30 Days to Healthy Living and Beyond – September 2015 ...

30 Days to Healthy Living and Beyond ? September 2015

Slide #1 ? A Lifestyle for everyone

Thanks for joining us. Someone invited you to learn the importance of a healthy lifestyle and we hope the next several minutes will be very valuable.

Whether you are an Arbonne consultant, a preferred client, or just checking out great way to harmonize your health... my hope is that the information that I am sharing today, will be beneficial for you and your family.

And, I would like to be very clear, that I am not a medical professional and if you have any medical conditions or challenges, please contact your Doctor before making any drastic changes to your eating or lifestyle.

Also, I would like to mention that here is a business attached to these amazing products and you if will indulge me for a few minutes of this Healthy Living Presentation, I will share very briefly about our income opportunity.

OK. On to our Eating Clean and Healthy Presentation.

-- Our GOAL is to educate you so you understand why so many "DIETS" don't work and how just a few changes in your eating habits and lifestyle can help you drop some weight, pretty quickly, help you increase your energy and feel great! And the best part is, this way of life is not just for you, but for your entire family!

-- Also, we'd to give you the opportunity to stay connected with us through our Eating Clean and Healthy Eating Facebook Page, which provides not only meal plans and recipes but support, encouragement and accountability.

Arbonne supports both inner and outer health ? There's a synergistic effect when you are dealing with health inside and out.. Tonight/Today we are going to focus on THE INSIDE!

Slide #2? Arbonne Nutrition 101

Slide #3? It's Simple ? It's a Lifestyle

How many people do you know that are always "dieting" and never reach their goal? This is NOT a diet.. Diets do not work!

Slide #4? Healthy from the Inside Out

So the question is, why detoxify and how does it help you? Here's a great analogy.... Our body is like a bathtub, the water faucet (brings toxins in); and the drain (lets the toxins out). When the water is running at a normal pace, we don't have as much of a problem. But, when we are in overload (meaning too many toxins) and the drain is clogged, the tub gradually fills up and spills over the sides. This is when people get SICK and many times people are given medications, which often can add more toxins & have side negative effects. (Have you heard the commercials lately? The side effects are longer than the benefits). We believe most people want to lose weight and feel good but they don't REALLY understand how to achieve true health & vitality. Toxins are what locks up the fat cells! To have effective weight loss, we have to unplug the drain (detox) by nutritionally cleansing. When you get rid of the toxins the FAT CAN MELT AWAY! SIMPLY PUT... Toxins come from stressors like emotional distress, the environment, processed foods, extra weight and being inactive. Stress leads to toxic build up which leads to inflammation, which leads to the disease process. Decreasing stressors/toxins will decrease inflammation which will decrease the disease breeding ground...creating HEALTH! This program is about CLEANING the DRAIN!!

We must clean and detoxify our bodies and this is where Arbonne comes in. Arbonne is the detox portion of the program as well as incorporating more whole foods into your diet.

SLIDE #5 Is this you?? These are all signs that your body needs to detox. Here's a scary fact Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths each year. That's approximately one woman every minute

SLIDE #6 ? Why Nutritionally REbalance

SLIDE #7 ? Your body can heal itself We talked earlier about the Toxins and how this program is really about ridding your body of the toxins. We have one body and our body has it's own ECO system. Ecosystem definition, a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment.

SLIDE #8 ? Remove Toxins ? Lose Fat

Here is a scary fact... There are 200,000 more toxins in our environment than 30 yrs ago.

When someone starts to gain weight, it's usually around the midsection. The body forms fat to protect the vital organs. ex: back fat (around the kidney) front/middle fat (around the pancreas and liver)

This is a proven fact: When someone is losing weight, the toxins, (remember the toxins are in the fat) the fat starts burning off in the system, the toxins float around in the bloodstream, And if the toxins are not removed from the system. YOU WILL PLATEAU. Our 30 days to Healthy Living program is designed to help you NOT PLATEAU! Because you are removing the toxins.

Keep this in mind: Your liver is the master detoxifying organ. If you don't DETOXIFY, you won't lose weight!

SLIDE #9 ? 5 Keys to Healthy Living (important to read Fit Fact on bottom)

SLIDE #10 ?Eat Clean Your body works more efficiently when the toxins are removed. A genetically modified organism (GMO) is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques

SLIDE #11 ? Natural Clean Foods

Slide #12 Eliminate The 3 A's Acidic/Allergenic and Addictive Foods

Food is either FUEL OR POISON.

This is the point where most people say, "That's my whole diet ? I can't do that.. How can I do that?" If you think it's too hard to eliminate ALL of these foods, then just start by eliminating 4 or 5.

Just give it 30 days and then see how you feel after 30 days. if you don't feel better or lose the weight, then go back to how you were eating.. Just give it 30 days.

And, for everyone of these foods that we are asking you to give up ? Arbonne has a product that will replace it!

SLIDE #13 ? Foods that don't serve you

SLIDE #14 ? Increase Nutrient Absorption

SLIDE #15 ?Blood Sugar Chart ? Insulin is secreted in response to eating acidic carbohydrates. (bread, crackers, cookies, white potatoes, some fruits, sugar etc) ? Insulin signals the body to bring the blood sugar down and HOLD ON to the Fat ? Scientists have established that anything that causes a rise in our blood sugar, results in inflammation. ? Dr. Nicholas Perricone says, "Inflammation is at the basis of virtually EVERY disease, such as cancer, Aging, Alzheimer's, heart disease and wrinkled skin.

SLIDE #16 ? Support Elimination Organs

SLIDE #17? Healthy Living for Life No more Yo-Yo when you Nutritionally Rebalance (by DeToxing)

SLIDE #18 ? Acidic vs Alkaline All foods are either Acid Forming or Alkaline Forming We are talking about what happens to the food once it's in your system... Lemon ? for example, is Acidic ? BUT when it's in your system, it's Alkaline forming.

Our body is ALWAYS in a constant state of Balance (called Homeostasis). When we eat more foods that are Acid Forming (like sugars, white flour and other foods that are not healthy for us, our bodies become mildly acidic.. And look at the results when are bodies are even MILDLY acidic.

SLIDE #19? Acidity = Inflamation An Acidic body leads to Disease... Look at this list: What you put on your body is a direct reflection of what comes out.

Slide #20 ? Eat more Alkaline Foods We want to get you back to whole food grass roots eating

Slide #21 ? What's the Deal with Dairy It used to take 4 years to take a cow to slaughter.. Today, because they are injected with hormones, it takes 9 months. (important to read Fit Fact on bottom)

SLIDE #22 ? Why Avoid Gluten or Soy Gluten is a sticky protein found in Wheat, Barely and Rye Gluten is a buzz word but it's different than what it was 50 years ago and that it is why its harder to digest. Years ago Gluten was a NATURAL RAW SOURCE and it was good for you.

Soy is acidic and it mimics the effects of estrogen


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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