1180407-448886Discover Arbonne Launch DA Script April 202000Discover Arbonne Launch DA Script April 2020Slide 1Intro yourself and welcome (new IC also says quick hello/welcome)Excited to spend some time with you this evening as we launch the new online business of the amazing XX. Helping people start their entrepreneurial journey is one of my most favourite things. Please know that you being here as a friendly face as XX kick things off means the world to her/him. This is super important as this is also their training ground.Goal is to educatewho we are as a company, our productswhy so many busy people from doctors to students and everyone in between are aligning themselves with this brand, especially right now with the world we’re living in today.Ask you to leave whatever you think you know about us or our industry at the door and listen with an open mind. This may or may not be for you and that’s OK but it also might be for someone you know. I guarantee you will learn something tonight and leave feeling inspired about whatever it is you want to create with your life and how you can have more control over your health, your wealth and your future!Slide 2Who are we? We are champions for wellness & healthy living.?Everyone who does Arbonne has their own storyWe’re all different but we’ve all aligned ourselves with this brand to flourish by being good to ourselves, our community and the planet My story began … (Upline shares 2-minute why story)(New IC’s turn to answer upline’s questions. This is basically their WHY broken out (which allows the upline to guide the convo in case they feel the new IC hasn’t touched on something that could be impactful. Be concise but real. Remember, you want people to relate to you - be vulnerable.)I’m going to ask XX a few questions so you can understand why they’ve decided to join Arbonne.1. How did you first hear about Arbonne?2. What was it that intrigued you about Arbonne and what it had to offer as a company?3. If you were to choose 3 Arbonne products that you absolutely need in your home right now/most excited to use, what would they be? 4. What were your initial fears or hesitations?5. What was the turning point for you? What made you decide to jump in?Slide 3Over 40 years ago, our founder had an idea to create products that were safe for moms to put on their families that were free of dangerous chemicals He also wanted there to be an opportunity for people to create a life of choice, fulfill their purpose and give back.While Petter is no longer with us I’m so grateful to be a part of his legacy:a 40-year old brand which means 40 years of success, stability, culture, roots and community that is going to be here for 40+ more years. Slide 4Why is now such a smart time to possibly add something else to the mix?Because the world economy is changing and people want more control over their futures.The way we work today is evolving. So many people are becoming a part of the gig economy or having a side hustle. Today more than ever people recognize the need multiple streams of income as they see the gaps in the traditional work world.Social entrepreneurship is booming. Today when people want recommendations on what to buy/what services to use, they go to their online community for advice.Online business is where it’s at. We’re either watching people make money from their phones and laptops or we’re taking advantage of the internet and harnessing a piece of that for ourselves. If your ability to earn an income is tied to being in a certain place at a certain time, you have no security. The internet is open 24 hours/day, 7 days a week around the world. All you need is wifi, work ethic and a desire for change.Global wellness is booming. Ten years ago, we used to say “wellness is on the tipping point of a trillion $ industry.” Today it’s 4.2 trillion $ - that’s how fast it’s growing – it’s not going to slow down!Slide 5The demand for wellness continues to grow.Consumers want safety – clean skincare industry is expected to have double digit growth again this year.People are looking for solutions to weight management and healthy living - global obesity has more than doubled since 1975.84% of the population is stressed! From children to adults. Anxiety, mental health – it’s only getting worse. People are looking for solutions to stress management.Financial concerns are a massive driver and the effects show up not only in our relationships but in our bodies.Slide 6Why are so many people aligning themselves with our brand? Because we encompass the trends I just spoke to and so much more.Arbonne takes a holistic approach to the whole person – body, mind and skin.Clean products – they’re not just safe they actually work – it’s about efficacy.A phenomenal compensation plan which we’ll speak to in a bit My favourite thing – this is a global opportunity. We are currently in 6 countries – Canada, US, UK, Poland, Australia & New Zealand which allows you to build a business while you’re sleeping across borders. Who do you know in those countries?But we’re just getting started. Arbonne is owned by our French parent company Group Rocher – a 2.5-billion euro company, a leader in the beauty/wellness field and they are taking us to new heights.They are in 200 countries and eventually we will be too. Slide 7 Our Approach is mind, body, skin and the interconnection between the three.We know today that if your gut health is poor it shows up on your face. If you’re stressed out of your mind, it shows up in your gut – it’s called an ulcer.They are all connected and it’s the future of holistic health but Arbonne is already there.We believe it is the key to the next evolution in self-care in a world looking for more health and mindful living.Slide 8 Transparency is key. We continually challenge ourselves to be transparent and deliver the best of science and nature by creating effective products you can trust.?Our product philosophy is comprised of four factors rooted in science. These pillars are our competitive advantage and separate us from the rest.?We innovate using plant-based ingredients grounded in science with high standards for safety. Our formulas are 100% Vegan and Cruelty-free. We also formulate without gluten.We adhere to the highest ethical standards guided by a stringent ingredient policy, called our Not Allowed ListIt prohibits over 2,000 ingredients, more than the strictest standards set by the EU. We seek best in claqss third party certifications to prove our commitments to vegan, cruelty-free, gluten-free, non GMO, Kosher and more.We collaborate with leading experts in integrative health as well as as our Scientific Advisory Board of PhDs and top health professionals that bridge the gap between practical and science-based solutions.We subject all of our products to rigorous testing (from the raw materials to the finished product), continually raising our standards and leveraging the latest innovations in science and research. Anyone can write what they want on the internet, but we have the science and data to uphold the facts.?Slide 9Sustainability is one of our core drivers. We believe in using business as a force for good and the truth is, more and more people want to support brands that care and are making a difference.One of the most exciting things that has happened is our recent B Corp Certification – a super challenging certification to getIt puts people & the planet before profit.There are only 3200 companies world-wide to have this certificationwe are in the top 25 based on revenue and in the top 5 in our industry.We are committed to sustainability byreducing our packaging by 50% by 2025, and to be zero waste by 2030our partnership with Terracycle ensures that anything that can’t be put in the recycling bin doesn’t end up it the land fill and is repurposed to become playground equipment, park benches and more solidifies that (US initial rollout)goal to reduce our carbon footprint by 30% by 2030 and we are already 22% there.We’re also committed to our employees & community we don’t pay our employees minimum wage – we pay people living wages. Community matters to us - Our Flourish Foundation has raised over 7 million $s to support organizations in our communities, working with children to support their mental health Slide 10Arbonne is a one-stop shop for clean products that perform. Whether you are low maintenance or a product junkie – our brand is a fan favourite.We have over 400 CONSUMABLE products that people use every single day – from nutrition, skincare, cosmetics, body care, hair care, baby and beyond - for every member of the family. From a business perspective this is especially smart. People buy them, love them, run out and reorder – creating repeat business. One would never want to have a business with a product you need to buy just once.Think of all the products you and your family buy and use every day?And in times of uncertainty, it is shown that the beauty/personal-care segment actually does better because while people can’t afford to take extravagant vacations or purchase luxury items, women will buy themselves a lipstick as a pick me up.Slide 11Let’s chat quickly about our 30 Days to Healthy Living and beyond – I LOVE this program!!Not only is it our signature nutrition program but our #1 bestselling regimen.It’s for anyone looking to:improve their eating habitshave more energyboost their confidence simply add more health to their life, even if you feel like you lead a healthy lifestyle already.It refocuses your habits on eating and living consciously based on sustainable changes.?We are pioneering an entirely new approach to holistic wellness that connects the dots of gut health and stress recovery.?Slide 12Do you experience any of the following symptoms? (name a few)If so, it might be your body’s way of telling you to hit pause and reset.Slide 13The 30-day program or #arbonne30 is a whole foods plan that incorporates our delicious vegan supplements to increase your nutritional uptake. Unfortunately, our food today doesn’t contain the same nutritional value it did 50 or 60 years ago even if you’re eating super clean whole foods you still aren’t getting all that your body requires.We like to say you aren’t what you eat – you are what you absorb. our products are uber absorbable to give you maximum benefit.Here’s a breakdown of what’s included in our 30 Days to Healthy Living program (read the points on the slide)You are also provided with: simple yet delicious whole food recipesmeal planscoaching a community of people through a private FB group to help you succeed. The best is you will learn about your body and what works for YOU as we are all bio-individual.Slide 14(IF YOU HAVE YOUR OWN TESTIMONIALS/YOUR CLIENTS, BY ALL MEANS, INSERT YOURS)While our program is not weight focused per se, pictures tell a thousand words. Here are a few quick testimonials. (explain/read)The beauty is that this plan works for anyone:men, womenthose looking to manage their weightbuild musclesimply ensure they are putting the proper nutrients in their bodies for optimal health.Once you do the program and you’ve attained whatever goal it is you’re reaching for, you follow the 80/20 rule or lifestyle.80% of the time you stick to the principles and habits you’ve learned because you know how good your body feels doing so and 20% of the time it’s life (weekend, birthday – it’s all about balance)Slide 15By balancing nutrition and skincare, people truly get the ultimate in healthy living from the inside out.RE9 healthy aging skincare is our other flagship line and business driver. Tied with the top-selling dermatological brand in terms of results, you get a choice in terms of the ingredients you’re putting on and ultimately in your body.We use gold standard ingredients, Vitamin C, orange stem cells and more. Products are phenomenal and you’ll notice improvements in skin elasticity, firmness and tone, while minimizing appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, etc. It’s party of our inner/outer philosophy to wellness and beauty. What you put on the outside will reflect on the inside and vice versa.Clinical results to prove it. Slide 16Healthy skin is in at any age and we have a number of different lines to address everyone’s needs.RE9 Prepwork is for the teen demographic – lightweight, easy to use and a superfood cocktail that starts you off on healthy habitsNewest skincare line Bio-Hydria (all about hydration) and features the succulent plant EdulisCollagen is the name of the game these days. Instead of ingesting animal collagen from a pig or bovine source, our vegan collagen builder Skin Elixir helps you boost your body’s OWN ability to create collagen.Result? Better skin, hair and nails!Slide 17(IF YOU HAVE YOUR OWN TESTIMONIALS/YOUR CLIENTS, BY ALL MEANS, INSERT YOURS)Here are some skincare testimonials featuring our RE9 Advanced Healthy Aging Line10 years apart – no more rosacea, acne, shineResults after just one month! The texture, smoothness and lines – amazing!Slide 18So how does this work?Our business model is not only super flexible and lets you be your own boss, but you also DON’T NEED prior experience to be successful.How many of you have told a friend about a product you loved and then they went out and bought it? But you didn’t paid for that recommendation, right?With Arbonne, we use our products, we love them, we recommend them to other people and when that results in a sale, we get compensated for connecting people to the brand. And we get paid over and over every time they purchase.WE are the walking advertisements of:how incredible these products arehow healthy we feelthe amazing lifestyle we get to create by being in charge of our time.By cutting out the traditional brick and mortar retail model, so much money that would have gone into advertising, overhead, etc., gets put back into:the products through high quality ingredientsR&D the incredible compensation plan for the consultantsWe do this a couple of different ways - we connect with people:virtuallyone on one or in groupswhen life gets back to normal again, in person. Let’s be honest – now more than ever:everyone is shopping onlinemore importantly looking for a way to earn an income online toothey are recognizing the cracks in the traditional work world.We build these businesses with our laptops and our cellphones and show people how to build a global business.Slide 19I love that anyone can do this. Arbonne is an equal opportunity opportunity. It’s for all ages, demographics, genders, introverts and extroverts. And you can even do it in your pyjamas One of my favourite aspects is that you get to be a part of the most incredible community of mentors with track records of success to help you succeed and create the life you’re looking for.And as much as I love our products:the product I’m most passionate about is business because that is what changes someone’s life no one is losing sleep over their protein shake, body wash or mascara but whether or not they can make the mortgage payment this month.So let’s talk business…Slide 20How do we earn money in Arbonne?There are three ways to earn an income:Commissions from your personal product sales to Clients or Customers which are paid weekly every Tuesday – this is your right now money.Monthly overrides on the sales performance of your team. I call this mentorship pay. As you grow a team and coach them to be successful, you earn a percentage based on the sales volume of their business. You never take any $ away from them as this gets paid to you directly by home office. Your team get all your guidance and support for FREE.Best yet – if they are better at this than you, they can earn more than you, promote faster,’s effort-based which I loveThis piece of the compensation plan is the long-term income based on compounded exponential growth over time which is so powerful – we call this the legacy income.Cash bonuses at every level based on your sales performance.This doesn’t even include the opportunity to earn free incentive trips if you love to travel, Tiffany’s jewelry and more. I joke and say Arbonne is the best partner or spouse anyone could ever have.Arbonne provides the marketing, customer service, websites, apps, research and development, delivery and so much more! I never realized how much I would love building a team, locking arms with people and helping them achieve their goals. This started off being all about me and controlling my future but not it’s all about how I can serve others and help them do the same.A rising tide floats all boats.Watching people grow in leadership and develop into their next best version of themselves is so fulfilling. Our community is like nothing else I’ve ever experienced.Slide 21Getting started is easy – there are three simple steps — Redirect your spending to your own Arbonne business. You’re already buying toothpaste, protein, mascara and hand soap from somewhere. Change your label and start supporting YOUR own virtual store in the cloud vs. Amazon, Wal-mart, Popeye’s or Sephora.Share the opportunity and the products with others. You will start to build 2 networks:A) Customers who shop from your online store after they’ve finished doing their shopping at Amazon, for example.B) Consultants or business partners – people who realize that they can take what is currently an expense and turn it into an income stream by redirecting their spend and shopping from their own store. As you show others to do the same thing, you now have the potential to earn not only on your customers but the entire sales volume of your networks. So smart!3. Share your healthy living journey on social or personally with your friends and network. Now more than ever we are taking care of ourselves, our health and our family.Slide 22Let’s dive into our compensation plan or what I call the Show me the Money. If like me you can’t read this font, lol, let’s take a closer look.Slide 23So what would you do with extra money in your life? Ask yourself what it would look like to bring in this much EXTRA every year, working 5, 10, or 15 hours a week in 15 minute chunks of time?What peace of mind or breathing space could that create for you and your family?The beauty with our business is it’s not Arbonne OR your day job, kids, etc. – it’s Arbonne AND.I love that we only have 4 levels of management and that our comp plan is both fair and generous. You determine your pace – you can go faster or slower – it’s up to you.Everyone starts as an Independent Consultant and as they grow their business, they move up the management ranks. Most people at the Consultant level are wholesale shoppers who aren’t necessarily actively building but simply enjoying an amazing discount.DM avg $350/month – shoes, hockey for your kid, car payment. Maybe it’s what can keep the lights on in your homeAM avg $1600/month – mortgage payment, you can pay ALL the bills this month, reno; business becomes a willable asset to leave to a loved one.RVP avg $6300/month – that’s around $73K that you’ve added to your household income. This is your AS WELL AS income. People who start Arbonne typically have other jobs and then when they get to a point where they can walk away IF they want to, they can. You have choices now. Maybe your job is stressing you out and affecting your health, maybe you get the Sunday night blues, maybe this is the day you get to walk away. Maybe with what’s going on in the world you don’t know how much longer you will have a job?You’re driving the white Mercedes at this level with your Mercedes-Benz cash bonus.NVP avg is $18K/month – that’s a lot of money for your part-time business. Cool part is it’s the average – it’s unlimited. There are no glass ceilings or maximums as to what you can earn. This is life changing money and where it becomes earning an income while making an impact.What legacy do you want to leave in this world? Maybe you have a heart for philanthropy – when is the last time you met a poor philanthropist? $ is a huge force for good When good people make great money they can do amazing things. Maybe you want to start another business, want to travel the world or have a passion project? This is the level that can fund that.Simply put – Arbonne is a vehicle for more YES in your life and one that will allow you to prepare for impact when life or circumstances outside our control happen.Slide 24So what if you see the brilliance in what we’re doing and decided to make Healthy Living your business with Arbonne by simply showing people how to change their brand?As a Consultant:you benefit from shopping at 35-50% offrun your business from your phonehave the tax advantages of having a home-based business (writing off your phone, internet, gas, % of your mortgage/rent, products, etc.)all with an incredible community of mentorship and positivityWe show people how to take part-time hours and create full-time life, build something that is theirs – that they can leave their loved ones.It costs just $59 to become a consultant in Canada (insert country appropriate amount) which gets you all the support, training and tools we spoke about. We recommend you get on some products so you can experience the benefits and authentically share with your network. These are products you were probably going to buy this month anyways, just from somewhere else.Where else can you start a business for so little that has no risk?You don’t need to mortgage the house and you don’t need to know the world or be a pushy salesperson. We take you by the hand and plug you into our system for activity and help guide you towards the life you want to create.If shopping as a customer is more your speed, you can become a Preferred Client which is our loyalty membership program and enjoy:20-40% offhave a 45-day moneyback guaranteefree shipping and more on all qualifying orders. It’s like being a Costco member but more fun . XX will share some of the best options at up to 40% for those of you interested in products.So I want you to ask yourself a question because the truth is we all work hard and will probably be working far longer than we want to – well into our 70s. Is what you’re working hard at now building something for you or are you building something for someone else? The answer should always BE YOU.And if now, during this uncertain time we’re living in, your ability to earn an income is or was attached to having to be at a certain place, during a certain time - then you might be looking for more control over what you can bring in financially and how you can care for yourself or your family. This business is simple but it takes work just like anything worth havingBut doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. The worst thing that will ever happen to someone who starts a business is that you will have an amazing 35-50% off wholesale discount on products for 12 months – no strings attached. The best thing that can happen is you can completely transform your life and I’ve learned that so often the solution we are looking for come in a completely different box than we are expecting.Follow your tug, explore what your life could look like 3, 6 ,12 or 24 months from now. Fear and excitement often feel the same way – l am forever grateful I chose excitement.To wrap up, most people who take a look at Arbonne usually end up falling into 1 of 3 categories.Interested in the product and becoming a CUSTOMERYou know someone for whom the product or business could be a good fit and you could be a CONNECTORThe business intrigues or makes sense to you and you want to know more about what next steps would be to be a CONSULTANT or you are ready to lock arms with XX and get started too.As part of XX’s feedback training and to help her/him best serve you, XX is going to set up a time within the next 24 hours for a quick 5-minute touch point with us to get your feedback and answer 3 easy questions including where you might see yourself on the scale of 1-2-3. Does that sound OK to everyone?Thank you so much once again for your time tonight! Stay well and XX will be reaching out shortly ? ................

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