I am going to walk you through a presentation used in a ...

Arbonne=Results with Spa Presentation

(Remember the Arbonne=Results is for group settings as well as one on ones as a follow up to your Results Approach. This is a very versatile presentation.) Remember to make it your own. Please feel free to personalize it to meet your style.

1. Presentation should not last more than 45 minutes max.

2. Start no later than 15 minutes after guest arrive. You do not want to punish guests who were on time or early.

3. Arrive early to get to know hostess and desires in life. Show them how Arbonne could be a fit for them….Could turn class presentation into their 1st launch class.

4. Greet guest as they arrive. Direct them to kitchen for snacks and then to make themselves at home in the presentation area.

5. Give profile sheet while you prepare the spa bins they can fill them out.

6. Distribute spa bins. Collect profiles. Put Aromatherapy bath salts in bins.

Begin Presentation….

Thank everyone for coming and welcome them. Acknowledge hostess and your appreciation to the hostess. Present them with a gift.

My name is………..I am a……………..with Arbonne.

SHARE YOUR WHY in 30 Seconds or Less – Make sure everyone can Relate:

Prior to (sponsor’s name) introducing me to Arbonne, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Can any of you relate or know people who can relate:

Maybe you are just here to learn about the products – but how many of you are the type of person who keeps your options open and you are willing to explore ideas on making more money?

I am going to use this flipchart to help me stay on track and so I don’t forget anything.

Share what they can expect and how to take action at the end of the presentation:

During our short time together, we are going to laugh and have fun. Everybody is going to win today. In fact we have 3 ways to win. Here is what typically happens at our presentations – as you are sitting there in your chair, listening and interacting with me during this presentation at the end you are going to want to choose one of three options.

1. Products

2. Products and Curious about the Income Opportunity

3. Products and Income – you choose to partner with us today and start earning money right away.

So you can wait and decide at the end which of these options feels right to you.

So what is Arbonne?

Arbonne has been producing pure, safe and botanically based personal care products that REALLY WORK for the last 27 years!

Before it was trendy and cool!

We were pioneers in creating natural, pure and safe products – doing the right thing for the right reasons way before the market place started the demand.

This is the chart many people looking at Arbonne as a business opportunity get excited about, a good healthy company grows 10-15% a year,

We were virtually unknown until 6 years ago – since then we have experienced around 100% growth every year and in 2005 we actually grew 164% in ONE YEAR.

And we are just BEGINNING – we are expanding into the global market – please write down who you know in Canada, Australia, and the U.K. (which includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

What is fueling our revolutionary growth?

Why are we growing so fast? An increase in demand for products that will make us:

Feel Great - Look Great and Get and Stay at our Ideal Weight.

Would you agree that NOW more than ever before people are spending a lot of money for these kind of products?

Think back 10-15 years ago. Did people pay $2 for a bottle of drinking water? Did we care if our food was organic? Did we read labels on our skin care products? Did the average person use natural nutritional supplements to address health issues?

Picture Aunt Bee from Andy Griffith – she was in her 50’s!!! Now picture what 50 looks like today – it sure does look different!

Before we go into the products-Show an aging brown banana to class. Say, “Aging happens to all of us, whether we like it or not. How many of you look and feel different than you did 5-10 years ago? How would you FEEL if you could turn back the clock with your body and skin? What if you could –

Feel Great with Increased Energy and Restful Sleep?

Look Great with Beautiful healthy, smooth and young skin with fewer lines and NO DARK Circles?

What if you could be at your ideal size with a boosted metabolism?

That is what Arbonne is designed to do!

27 years ago – Arbonne exclusively created skincare. Our goal is to provide the most technologically advanced skin care on the market.

What set’s us apart? Our skin care is:

botanically based meaning we use plants instead of chemicals.


• PH Correct.

• Hypoallergenic – even sensitive skin can use ARBONNE

• Dermatologist Tested and Approved

• Never Tested on Animals- why would you test an eye cream on a rabbit?

• Formulated without Animal by products or animal products – Arbonne does not have any animal ingredients – nothing used from animal rendering plants (road kill, euphemized cats/dogs, road kill, restaurant grease)

• Formulated without mineral oil (Seals and preserves dryness into the skin, 2nd only to the sun in aging the skin)

• Formulated without dyes or chemical fragrances – used to cover the smell of the animal rendering and are often irritants to the skin.

Arbonne takes great pride in producing only the highest quality product using the most sophisticated Swiss ingredients.

Finish Spas using Sea Salt Scrub on one leg and foot. Have guests push bins to the side, DRY OFF feet then apply the Herbal Foot Cream.

LETS TALK About LOOK Good: If you want your skin to look and feel at its best or like it did 5, 10, 15, 20 years ago – you will want to go home with this RE9 set tonight.

Let’s talk about Arbonne’s Revolution in Anti-Aging. This is the RE9 Anti-aging Skin Care Line. After using this set people WILL notice – they will begin asking you if you had some work done on your face. It addresses all of the skin issues we want to correct including – uneven color, texture, lines and wrinkles. It is so unique it is patent pending and just like all of our products – IF YOU ARE NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED YOU WILL GET YOUR MONEY BACK . If you want to protect, correct, slow down and reverse the aging process and you want healthy young and beautiful skin – you want to go home with this tonight!

What makes our anti-aging system different? The technology used in to deliver the anti-aging ingredients into the skin. We use nanosphere technology as our delivery system. Think of a nanosphere as a tiny hollow ball. The anti-aging ingredients are put inside of this hollow ball and these are put into the product. The Nano sphere is also a smart system. It knows what to deliver where you need it. Imagine these tiny spheres traveling under the skin – they know when they are in the dry cheek area, or in the oily T zone or in the eye area. Nanosphere technology is also being used in cancer research, the chemo is injected into the nanosphere and because it is smart it knows which cells are cancerous.

Demo the RE9. Hand out wet wash cloths to each guest

-----------------------Put Hydrating Wash on Clients Use with water – if it doesn’t “suds up” you need more water not more product The wash opens the pores, deep cleans, now have a clean face with open pores.

----------------------Put Toner on cotton ball Closes the pores. Removes final traces of cleanser and restores PH balance for maximum moisture retention. alcohol free

--------------------- Discuss Lift Free when you purchase the Re9 set – A stable form of vitamin C promotes production of collagen and elastin. Use any time your face needs a lift – can be applied over or under makeup.

Apply in an upward motion to ½ of your face Takes about 2 minutes to see the difference so we will finish the routine and then look at the difference.

----------------------Serem prepares the skin for the moisturizer, Also fades freckles and sun/age spots.

----------------------Moisturizers Face is now ready for moisturizer –

---------------------------------- Eye Crème – takes care of dark circles, puffiness, crows feet and the elasticity of the lid. Put on using the ring finger.

----------------------------------Day Crème– very light moisturizer with an spf of 8. Use everywhere except the eye area – including your neck

---------------------------------- Night Crème - PUT A LITTLE ON CLIENTS WRIST - We have finished the system, but I want you to feel the night cream – When I was first told the set would last 9-12 months – I was skeptical when I saw the night cream – I was used to seeing mom do the “two finger dip” in her night cream – we just use a little bit!

Look at difference in mirrors.

***The entire system lasts 6-9 months before replacing one product in the line. Arbonne has pre-measured bottles to allow you to get what you need without wasting.

*It takes 90 seconds to do the routine-same amount of time as brushing your teeth.

Point out other ANTI-AGING product briefly.

Re9…Men’s Line Resist Supplement Re9….Body Set for the neck down. (show before/after pics of feet and arms)

Arbonne has over 300 products in the catalog so what you see here is just a sampling of what we have to offer.

Intelligence Line- (No need to go into a lot of detail…judge it by your audience.)

For 16-30 year olds looking for good skin care but not worried about wrinkles

• This is our Intelligent Skin care formulas are simple, smart, self-adjusting for daily use.

• It hydrates and protects youthful skin, not yet demanding anti-aging.

• Blends the best of skin care technology with key elements advanced delivery system allows key elements and ingredients to target areas where they are needed most

• Beneficial and specific to each skin type

FYI Line

Body Wash, Body Butter, Body Spray

Tinted Moisturizer

Make-Up - Cream Shadows, Lip Gloss

LETS talk about FEEL Great: We have awesome skin care – but our Smart Nutritional Hybrids have me 10X more excited!

Not only can you get the most technologically advanced skin care – NOW you have the most technologically advanced nutritional supplements available on the market! This is the product I always want EVERYONE to start with. It is the FOUNDATION of looking great and feeling great.

If you are SERIOUS about looking better and feeling better this is a product you want to go home with today, because it is a complete nutrition package that is GENDER SPECIFIC and AGE SPECIFIC and it is so unique – it also is patent pending.

I’m going to throw a little science at you guys. I’m sure you have all heard about the new breakthrough in science called the ORAC score. The ORAC test measures the ability of a substance to disarm oxygen free radicals (Responsible for the aging process – like a brown banana)

The anti oxidant tablet in these little convenient packets contains 8000 ORAC Units – or the equivalent to 16-24 servings of raw fruits and veges a day !!!!

These power packs make you have more energy and FEEL GREAT.

And just like all of our products it is backed up by a no questions asked 45 day money back guarantee.

Let’S Talk about Maintain your Ideal Weight: Weight Loss/ Figure 8- If you want to return to and/or stay at your ideal size and you would like to boost your metabolism. Then you want to add this Figure 8 system to your order.

One of the things I love about this system is that is balances your blood sugar – that is so important when it comes to sticking to your program and maintaining your ideal weight.

Protein Shakes: chocolate, vanilla and chai latte flavor – very high VEGETABLE protein, very low carb, this shake encourages fat loss

Orange Fiber Shake – get your recommended daily fiber from fruits and grains

Dietary Supplement – Metabolism booster supports fat loss, controls appetite safely

In Between Meal Chews – Berry Burst, Chocolate and Peanut Butter – designed to fight fat and provide a pick me up boost of energy any time of day.

Detox Tea – supports healthy function of kidneys and liver

Vanishing Act - Cellulite System – show Before and After of Thighs

We also have

sun care and an acne line,

cosmetics that have the anti-aging benefits. – new foundation and concealer



other vitamins & nutritional supplements

shampoo and conditioner…just to name a few. Arbonne meets the needs of the whole family

Let’s look at a few people who have benefited from these products

Hand out Before and After Brochures

If you are new to Arbonne’s products these are the 3 product systems I recommend first:

Hybrids – most important

Your skin care for face and body

Figure 8 weight management system

Are you beginning to see the Arbonne Difference?

I love sharing these products knowing that they have visible results.

In a minute you are going to hear about the income. Just remember that this income is possible because we have products for EVERYONE and the products WORK, No one wants to add to their cosmetic graveyard under their sink.

Please feel confident to purchase them because of our RISK FREE 45 day money back guarantee.

The income is possible because these products are CONSUMABLE and many are reordered every month! Each time that happens – you can earn a commission!

Arbonne may or many to be a fit for you but I encourage you to think about someone who could benefit from the opportunity just as I have.

Let’s dream for a minute. Let’s imagine that your finances are completely taken care of – money is no longer an issue. What would you do? What would you have? Where would you live? What would you do with your time?

Imagine all of these things inside of a BIG circle – this is your DREAM circle

Now imagine a very small circle next to your Dream circle with a dollar sign in it. This is our income circle. And what most of us do is cram our dreams into our income circle and when they don’t fit we say … That stuff really doesn’t matter. Do you agree?

Here is what I do. I partner with people and help them grow their income circle to get everything in the DREAM Circle. How much bigger would you need to make monthly to start living some of your dreams. – Write that amount down!

Are you ready to get serious about getting what you want?

There are people from every walk of life that have chosen to be a part of Arbonne.

We have nurses, teachers, pharm. reps, stay at home moms, college students, husband- wife teams and many men who are involved in this company.

Arbonne is made up of people of Excellence…people that could do anything and choose to be a part of Arbonne.

Whether you are a person looking for…

• Job security

• Debt-free lifestyle

• Financial security

• Freedom to make choices

• More time tot spend with family

• OR JUST increase your INCOME circle to achieve more of your Dreams

Arbonne could be for you.

We are not a small home based business …

This is a big business and an opportunity to be part of a Real chance to change your life.

We have a Proven Business building System for Success

We teach and train people

• The benefits of using pure, safe, beneficial products

• How they can purchase products at a discount

• How to earn an additional income

I’m going to talk about the benefits of owning an Arbonne Business:

Consumable Everyday Use Products this leads to residual income, I make a sale once – customer reorders

Tax Benefits are HUGE! Owning your own business gives you the rights to write off your computer, office equipment, cell phones, lunches, trips etc…..this alone will be a “gain” for you.

Be your own BOSS. I don’t mind working 40 hours a week or part time 20 hours a week – I just want to pick what 40 or 20 hours I work. Freedom is being able to work make an income and still be around for the family. FINALLY FOUND A WOMAN I CAN WORK FOR!!!!

Achievements, Recognition, jewelry, and travel – are all available to you as incentives and much more. I can show you how to win an expense paid trip to Atlantis Resort in the BAHAMAS…..all because of Arbonne.

Mercedez Benz Program - company car received at Regional Vice President level along with an incredible income. You can get whatever Mercedes you wish.

We have Exceptional Support and FREE Training – with Committed Leadership – this absolutely available to every single person in this leadership chain. The success before us is instructing us on how to get the success for ourselves and are committed to seeing it happen for each of us. It is not a business where you signup and then you are all on your on…it is people helping people.

• How does it Work?

If I am the person in orange – and I am working my Arbonne business 10 hours a week. I teach and train 4 of my friends to work their Arbonne business 10 hours a week, because I taught and trained them – they each go teach 4 of their own.

In just this scenario I am getting compensated for 210 hours of effort each week! This is working smarter not harder.

This is a great way to leverage your time.

With Arbonne you are in business for yourself but not by yourself.

Arbonne is part of the Network Marketing Industry.

Network marketing is simply a distribution system, or form of marketing , which channels goods and services from the manufacturer to the consumer through a network of independent consultants.

In traditional retail a product has to go through a series of people before it gets to the consumer.

The more hands a product touches the more expensive it becomes and the less profit each hand receives.

In Network Marketing, a product goes straight from the manufacturer to the consultant to the consumer.

This is how Arbonne is able to sell their products for an incredible discount and

how they can provide us the consultant such a generous compensation plan.

What are the rewards of this business?


Arbonne offers a generous compensation plan.

There are only 4 levels in Arbonne. VERY ACIEVEABLE

• The first level is District Manager. The average pay is $236.43 a month.

• Some make less some make more – can range to 800/month

• The second level is Area Manager. The average pay is $1173.13 a month.

Business is Willable can range to 4500/month

• The third level is Regional Vice President.

This is the level you earn the company car. (a white Mercedes)

The average pay for this level is $4779.78 a month can range to 10 – 11,000/month

• The fourth and final level is National Vice President level.

The average income is $22,549.68 a month.

Not going to give an upper range on this level – unlimited based on the amount of product your organization is selling each month.


On you can actually find our Compensation Summary printed in black and white.

So don’t take my word for it, this form is available to anyone.

There are other benefits of owning an ARBONNE business…..

We are going to wrap up in a few minutes, but before we do – how many of you had fun and learned something? That’s what we are all about. We are about having fun, learning, helping people to look and feel great – turning back the clock – inside and out. Helping people grow their income circle big enough to include their dreams and goals.

Remember there are 3 options to pick from – 3 ways to win with Arbonne today!

Explain Wholesale Buyer: $29 signup gives you the right to shop at wholesale prices – works like a Sam’s club membership – but we differ in that we don’t make you buy in bulk and our renewal goes DOWN to $15 a year after the first year!

1. Products (wholesale buyer + get together to earn free products)

2. Products and Curious about the Income Opportunity (wholesale buyer + get together to test market the products on a few friends/family)

3. Products and Income – you choose to partner with us today and start earning money right away I am looking for 2 people to teach and train in your area. (I will personally mentor you)

• Lastly, we are going to play a game. Let’s Make a Deal (see game attachment for instruction)….Seal the deal by putting names on Calendar…even tentatively.

Now it’s time to shop….hand out catalogs/show specials…….If you choose to be a wholesale buyer, here are some special options for you. (see attachment)

Explain what most people do is the spa package. You buy $350 worth of product…Arbonne will match it and give you an additional $350 for FREE! Direct them to use the back of the form to make list of products they want and questions they may have. Tell them you will come around to assist them as needed. This packet will allow you to get the hybrids, skin care and weight loss at a 50% discount so you can start to feel good, look great and maintain your ideal weight while saving money!

Be sure to close the sale. While closing with guests, ask them “have you ever thought about doing something like this?” You never know what their response may be or what kind of seed you have planted.

Meet with host after sales are completed and let them know what happened at the presentation. Remember your hostess is always a potential business partner.. Susie do you realize that 3 people signed up wholesale and you had $350 in sales. If you have even the slightest bit of interests in doing this business, I would like to put these orders in for you so you have a cliental built up. What do you think?

Based on response you could possibly have made this class, your hostess’ first launch class and follow through getting started accordingly.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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