them was in prison, another died and the third was not active. So I did not have any chance, I had to think of something else, giving another twist to your needs.

Later he called back that was no longer active, El Tano, who had paid him with more odd jobs and provided more information in other more generous years and stay in be later in an old coffee from the old neighborhood of Paso Molino.

Upon arriving and finding that subject rundown, then he realized he could not afford anything, but since there was talk. The subject called double staple still three in the afternoon, John raised an eyebrow and asked for a cut, the boy withdrew and did not come until their request spoke of trivialities and people known in the neighborhood.

With drinks in hand and no one around, Juan attacked directly, saying:

- I need to restore the information channel we had before

- What? I am no more in this activity, just eat when I find some changa or some easy little job, you understand occurs? (Subject said smiling and showing his few malformed green teeth)

- Good news then fabricame (Juan said without thinking what he said and draining their cut)

- I can take another drink?

  John nodded and he lifted up his hand showing the waiter his glass.

  You're asking me to do? (She Said the subject smiling again)

- Easy, if the news is not, we must make them (without measuring said Juan what he said ...) Your ready improving your appearance and physical condition in a few days I am contacting you ...

ahh and also tries to form a small team of confidence, as in the old days, two or three more will suffice.

And do not try to reach me, as always me who contacts you, you acordas not?

Finally, John Sack few hundred wallet, I leave on the table, the subject quickly take them, he got up and left.

Juan took out his wallet and put another couple of hundred pesos.

Returning to daily and immersed in his own words, John drove from Step Mill Center, experiencing fear for its future actions, that have not had consequences, due to their own fear.

He stayed all day in the daily ordering ideas, papers and earrings, everyday, to return home early for dinner with his family trivial matters. He was distant during the development of it, vaguely answering some other things that his wife and children asked him.

Later in bed I take a book to read and not days like this who try pick up something else, turning the pages without retaining its contents. Guadalupe turn off the light on his side in bed and try to get it between the sheets sliding toward him, but there was not even thinking about sex and became lame pig. Later I regret not having made love to Guadeloupe, as it would have taken some of the weight of their heavy ideas above.


Friday May 29, 2015.

Juan got up early and went to his office was located on the second floor of the newspaper, in the center of Montevideo.

As he lit his notebook, poured coffee and began to read as usual news correspondents in the world, he saw the news everywhere reiterated and shocked the sports world, the world of football in particular.

On the one hand El Tano was already preparing with his cronies to be at your command, meanwhile, the would devise a plan of action for achieving firsts get local news, as in the old days.

You could do these jobs Tano ?. Times had changed and was very battered, that was your question.

Juan many years ago, had formed with El Tano as his right hand, a group that gave him fresh news to sell them to the newspaper, the group spared no efforts in making theft, fraud, drug trafficking, kidnapping, prostitution, illegal gambling, alcohol, and selling women. And so it was climbing in the newspaper to be noticed. All this was perfected in Tijuana, where he could do it at home.

Believing he had left behind that whole world, now needed more rescue him not to sink.

And now came the occurrence of early mention in the office Restuccia Rodrigo, a young entrepreneur with a good future as a journalist and also Juan knew well, as his father and worked together for many years in the newspaper, manufacturing news. Rodrigo was not sure why, but she knew that her father was indebted to John.

All olfateábamos drafting the newspaper was going to ruin.

The nervousness of Juan Hidalgo, the editor, could not be due to something else. I did not want to talk about it because I was afraid to find a third source of information to confirm the disaster. However, I thought I would have to accept it as a reality when the boss invited me for coffee in his office. There was no other possibility. He could sweeten its decision with many explanations, but would not change my destiny.

And I was resigned, he was fired.

However, he did not fire me. He offered a temporary correspondent abroad. Just he commented that this was a special job and told me, it would all expenses paid, the newspaper was going through a very delicate situation and could be the salvation of the weekly party with this work.


Tuesday July 3, 2015.

Three days later, he was aboard Japan Airlines with an earlier stop in Paris with Air France, I went to start my mission, flying over land in Japan, and the amazing Mount Fuji could be seen with its perfect cup snow, looked like a huge ice cream Chocolate with a large snowflake cream. I had been informed a few days before on Japan, after my unexpected trip and was little I knew about this distant country.

Many things were happening in the world and many in the world of football, FIFA bribes, prison directors, complaints and whistleblower, the FBI along with major US banks intervened accounts, had jumped all.

My destination, the airport of Narita in Tokyo and was approached at that time when John asked me to open the envelope with my name and instructions read as follows:

Dear Rodrigo

You know I've always loved and treated like a child, friendship with your father made me promise on his deathbed, that would take me to your mother, your sister and you, both emotional and economically during these eleven years, now you're a man and I need to trust you.

My skin and all the newspaper is at stake, I need you the play by me on this occasion I give you, getting the first fruits we need to lift this.

I shot a few tips and you got to dig and roll news, find out everything you can but, you go from me, they all know me and those points are:

- It is said that Diego resigned from the selection because he was tired whatsapp group selection ... for the time difference with Japan, and not leave him alone. Then they could have repented because he realized that this was more fun than the play station

and Peace his wife is getting tired of all this bullshit, she not feel a Botinera and not stick with the other women players .

- The potato Forlan (Forlan father) told me in confidence a few days ago that Diego is fed up of playing in Osaka of Japan, because it seems that a very influential Japones is behind Paz, his wife, which would be pregnant, Diego is made rag he does not know if him and does not want to leave the house even to go to practice.

You already got booked accommodation for today and tomorrow in Tokyo Guest Inn in Asakusa, but you talk to the twins in Ikoma, you contáctalas, you are installing home and they will have the rest have it very clear, but You advance that they know who is this powerful Jap this after Peace ...

Ikoma will seem that this distant, but the train is minutes everything is in the middle of major cities in central Japan that are: Osaka, Nara and Kyoto, which would also be a good point to move and find out everything .

The twins know everything and have all the info, you exprimiles all that information but do not be trusted until they will seem very angelic, but remember this ... are heavyweight.

Vos opened my hooks, be wide awake and always, but always you inform me of all my first, OK?

I send you a hug and stir it with everything I need you to lift the paper.

Juan / JH

Internet had made contact with the Sakura Association located 50 km from Tokyo, which received tourists offering guide service without charge, had to only pay its expenses and transfers, were people in retirement in order to fill their spaces entertainment assets and making them feel even step to know the customs of their country. Mr. Kanji San I was waiting for that day at the airport, the Spanish speaking, since he had been studying his Masters in Engineering Ceramista Mexico a few years ago.

I settled in the hostel in Asakusa, with the help of Kanji San, who since our meeting at the airport me facilitated especially being my guide, was essential to begin to understand the culture of Japan, since my arrival he began to explain the operation from buying a card, such as load and use money from buying a train ticket for the subway or even buy a drink in an automatic dispenser. We left my bag and together we set out to meet near my neighborhood and its main features.

Tokyo has 23 districts and Asakusa was one of them, it is characterized by a major river which cuts the city in two, with several bridges every so that together, the sides of the Sumida River have incredible spaces where neighbors enjoy outdoor walks under the influence of the Sakuras, which at this time of year began their splendor. Highlight the amazing Sumida Park, where 670 cherry accompany you throughout your incredible journey.

I spent those two days visiting Asakusa with the company, subtlety and skill of Kanji, also visited other districts and I soak a little of his vast culture, which is understood only being there interacting with the same people in Japan. Japanese feature of its elegance, incredible discretion, his extreme kindness and cordiality, meals and pleasant odors, cleaning the city and its security, the beauty of its architecture with the separation between houses about 40 cm by earthquakes, its exact timeliness and quality of transport, respect at all times and circumstances, especially in queues or acts that require patience, his incomparable parks and cherry blossoms, was what most caught my attention so far in the incomparable Tokyo .

Leave of Kanji San, I returned to my hostel and sent them an email to Johnna and Reylia, the twins of Ikoma, to warn that the next day would be coming to stay with them, which saved me a room, they were ready thinking in best culinary arts and information by topic and Japanese Forlan was behind Paz.

I also ask them to indicate the best way to Ikoma reached by train from Tokyo, while the metros and trains were clean and accurate, were complicating my life, I was not used to handle myself with them or lead me by the underworld.


Friday June 6, 2015

Early I boarded the bullet train from Tokyo and the three hours I get off at the train station in Osaka, take a combination with my Japan Rail Pass Station Tsuruhashi and then internally another subway to Ikoma, as it indicated to me Johnna on your mail.

He also warned that waiting would Reylia 12.30 PM.

I went down in the station 11, 55 AM.

12, 30 PM appeared Reylia.

It camouflaged like an onion, with layers of clothing and a hat for the cold, she was very pretty, blonde, warm smile and big blue eyes expressing temperament.

I recognized immediately, was distinguished from others by its own characteristics and for being Western, exactly like the photo of Airbnb.

Walking the eight blocks uphill, we finally arrived at the house.

She gave me a little tour, to familiarize me with the house.

- A welcome tea Rodrigo, indicated Reylia me. And try these cookies that Johnna made early this morning.

- Thank you, where is she?

- Is working in the restaurant.

- And your Reylia you do?

- I teach English at the University.

you like your room? actually is a second living room, but we've adapted and prepared for you on request and insistence of John to stay here.

We have many guests these days, is the time of Sakura in Japan.

- This perfect, thank you, that is the Sakura?

- Is the flowering of the cherry trees, many tourists come at this time of year to see these trees that adorn the parks and gardens, are everywhere and it is a very important tradition of the people of Japan now, and sheltering hopes and abundance for which next year.

- Well, go to the point that interests you, do not you think?

- Yes, I nodded.

- You'll agree to take note of all ...

- Since Peace and Diego came to Osaka, Omiro Yamushi, an industrial and powerful and football fan, banker is one who made it possible for Forlan plays in Japan, since his salary is paid by the club three ... Osaka, the Japanese state and what Mr. Yamushi missing. The thing is that it is a very eccentric person and always gets what he wants. And he took it into his head that likes Paz.

Moreover Diego is made rag with all this, you want to go to Japan, it does not yield what the Osaka sought him and not want to leave the house to go to practice.

(Impressed by her beauty and all that Reylia told me, do not stop looking at it or write)

Peace in turn, impressed but tired of Japanese culture and customs, says he feels very lonely when Diego was going to practice, aggravated because he has a genius of evil and accustomed to having everything you want.

Your scenario then was reduced to solitude, away from her family and their friends useless typical neighborhood of Carrasco, also not feel a Botinera and fed up with the flatness of the wives of the players, their damn shopping and recipes sushi.

Diego when not practicing he spends playing play station or stupid permanent and whatsapp messages with their team-mates, and that for the time difference here is the dawn have repodrida, and to crown his world, Omiro Yamushi courts her, send her flowers permanently and is said to have been alone several times.

Here in Japan it is frowned upon for a Western woman married and everything is getting them against.

(Rodrigo arched eyebrows and wrote everything, I could not believe)

Finally and most juicy.

- There is more? Asked.

- Clearly there is more, this is just beginning, I've only made aware of the situation, now comes the main course.

With all this he rolled FIFA, its corrupt directors already in jail, the FBI leading this crusade to prove the truth that the world is no longer questioned and all these criminal prisoners watching zafan of this, having believed a untouchables time.

Omiro Yamushi appears again as the candidate to keep the control of FIFA and have generated great forerunner of all these accusations and persecutions.

Is said to have in your bank here in Japan, most of these deposits in black, all these directors corrupt and thus have caught balls. A friend is a secretary of one of the managers and talking about U$S 280 million dollars.

- You understand the scope of it all? you realize it or not? Reylia wonder amazement of his own background information.

- Yeah, I said, it's incredible, first-line information are you giving me

I can make coffee loaded?

- Yeah, right away, I have already done, I just have heating.

Bringing a steaming coffee and a tea for elle in his hands, he expresses Reylia, no more Rodrigo ...

- You think that John would pay another $ S 2500 for more information?

- More information on what kind?

- A first, just for you.

- Wait, I said, draining his coffee and took my phone.

will send you a whatsapp John.

- But they are the 4:00 a.m. in your country.

- And there? This deserves ...

The whatsapp said ...

Juan, you have no idea what is happening info Reylia me says otherwise equal amount as we complete the info, I mean?

- We'll wait I said, please give me another coffee.

They did not spend thirty seconds I received your answer with another whatsapp.

If you really think it is worth, say that if, in a while you deposit and take into account the time difference. But at the latest at 08 AM on Uruguay, you send me all the info, right?

other whatsapp:


- Reylia, on with the info, John gave me his OK.

- Well, she said.

The rest of the information is reduced to a fact that further complicates everything and we found out very casually. Johnna last week and I had medical checkup with Dr. Yumi Yamata, a renowned gynecologist Osaka, who was a classmate of my father when I try to think that becoming a physician and friendship we have always catered to. Can you believe that prior to our consultation, attended Paz, confirming her pregnancy? and she conveyed his concern about not knowing who the father was? Of course he asked us not to say anything.

- No, Rodrigo said, I can not believe

and you plan to do? It will abort? What will you have? Already he decided?

- No, we do not know much else

- Getting that information would cost another U$S 5.000 and before the day after tomorrow will be impossible to find out, you should consult with your boss.

At that moment was heard ringing, someone did not give him the key to the key, and went to open Reylia were the three Filipinos in Manila, who were staying in one of the upstairs rooms and had arrived the day before.

Reylia introduced us and we were talking about each country, with our rudimentary English.

Within half an hour, I excused myself and went to my room to prepare the mail with all the info for Juan.

I had never passed through my hands as juicy material was not going to waste it.

Reylia knocked on my door.

- Rodrigo, today at 19.30, Johnna not working at night in the restaurant, cook for everyone in the house, typical Japanese food, are invited. Besides the Filipinos will be two Frenchmen who are a few days ago and waited at any time the arrival of a German couple.

The house is full, it will be fun, go for it.

I will not be because I start a new course in photography.

If you want we can inform you that should you know places in the immediate area of ​​Osaka, Nara and Kyoto, which is very nice.

- I agree, I'd like to prepare a travel plan.

And thank you very much for the invitation.

- You know how many days you stay?

- No, no idea. It depends on how follow this, do not you think?

- If I understand, of course

Well, this is your house and your key here.

- Understand and thanks for everything.

I started to build this great puzzle with all this info and give shape and editing, if John wanted to publish something.

I take two intense hours, but the mail came in time, were 7:37 p.m. in Japan and twelve hours less in Uruguay, remained only wait for news of John, waiting indications and plan to meet here, across the world.

Juan woke up early, after he managed to fall asleep again, following the whatsapp of Rodrigo.

I keep thinking what would that information be worth so much money and should pay out of pocket, because he had cut all expenses.

But the money did not worry him, only his prestige and concluded his career as recognized care, because with the affairs of crime that went in Tijuana for many years, we had provided him and his family, much, much money.

He was going to have to get up, but Guadalupe fast, powerful and sensual crossed his thigh on the leg of John, pinning.

- Where you're going without saying good morning.

- Good morning, I'll get up, today I have many things to do.

- And among them is not love me ?, he said pulling his penis with one hand and with the other around her neck kissing.

How long have you avoiding me?

- No, not that, is that ...

- No excuses, I know you and what you need, he said while wearing mouth was his penis.

- Really, let me check the mail and return,

Guadalupe began with oral sex and a massage on his genitals, Juan finally callus delivered.

She knew him as anyone and know how to put it very hard.

John closed his eyes and forget everything your woman continued to do so a few minutes to finish.

As always, she mastered the art of oral sex and sex in general, there was no way to ever be denied. They had a special tune, many skin and she gave herself completely, three components that together maddened any man.

Now go do those important things and today I want you home early. I want to go to the cinema to see the new movie of Salma Hayek, you know I love and afterward make me love you, do not forget.

Juan stayed a few minutes without leaving the bed, regaining strength and returning to the real world, rose awkwardly to the bathroom, where Guadalupe showered with open screen. His silhouette was spectacular for a woman her age, was preserved very well, went to the gym often and as good America North had the swarthy, firm skin without cellulite, not overly large breasts, but upright and molded perfect with huge nipples and dark , pussy completely shaved with either red lips, a great and abundant black hair with no gray hair, perfectly white teeth stood out in its sensual and provocative mouth, it was a simple but not simple, very discreet and always knew when to disappear or appear woman, making him all easy to Juan.

- Do you want to come in? I asked Guadalupe.

You will receive as a bonus, a massage on the back, if you do.

Juan entered and left massaging vigorously.

When I came out of the shower he was magnificently and ready for the tough day to be coming.

Excusing himself with his wife, telling her that well back early, he decided to go immediately to the newspaper, for breakfast there and watch the news of Rodrigo.

He asked a cadet he were to buy a double espresso and croissants in three simple Mc Donalds and proceeded to check your mail.

He had several mails, but Rodrigo quickly identify and while reading, gaped, the truth that his intuition was still giving good returns, but this time the news exceeded their expectations.

I quickly grabbed his cell phone and sent a whatsapp Rodrigo, this said:

Get me as soon as possible sources of your story and start to print immediately, use this route is faster, await your message, continuously finding out more and tell the girls that they have the rest of the money is deposited today, but find out who the father of that child. A hug.

The cadet brought their just finished breakfast when sending an email to one of his henchmen Tijuana.

Undoubtedly, the blowjob to make him his wife earlier today, had left him with clarity that Juan was accustomed, appearing his usual sagacity and speed used for crime, the ideas came in abundance and without thinking.

The mail said:


I need to get two people trusted to perform research tasks usual.

They will be for a few days, here in Montevideo, Uruguay.

If you can be your one of them, the better, you know I trust you.

Please, let it be soon.

Tell me the names and when they come, so he sent them the tickets and make the hotel reservation.

The rest are all provided for me here.

It will pay the usual, plus all expenses.

A hug


Juan was at home again, she was full when I was these Machiavellian plans, all your senses awake.

On the one hand he had to Rodrigo in Japan, where there were several points that unexpectedly came in handy constituted only had to look up what united them.

And on the other hand would have to El Tano, with July and another Mexican gave more guarantees, could quickly lead to the daily news, for altering the situation that harassed. Juan was the kind of people who developed more and more ideas, agility and ability to execute, when he felt cornered, committed, harassed.

That's where it differed from others because adrenaline feeling this way, it was capable of anything.

At the same time here in Ikoma, I integrated into the kitchen of the twins, Filipinos and sympathy commanded the meeting, also they put a word in Spanish as through the Spaniards centuries ago had invaded his country, had acquired some of their customs and language and part religion. French also were gay, if not, whether traveling everywhere and always try to impose speak their language even when in another country. And finally it reached the German couple, very discreet. A very interesting and cosmopolitan group led by Johnna, which to me express ...

- Please welcome Rodrigo, Uruguay, South America.

- Hello, welcome, all were saying.

- Hello everyone, nice to meet you.

      What are you cooking, I asked Johnna?

- Several typical Japanese dishes, soaked vegetables, a fish on impellers, sake and beer, some fruit and coffee or tea desktop.

- Great I said, that I can help?

- Peel and cut these potatoes into cubes, wash them and put them in the pot.

- Agree.

And so we were sharing food, drink and our stories, along with the typical comments of each culture and geographical situation of each country.

my phone rang a whatsapp John, saying:


- Johnna, these abreast of all that talk today with Reylia?

- From everything I said.

- Well, John gave his OK for the info of the whole package.

- All right, we will campaign for the scoop.

- Thank You.

      You are identical to Reylia, only you are left-handed and right it.

- They're keen observer Rodrigo


Saturday June 7, 2015.

While the theme of Peace and elucidated pregnancy who was the father, according to the suggestions of Johnna, I went to Nara.

Get off at the train station, right there look for the Office of Culture and everywhere she had with a map and some directions, I began my suggested walking tour.

It turned out to be a beautiful city, the National Museum, or Great Buddha Todaiji Nara, Kasuga-Taisha Shrine and Nara Park great.

Lots of deer you are in every place, waiting to eat something.

Return to Ikoma to send an email to John and know how things were.

Juan at the same time receiving the mail of Rodrigo from Japan, also received the Julio from Tijuana, Julio Ernesto suggested reached on 09 June sent ticket itinerary and information for John sent them all and wait in the Carrasco airport.

Rodrigo in the kitchen met Reylia and told his experience in the city of Nara.

- And Johnna?

- Is working in the restaurant.

- But you will never meet.?

- Ha ha ha, he laughed Reylia is that our schedules are very different.

And there I was that.


Sunday June 8, 2015.


Take the train to Kyoto haunting land of Geishas. At the station takes a free ticket for a day in the stealth of 500 yen and started my journey in the bus 101 to the kinkajou-Ji Temple.

In these few days in Japan, I could already envision in advance the size of the city, the nature of the station, the larger the station, the city would be larger. And Kyoto was very large, fascinating.

The temple was amazing, full of tourists and rebozaban blooming Sakuras ..

After taking the bus 59 and I went to Ninnanji Temple.

Afternoon complete the day by going to Arashiyama to watch the Tenryu-ji Temple and the bus 206 to Nijejo Castle.

A fascinating day, very tiring, long lines, crowded.

I got tired Ikoma and Reylia to my complaint, I advise you to know the Bamboo Forest and Hill in the northern area of ​​Kyoto and spend the next day very quiet, walking through the beautiful park and told me.

- You know some peace and gynecologist?

- No, not yet, we're at it, maybe tomorrow night.

Be warned.

As there was much noise in the house, I preferred to retire to my room.

John on the other side of the world, prepared to start the day.

He was magnificent, Guadalupe had been happy with going to the cinema, a delicious dinner, good wine and completed the evening making love.

Had to prepare for the arrival of the people of Mexico, reserve hotel devise some alternative to invent some news, get some weapons without declaring, notify the Tano and go to the airport the next day.


Monday June 9, 2015.

I was enjoying the shaded Bamboo Forest Park certainly was an excellent recommendation. People were scattered here and calmer, not so many tourists and I could enjoy a bright day. As I SoBro a while in the afternoon, I pull up to the central part of Kyoto, looking for the street Hanamikoji Street, where Geishas walk around with their glamorous and classic traditional attire and lend to take pictures. Also stop by the Pontocho Street in the district of Gion, where take excellent cappuccino. He had done Kyoto.

Reach Ikoma, tired, I found one of the twins cooking, the carefully observe from my room without her noticing.

Noting that he used his left hand, I said,

- Johnna hello how are you?

- Hello Rodrigo said turning around ...

But I'm not Johnna, I Reylia said.

- Or excuse me, it is that they are so identical

Note that now used his right hand to continue their task.

I kept thinking about it, editing in my mind that scene, I could be wrong, but no, I was sure, was very good with that kind of detail was really good at it.

I went to my room, wait a few minutes thinking about the scene and returned.

- Johnna, you already know what peace?

- No, not yet, I answered distractedly.

- You know if tomorrow will be possible?

- Maybe, we will notify you immediately.

- Juan deposit all the money?

He nodded his head slightly.

Do not stop to think about these actions, a few minutes ago I was not clearing my rectify Johnna but Reylia and now he did not.

Now I do not ask him anything else, but an idea I was crossing in the head right now, I just had to confirm it, but later, now would be unwise.

As I had bought a sandwich and a salad on the way, I went to my room and wrote an email to John, saying:


I do not even confirm what peace, what the gynecologist who is the father going to be more difficult, but we can play with that idea, no¿

Perhaps tomorrow I have news, we'll let soon.

Send me news of how you used the info that you pass when it is published?

Tell me something else, like you knew the twins? Personally? You've seen them together? You have seen pictures being both?

please be discreet with this theme and answer soon, something very strange going on here but do not worry, it's a simple question.

a hug


Juan in turn, and in the office tomorrow, read the mail instantly Rodrigo and proceeded to answer immediately, writing:


Your equipment is completed with something else and leaves early morning with your name on the cover, be forewarned that you will see on the Internet when it is your late afternoon, I'm very happy and I pass them a preview directors awaiting this exclusive with expectations .

If we cover the other news, we are on the other side.

You can find out more about those millions deposited in the Bank of the Jap? How come they got there and who is this Japanese tycoon?

Rodrigo Ponte the batteries and uses the travel and time.

What about the twins? What is it that if I personally know and if so, if I've ever seen together?

A few years ago while in Japan knew his father and then his daughters and hence we have always been in direct contact. His father appears rarely and they have got me good information from that part of the world when I was in the newspaper El Sol de Tijuana ... ,,, you expect now that you tell me, I've never seen together at twins will be possible?

If I have sent mails or phone I talked interchangeably with each of them, but see them together, I really do not remember ...

I have not seen pictures of the two together.

Rodrigo's happening? You discovered?

Keep me abreast of everything.

Let me know as soon as possible

A hug


At that time, I was in the kitchen with the intention of eating something, we were alone, others were not and she tells me:

- Rodrigo, do me a favor?

- Yes sure, tell me

- I am preparing a typical meal for both Japanese and realize that there is not enough rice, I thought I had, but I can not leave this.

      You can go get a couple of packages?

- Of course, tell me what is the nearest place

- I mean, here it is nearby.

- OK, I'll be back.

Once the front door closed, she ran to the room of Rodrigo in search of his notebook, was on the bed, opened the lid waiting confirm that he was pinned to the mail box open and if it was.

That careless Rodrigo, he thought, like I ...

I note quickly that there was a Juan unopened mail, do not open, if you have Rodrigo would notice. He was content to know the content of the mail that you send to Juan Rodrigo previously if he did, he found it, he reads it ,,,

His fists made of barely contain his rage, which was silly, she always boasted herself of his intelligence and wisdom, had made that silly affair with Rodrigo.

Rodrigo was very alert and observant, he thought, he would have to use their best ideas with so far had no problems with anyone.

He would have to get past Rodrigo?

Cerro's mail box, leave the notebook back on and returned to the kitchen, she hid two packages of rice I had in the closet before he came Rodrigo.

They ate quietly so as both were very intelligent, neither was measured with the other playing the theme, by contrast, they acted very naturally talking about Rodrigo visits and advised him released tomorrow in Osaka.

Each went to his room.

I was eager to see if John had answered me, I went in search of my hurry, anxious notebook to see its contents. I read your mail. There was no doubt ... the twins did not exist?

Johnna and Reylia were the same person, suffering from a severe mental distortion with a split personality and it was routine for her well managed, started just a few years ago as a game, fueling his ego and checking always be smarter than others. Over time he was exacerbating this way of life, dominating the ambidextrous be.

And if the story was not, at least I did my head it was so.

On the other hand Johnna or Reylia or whoever, he felt with the advantage of a simple step ahead knowing that the mail, surely Rodrigo had not realized that he had reviewed his computer. She knew that if she had realized who he was, that was his only advantage.

But he must act quickly, since knowing this, you could put in serious trouble, since false documents to have to explain serious situations created for exclusive news, which had led to crime many times.

I sent a whatsapp Juan, saying:

Please send me everything you remember about the twins and Ikoma, thanks.

Juan in turn was in the airport, receiving and Julio Ernesto, his henchmen recently arrived from Tijuana.

a hug were given and the journey to the hotel, John placed aware and give them a bag, Julio I note the contents slightly, had guns, bullets, two wads of dollars, another wad of Uruguayan pesos, two cell phones, a camera digital photo and a notebook with addresses, telephone and some notes.

- Rest of the trip, upon arrival they indicare a barbecue for dinner and early morning looking for the way to talk about what I need from you and introduce you to the Tano, my trusted here..


- You send brother, he said Julio.

Ernesto just nodded.

- And thank you very much, said Juan

Juan decided to answer the whatsapp Rodrigo before bedtime, with this email:


Reylia and Johnna and lived with his mother, but in the summer of 2013 decided

independent and went to live alone in a house with several rooms, located eight blocks from the train station, it is a little secluded, but the area is very quiet and has a magnificent view to be in a top.

All things you can check still there.

Johnna is chef de cuisine in the evenings and Reylia teaches English at the University. I know that living with it right. Themselves, to be regularly using the mode of staying with the system Airbnb to travel, decided in an effort to get some extra money, turn implement this system for tourists renovating your home for it.

Tourists initially were occasional, since Ikoma is apparently far from the three most visited cities in central Japan and are :, Osaka, Nara and Kyoto. But that with optimization, accuracy and completeness of the trains in Japan, the times are very small and the distance is not a problem.

With this slogan and using good marketing, good food, staff and prices were getting a good alternative in the world market Airbnb, that is continually gaining adherents to the system.

They have worked for me on that side of the world, obtaining important information on several occasions and have them dear.

Please inform me that you are investigating and that you care about.

A hug

Juan Hidalgo.


Tuesday June 10, 2015.

I woke up early, she was gone and the others were sleeping, for even a fly is not listening.

He had not seen flies in Japan, it would?

I decided to meet Osaka.

I went to the Osaka Castle Park, reaching the floating garden, which I take to walk and think about all this.

Osaka was a hectic city, large buildings and larger.

Then I went to the famous Korean, Tsuruhashi market and finally went to Umeda Sky Building, 173 meters.

Hence divise a magnificent football field, and I was informed it was the Osaka Football Club, where he played Forlan, he looked around and decided to meet him.

Take a taxi to save time and get to the stadium.

I present at the input, explain that came from far away, the daily search, showed my press card, I said I did not have any appointment, and add that it was like Uruguayan Forlan and only intended to greet him.

The Japanese took a few minutes and come told me to follow her, I never thought it was easy to meet with Diego, but it was there and apparently had good chances. We walked through several aisles and she asked me to wait sitting down, asked me if I wanted a drink,

If possible, a double coffee with sugar, I said pushing my luck.

About 15 minutes later Diego appeared, apologizing for the delay.

- So a reporter Uruguay, said Diego

- So, it is a pleasure and fortunate that you have received me.

I recognize that you did not expect and certainly by the time, these giving me part of your rest.

- You're very observant, your name?

- Rodrigo, Rodrigo Restuccia, the weekly Busqueda,

- Nice, and who walks by someone from so far and has come without warning?

- Is that everything has been a coincidence, I had intended to visit you today, vi. the stadium from the Sky Tower, or what I thought, catches a taxi and I'm here, I can not lie.

- Ha ha ha, the truth that amaze me.

- My job requires observation, intuition and continuously changing plans.

- Yeah, I see.

- Diego, I thank you for your kindness and they always say to you, is nothing but the truth.

- What people say about me?

- You're a simple guy, bluntly, and are giving me a big hand.

     As you are here in Osaka, here in Japan?

- Well, well it was not what I thought, but good.

- But the language, customs, and now that you are married ...

- Good language and customs do not bother me, I manage and here they treat me very well, they do not allow me to miss anything.

- And that married life as you bring? They plan to have children?

- Well, it's a possibility, as you know this whole issue of FIFA, has complicated the whole issue passes and I have a proposal paisito, well no, I think my chances ,,, the truth is that I would get out of Japan, nor because I am telling you all this.

- Forward Diego, quiet, that here there is no recording or notes, or anything, we're just two Uruguayan talking about life, you think?

- Agree. I like you.

It is that since we've been here with my wife, we have not stopped arguing and arguing, she is very stubborn and not used to being direct your life. And these Japanese are too organized, I plan everything and not leave anything to chance.

- I understand, it should not be easy.

- Diego, if it helps you talk, I can say that I am aware that a Japanese powerful you this breaking balls ...

- And how do you know that?

- By chance, right where I am staying, I heard unintentionally.

- I can not believe that someone else knows it, but it's true, that Japanese is after my wife and I have no way to get him away, I can not live like this anymore.

- I understand you.

- And I have a suitcase Figueredo left me when he was over here, before this jump FIFA and that worries me a lot, not in it.

- Uruguayan Figueredo management?

- If the same.

- And you have not fixed it contains? You have it in your house?

- It is closed and this in my house.

When you return to Uruguay Rodrigo?

- Not good in a few days I think, because questions?

- Do not take with that suitcase? Would you do me a big favor.

- I do not know, but it contains?

- I do not know, nor do I care, you the you take? You pay if that's your problem.

- I do not know Diego, let me think and talk tomorrow.

Let me and settle in, I promise to do everything in my power.

- I agree, understand, call me tomorrow, thanks

- Thanks for having me, has been a pleasure.

Returning to Ikoma, I thought as I was giving things contained in that bag? That hid this supposed former twin? Paz was pregnant? Who was the father of her child? Who was John in the life of my father?

Too many questions for a single day.

John in turn, aroused to be the protagonist of living a very intense day.

Today came the headlines, uncovering the issue of Diego and Peace, the mighty Japo with the whole story. And he would be waiting, so the pregnancy Peace, now would betray this year.

He also had a meeting with El Tano, Julio Ernesto, they were to get a car for them, with El Tano had previously been agreed by which to attack and how to lead the news in various sectors to avoid attention.

He had done many times before and this is not worried.

Return to Ikoma, she was in the house, the others had gone.

Rodrigo asked not appointed or the other.

- Dinner with me, I ask her?

- Will be a pleasure said.

      What are you doing?

- On the Internet try to see typical food from your country and I started to invent something.

- Do not tell me? And what it is?

- A pasta, noodles I think tell you with a sauce with meat..

- Sauce Bolognese?

- Yes, the same, you like?

- Mmmm what a surprise, I love you also have grated cheese?

- Ha ha if I have, I have seen the recipe and suggested me not forget the cheese.

Because you do not open the wine? It is on the table and here the opener.

- Agree.

- Within minutes we're having dinner.

- These noodles are incredible, I congratulate you.

- Thank you, try to adjust to the recipe.

- Has left you amazing, you have very good hand.

- How was your day? You were going to Osaka?

- Incidentally, it is a very large city, much movement.

     I have no idea how many more days I will be in Japan, but I would continue hearing this country that you propose to know more?

- Well, you still have two areas to know and that are totally different. Hiroshima and Miyajima in the far west of Japan, you will find that fatal disorders war that conditioned the Japanese and a very nice beach littered with deer and oysters.

On the other hand, you have a large area of ​​Mount Fuji, Hakone, its thermal baths and large lakes, northeast of Tokyo. Also this Nikko, but you go for the day from Tokyo. Knowing all that, you can say goodbye to Japan geographically, but never end up knowing their culture.

- And how many days you think you need to know all this?

- To Hiroshima two days I reached and part of Mount Fuji at least three, and one more day to Nikko.

A week in total, if you leave a few to give you some suggestions to make in Tokyo, sure do not know.

- I'd love to know everything that you suggest.

We will see how things are going.

     You know some of your gynecologist?

- As if I have the complete information.

Paz confirmed pregnant and do not want to have.

You can not gamble to see who comes out, or get a little blondie or a little japones and very different alternatives that can condition all his life.

She wants an abortion as soon as possible and no excuse to do outside of Japan without Diego finds out. The doctor asked U$S 50,000 for the treatment and discretion.

Peace does not know where to get the money, surely turn to his father.

- So with this, he confirmed his relationship with the Jap, interesting.

And that source can give me for this? I can mention your gynecologist?

- Comprometerías me much.

- If I get any evidence or analysis, you could get good money, Rodrigo said without thinking too much.

In addition I have perhaps another issue that needs your help, even do not know.

Let's talk tomorrow?

- Okay, let me think about it.

- And thanks for dinner, was excellent.

- Thanks for joining me ..

I left the room in search of those headlines in Uruguay involving me.

I was excited, my name on the cover, with Diego, Peace and Japo as protagonists.

And the newspaper had only three hours, more than 300,000 visits per Internet, a success.

The issue that now worried about was Diego, had actually found it a great guy and wanted to help and assist. Sure that suitcase was full of money. And perhaps knowing this cover Diego would be very upset with him.

It was not so late, so I decided to call Diego immediately, the cell that this gave me.

- Hi Diego?

- If the person is?

- Here Rodrigo Restuccia, we were together today ...

- Sure Rodrigo, tell me

- Well, I was thinking and I decided to help with the theme of the bag.

- So? What a good new.

- Only need help to get her out of Japan and other assistance to enter it in Uruguay, you know what I mean?

- Yes I understand.

- And what do you want? Tell me bluntly

- U$S 20,000 and send me the bag tomorrow morning.

It took a few seconds.

- Okay, give me your address and you will all be there tomorrow.

And another thing, we never talked, okay?

- Agree.

Diego had not mentioned anything about the headlines of the newspaper, safe even did not know.

Rodrigo mentally reviewing your plan, you would receive $ 20,000 and presumably a suitcase lined with money, but still should check its contents.

You should allocate some of that money with the hostess, to help you get that bag outside Japan and unmask if necessary or would not help him, and secondly, to see how Juan helped him enter with all that hypothetical Money to Uruguay.

Rodrigo went into the kitchen and said:

- Sorry, early morning I hope a suitcase, but I receive it, please wake me up when I get you?

- Okay, I'll be careful.

- Thank you very much

And neither he mentioned the twins.

It was an issue that concerned him, she was a very intelligent girl, but suffered from a mental illness, it could be dangerous.

Once the subject of the contents of the bag and is elucidated Peace abortion should speak directly with her and resolve the issue.

I did not want this issue to take him by surprise.

Juan in Montevideo, was at home enjoying his great moment, visits to the website continued unabated, sponsors appeared a few days ago refused to continue supporting the daily competition was willing to pay huge sums to share these and the happy news directors, congratulated him.

Who could ask for more?

Do not neglect the low purposes planned in El Tano, Julio Ernesto had planned a couple of theft, a fit to a senator that he did not liked and that step would serve as news and some things more.

When the subject of Diego calmed down, would all these new developments and well prepared and not allow the newspaper fell apart.


Wednesday June 11, 2015.

- Rodrigo, Rodrigo ...

- Yes? What happens?

- I get the bag, asked me to warn you, I'll leave it here.

- Yes, yes, thank you very much.

Streamline invoking my awakening my senses, look at the clock indicating the 6:50 a.m., I got up and arranged the suitcase on the bed.

The bag had an important combination lock and an outer envelope taped, opened it contained $ 20,000.

I went to the kitchen and said:

- You have a large pliers or a hammer?

- Yes, I look

I have this hammer or this mass, which serves you?

- Give me both.

- Do you need anything else?

- If a coffee, I'll be back.

Return to the room and I hit a hammer lock and rooms to anything,

He repeated sticking with the mass and the hammer below, the lock gave way.

With high expectations I opened the bag and found several folders and a few bundles of money, dollars and euros had.

So I told above packages and gave me 40 packets of each coin.

Calculating a million dollars, my hands were shaking.

They said confidential folders, the read later.

Urgent need to go to the bathroom and take a double espresso.

Now with the certainty of money, you could try to negotiate with it and expose it, it was dangerous to let her take the lead.

I poured myself a coffee, had some toast and prompt, various jams and butter on the table.

- Something interesting in that bag, I ask her?

- Nothing important, just roles that compromise the directors of FIFA and one of them is Uruguayan, I could not even see in detail that could use them.

But if you need your help. I'll need to get that bag and bring it to my country.

- You can help?

- Yes, but everything depends on the risk and how those roles are worth to you.

- There's something else that worries me before ...

- What it is?

- First of all we should be honest and should start by telling me who you are, I know you're a single person and that the twins were invented.

Rodrigo could see her clenched fists.

Wait said he saw that he could react badly, let me finish, I'm not your enemy.

You can be whoever you want, your secret stays with me, just help me get that bag of Japan and pass the info to your gynecologist and peace.

On the other hand, I'll get you a good sum of money

What do you say?

- What are you talking about?

- Come on, do not underestimate me, I've noticed.

Do what you say and we will both benefit, I will not tell anyone.

John knows, or at least you will have created doubt, she said.

Rodrigo realized just how dangerous it could have been with that information, just rummaging through your computer could know that.

- How do you know it?

- Come on, do not underestimate me.

- Juan did not say anything and I can tell I'm wrong, tell me who you are?

- Johnna she said, I am Johnna and Reylia, I am both ..

- As both, you say? Tell me your story.

- I'm Johnna and Reylia I say, we were them. Reylia nine years and had had an accident because of me, I was choking, I neglect, I do not forgive me and I had to be Johnna and Reylia, I'm both, you know?

- I understand clear. Your secret is safe with me, you have only to explain and tell John I'm wrong, I saw them both.

Well, we have a deal?

- How much money are we talking?

- Good money, but first I need the info on Peace, when you got?

- Tomorrow without fail, at night

- Agree, according to this morning info and tell me how to get that bag will plan Japan, we managed money according to that data.

- All right, where you are you?

- I'll go tomorrow to Hiroshima and Miyajma as you suggested.

- Great, you enjoyed it, good trip.

- Thank you very much.

Take the bag of Figueredo, remove all contents, put only $ 20,000 Diego and save money by separating the other $ 250,000 in it, put some shopping I had done, I put another lock and I am ready to leave at home.

The rest of the money placed in another bag, with another lock. Take my rail pass, some clothes in my backpack, folders, my notebook and went to Osaka.

In Osaka train station, ask for a locker which you prepay one week, place the bag with money, book a ticket out immediately to Hiroshima bullet train, find my way out, buy a can of coffee, breathe deep after fifteen minutes I ride that train.

I woke up after a while and it was not long to come to Hiroshima, I wrote some stuff and speakers warned by the proximity of my destiny.

I was prepared to lose, try distenderme a little, enjoy the ride and see how things flowed.

John sent me a congratulating whatsapp, the issue had been a success, and hoped the latter part of the story.

I replied that I was delighted and would perhaps morning news.

Find a hostel near the station, take the stealth and made the classical views on Hiroshima visit buildings A Bombe Done, the Hiroshima Castle, the Museum of Art, walk the Peace Memorial Park and return to Hana Hostel.

Leaving the next day crossing by ferry to Miyajima Island.


Thursday June 12, 2015.

I woke up early, take the bus to the ferry port and there.

Miyajima turned out to be a very nice island, lots of deer quietly approach you for food, I toured the island on foot, I ate lots of oysters, it was a great day.

Ikoma back on the train, we take the eye to folders, they were really compromising, there was a folder for each head of FIFA.

Also contained proof of bulky cash deposits in a bank in Japan, the bank always agreed on all deposits.

It would be the bank Japo?

Reach Ikoma, the kitchen was full, excuse me just say hello and saying all was exhausted and went to the room.

- I have news, she said she interceptándome.

- What, you ask?

- Peace on abortion will be tomorrow, while Diego goes on tour with the Osaka.

- Where I get the money?

- That I do not know.

- Any document or proof of your pregnancy?

- I have a copy of your ultrasound consisting ,, the date and name.

- Fantastic.

- You find out how to get that suitcase of Japan?

- I have everything.

- OK, tomorrow morning we talk about numbers, you think?

- It seems to me.

- See you tomorrow.

- You want me to take a tea later when it is cleared?

- Well, drop me well, Rodrigo said and went to his thoughtful room.

Juan continued to enjoy success, met with El Tano, Julio Ernesto, who had already assembled a network of crime, when he received the whatsapp Rodrigo, said:

- Peace be done tomorrow and I will have an abortion ultrasound, not how you want to handle this ...

Juan answered and continued both with a string of whatsapp:

- Send me your all and see how we will use it when you return?

- In a few days, I'm following a material on the directors of the very incriminating FIFA.

- Perfect, keep me abreast of all, a hug

- Maybe that stuff costs a lot of money, but I think worth it.

- Tell me more and see it.

Johnna showed up an hour later with you, I found half asleep.

- Rodrigo sorry I woke you, you want me to leave you and me go?

      No, no, that's fine. We all went to sleep?

If finally they had here to stay.

- Please sit.

- Johnna look where ...

- Here, in bed, I said.

- Do not want to bother you, I said

- Sit down, I said, taking her hand

Now you're left-handed or right?

- Only you know who I am.

- Incorporate and kissed me tenderly on the forehead.

- She hugged me instantly, saying ...

Because you've never entered my room?

- I did not read, I'm sorry I said as I helped her out jogging.

- Oh no? I said, doing the same with me.

We kissed long as each other pulled him the rest of his clothes.

I discovered we had a lot of skin, immediately got hard, Johnna had a great plasticity, his movements were so natural, her small tits contain a splendid and huge pink halos as nipples, was full of freckles everywhere, very blonde.

My mouth and my tongue was merged into those tits.

While my hand slid between his legs, revealing a small clump of wet and soft hairs announcing her vagina soaked.

I buried my face in it, and while Johnna ended, marked my back with her nails.

We love to be exhausted and slept together.



Friday June 13, 2015

Johnna was not in my bed.

I decided to spend the morning at home to realize how to get her suitcase, now transformed into bag.

Then there was the issue of abortion Peace, had to take tests examination and send everything to John, he was waiting for that information.

Also he had to negotiate with Johnna all this transaction.

She hummed in the kitchen with background music and not hear me in.

- I said good morning, my arms around her while she cooked.

- Hey sleepyhead, he said

- You slept well, the first time on this trip that I sleep well.

- I instead, almost no sleep a wink.

- Do not tell too many emotions, I smiled.

- It's posible.

- You prepare?

- Our breakfast, sit down, now I'll take care of you, he said with a smile good buddy.

Others seize tourists late risers. we're alone.

- Everything smells good.

- I've been thinking, I said

- So? in which?

- Because of what happened yesterday, I have given you another.

- Tell me what is?

- That one day you come to my country and bring your suitcase.

      Johnna turned quickly

- As you say?

- Sit down, you take hands

You come with me to Uruguay a few days, bring your suitcase and you get the sum of U$S 20,000, do you think?

- Have breakfast he said, without appearing emotions.

- Okay, but then I answer me.

- Very good

- When you think your guests leave?

- The French today, tomorrow Filipinos and Germans still do not, but I do not stay many days more,

- And you already rented rooms for later?

- Yes, I have a group of Australians who come in twenty days and later several others.

- Perfect then, everything fits.

- What for?

- That we leave a week to the area of ​​Mount Fuji, Hakone, Nikko and I do not know for another week to Tokyo and Uruguay.

- I see you have arranged my life.

- Only for the next two weeks.

What do you say?

- Sounds interesting, kissing said.

- This breakfast is better than other days, does you good lovemaking.

- Ha ha, you think?

- Or hesitate.

   You have the peace pregnancy tests?

- I have everything, and I give you a copy of your ultrasound.

- And some proof of abortion can be achieved?

- That no, that evidence does not exist, abortion is the test itself, do not you think?

- I understand, I'm sorry.

- Well, you have breakfast, you say about these two weeks?

- If, let

- Perfect, I just need one more thing ...

- Tell me.

- Passport've got a day?

- Yeah, tell me what you need ...

- As you can out of Japan A bag full of money? You know?

- I find out is who has done what, but cost a lot of money.

- Find out how much and how.

     On Monday we went early. Have everything ready for the first week and let him ready for the second.

Today send some papers for my country, have to hand the pregnancy test Paz¿

- I have it in my room, and I bring you.

The mail I sent to Juan, said:


Very good cover to be sent, and your boys, behaved thanks for this opportunity you have given me, do not forget.

How's everything over there?

On the other hand, today we will perform the abortion Paz, Diego without noticing,

No such'll handle this.

I sent you today by DHL copy of your ultrasound.

The other of what you speak, is rather thick Juan.

I could interview Diego informally unexpectedly greeted me in Osaka, I corroborate what Japanese walking behind Paz and his intention to leave Japan, has an offer to go to Peñarol and end up with the problem of Japonese and Sweet potato (Forlan Father) step to leave happy.

Before passing the issue of corruption FIFA, Figueredo he was in Japan. In turn Diego gave me a direction that had left Figueredo, which would leave a bag with evidence in case something happened, that bag contains documentation which commits almost all directors, including receipts mountains of money that were deposited in the Bank of the Jap.

Diego does not want to be compromised in this and denied any knowledge of the existence of that bag.

I went to see the documentation and saw in hand, they want U$S 30,000 cash.

You understand what it is worth this information?

Tell me if you want these folders and if so, deposítame me the money and I make the move because they do not know how you perform.

We must act quickly before they know the value of the material.

I hope your news

A hug


PS: if so I would be sending those folders by DHL with pregnancy test.

Immediately I sent a whatsapp, saying:

Express check your mail and let me know.

Juan awoke to receiving that whatsapp, looked at his watch table, were the 03.04 AM

I look at your e-mails from the phone to not wake Guadalupe, put your phone on silent mode while reading the mail of Rodrigo, I could not believe what I was reading, he thought for a minute and Rodrigo this whatsapp command:

Get those folders and send me all, give me your account number and bank.

Came the answer:

Agree. Bank Itau, current account 5711907.

Juan performed their different accounts, two transfers of U$S 15,000 to the account of Rodrigo, on the boundary issue and sent the last whatsapp, saying:

Indeed, 2 x 15,000

I embracing his wife went to sleep a little longer, you will draw a smile on his face.

I take the afternoon to ride around by Ikoma and know its surroundings, I had good luck being here.


Saturday June 14, 2015.

I woke up hungry and went for my breakfast in the kitchen were a German couple and three Filipinos.

- Good day, I told

- Good morning, everyone said.

The French left you his greetings, they were yesterday.

- Thank you very much, that you are having this.?

- Well, Filipinos said, we are going on a while.

And you even when you run? They asked

- I'm leaving early Monday morning or I answered.

      And you ,? Referring to the Germans.

- We're leaving early morning Hiroshima, something to recommend?

- The classic in stealth, remember that ride is free with the pass the Rail pass. One day is enough to Hiroshima and Miyajima Island for another. I recommend the Hana hostel, which is close to the station.

- Thank you very much, complete, and are an expert in Japan.

- Neither there, Johnna where is it?

- Went to Osaka said, he will return in the afternoon.

- Very good.

      Well, bon voyage to those who leave

I left the room to prepare my things.

If all went well, Sunday morning ahead of the trip I would go with Johnna to Mount Fuji.

Suddenly a cold through my body ...

Desperately seek Osaka locker key.

Look everywhere and could not find any side.

I would not, I said, I could not be happening, because I trusted so ...

Store the folders in the bag with the remaining money. Will take padlock.

I got dressed and went to Osaka.

Arrive at Osaka Station and walked to my locker, it was empty.

Whore mother who bore her, much bitch she was...

He took everything.

What a fool I am I thought, recalling the letter from John ...

You seem angelic, but heavyweight ...

How well I did it. I can not believe it.

I turned overwhelmed Ikoma, convinced that he would never see Johnna ever.

You should at least make sure the rest of the money and folders.

And out of there, he could not do anything there and it was dangerous.

This great bitch under his sheepskin, was capable of anything.

Get home, the Germans had left, Filipinos were preparing to leave and Johnna ... nothing.

I opened the bag, everything was.

Take a smaller wheeled he had seen in the fourth bag, put folders, some shopping, my clothes and U$S 250,000.

In my backpack, a change of clothes and U$S 20,000.

Before I left I went to his room and poke at his desk, I saw nothing important.

One of the side drawers had key, find a screwdriver and hit him a couple of strokes, the lock was broken, there were several loose documents and under an envelope, opened it, there was a death certificate of such a Reylia Reynnolds, a girl nine years died of drowning.

There was also a letter from Osaka Psychiatric Medical Center.

Johnna Reynnolds certifying egress, where he had been hospitalized three

years for attempted suicide and mental disorders.

I Take pictures of documents with my cellphone.

I went to Tokyo without thinking.

I went to Asakusa because I felt comfortable there, but change hostel.

I thought of an alternative plan.

After a while, I had spent the anger, but not bitterness.

He kept reproach myself.

Analyzing the situation, although at one point I had everything, even I had enough and learn my lesson. I stayed even folders could renegotiate with Juan and $ 300,000.

Not bad and not depend on anyone.

Without much thought, I sent a whatsapp John, saying:

The material is very good, but other party appeared, a newspaper now asks me

U$S 80,000 or sells it to another.

Juan awakening, I check his cell.

I was speechless at seeing the message, thought quickly and answered:

I hope that's worth, sent you two tanks x 15,000, and 20,000 now and another early tomorrow difference. But send me all soon.

Perfect, I thought to myself, and recover another U$S 50,000.

I kept telling myself that things were not bad, believe it was for my own good and that he should not return without use the trip to Japan.

Remove any clothing bag with wheels, stop shopping and U$S 250,000, will take padlock.

I redid my backpack, let me U$S 20,000.

In a bag, prepare folders and ultrasound.

Take everything and left.

First to the Asakusa subway station, then take another locker, prepay a week and keep there the bag with wheels.

I went out to look for a DHL, I indicated the 4 blocks.

I went over there, I got another insulated bag to store the things you would send John, check folders and ultrasound before and closed the package.

He was free, alone with my backpack.

I went to the station and take a train to Mount Fuji, about 160 km.

With my ticket was included in tour buses and ferries throughout the area.

It was raining but this did not stop my walk around town, reminded me of Bariloche, so serious all the cities near the mountains?

The bus toured the Lake Kawaguchi as the main step and then four more lakes.

Rain Mount Fuji 3,776 meters you could see no

Afternoon I take a bus to Hakone 32 km, I registered in a hostel and went looking for a place to dine and watch the city.

The next day visit Lake Ashi, the Hakone Ropeway walked or cable car and spend the afternoon in Osen or typical Japanese spa bath.

Spend another night in Hakone and lakes crossing early on the ferry with pirate ship to the Togendai ko Port, from there a bus to Mishima, a nice and quiet village where I spent the night.

The next day I went to Nikko 135 km north of Tokyo, visit the famous red curved bridge Shinkyo, Tosho-Go Chapel, Lake Chuzenji, a walk in the Nikko National Park and back to Tokyo.


Wednesday June 18, 2015.

Among Internet to mark my passage back, leaving early on Friday 20, would be Saturday afternoon in Montevideo, perfect.

He still had two days in Tokyo, should use them.

Or try to look for signs of Johnna, if anything he had known, I knew that never again would know it, you no grudge.

Try to learn from this unusual and rich experience that gave me life.

Never forget the amazing Japan, its people, culture and customs.

With the money could help my sister who was in a wheelchair because of an accident and thus give them a better quality of life for her and my mother.

I sent a whatsapp John, saying:

I sent folders and ultrasound by DHL newspaper. On Saturday I get 18.50, you get me?

John, he replied:

Understood, I'll be there Saturday, good return.


Armajans. / AJ / Montevideo-Uruguay 2015.08.01


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