|[pic] |




|From 1973 to 2008 |

| |

|2/4/2009 |

|Thuan Bui and Annie Rivera |

|1973 was the first year that specific courses were listed for specific categories of the American River College general education |

|requirements. This document covers changes from 1973 up to Fall of 2008. Changes that occur beginning Fall 2008 and after are not included. |


RULE OF THUMB: A general education course always counts if it was approved at the time the course was taken.

Following are the specifics about this document and how to use it:

1. This document uses the 1973 catalog as the base line, because it was the first year that the general education had specific classes listed. Moreover, this list only includes changes such as when a course was approved and or removed from the general education requirements, not when it is added to or deleted from the curriculum. When “Removed” column remains blank until there is a status change.

2. Courses listed in this document should look exactly like those listed on students’ transcripts. Be sure to look at number, title and the year the course was completed.

3. Changes to a course are indicated as follow:

a. If only the course title changes between the year it was approved, and the year it was removed, the new title will be noted in the same box as the old title, with the year the title changed in parentheses. See: History 12 or Human Services 19 in the chart below.

b. If the course number changes, the change will be noted and the course is recorded as “Removed”. The new course will appear in the appropriate place with the new date as “Approved”, see Art 3.

c. If both the title and the course number change, as in Art 26, the new number, Art 26A, will be is recorded as “approved” in 1987. If a student took it between ‘87 and ’03, it would be Art 26 A, and if the student takes it after 2003, it would be ART 431. Then in 2006, ART 431 was changed to ART 430. Explained in a different way, the changes for Art 26 are as follows:

i. 1983 Art 26 “Children in Art” was approved for the Humanities area

ii. 1987 Art 26 was changed to Art 26 A along with a new title: “Art and Children”.

1. Art 26 is listed as removed in 1987

2. Art 26 A is listed as approved in 1987

iii. 2003 Art 26 A was changed to ART 431 (same title)

iv. 2006 ART 431 became ART 430 and keeping the same title, “Art and Children”

4. If the course is removed and then re-instated at another date, it will appear like the English 26 example below. English 26 was approved in 1977, and removed in 1991; in 1992 it was reinstated for the Humanities area, with the same number and title until 2003 when it went through the renumbering process. So, English 26 is recorded as “removed” in 2003, with reference to the new number ENGLT 495. A new entry for ENGLT 495 is listed as “Approved” in 2003.

5. Before the renumbering event in the summer of 2003, the numbers used for courses were limited, so there are many instances where a course was deleted from the curriculum, a new course was developed, but the number was recycled. So as you look at the course number, be sure to match the course title for it to apply. One such example is Biology 18, see chart.

6. Course names are grouped in alphabetical order, with all the new 2003 designators last.

|Course |Fall term unless |

|New order effective 2007/ 08 |otherwise noted |

| |Approved |Removed |

|Sample Course Changes |

|Art 3 |Art: Stone Age Through Middle Ages |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: ARTH 302 | | |

|Art 26 |Children in Art |83 |95 |

| |Changed to: Art 26 A (87) | | |

|Art 26 A |Art and Children |95 |03 |

| |Changed to: ART 431 | | |

|ART 430 |Art and Children |06 | |

|ART 431 |Art and Children |03 |06 |

|ARTH 302 |Stone Age through Middle Ages |03 | |

|Biology 18 |Plants and Society |73 |83 |

|Biology 18 |Conservation Biology |96 |03 |

| |Changed to: BIOL 352 | | |

|BIOL 352 |Conservation Biology |03 | |

|English 26 |Mythologies of the World |77 |91 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 495 | | |

| | |92 |03 |

|ENGLT 495 |Mythologies of the World |03 | |

|History 12 | History of World Civilizations, 1600 to the Present |94 |03 |

| |New Title: World History to 1500 (95) | | |

| |Changed to: HIST 308 | | |

|HIST 308 |World History to 1500 |03 | |

|Human Services 19 |Problems of Diverse Populations |96 |03 |

| |New Title: “Issues of Diverse Populations” (97) | | |

| |Changed to: HSER 330 | | |

|HSER 330 |Issues of Diverse Populations |03 | |

|Math 9 A |Analytic Geometry and Calculus |73 |84 |

| |New Title: Calculus I (92) | | |

| |Changed to: MATH 400 | | |

| | |92 |03 |

|MATH 400 |Calculus I |03 | |

|Course |Fall term unless otherwise |

|New order effective 2007/ 08 |noted |

| |Approved |Removed |


|Art 3 |Art: Stone Age Through Middle Ages |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: ARTH 302 | | |

|Art 3 A |Art History of the Non-Western World |94 |03 |

| |Changed to: ARTH 322 | | |

|Art 4 |Renaissance Tradition in Art |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: ARTH 308 | | |

|Art 5 |Modern Art |73 |03 |

| |Changed to : ARTH 310 | | |

|Art 5 A |International Contemporary Art |95 |03 |

| |Changed to : ARTH 334 | | |

|Art 10 |Introduction to Art |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: ARTH 300 | | |

|Art 10 H |Honors Introduction to Art |02 |03 |

| |Changed to: ARTH 480 | | |

|Art 11A |Elementary Drawing and Composition |96 |03 |

| |Changed to: ART 300 | | |

|Art 14 |Design: Fundamentals |96 |03 |

| |Changed to: ART 320 | | |

|Art 15A |Design: Image and Contents |96 |03 |

| |Changed to: ART 322 | | |

|Art 26 |Children in Art |83 |87 |

| |Changed to: Art 26 A | | |

|Art 26 A |Art and Children |87 |03 |

| |Changed to: ART 431 | | |

|Art 28A |Computer Graphics |96 |99 |

| |Changed to: ART 324 | | |

|Art 35 |Women In Art |78 |95 |

|Art 40 |Elementary Photography |73 |75 |

|ART 300 |Elementary Drawing and Composition |03 | |

|ART 418 |Historical Processes in Photography |04 |07 |

| |Changed to : ARTPH 340 | | |

|ART 320 |Design: Fundamentals |03 | |

|ART 322 |Design: Image and Content |03 | |

|ART 324 |Collage & Assemblage |06 | |

|ART 430 |Art and Children |06 | |

|ART 431 |Art and Children |03 |06 |

|ART 440 |Artists’ Materials and Techniques |06 | |

|ARTH 300 |Introduction to Art |03 | |

|ARTH 302 |Art: Stone Age Through the Middle Ages |03 | |

|ARTH 308 |Renaissance Tradition in Art |03 | |

|ARTH 310 |Modern Art |03 | |

|ARTH 322 |Art History of the Non-Western World |03 | |

|ARTH 333 |Introduction to Islamic Art |07 | |

|ARTH 334 |International Contemporary Art |03 | |

|ARTH 480 |Honors Introduction to Art |03 | |

|Art New Media 3 |History of Graphic Design |01 |03 |

| |Changed to: ARTNM 305 | | |

|ARTNM 305 |History of Graphic Design |03 | |

|ARTNM 310 |Design Fundamentals |04 | |

|ARTNM 331 |Media Studio I : Pigment-Based Media |10 | |

|ARTPH 305 |Digital Photography |14 | |

|ARTPH 340 |Historical Process in Photography |07 | |

| |New Title : Alternative Process Photography | | |

|Chinese 11A |Elementary Mandarin |98 |03 |

| |Changed to: MAND 401 | | |

|Chinese 11B |Elementary Mandarin |98 |03 |

| |Changed to : MAND 402 | | |

|ECE 361 |Introducing Young Children to Visual Arts |03 | |

|ECE 363 |Music and Movement with Young Children |03 | |

|English 12 |Contemporary Women Poets |77 |91 |

|English 17 |Intro to Dramatic Literature |75 |76 |

|English 20 |Literature of California |00 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 327 | | |

|English 21 |Mystery and Detective Fiction |93 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 390 | | |

|English 25 |Studies in Literature |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 494 | | |

|English 26 |Mythologies of the World |77 |91 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 495 | | |

| | |92 |03 |

|English 26 A |No such courses in the 90 or 91 catalog( Possible typographical error) |91 |92 |

|English 27 |Women in Literature |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 360 | | |

|English 28 |Introduction to Fiction |94 |03 |

| |Changed to : ENGLT 300 | | |

|English 30 |American Literature |73 |03 |

| |Changed to : ENGLT 320 | | |

|English 30 H |Honors American Literature |89 |00 |

|English 31 |American Literature |73 |03 |

| |Changed to : ENGLT 321 | | |

|English 31 H |Honors American Literature |89 |00 |

|English 32 |Asian Literature |73 |79 |

|English 33 |World Literature |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 340 | | |

|English 34 |World Literature |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 341 | | |

|English 35 |English Literature |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 310 | | |

|English 36 |English Literature |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 311 | | |

|English 37 |Mexican-American Literature |73 |93 |

|English 37A |Studies of Literature of Diverse Cultures: Other American Cultures |93 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 337 | | |

|English 37B |Studies of Literature of Diverse Cultures: Asian American Autobiography & Fiction |93 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 334 | | |

|English 37C |Studies of Literature of Diverse Cultures: African American Dramatic Literature |93 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 333 | | |

|English 38 |Science Fiction and Fantasy |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 392 | | |

|English 39 |Children and Literature |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 370 | | |

|English 39 A |Children and Literature: Presentations Strategies |92 |94 |

|English 39B |Children and Literature: Storytelling |94 |03 |

| |Changed to : ENGLT 372 | | |

|English 39 C |Children and Literature: Multi-culture Literature |94 |03 |

| |Changed to : ENGLT 374 | | |

|English 39 D |Children and Literature: Reader’s Theater |94 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 376 | | |

|English 40 |Black American Literature |73 |91 |

|English 41 |Introduction to the Novel |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 302 | | |

|English 42 |Introduction to Short Story |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 303 | | |

|English 43 |Introduction to Poetry |73 |76 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 304 | | |

| | |77 |03 |

|English 44 |Literature Themes in Dramatic Literature |90 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 382 | | |

|English 45 |The Multicultural Experience Through Folk Studies |73 |79 |

|English 45 |Young People’s Literary Classics |90 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 378 | | |

|English 47 |Introduction to Shakespeare |73 | |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 380 | | |

|English 48 |Intro to Dramatic Literature |73 |75 |

|English 52 |Introduction to Literature |73 |89 |

|ENGLT 300 |Introduction to Fiction |03 | |

|ENGLT 302 |Introduction to the Novel |03 |08 |

|ENGLT 303 |Introduction to the Short Story |03 |08 |

|ENGLT 304 |Introduction to Poetry |03 | |

|ENGLT 308 |The Graphic Novel & Manga |12 | |

|ENGLT 310 |English Literature |03 | |

|ENGLT 311 |English Literature |03 | |

|ENG LT 320 |American Literature |03 | |

|ENGLT 321 |American Literature |03 | |

|ENGLT 327 |Literature of California |03 | |

|ENGLT 333 |African-American Dramatic Literature |03 | |

|ENGLT 334 |Asian-American Literature |03 | |

|ENGLT 337 |Other American Literatures |03 |08 |

|ENGLT 338 |Native American Literature |05 | |

|ENGLT 340 |World Literature |03 | |

|ENGLT 341 |World Literature |03 | |

|ENGLT 345 |Mythologies of the World |03 | |

|ENGLT 360 |Women in Literature |03 | |

|ENGLT 370 |Children and Literature |03 | |

|ENGLT 372 |Children and Literature: Storytelling |03 | |

|ENGLT 374 |Children and Literature: Multicultural Literature |03 | |

|ENGLT 376 |Children and Literature: Reader’s Theatre |03 | |

|ENGLT 378 |Young People’s Literary Classics |03 | |

|ENGLT 380 |Introduction to Shakespeare |03 | |

|ENGLT 382 | Literary Themes in Dramatic Literature |03 | |

|ENGLT 390 |Mystery and Detective Fiction |03 | |

|ENGLT 392 |Science Fiction and Fantasy |03 | |

|ENGLT 403 |Film Adaptations |07 | |

|ENGLT 494 |Topics in Literature |03 | |

|Fashion 30 |History of Western World Fashion. |99 |03 |

| |Changed to: FASHN 330 | | |

|FASHN 330 |History of Western World Fashion |03 | |

|Foreign Languages 1A |(Grandfathered –in) |96 |03 |

| |Changed to 401 | | |

|Foreign Languages 1B |(Grandfathered –in) |97 |03 |

| |Changed to 402 | | |

|French 1,2 |Elementary French |73 |77 |

|French 2A, |Intermediate French |81 |03 |

| |Changed to: FREN 411 | | |

|French 2B |Intermediate French |81 |03 |

| |Changed to: FREN 412 | | |

|French 3, 4 |Intermediate French |73 |81 |

| |Changed to: French 2 A, 2 B | | |

|French 25A |Literature and Composition |73 |80 |

|French 50 |Elementary Conversational French |73 |77 |

|French 51 |Intermediate Conversational French |73 |77 |

|FREN 401 |Elementary French |03 | |

|FREN 402 |Elementary French |03 | |

|FREN 411 |Intermediate French |03 | |

|FREN 412 |Intermediate French |03 | |

|German1, 2 |Elementary German |73 |77 |

|German 2A, 2B |Intermediate German |81 |03 |

| |Changed to : GERM 401, GERM 402 | | |

|German 3, 4 |Intermediate German |73 |81 |

|German 25 |Literature and Composition |73 |76 |

|GERM 401 |Elementary German |03 | |

|GERM 402 |Elementary German |03 | |

|GERM 411 |Intermediate German |03 | |

|GERM 412 |Intermediate German |03 | |

|History 4 |History of Western Civilization |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: HIST 300 | | |

|History 4 H |History of Western Civilization |96 |03 |

| |Changed to: HIST 480 | | |

|History 5 |History of Western Civilization |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: HIST 302 | | |

|History 5 H |History of Western Civilization |96 |03 |

| |Changed to: HIST 481 | | |

|History 6 |Women in Western Civilization |83 |03 |

| |Changed to: HIST 305 | | |

|History 11 |World History to 1500 |94 |03 |

| |Changed to: HIST 307 | | |

|History 12 |World History, 1500 to the Present |94 |03 |

| |Changed to: HIST 308 | | |

|History 19 |Asian Civilization |78 |03 |

| |Changed to: HIST 364 | | |

|History 20 |Asian Civilization |78 |03 |

| |Changed to: HIST 365 | | |

|HIST 300 |History of Western Civilization |03 | |

|HIST 302 |History of Western Civilization |03 | |

|HIST 305 |Women in Western Civilization |03 | |

|HIST 307 |History of World Civilizations to 1500 |03 | |

|HIST 308 |History of World Civilizations, 1500 to Present |03 | |

|HIST 364 |Asian Civilization |03 | |

|HIST 365 |Asian Civilization |03 | |

|HIST 399 |Studying in Italy: Italian History and Culture |08 | |

|HIST 480 |History of Western Civilization - Honors |03 | |

|HIST 481 |History of Western Civilization – Honors |03 | |

|Humanities 1 |Classical Humanities |73 |03 |

| |Changed To: HUM 300 | | |

|Humanities 2 |Modern Humanities |73 |03 |

| |Changed To: HUM 310 | | |

|Humanities 3 |Eastern Humanities |84 |03 |

| |Changed To: HUM 320 | | |

|Humanities 8 |Humanities of the Ancient Near East |92 |03 |

| |Changed to: HUM 322 | | |

|Humanities 9 |Humanities of the Americas |88 |03 |

| |Changed to: HUM 330 | | |

|Humanities 10 |Introduction to the New Testament |97 |03 |

| |Changed to: HUM 365 | | |

|Humanities 11 |History of the Old Testament |99 |03 |

| |Changed to: HUM 360 | | |

|Humanities 51 |Survey of the Humanities |73 |89 |

|HUM 300 |Classical Humanities |03 | |

|HUM 301 |Intro to the Humanities |11 | |

|HUM 302 |Global Humanities: Atheism in Creativity, Thought, and Inspiration Traditions |10 | |

|HUM 310 |Modern Humanities |03 | |

|HUM 320 |Asian Humanities |03 | |

|HUM 322 |Humanities of the Ancient Near East |03 |07 |

|HUM 326 |Middle Eastern Humanities |05 | |

|HUM 330 |Humanities of the Americas |03 | |

|HUM 355 |Introduction to World Religion |14 | |

|HUM 360 |Introduction to the Old Testament (The Hebrew Bible) |03 | |

|HUM 365 |Introduction to the New Testament |03 | |

|Interior Design 30 |Period Furniture: Foundations of Styles |85 |03 |

| |Changed to: IDES 310 | | |

|Interior Design 31 |History of Interior Architecture and Furnishing II |98 |03 |

| |Changed to: IDES 312 | | |

|IDES 310 |History of Interior Architecture and Furnishings I |03 | |

|IDES 312 |History of Interior Architecture and Furnishings II |03 | |

|Italian 1, 2 |Elementary Italian |73 |77 |

|Italian 3, 4 |Intermediate Italian |73 |76 |

|ITAL 401 |Elementary Italian |03 | |

|ITAL 402 |Elementary Italian |03 | |

|ITAL 411 |Intermediate Italian |04 | |

|Japanese 1A |Elementary Japanese |96 | |

|JAPAN 401 |Elementary Japanese |03 | |

|JAPAN 402 |Elementary Japanese |03 | |

|Journalism 10 |Contemporary Journalism |73 |77 |

|MAND 401 |Elementary Mandarin |03 | |

|MAND 402 |Elementary Mandarin |03 | |

|Music 2 |Basic Musicianship |73 |98 |

| |Changed to: MUFHL 2 | | |

|Music 3A |Music Theory |73 |98 |

| |Changed to: MUFHL 3A | | |

|Music 6 |Introduction to Music |73 |98 |

| |Changed to: MUFHL 6 | | |

|Music 9 |Music for Children |83 |98 |

| |Changed to MUSM 9 | | |

|Music 10, 11, |Survey of Music History and Literature |73 |98 |

| |Changed to: MUFHL 10, 11 | | |

|Music 57 |Music for Listening |73 |98 |

| |Changed to: MUFHL 57 | | |

|MUFHL 2 |Basic Musicianship |98 |03 |

|MUFHL 3 |Music Theory |98 |00 |

|MUFHL 3A |Music Theory |00 |03 |

| |Changed to: MUFHL 400 | | |

|MUFHL 6 |Introduction to Music |98 |03 |

| |Changed to: MUFHL 300 | | |

|MUFHL 9 |Music of the World |98 |03 |

| |Changed to: MUFHL 330 | | |

|MUFHL10 |Survey of Music History and Literature |98 |03 |

| |Changed to: MUFHL 310 | | |

|MUFHL 11 |Survey of Music History and Literature |98 |03 |

| |Changed to: MUFHL 311 | | |

|MUFHL 12 |Jazz History |98 |03 |

| |Changed to: MUFHL 315 | | |

|MUFHL 57 |Music for Listening |98 |03 |

| |Changed to: MUFHL 100 | | |

|MUFHL 100 |Music Listening |03 |07 |

|MUFHL 300 |Introduction to Music |03 | |

|MUFHL 308 |Introduction to Music: Rock & Roll |04 | |

|MUFHL 310 |Survey of Music History and Literature |03 | |

|MUFHL 311 |Survey of Music History and Literature |03 | |

|MUFHL 315 |Jazz History |03 | |

|MUFHL 321 |Basic Musicianship |03 | |

|MUFHL 330 |World Music |03 | |

|MUFHL 400 |Music Theory |03 | |

|MUSM 9 |Music for Children |98 |03 |

| |New Title: Music for Teachers | | |

| |Changed to: MUSM 370 | | |

|MUSM 370 |Music for Children |03 | |

|PER 2 |Dance Composition & Production |83 |99 |

|Philosophy 5 |Introduction to Ethics |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: PHIL 310 | | |

|Philosophy 6 |Introduction to Philosophy |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: PHIL 300 | | |

|Philosophy 7 |Philosophy of Social Sciences |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: PHIL 360 | | |

|Philosophy 10 |Philosophy of Religion |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: PHIL 350 | | |

|Philosophy 13 |World Religions of Asia, India and the Far East |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: PHIL 353 | | |

|Philosophy 14 |World Religions of the Western Tradition |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: PHIL 354 | | |

|Philosophy 20 |History of Classical Philosophy |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: PHIL 330 | | |

|Philosophy 21 |History of Modern Philosophy |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: PHIL 331 | | |

|Philosophy 40 |Philosophy of Freedom, Self and Society |73 |83 |

|Philosophy 41 |Sexism in Traditional Philosophy and Religion |83 |95 |

|Philosophy 53 |General Survey of Philosophy |73 |89 |

|PHIL 300 |Introduction to Philosophy |03 | |

|PHIL 310 |Introduction to Ethics |03 | |

|PHIL 315 |Contemporary Moral Issues |10 | |

|PHIL 330 |History of Classical Philosophy |03 | |

|PHIL 331 |History of Modern Philosophy |03 | |

|PHIL 350 |Philosophy of Religion |03 | |

|PHIL 353 |Religions of the Far East |03 | |

|PHIL 354 |Religions of the West |03 | |

|PHIL 360 |Philosophy of Social Sciences |03 | |

|Phys Ed C16 |Dance Composition and Production |73 |77 |

|Russian 1, 2 |Elementary Russian |73 |77 |

|Russian 3 |Intermediate Russian. |73 |81 |

| |Changed to: Russian 2A | | |

|Russian 2 A |Intermediate Russian |81 |03 |

| |Changed to: RUSS 411 | | |

|Russian 2B |Intermediate Russian |90 |03 |

| |Changed to: RUSS 412 | | |

|Russian 4 |Intermediate Russian. Changed to Russian 2 B |73 |76 |

|RUSS 401 |Elementary Russian |03 | |

|RUSS 402 |Elementary Russian |03 | |

|RUSS 411 |Intermediate Russian |03 | |

|RUSS 412 |Intermediate Russian |03 | |

|Sign Language 1 |American Sign Language 1 |Fall 96 |03 |

| |Changed to: SILA 305 | | |

|Sign Language 2 |American Sign Language 2 |Fall 97 |03 |

| |Changed to: SILA 306 | | |

|Sign Language Studies 3|American Sign Language 3 |92 |03 |

| |Changed to: SILA 315 | | |

|Sign Language Studies 4|American Sign Language 4 |92 |03 |

| |Changed to: SILA 316 | | |

|SILA 305 |American Sign Language I |03 | |

|SILA 306 |American Sign Language II |03 | |

|SILA 315 |American Sign Language III |03 | |

|SILA 316 |American Sign Language IV |03 | |

|Spanish 1, 2 |Elementary Spanish |73 |77 |

|Spanish 2A, 2B |Intermediate Spanish |81 |03 |

| |Changed to: SPAN 411, SPAN 412 | | |

|Spanish 3, 4 |Intermediate Spanish. Changed to Spanish 2A & 2 B |73 |81 |

|Spanish 25A |Literature and Composition |73 |89 |

|Spanish 50, 51 |Conversational Spanish (50= Elementary; 51= Intermediate) |73 |77 |

|SPAN 401 |Elementary Spanish |03 | |

|SPAN 402 |Elementary Spanish |03 | |

|SPAN 411 |Intermediate Spanish |03 | |

|SPAN 412 |Intermediate Spanish |03 | |

|Speech 5 |Oral Interpretation |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: SPEECH 305 | | |

|SPEECH 305 |Oral Interpretation |03 | |

|Theater Arts 1, |Introduction to the Theater |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: TA 300 | | |

|Theater Arts 2 |History and Theory of the Theater |73 |01 |

|Theater Arts 2 A |History and Theory of the Theater |01 |03 |

| |Changed to: TA 302 | | |

|Theater Arts 2 B |History and Theory of the Theater |01 |03 |

| |Changed to: TA 303 | | |

|Theater Arts 3 |History and Theory of the Theater |73 |01 |

|Theater Arts 4 |History of the Film |81 |01 |

| |Changed to : TA 7 | | |

|Theater Arts 4 |Diversity in American Drama (1600 to Present) |01 |03 |

| |Changed to: TA 306 | | |

|Theater Arts 4A |History of Film: 1880s Through the 1940 |00 |01 |

| |Changed to: Theater Arts 7 A | | |

|Theater Arts 4B |History of Film: 1940’s to Present |00 |01 |

| |Changed to: Theater Arts 7 B | | |

|Theater Arts 6 |Fundamentals of Play and Production |73 |89 |

|Theater Arts 6 | Introduction to Film |01 |03 |

| |Changed to: TA 310 | | |

|Theater Arts 7 |History of the Film |01 |03 |

| |Changed to: TA 312 | | |

|Theater Arts 7A |History of Film: 1880s Through the 1950s |01 |03 |

| |Changed to: TA 314 | | |

|Theater Arts 7B |History of Film: 1940s to Present |01 |03 |

| |Changed to: TA 315 | | |

|Theater Arts 8 |Diversity in American Drama. |95 |01 |

| |Changed to: TA 4 | | |

|Theater Arts 8 |Diversity in American Film |01 |03 |

| |Changed to: TA 318 | | |

|Theater Arts 9 |Cinema Genre |00 |03 |

| |Changed to: TA 320 | | |

|Theater Arts 10 |Introduction to Film |97 |01 |

| |Changed to: TA 6- | | |

|Theater Arts 11 |Diversity in American Film |00 |01 |

| |Changed to: TA 8 | | |

|Theater Arts 15A |Theory and Techniques of Acting |73 |77 |

| |Changed to: TA 350 | | |

| | |92 |03 |

|Theater Arts 15 A H |Honors Theory and Techniques of Acting |92 |03 |

| |Changed to: TA 480 | | |

|Theater Arts 20A |Drama for Teachers |75 |77 |

|Theater Arts 25 |Children’s Literature in Performance |87 |03 |

| |Changed to: TA 406 | | |

|Theater Arts 28 |No course listed in 2000 or 2001 catalog |Fall 00 |01 |

|Theater Arts 35 |History and Theory of Costuming |73 |03 |

| |Changed to : TA 435 | | |

|TA 300 |Introduction to the Theatre |03 | |

|TA 302 |History and Theory of the Theatre I |03 | |

|TA 303 |History and Theory of the Theatre II |03 | |

|TA 306 |Diversity in the American Drama (1960 to Present) |03 | |

|TA 310 |Introduction to Film |03 | |

|TA 312 |History of Film |03 | |

|TA 314 |History of Film: 1880’s through 1950’s |03 | |

|TA 315 |History of Film: 1950’s to Present |03 | |

|TA 318 |Diversity in American Film |03 | |

|TA 320 |Cinema Genres |03 | |

|TA 350 |Theory and Techniques of Acting I |03 | |

|TA 406 |Children’s Theatre |03 | |

|TA 435 |History and Theory of Costuming |03 | |

|TA 480 |Honors Theory and Techniques of Acting |03 | |

|Course |Summer/Fall term |

|New order effective 2007/ 08 |unless otherwise noted |

| |Approved |Removed |


|(Formerly: Learning Skills) |

|II. a |

|II. a |Business 8 |Business Communication |85 |03 |

| | |Changed to: BUS 310 | | |

|II. a |BUS 310 |Business Communication |03 | |

|II. a |English 1A |Freshman English |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ENGWR 300 | | |

|II. a |English X |Writing Workshop |73 |77 |

|II. a |English 1A H |Freshman English Honors |87 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ENGWR 480 | | |

|II. a |English 2 |Advanced Reading Skills |73 |74 |

|II. a |English 50 |Communication Skills |73 |80 |

|II. a |English 51 |Communication Skills |73 |77 |

|II. a |English 57 |College Writing |80 |83 |

| | |Changed to: English 60 | | |

|II. a |English 60 |Practical Communication |83 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ENGWR 103 | | |

|II. a |English 80 |Writing for Industry |73 |83 |

|II. a |ENGWR 103 |Practical Communication |03 |09 |

|II. a |ENGWR 300 |College Composition |03 | |

|II. a |ENGWR 480 |Honors College Composition |03 | |

|II. a |ESL B |English as a Second Language |74 |77 |

|II. a |ESL 5 |Composition and Reading |83 |01 |

| | |Changed to ESL 5 W | | |

|II. a |ESL 5 W |Advanced Composition |01 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ESLW 340 | | |

|II. a |ESL 7 |Advanced Composition |73 |83 |

| | |Changed to: ESL 5 | | |

|II. a |ESL 63 |Career Writing Skills |87 |01 |

|II. a |ESL 63 W |Advanced Career Writing |01 |02 |

| | |Course deleted (’02) | | |

|II. a |ESLW 340 |Advance Composition |03 | |

|II. a |Off. Admin. 8 |Business Communication |83 |85 |

|II- b |

|II-b |ANTH 341 |Introduction to Linguistics |07 | |

|II-b |AT 75 |Mathematics for the Automotive Technician |92 |03 |

| | |Changed to: AT 105 | | |

|II-b |AT 105 |Mathematics for Automotive Technology |03 | |

|II-b |Business 60 |Business Mathematics |79 |03 |

| | |Changed to: BUS 105 | | |

|II-b |Business General 60 |Business Mathematics |73 |79 |

|II-b |BUS 105 |Business Mathematics |03 | |

|II-b |Comp Sci 1 |Computer Familiarization |84 |88 |

| | |Change to: Computer Information Science- or CIS | | |

|II-b | CIS 11A |Microcomputer Application: Beginning Word Prcessing |93 |03 |

| | |Changed to: CISA 300 | | |

|II-b |CIS 12 A |Microcomputer Application: Electronic Speadsheets |93 |03 |

| | |Changed to: CISA 310 | | |

|II-b |CIS 13 A |Microcomputer Application: Database Management |93 |03 |

| | |Changed to: CISA 320 | | |

|II-b |Computer Science 16 |Changed to: CIS 32 |87 |88 |

|II-b |Comp Sci 22 |Intro to Computer Programming: BASIC |84 |88 |

| | |Changed to : CIS 30 A | | |

|II-b |CIS 23 |Intro to Computer Programming: BASIC |87 |88 |

| | |Changed to: CIS 30 B | | |

|II-b |CIS 25 |Fortran Programming |84 |88 |

|II-b |Comp Sci 30 A |Intro to Computer Programming in BASIC |88 |99 |

|II-b |Comp Sci 30B |Intro to Computer Programming in BASIC |88 |99 |

|II-b |Comp Sci 32 |Structure Programming with “C” |88 |95 |

| | |Changed to: CIS 32A | | |

|II-b |CIS 32 A |Structure Programming with “C” |95 |03 |

| | |Changed to: CISP 360 | | |

|II-b |CIS 32 B |Structure Programming with C ++ |94 |03 |

| | |Changed to: CISP 400 | | |

|II-b |Comp Sci 33 |Fortran Programming |88 |03 |

| | |Changed to: CISP 340 | | |

|II-b |Comp Sci 34 |Computer Principles and Programming |88 |03 |

| | |Changed to: CISP 317 | | |

|II-b |Comp Sci |COBOL Programming |92 |03 |

| |36 A |Changed to : CISP 320 | | |

|II-b |Comp Sci 37 |RPG Programming |88 |92 |

|II-b |Comp Sci 37 |Database Programming |94 |03 |

| | |Changed to: CISP 350 | | |

|II-b |CIS 44 | Discrete Structure for Computer Science |01 |03 |

| | |Changed to: CISP 440 | | |

|II-b |CISA 300 |Beginning Word Processing |03 |04 |

| | |Changed to: CISA 305 | | |

|II-b |CISA 305 |Beginning Word Processing |04 | |

|II-b |CISA 310 |Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheets |03 |S’ 04 |

| | |Changed to: CISA 315 (2 units) | | |

|II-b |CISA 315 |Introduction to Electronic Spreadsheets |S’ 04 | |

|II-b |CISA 320 |Introduction to Database Management |03 | |

|II-b |CISC 300 |Computer Familiarization |03 | |

|II-b |CISP 315 |Introduction to Computer Architecture and Design |06 | |

|II-b |CISP 317 |Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming |03 |08 |

|II-b |CISP 320 |COBOL Programming |03 | |

|II-b |CISP 340 |FORTRAN Programming |03 |08 |

|II-b |CISP 350 |Database Programming |03 | |

|II-b |CISP 360 |Introduction to Structured Programming |03 | |

|II-b |CISP 400 |Object Oriented Programming with C++ |03 | |

|II-b |CISP 440 |Discrete Structures for Computer Science |03 | |

|II-b |Data Processing 22 |Intro to Computer Programming: Basic |83 |84 |

| | |Changed to: CIS 22 | | |

|II-b |Data Processing 23 |Intro to Computer Programming: Basic |83 |84 |

| | |Changed to CIS 23 | | |

|II-b |Data Processing 29 |Computer Principles and Programming |83 |88 |

| | |Changed to: CIS 34 | | |

|II-b |Data Processing 60 |RPG Programming |83 |88 |

| | |Changed to: CIS 37 | | |

|II-b |DP 71 |Data Processing Mathematical Techniques |73 |84 |

|II-b |Electronics 51 |Elementary Circuit Analysis |81 |88 |

|II-b |Eletronics 51 A |Mathematics for DC Circuit Fundamentals |88 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ET 310 | | |

|II-b |Eletronics 51 B |Mathematics for AC Circuit Fundamentals |88 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ET 311 | | |

|II-b |Electronics 75 |Elementary Circuit Analysis |73 |81 |

|II-b |Electronics 77 |Micro Processor Machine Language Programming |84 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ET 370 | | |

|II-b |ET 310 |Mathematics for DC Circuit Fundamentals, Part I |03 | |

|II-b |ET 311 |Mathematics for AC Circuit Fundamentals, Part II |03 | |

|II-b |ET 370 |Microprocessor Machine Language Programming |03 |07 |

|II-b |English 1B |Freshman English |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ENGWR 301 | | |

|II-b |English 1B H |Honors College Composition & Literature |87 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ENGWR 481 | | |

|II-b |English 1 C |Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking |91 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ENGWR 302 | | |

|II-b |English 1 CH |Honors Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking |99 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ENGWR 482 | | |

|II-b |English 2 |Advanced Reading |73 |74 |

|II-b |English 3 |Language and Vocabulary |73 |96 |

| | | |94 |96 |

|II-b |English 4 |College Analytical and Speed Reading |94 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ENGRD 310 | | |

|II-b |English 5 |Academic Textbook Reading |97 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ENGRD 312 | | |

|II-b |English 5 A |Academic Textbook Reading |96 |97 |

|II-b |English 13 |Report Writing |73 |88 |

|II-b |English 13 A |Intro to Report Writing |88 |90 |

|II-b |English 13 A |Writing in the Professions |90 |96 |

|II-b |English 13 A |Introduction to Technical/Professional Communications |96 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ENGWR 342 | | |

|II-b |English 14 |Exposition and Narration |73 |81 |

|II-b |English 14A |Writing for Publication |81 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ENGWR 330 | | |

|II-b |English 15 |Creative Writing |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ENGCW 400 | | |

|II-b |English 15 C |Creative Non-Fiction Writing Workshop |96 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ENGCW 430 | | |

|II-b |English 51 |Communication Skills |77 |85 |

|II-b |English 54 |Research Reading |73 |83 |

|II-b |English 71 |Developmental Reading |73 |83 |

|II-b |English 72 |Advanced Reading |74 |83 |

|II-b |English 80 |Writing for Industry |73 |84 |

|II-b |ENGCW 400 |Creative Writing |03 | |

|II-b |ENGCW 430 |Creative Non-Fiction Writing Workshop |03 | |

|II-b |ENGED 305 | Structure of English |10 | |

|II-b |ENGRD 310 |Prose Analysis and Interpretation |03 | |

|II-b |ENGRD 312 |Academic Textbook Reading |03 | |

|II-b |ENGWR 301 |College Composition and Literature |03 | |

|II-b |ENGWR 302 |Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking |03 | |

|II-b |ENGWR 303 |Argumentative Writing & Critical Thinking through Literature |14 | |

|II-b |ENGWR 330 |Writing for Publication |03 | |

|II-b |ENGWR 342 |Introduction to Technical/Professional Communication |03 | |

|II-b |ENGWR 481 |Honors College Composition and Literature |03 | |

|II-b |ENGWR 482 |Honors Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking |03 | |

|II-b |ESL 6 |Advanced Composition & Literature |83 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ESL 350 | | |

|II-b |ESL 8 |Advanced Composition & Literature |73 |83 |

| | |Changed to: ESL 6 | | |

|II-b |ESL 350 |Advanced Composition and Literature |03 | |

|II-b |GEOG 330 |Introduction to Geographic Information Systems |Su 03 | |

|II-b |GEOG 375 |Introduction to GIS Programming |06 | |

|II-b |Journalism 20 A |News Writing and Reporting |73 |83 |

| | |Changed to: JOUR 300 | | |

| | | |84 |03 |

|II-b |JOUR 300 |Newswriting and Reporting |03 | |

|II-b |Management 21 |Management Communication |02 |03 |

| | |Changed to: MGMT 360 | | |

|II-b |Management 51 |Management Communication |73 |02 |

| | |Changed to: Management 21 | | |

|II-b |MGMT 360 |Management Communication |03 | |

|II-b |Math 1 |Introduction to Mathematical Ideas |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: MATH 300 | | |

|II-b |Math 2 |Mathematical Ideas |87 |03 |

| | |Changed to: MATH 310 | | |

|II-b |Math 3 |Analytic Geometry |73 |84 |

| | |Changed to: MATH 325 | | |

| | | |Fall 02 |03 |

|II-b |Math 6 A |Calculus I |73 |92 |

| | |Changed to: Math 9A | | |

|II-b |Math 7 |Structure of the Real Number System and Its Subsystems I |73 |85 |

|II-b |Math 9 A |Analytic Geometry and Calculus |73 |84 |

| | |New Title: Calculus I (92) | | |

| | |Changed to: MATH 400 | | |

| | | |92 |03 |

|II-b |Math 9B |Calculus II |92 |03 |

| | |Changed to: MATH 401 | | |

|II-b |Math 9C |Calculus III |73 |03 |

|II-b |Math 9D |Advanced Math for Engineers |73 |03 |

|II-b |Math 12 |Introduction to Symbolic Logic |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: MATH 320 | | |

|II-b |Math 13 |Intermediate Algebra |73 |88 |

| | |Changed to: Math 53 | | |

|II-b |Math 14 |College Algebra |73 |84 |

|II-b |Math 15 |Trigonometry |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: MATH 330 | | |

|II-b |Math 16 A |Analytic Geometry and Calculus |77 |03 |

| | |Changed to: MATH 350 | | |

|II-b |Math 24 |Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry |73 |86 |

|II-b |Math 25, 26 |Fortran Programming |83 |84 |

|II-b |Math 29 |Pre-Calculus Math |84 |03 |

| | |Changed to: MATH 370 | | |

|II-b |Math 42 |Finite Math |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: MATH 344 | | |

|II-b |Math 43 |Analytic Geometry and Calculus for Non-Physical Sci. Majors |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: MATH 340 | | |

|II-b |Math 44 |Mathematics of Finance |73 |83 |

|II-b |Math 44 |Modern Business Mathematics |00 |03 |

| | |Changed to: MATH 342 | | |

|II-b |Math 50 |Arithmetic |73 |75 |

|II-b |Math 53 |Intermediate Algebra |88 |03 |

| | |Changed to: Math 120 | | |

|II-b |Math 61 |Mathematics for Forestry and Horticulture |81 |03 |

| | |Changed to: MATH 126 | | |

|II-b |Math 67 |Applied Trigonometry |73 |76 |

|II-b |Math 70 |Mathematics for Environmental Resources |74 |81 |

|II-b |MATH 124 |Intermediate Algebra, Part II |09 | |

|II-b |MATH 125 |Intermediate Algebra with Applications |10 | |

|II-b |MATH 120 |Intermediate Algebra |03 | |

|II-b |MATH 129 |Elementary & Intermediate Algebra |12 | |

|II-b |MATH 300 |Introduction to Mathematical Ideas |03 | |

|II-b |MATH 310 |Mathematical Discovery |03 | |

|II-b |MATH 320 |Symbolic Logic |03 | |

|II-b |MATH 325 | Problem-Solving |03 | |

|II-b |MATH 330 |Trigonometry |03 | |

|II-b |MATH 340 |Calculus for Business and Economics |03 | |

|II-b |MATH 342 |Modern Business Mathematics |03 | |

|II-b |MATH 344 |Finite Mathematics |03 | |

|II-b |MATH 350 |Calculus for the Life Social Sciences I |03 | |

|II-b |MATH 355 |Calculus for Biology and Medicine I |14 | |

|II-b |MATH 356 |Calculus for Biology and Medicine II |14 | |

|II-b |MATH 370 |Pre-Calculus Mathematics |03 | |

|II-b |MATH 400 |Calculus I |03 | |

|II-b |Mechanics 75 |Mathematics for Mechanics |73 |92 |

| | |Changed to: AT 75 | | |

|II-b |Off. Admin. 8 |Business Communication |83 |84 |

|II-b |Off. Admin. 50 |Business Communication |80 |83 |

| | |Changed to: Office Administration 8 | | |

|II-b |Office Administration 60|Business Communications |80 |83 |

|II-b |Philosophy 4 |Introduction to Logic |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: PHIL 320 | | |

|II-b |Philosophy 12 |Symbolic Logic |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: PHIL 325 | | |

|II-b |PHIL 320 |Logic and Critical Reasoning |03 | |

|II-b |PHIL 325 |Symbolic Logic |03 | |

|II-b |Psychology 5 |Introduction to Psychological Statistics |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: PSYC 330 | | |

|II-b |PSYC 330 |Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences |03 | |

|II-b |Secretarial Practice 50 |Business English |73 |80 |

|II-b |Secretarial Practice 60 |Business Communications |73 |80 |

|II-b |Speech 1 |Speech Communication |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: SPEECH 301 | | |

|II-b |Speech 1 H |Honors Speech Communication |98 |03 |

|II-b |Speech 10 |Interpersonal Communication |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: SPEECH 321 | | |

|II-b |Speech 15 |Group Discussion |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: SPEECH 331 | | |

|II-b |Speech 50 |Practical Speech Training |73 |89 |

|II-b |SPEECH 301 |Public Speaking |03 | |

|II-b |SPEECH 323 |Listening |10 | |

|II-b |SPEECH 331 |Group Discussion |03 | |

|II-b |SPEECH 361 |The Communication Experience |06 | |

|II-b |Statistics 1 |Introduction to Probability and Statistics |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: STAT 301 | | |

|II-b |Statistics 1H |Honors Introduction to Probability and Statistics |00 |03 |

| | |Changed to: STAT 481 | | |

|II-b |STAT 300 |Introduction to Probability and Statistics |09 | |

|II-b |STAT 301 |Introduction to Probability and Statistics |03 |11 |

|II-b |STAT 305 |Statway, Part II |11 | |

|II-b |STAT 481 |Introduction to Probability and Statistics – Honors |03 | |

|II-b |Welding 66 A |Mathematic for Welding Technicians |93 |03 |

| | |Changed to: WELD 140 | | |

|II-b |WELD 140 |Mathematics for Welding Technician |03 | |

|Course |Fall term unless otherwise |

|New order effective 2007/ 08 |noted |

| |Approved |Removed |


|III – a |

|III-a |PER 1 |Physical Education Courses with prefixes: ADAPT, DANCE, FITNS, PACT, TMACT, SPORT |03 | |

| |III. b |

|III-b |AutoTech 107 |Employability for Technical Careers |03 | |

|III-b |BIOT 308 |Exploratory Field Experience in Biotechnology Education |08 | |

|III-b |Business 14 |Concepts in Personal Finance |F 95 |03 |

| | |Changed to: BUS 320 | | |

|III-b |BUS 320 |Concepts in Personal Finance |03 | |

|III-b |CIS 1 |Computer Familiarization |F 87 |’03 |

| | |Changed to: CISC 300 –Summer 2003 | | |

|III-b |CISC 300 |Computer Familiarization |03 | |

|III-b |C & G 10 |Career Exploration |88 |01 |

| | |Changed to: HCD 12 | | |

|III-b |Counseling & Guidance |Human Potential Seminar |83 |87 |

| |53, |Changed to: H/CD 53 (2000) | | |

|III-b |Counseling & Guidance |Career Exploration |83 |84 |

| |61 |Changed to: C & G 10 (1988), then to H/CD 12 (2000) | | |

|III-b |Counseling & Guidance |Career Exploration |84 |88 |

| |61 A | | | |

|III-b |ECE 7A |Education and Care of Infants in Child Care Settings |02 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ECE 330 | | |

|III-b |ECE 10A |Intro to Elementary Teaching w/Field Experience |02 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ECE 350 | | |

|III-b |ECE 33 |Family Development |88 |02 |

| | |(Same as Home Ec 33) | | |

|III-b |ECE 330 |Infant Development |03 | |

|III-b |ECE 350 |Introduction to Elementary Teaching with Field Experience |03 | |

|III-b |Econ 14 |Concepts in Personal Finance |95 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ECON 320 | | |

|III-b |ECON 320 |Concepts in Personal Finance |03 | |

|III-b |ET 250 |Employability for Technical Careers |03 | |

|III-b |English 10 |Tutoring Elementary Students in Reading |94 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ENGED 320 | | |

|III-b |English 10A |Intro to Elementary Teaching w/Field Experience |Fall 02 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ENGED 324 | | |

|III-b |ENGED 320 |Service Learning: Tutoring Elementary Students in Reading |03 | |

|III-b |ENGED 322 |Service Learning: Tutoring Secondary Students in Reading |12 | |

|III-b |ENGED 324 |Introduction to Elementary Teaching with Field Experience |03 | |

|III-b |Family & Consumer |Nutrition |97 |99 |

| |Science 10 |Changed to: Nutrition & Foods 10 | | |

|III-b |Family & Cons Science |Family Development |97 |02 |

| |33 | | | |

|III-b |Gerontology 22 |Sociology of Aging |95 |03 |

| | |Changed to: GERON 330 | | |

|III-b |GERON 300 |Sociology of Aging |03 | |

|III-b |GERON 330 |Techniques for Communicating with and Validating Older Adults |03 | |

|III-b |Gerontology 334 |Reminiscence Therapy |03 | |

|III-b |H/CD 12 |Life and Career Planning |02 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HCD 330 | | |

|III-b |H/CD 13 |Career and Job Search Strategies |02 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HCD 331 | | |

|III-b |HCD 160 |Applied Life and Success Skills |11 | |

|III-b |HCD 310 |College Success |SU 03 | |

|III-b |HCD 318 |Transfer Making It Happen |SU 03 | |

|III-b |HCD 330 |Life and Career Planning |03 | |

|III-b |HCD 331 |Career and Job Search Strategies |03 | |

|III-b |HCD 336 |Exploring Health Careers |SU 03 | |

|III-b |Health Ed 1 |Health Science |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HEED 300 | | |

|III-b |Health Ed 55 |Health Education |73 |92 |

|III-b |Health Ed 55 |Health Education |95 |99 |

|III-b |HEED 300 |Health Science |03 | |

|III-b |HEED 352 |Stress Management and Health |05 | |

|III-b |HIST 399 |Studying in Italy: History and Culture |08 | |

|III-b |Home Ec. 10 |Nutrition |83 |97 |

| | |Changed to: Family and Consumer Science 10 | | |

|III-b |Home Ec. 33 |Family Development |83 |97 |

| | |Changed to: Family and Consumer Science 33 | | |

|III-b |Human Services 21 |Intro to Psychology of Human Relations |86 |99 |

|III-b |Human Services 35 |Intro to Chemical Dependency |F 88 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HSER 340 | | |

|III-b |Human Services 45 |Tutoring Elementary Students in Reading |F 87 |95 |

|III-b |HSER 340 |Introduction to Chemical Dependency |03 | |

|III-b |Inter-disciplinary 1 |Freshman Project 1 : College Skills and Values |92 |03 |

| | |Changed to : INDIS 300 | | |

|III-b |Inter-disciplinary 10 |Tutoring High School Students |90 |03 |

| | |Changed to : INDIS 325 | | |

|III-b |INDIS 300 |Freshman Project 1: College Skills and Values |03 |04 |

|III-b |INDIS 325 |Tutoring High School Students |03 | |

|III-b |LIBR 310 |Introduction to Genealogy Research |08 | |

|III-b |LIBR 318 |Library Research and Information Literacy |06 | |

|III-b |LIBR 325 |Internet Research Skills |06 | |

|III-b |MATH 315 |Exploring Field Experience in Mathematics |06 | |

|III-b |Medical Assisting 65 A |Clinical Techniques |73 |75 |

|III-b |Nursing 81 A |Fundamentals of Nursing |73 |75 |

|III-b | Nutrition & Foods 1 |Nutrition for Health and Fitness |99 |03 |

| | |Changed to : NUTRI 305 | | |

|III-b |Nutrition and Foods 10 |Nutrition |99 |03 |

| | |Changed to : NUTRI 300 | | |

|III-b |Nutrition & Foods,11 |Nutrition for Physical Performance |99 |03 |

| | |Changed to : NUTRI 302 | | |

|III-b |NUTRI 300 |Nutrition |03 | |

|III-b |NUTRI 302 |Nutrition for Physical Performance |03 | |

|III-b |NUTRI 305 |Nutrition for Health and Fitness |03 | |

|III-b |Psychology 9 |Psychology of Death and Dying |95 |03 |

| | |Changed to : PSYC 390 | | |

|III-b |Psych 12 |Work and Human Behavior |F 86 |03 |

| | |Changed to : PSYC 380 | | |

|III-b |Psych 15 |Abnormal Psychology |83 |03 |

| | |Changed to : PSYC 340 | | |

|III-b |Psych. 18 |Human Development |90 |03 |

| | |Changed to : PSYC 370 | | |

|III-b |Psych 21 |Introduction to Psychology of Human Relations |99 |03 |

| | |Changed to : PSYC 352 | | |

|III-b |Psych 24 |Marriage, Family and the Single Relationship |83 |03 |

| | |New Title: : Marriage, the Family and Alternatives | | |

| | |Changed to : PSYCH 354 | | |

|III-b |Psych 25 |Human Sexuality |83 |03 |

| | |Changed to : PSYCH 356 | | |

|III-b |Psych 32 |Behavior Modification |83 |03 |

| | |Changed to : PSYC 342 | | |

|III-b |Psych 35 |Intro to Chemical Dependency |88 |03 |

| | |Changed to : PSYC 400 | | |

|III-b |Psych 50 |Introduction to Social Development |83 |99 |

|III-b |PSYC 340 |Abnormal Behavior |03 | |

|III-b |PSYC 342 |Behavior Modification : Theory and Application |03 | |

|III-b |PSYC 352 |Introduction to Psychology of Human Relations |03 | |

|III-b |PSYC 354 |Marriage, The Family and Alternatives |03 | |

|III-b |PSYC 356 |Human Sexuality |03 | |

|III-b |PSYC 358 |Principles of Interpersonal Relationships |04 | |

|III-b |PSYC 359 |Stress Management and Health |06 | |

|III-b |PSYC 370 |Human Development : A Life Span |03 | |

|III-b |PSYC 378 |Communicating with and Validating Older Adult |04 | |

|III-b |PSYC 379 |Reminiscence Therapy |04 | |

|III-b |PSYC 380 |Work and Human Behavior |03 |06 |

|III-b |PSYC 390 |Psychology of Death and Dying |03 | |

|III-b |PSYC 400 |Introduction to Chemical Dependency |03 | |

|III-b |PSYC 481 |Honors Abnormal Psychology |04 | |

|III-b |Recreation 39 |Leisure Living |83 |2000 |

|III-b |Respiratory Care 51 |Basic Theory and Techniques |84 |95 |

|III-b |Respiratory Therapy 51 |Respiratory Therapy and Clinical Techniques |73 |75 |

|III-b |Sociology 22 |Aging |86 |03 |

| | |Changed to: SOC 335 | | |

|III-b |SOC 335 |Sociology of Aging |03 | |

|III-b |Speech 10 |Interpersonal Communication |84 |03 |

| | |Changed to: SPEECH 321 | | |

|III-b |SPEECH 321 |Interpersonal Communication |03 | |

|III-b |WELD 150 |Employability Skills for Technical Careers |Su 03 | |

|III-b |WXEP 198, |All ARC courses numbered 198, 298,498 |08 | |

| |298, 498 | | | |

|Course |Summer/Fall term |

|New order effective 2007/ 08 |unless otherwise noted |

| |Approved |Removed |


|Anthropology 1 |Physical Anthropology |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: ANTH 300 | | |

|Anthropology 1H |Honors Physical Anthropology |96 |03 |

| |Changed to: ANTH 480 | | |

|Anthropology 11 |Physical Anthropology Lab |87 |03 |

| |Changed to: ANTH 301 | | |

|ANTH 300 |Physical Anthropology |03 | |

|ANTH 301 |Physical Anthropology Laboratory |03 |11 |

|ANTH 303 |Introduction to Forensic Anthropology |08 | |

|ANTH 480 |Honors Physical Anthropology |03 | |

|Astronomy 1 |Introduction to Astronomy |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: ASTRO 300 | | |

|Astronomy 2 |Astronomy Lab |93 |03 |

| |Changed to: ASTRO 400 | | |

|ASTR 300 |Introduction to Astronomy |03 | |

|ASTR 310 |The Solar System |08 | |

|ASTR 320 |Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology |08 | |

|ASTR 330 |Introduction to Astrobiology |08 | |

|ASTR 400 |Astronomy Laboratory |03 |11 |

|Biology 1A |Principles of Biology |83 |03 |

| |Changed to: BIOL 400 | | |

|Biology 5 |Survey of Biology |92 |03 |

| |Changed to: BIOL 303 | | |

|Biology 10 |Natural History |73 |83 |

| |Changed to: BIOL 305 | | |

| | |85 |03 |

|Biology 12 |Foundations of Biology |83 |03 |

| |Changed to: BIOL 300 | | |

|Biology 14 |Environmental Conservation |73 |83 |

|Biology 15 |Introduction to Marine Environment |73 |83 |

| |Changed to: BIOL 370 | | |

| | |93 |03 |

|Biology 16, |General Biology |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: BIOL 310 | | |

|Biology 17 |Biological Concepts |73 |02 |

|Biology 18 |Plants and Society |73 |83 |

|Biology 18 |Conservation Biology |96 |03 |

| |Changed to: BIOL 352 | | |

|Biology 19 |Principles of Ecology |73 |85 |

| |Changed to: FORESTRY 2 | | |

|Biology 20 |Introduction to Ornithology |73 |83 |

|Biology 21 |Field Botany |75 |83 |

|Biology 24 |Natural History- Field Study |73 |83 |

|Biology 25 |Anatomy & Physiology |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: BIOL 430 | | |

|Biology 26 |Anatomy & Physiology |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: BIOL 431 | | |

|Biology 50 |Basic Anatomy & Physiology |74 |83 |

| |Changed to: BIOL 115 | | |

| | |86 |03 |

|Biology 51 |Basic Anatomy & Physiology |74 |83 |

| |Changed to: BIOL 116 | | |

| | |86 |03 |

|Biology 52 |Introduction to Biology |84 |91 |

|Biology 60 |Introduction to Concepts of Human Anatomy & Physiology |F 96 |03 |

| |Changed to: BIOL 100 | | |

|BIOL 100 |Introduction to Concepts of Human Anatomy and Physiology |03 |04 |

| |Changed to: BIOL 102 | | |

|BIOL 102 |Introduction to Concepts of Human Anatomy and Physiology |04 | |

|BIOL 103 |Human Anatomy for Funeral Services |11 | |

|BIOL 115 |Basic Anatomy and Physiology |03 | |

|BIOL 116 |Basic Anatomy and Physiology |03 | |

|BIOL 300 |The Foundations of Biology |03 | |

|BIOL 303 |Survey of Biology |03 | |

|BIOL 305 |Natural History |03 | |

|BIOL 310 |General Biology |03 | |

|BIOL 350 |Environmental Biology |05 | |

|BIOL 352 |Conservation Biology |03 | |

|BIOL 370 |Introduction to Marine Environment |03 | |

|BIOL 400 |Principles of Biology |03 | |

|BIOL 430 |Anatomy and Physiology |03 | |

|BIOL 431 |Anatomy and Physiology |03 | |

|BIOL 482 |Honors Introduction to Marine Environment |03 | |

|Chemistry 1A |General Chemistry |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: CHEM 400 | | |

|Chemistry 2A |Introduction to Chemistry |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: CHEM 305 | | |

|Chemistry 3 |Chemical Calculations |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: CHEM 310 | | |

|Chemistry 6 |Environmental Chemistry Lab |89 |98 |

| |Changed to: Chemistry 7 L | | |

|Chemistry 7 |Environmental Chemistry |75 |00 |

| |Combined with Chemistry 7L , changed to (4) units | | |

|Chemistry 7 |Environmental Chemistry |00 |08 |

| |Changed to CHEM 320 (03) | | |

|Chemistry 7 L |Environmental Chemistry Lab |98 |00 |

| |Changed to: Chemistry 7 (combined with Chemistry 7) | | |

|CHEM 305 |Introduction to Chemistry |03 | |

|CHEM 309 |Survey of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry |06 | |

|CHEM 310 |Chemical Calculations |03 | |

|CHEM 320 |Environmental Chemistry |03 | |

|CHEM 325, |Pollution, Poison, and Planet Earth |06 | |

|CHEM 334 |Chemistry in the Kitchen |06 | |

|CHEM 400 |General Chemistry |03 | |

|ENERGY 303 |Energy and Sustainability |09 | |

|ET 303 |Energy and Sustainability |09 | |

|Engineering 42 |Energy and the Quality of Life |75 |83 |

| | |86 |87 |

|Environmental Resources |Introduction to Forestry |74 |81 |

|40 |Changed to: Forestry 40 | | |

|Environmental Resources |Resource Science |73 |81 |

|61 |New Title: Introduction to Horticulture (80) | | |

|Environmental Studies 1 |Solar Energy and Society |86 |92 |

|FT 304 |Fire Behavior and Combustion |11 | |

|Forestry 1 |Intro to Forestry |87 |98 |

| |Changed to: Natural Resources 1 | | |

|Forestry 2 |Principles of Ecology |85 |98 |

| |Changed to Natural Resources 2 | | |

|Forestry 3 |Introduction to Wildlife Biology | 96 |98 |

| |Changed to Natural Resources 3 | | |

|Forestry 40 |Introduction to Forestry |81 |83 |

|Geography 1 |Elements of Geography |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: GEOG 300 | | |

|Geography 11 |Geography Lab |90 |03 |

| |Changed to: GEOG 301 | | |

|Geography 13 |Environmental Hazards and Natural Disasters |02 |03 |

| |Changed to: GEOG 307 | | |

|Geography 21 |Geography of California |73 |83 |

| |Changed to: GEOG 322 | | |

| | | | |

|GEOG 300 |Physical Geography: Exploring Earth’s Environmental Systems |03 | |

|GEOG 301 |Physical Geography Laboratory |03 |11 |

|GEOG 305 |Global Climate Change |10 | |

|GEOG 306 |Earth Science Laboratory |05 | |

|GEOG 307 |Environmental Hazards and Natural Disasters |03 | |

|GEOG 308 |Introduction to Oceanography |Su 03 | |

|Geology 1 |Physical Geology |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: GEOL 300 | | |

|Geology 2 |Physical Geology Lab |83 |03 |

| |Changed to: GEOL 301 | | |

|Geology 8 |Earth Science |93 |03 |

| |Changed to: GEOL 305 | | |

|Geology 12 |Geology of California |98 |03 |

| |Changed to: GEOL 345 | | |

|Geology 13 |Environmental Geology |99 |03 |

| |Changed to: GEOL 125 | | |

|Geology 18 |Geology of the National Parks |99 |03 |

| |Changed to: GEOL 342 | | |

|GEOL 300 |Physical Geology |03 | |

|GEOL 301 |Physical Geology Laboratory |03 |11 |

|GEOL 305 |Earth Science |03 | |

|GEOL 310 |Historical Geology |03 | |

|GEOL 320 |Global Climate Change |10 | |

|GEOL 325 |Environmental Hazards and Natural Disasters |03 | |

|GEOL 330 |Introduction to Oceanography |03 | |

|GEOL 342 |Geology of the National Parks |03 | |

|GEOL 345 |Geology of California |03 | |

|HEED 308 |Environmental Health Science |09 | |

|Home Ec 10 |Nutrition (AKA: HE, Nutrition) – |73 |F83 |

| |Changed to : NUTRI 300 (03) | | |

| | |Fall 99 |03 |

|Horticulture 1 |Introduction to Horticulture |81 |83 |

| |Changed to HORT 300 | | |

| | |87 |03 |

|HORT 300 |Introduction to Horticulture |03 | |

|Interdepartmental Studies|Current Topics in Science and Technology |95 |03 |

|28 |Changed to: INDEP 494 | | |

|Natural Resources 1 |Introduction to Forestry |98 |99 |

| |Changed to: Natural Resources 5 | | |

|Nat Res 2 |Principles of Ecology |99 |03 |

| |Changed to: NATR 320 | | |

|Nat Res 3 |Introduction to Wildlife Biology |99 |03 |

| |Changed to: NATR 302 | | |

|Nat Res 5 |Introduction to Forestry |99 |03 |

| |Changed to: NATR 304 | | |

|Natural Science 8 |Wild Flowers of the Sacrament Region |01 |03 |

| |Changed to: NATR 332 | | |

|Natural Science 50 |Astronomy for the Naked Eye |73 |84 |

|Natural Science 51 |Earth Workshop |73 |75 |

|Natural Sci 52 |Man and His Environmental Resources |73 |84 |

|Natural Science 53 |Civilization and Plants |73 |84 |

|Natural Science 54 |Chemistry and Man |73 |80 |

|Natural Science 58 |No such course in 80 or 81 catalog. Possible typographical error |80 |81 |

|NATR 300 |Introduction to Natural Resource Management |03 | |

|NATR 302 |Introduction to Wildlife Biology |03 | |

|NATR 303 |Energy and Sustainability |09 | |

|NATR 304 |Introduction to Forestry |03 | |

|NATR 310 |Study Design and Field Methods |14 | |

|NATR 320 |Principles of Ecology |03 | |

|NATR 332 |Wildflowers f the Sacramento Regions |03 | |

|NATR 346 |Water Resources and Conservation |14 | |

|Nutrition and Foods 10 |Nutrition |99 |03 |

| |Changed to: NUTR 300 | | |

|Nutrition 11 |Nutrition for Physical Performance |99 |03 |

| |Changed to: NUTRI 302 | | |

|NUTR 300 |Nutrition |03 | |

|NUTR 302 |Nutrition for Physical Performance |03 | |

|Physical Science 1 |Introduction to Physical Science |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: PS 300 | | |

|Physical Science 2 |Physical Science Lab |93 |03 |

| |Changed to: PS 301 | | |

|Physical Science 53 |Physics and Chemistry of Transportation Technology |99 |03 |

| |Changed to: PS 200 | | |

|Physics 4A |Physics: Mechanics of Solids and Fluids |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: PHYS 410 | | |

|Physics 5A |General Physics |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: PHYS 350 | | |

|Physic 7 |Basic Concepts in Physics |91 |03 |

| |Changed to: PHYS 305 | | |

|Physics 10 |Elementary Physics |73 |03 |

| |New Title: Conceptual Physics (75) | | |

| |Changed to: PHYS 310 | | |

|Physics 10 L |Conceptual Physics Lab |95 |03 |

| |Changed to: PHYS 312 | | |

|Physics 11 |Basic Physics |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: PHYS 311 | | |

|Physics 52 |Physics for Industry |73 |99 |

|PHYS 305 |Basic Concepts in Physics |03 |05 |

|PHYS 310 |Conceptual Physics |03 | |

|PHYS 311 |Basic Physics |03 | |

|PHYS 312 |Conceptual Physics Laboratory |03 | |

|PHYS 350 |General Physics |03 | |

|PHYS 410 |Mechanics of Solids and Fluids |03 | |

|PS 200 |Physics and Chemistry of Transportation Technology |03 |04 |

|PS 300 |Introduction to Physical Science |03 | |

|PS 301 |Physical Science Laboratory |03 |11 |

|Psychology 2 |Introduction to Psychology: Biological Basis of Behavior |73 |03 |

| |Changed to: PSYC 310 | | |

|Psychology 8 |Biological Psychology Lab |91 |03 |

| |Changed to: PSYC 311 | | |

|PSYC 310 |Biological Psychology |03 | |

|PSYC 311 |Biological Psychology Laboratory |03 |11 |

|Course |Summer/Fall term |

|New order effective 2007/ 08 |unless otherwise noted |

| |Approved |Removed |


|Social Science – V -a |

|V-a |Economics 16 |History of the Economic Development of the United States |73 |78 |

|V-a |History 13 |became part of History 16 |75 |75 |

|V-a |History 14 |History of the United States: African American Emphasis |93 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 320 | | |

|V-a |History 15 |History of the United States: African American Emphasis |93 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 321 | | |

|V-a |History 16 |Survey of US History |73 |93 |

|V-a |History 16A |History of the United States: American Indian Experience |F 97 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 323 | | |

|V-a |History 16 B |Blacks in American History |92 |94 |

|V-a |History 16 I |Intellectual American History |92 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 318 | | |

|V-a |History 16 M |History of the Chicano/Mexican American |92 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 327 | | |

|V-a |History 16 W |Women in American History |92 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 330 | | |

|V-a |History 17 |History of the United States |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 310 | | |

|V-a |History 17 Honors |Honors History of the United States |87 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 483 | | |

|V-a |History 18 |History of the United States |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 311 | | |

|V-a |History 18 Honors |Honors History of the United States |87 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 484 | | |

|V-a |HIST 310 |History of the United States |03 | |

|V-a |HIST 311 |History of the United States |03 | |

|V-a |HIST 318 |American Intellectual and Cultural history |03 | |

|V-a |HIST 320 |History of the United States: African-American Emphasis |03 | |

|V-a |HIST 321 |History of the United States: African-American Emphasis |03 | |

|V-a |HIST 323 |History of the United States: Indian Experience |03 | |

|V-a |HIST 325 |History of Asian/Pacific American |03 | |

|V-a |HIST 327 |History of the Chicano/Mexican American |03 | |

|V-a |HIST 330 |Women in American History |03 | |

|V-a |HIST 483 |History of the United States – Honors |03 | |

|V-a |HIST 484 |History of the United States - Honors |03 | |

|V-a |Political Science 1 |Introduction to Government: United States |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: POLS 301 | | |

|V-a |Political Science 6 |Contemporary Political Problems |73 |84 |

|V-a |POLS 301 |Introduction to Government: United States |03 | |

|V-a |POLS 304 |Introduction to Government: California |14 | |

|V-a |POLS 481 |Introduction to Government: United States- Honors |12 | |

|V-a |Social Science 42 |The Mexican American in the United States |73 |75 |

|V-a |Social Science 51 |History of the United States to1865 |F96 |03 |

| | |Changed to : SS 110 | | |

|V-a |Social Science 52 |History of the United States to the Present |F96 |03 |

| | |Changed to : SS 111 | | |

|V-a |Social Science 57 |American Institutions |73 |92 |

|V-a |SS 110 |History of the United States to1865 |03 |06 |

|V-a |SS 111 |History of the United States to the Present |03 |06 |

|Social Science - V - b |

|V-b |ADMJ 300 |Intro to Administration of Justice |10 | |

|V-b |ADMJ 302 |Community Relations: Multicultural Issues |10 | |

|V-b |ADMJ 304 |Juvenile Delinquency |10 | |

|V-b |ADMJ 320 |Concepts of Criminal Law |10 | |

|V-b |Anthropology 14 |American Indians of California |97 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ANTH 333 | | |

|V-b |ANTH 310 |Cultural Anthropology |03 | |

|V-b |ANTH 315 |Cultures in Focus |03 | |

|V-b |ANTH 319 |Visual Anthropology: Intro to Ethnographic Film |14 | |

|V-b |ANTH 320 |Introduction to Archaeology and World Prehistory |03 | |

|V-b |ANTH 321 |Ancient Technology |14 | |

|V-b |ANTH 330 |Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion |03 | |

|V-b |ANTH 333 |American Indians of California |03 | |

|V-b |ANTH 334 |Native Peoples of North America |07 | |

|V-b |ANTH 341 |Introduction to Linguistics |07 | |

|V-b |ANTH 481 |Honors Cultural Anthropology |14 | |

|V-b |Business 14 |Concepts of Personal Finance |94 |03 |

| | |Changed to: BUS 320 | | |

|V-b |Business 15 |Managing Diversity in the Work Place |94 |03 |

| | |Changed to: BUS 330 | | |

|V-b |Business 16 |Law and Society |75 |90 |

| | |Changed to: BUS 345 | | |

| | | |95 |03 |

|V-b |Business 18 A |Business Law |73 |83 |

|V-b |Business 20 |Introduction to Business |73 |83 |

| | |Changed to: BUS 300 | | |

| | | |Fall 99 |03 |

|V-b |Business 59 |Business Economics |91 |03 |

| | |Changed to: BUS 110 | | |

|V-b |Business 70 |Law in a Business Environment |73 |83 |

|V-b |Business 90 |Personal Finance |73 |83 |

|V-b |BUS 110 |Business Economics |03 | |

|V-b |BUS 300 |Introduction to Business |03 | |

|V-b |BUS 320 |Concepts in Personal Finance |03 | |

|V-b |BUS 330 |Managing Diversity in the Workplace |03 | |

|V-b |BUS 345 |Law and Society |03 | |

|V-b |ECE 34 |Child Development |88 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ECE 312 | | |

|V-b |ECE 35 |The Child in Family and the Community |89 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ECE 314 | | |

|V-b |ECE 312 |Child Development |03 | |

|V-b |ECE 314 |The Child, the Family and the Community |03 | |

|V-b |ECE 430 |Culture and Diversity in Early Childhood Education |06 | |

|V-b |Economics 1A |Principle of Economics |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ECON 302 | | |

|V-b |Econ 1 B |Principle of Economics |83 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ECON 304 | | |

|V-b |Econ 14 |Concepts of Personal Finance |94 |03 |

| | |Changed to: ECON 320 | | |

|V-b |Economics 16 |History of the Economic Development of the United States |73 |78 |

|V-b |Economics 46 |A Survey of Contemporary Economic Problems |73 |78 |

|V-b |Economics 50 |Basic Economic Principles |73 |78 |

|V-b |ECON 302 |Principles of Macroeconomics |03 | |

|V-b |ECON 304 |Principles of Microeconomics |03 | |

|V-b |ECON 320 |Concepts in Personal Finance |03 | |

|V-b |Family Consumer Science|The Child, Family and the Community |98 |03 |

| |35 |Changed to: FCS 314 | | |

|V-b |FCS 314 |The Child, The Family and The Community |03 |06 |

| | |(FCS designator changed to Nutrition & Foods (99) | | |

|V-b |Geography 2 |Elements of Cultural Geography |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: GEOG 310 | | |

|V-b |Geography 5 |Economic Geography |73 |85 |

|V-b |Geography 10 |World Regional Geography |F 97 |03 |

| | |Changed to: GEOG 320 | | |

|V-b |GEOG 310 |Human Geography: Exploring Earth’s Cultural Landscape |03 | |

|V-b |GEOG 320 |World Regional Geography |03 | |

|V-b |GEOG 322 |Geography of California |06 | |

|V-b |GERON 302 |Psychology of Aging: Adult Development and Aging |03 | |

|V-b |Gerontology 26 |Psychology of Aging: Adult Development and Aging |95 |03 |

| | |Changed to: GERON 350 | | |

|V-b |History 4 |History of Western Civilization |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 300 | | |

|V-b | History 4 H |Honors History of Western Civilization |96 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 480 | | |

|V-b |History 5 |History of Western Civilization |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 302 | | |

|V-b |History 5 H |Honors History of Western Civilization |96 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 481 | | |

|V-b |History 6 |Women in Western Civilization |78 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 305 | | |

|V-b |History 7 |The American Experience from a Constitutional Perspective |78 |80 |

|V-b |History 10 |History of Mexico |75 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 373 | | |

|V-b |History 11 |History of World Civilizations to 1600 |94 |03 |

| | |New Title: World History to 1500 (95) | | |

| | |Changed to: HIST 307 | | |

|V-b |History 12 | History of World Civilizations, 1600 to the Present |94 |03 |

| | |New Title: World History to 1500 (95) | | |

| | |Changed to: HIST 308 | | |

|V-b |History 12 |Chicano Political Thought in the 20th Century |75 |78 |

|V-b |History 16 |Survey of US History |73 |83 |

|V-b |History 17 |History of the United States |73 |83 |

|V-b |18 |History of the United States |73 |83 |

|V-b |History 19 |Asian Civilization |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 364 | | |

|V-b |History 20 |Asian Civilization |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 365 | | |

|V-b |History 21 |Recent United States History |78 |95 |

|V-b |History 24 |African History |76 |91 |

|V-b |History 29 |History of California Through 1879 |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 340 | | |

|V-b |History 30 |History of California |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 341 | | |

|V-b |History 31 |The California Mother Lode |87 |03 |

| | |Changed to: HIST 343 | | |

|V-b |History 33 |Modern Russia |81 |03 |

| | |New Title: History of Russia (96) | | |

| | |changed to: HIST 367 | | |

|V-b |History 40 |Sampler-History of Civilization |75 |03 |

| | |New Title: Topics in History | | |

| | |Changed to : HIST 494 | | |

|V-b |HIST 300 |History of Western Civilization |03 | |

|V-b |HIST 302 |History of Western Civilization |03 | |

|V-b |HIST 305 |Women in Western Civilization |03 | |

|V-b |HIST 307 |History of World Civilizations to 1500 |03 | |

|V-b |HIST 308 |History of Western Civilizations, 1500 to Present |03 | |

|V-b |HIST 340 |History of California through 1879 |03 | |

|V-b |HIST 341 |History of California: 1879 to Present |03 | |

|V-b |HIST 343 |The California Mother Lode |03 | |

|V-b |HIST 364 |Asian Civilization |03 | |

|V-b |HIST 365 |Asian Civilization |03 | |

|V-b |HIST 367 |History of Russia |03 | |

|V-b |HIST 373 |History of Mexico |03 | |

|V-b |HIST 480 |History of Western Civilizations – Honors |03 | |

|V-b |HIST 481 |History of Western Civilizations – Honors |03 | |

|V-b |HIST 494 |Topics in History |03 | |

|V-b |Home Economics 1 |Introduction to Home Economics |73 |83 |

|V-b |Home Ec. 33 |Family Development |78 |83 |

|V-b |Home Ec. 34 |Child Development |73 |98 |

| | |Changed to: Family and Consumer Science 34 | | |

|V-b |Home Ec. 35 |The Child, Family and the Community |73 |98 |

| | |Changed to: Family and Consumer Science 35 | | |

|V-b |Home Ec. 36 |Family Development |73 |79 |

|V-b |Human Services 14 |Intro to Human Services |76 |83 |

|V-b |Human Services 19 |Problems of Diverse Populations |96 |03 |

| | |New Title: “Issues of Diverse Populations” (97) | | |

| | |Changed to: HSER 330 | | |

|V-b |HSER 330 |Issues of Diverse Population |03 | |

|V-b |Interdepartmental |Man and His Environment |73 |77 |

| |Studies 10 | | | |

|V-b |Interdepartmental |Urban Environment |73 |03 |

| |Studies 15 |Changed to: INDEP 300 | | |

|V-b |INDEP 300 |Urban Environment |03 |07 |

|V-b |Journalism 10 |Introduction to the Mass Media |94 |03 |

| | |New Title: Mass Media and Society (95) | | |

| | |Changed to: JOUR 310 | | |

|V-b |JOUR 310 |Mass Media and Society |03 | |

|V-b |JOUR 320 |Race and Gender in the Media |09 | |

|V-b |Management 87 |Social Responsibility and Ethics in Management |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: MGMT 174 | | |

|V-b |MGMT 174 |Social Responsibility and Ethics in Management |03 | |

|V-b |Music 5 |Musical Theater Rehearsal & Performance |88 |89 |

|V-b |Music 37 |Title not in 88 catalog |88 |89 |

|V-b |Music 43 A |Jazz Styles and Improvisations |88 |89 |

|V-b |NATR 307 |Principles of Sustainability |10 | |

|V-b |Political Science 1 |Introduction to Government: United States |73 |83 |

|V-b |Political Science 2 |Introduction to Government: Foreign |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: POLS 302 | | |

|V-b |Political Science 3 |Introduction to Political Theory |73 |78 |

|V-b |Political Science 5 |Constitutional Rights |F 87 |03 |

| | |Changed to: POLS 304 | | |

|V-b |Political 6 |Contemporary Political Problems |73 |83 |

|V-b |Political Science 7 |Chicano Political Thought in the 20th Century |75 |77 |

|V-b |Political Sci. 10 |International Relations |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: POLS 310 | | |

|V-b |Political Sci. 15 |Political Ideologies |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: POLS 322 | | |

|V-b |Political Science 16 |Law and Society |90 |03 |

| | |Changed to: POLS 332 | | |

|V-b |POLS 302 |Introduction to Government: Foreign |03 | |

|V-b |POLS 310 |Introduction to International Relations |03 | |

|V-b |POLS 322 |Political Ideologies |03 | |

|V-b |POLS 330 |Constitutional Rights |03 | |

|V-b |POLS 332 |Law and Society |03 | |

|V-b |Psychology 1 |Introduction to Psychology: General Principles |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: PSYC 300 | | |

|V-b |Psychology 1H |Honors General Principles |98 |03 |

| | |Changed to: PSYC 480 | | |

|V-b |Psych. 3 |Intro to Psych: Personality & Social Psych. |83 |03 |

| | |Changed to: PSYC 320 | | |

|V-b |Psych 16 |Pschology of Women in a Multicultural Society |98 |03 |

| | |Changed to: PSYC 361 | | |

|V-b |Psychology 18 |Human Development |90 |03 |

| | |Changed to: PSYC 370 | | |

|V-b |Psychology 19 |Problems of Special Populations |91 |03 |

| | |New Title: Issues of Diverse Populations (97) | | |

| | |Changed to: PSYC 365 | | |

|V-b |Psychology 20 |Personal and Social Behavior |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: PSYC 305 | | |

|V-b |Psychology 24 |Marriage and Family Relations |73 |83 |

|V-b |Psych. 26 |Psychology of Aging: Adult Development and Aging |75 |03 |

| | |Changed to: PSYC 374 | | |

|V-b |Psych. 28 |No Course listed in 97 or 98 catalog |97 |98 |

|V-b |Psychology 34 |Child Development |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: PSYC 372 | | |

|V-b |PSYC 300 |General Principles |03 | |

|V-b |PSYC 305 |Personal Growth and Adjustment |03 | |

|V-b |PSYC 320 |Social Psychology |03 | |

|V-b |PSYC 361 |Psychology of Women in Multicultural Society |03 | |

|V-b |PSYC 365 |Issues of Diverse Population |03 | |

|V-b |PSYC 370 |Human Development |03 | |

|V-b |PSYC 372 |Child Development |03 | |

|V-b |PSYC 374 |Psychology of Aging: Adult Development and Aging |03 | |

|V-b |PSYCH 383 |Introduction to Organizational Psychology |06 | |

|V-b |PSYC 415 |Studying in London: Psychological Elements of British Life and Culture |12 | |

|V-b |PSYC 480 |Honors General Principles |03 | |

|V-b |Sign Language Studies 5 |Impact of Deafness |92 |03 |

| | |Changed to: SILA 330 | | |

|V-b |SILA 330 |Impact of Deafness |03 | |

|V-b |Social Science 1 |Peace and Conflict Studies |93 |03 |

| | |Changed to: SOCSC 310 | | |

|V-b |Social Science 2 |International Studies: Current International Development and Issues |93 |03 |

| | |Changed to: SOCSC 312 | | |

|V-b |Social Science 3 |International Studies: International Economy of the 21st. Century |93 |94 |

|V-b |Social Science 16 |Law and Society |75 |90 |

|V-b |Social Science 30 |Modern Russia |73 |81 |

|V-b |Social Science 42 |The Mexican American in the United States |73 |75 |

|V-b |Social Science 46 |A Survey of contemporary Economic Problems |73 |78 |

|V-b |Social Science 53 |American Society |73 |76 |

|V-b |Social Science 54 |Problems of American Society |73 |76 |

|V-b |Social Science 57 |American Institutions |73 |83 |

|V-b |SS 310 |International Studies - Peace and Conflict Studies |03 |06 |

| | |Changed to : SOCSC 310 | | |

|V-b |SS 312 |International Studies - Current International Development Issues |03 |06 |

| | |Changed to: SOCSC 312 | | |

|V-b |SOCSC 310 |International Studies - Peace and Conflict Studies |06 | |

|V-b |SOCSC 312 |International Studies - Current International Development Issues |06 | |

|V-b |Sociology 1A |Introduction to Sociology |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: SOC 300 | | |

|V-b |Sociology 1B |Social Problems |83 |03 |

| | |Changed to: SOC 301 | | |

|V-b |Sociology 5 |Problems of Minorities in America |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: SOC 320 | | |

|V-b |Sociology 6 |Chicano Cultures |75 |03 |

| | |Changed to: SOC 325 | | |

|V-b |Sociology 10 |Survey of Education |73 |75 |

|V-b |Sociology 14 |Introduction to Social Science |73 |76 |

|V-b |Sociology 15 |Introduction to Corrections |73 |83 |

|V-b |Sociology 20 |Woman in American Culture |73 |03 |

| | |Changed to: SOC 342 | | |

|V-b |Sociology 55 |Alternative Life Styles: Possibilities and Problems |73 |83 |

|V-b |SOC 300 |Introductory Sociology |03 | |

|V-b |SOC 301 |Social Problems |03 | |

|V-b |SOC 318 |Intro to Crime, Deviance & Social Control |12 | |

|V-b |SOC 320 |Minorities in America |03 | |

|V-b |SOC 325 |Chicano Culture |03 | |

|V-b |SOC 342 |Women in American Culture |03 | |

|V-b |SOC 342 |Sociology of Popular Culture |07 | |

|V-b |Theater Arts 25 |Children Literature in Performance |88 |89 |

|Course |Fall term unless |

|New order effective 2007/ 08 |otherwise noted |

| |Approved |Removed |


|New Requirement 1992 - 93 |

|ADMJ 302 |Community Relations: Multicultural Issues |10 | |

|Anthropology 2 |Cultural Anthropology |F96 |03 |

| |Changed to: ANTH 310 | | |

|Anthropology 14 |American Indians of California |F 97 |03 |

| |Changed to: ANTH 333 | | |

|ANTH 310 |Cultural Anthropology |03 | |

|ANTH 315 |Cultures in Focus |07 | |

|ANTH 330 |Magic, Witchcraft and Religion |07 | |

|ANTH 333 |American Indians of California |03 | |

|ANTH 334 |Native Peoples of North America |07 | |

|ANTH 341 |Introduction to Linguistics |07 | |

|ART 3A |Art History of the Non-Western World |94 |03 |

| |Changed to: ARTH 322 | | |

|ARTH 322 |Art History of the Non-Western World |03 | |

|Bio 23 |Ethno Botany |F 98 |03 |

| |Changed to: BIOL 322 | | |

|BIOL 322 |Ethno Botany |03 | |

|Business 15 |Managing Diversity in the Workplace |94 |03 |

| |Changed to: BUS 330 | | |

|BUS 330 |Managing Diversity in the Workplace |03 | |

|DANCE 300 |Diverse Cultures in Dance |03 | |

|ECE 36 |Culture and Diversity in Early Childhood Education |93 |03 |

| |Changed to: ECE 430 | | |

|ECE 430 |Culture and Diversity in Early Childhood Education |03 | |

|English 20 |Literature of California |2000 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 327 | | |

|English 37 |Studies in the Literature of Diverse Cultures: Other American Literatures |F 92 |93 |

|English 37 A |Studies of Literature of Diverse Cultures: Other American Cultures |93 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 337 | | |

|English 37 B |Studies of Literature of Diverse Cultures: Asian American Autobiography & Fiction |93 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 334 | | |

|English 37 C |Studies of Literature of Diverse Cultures: African American Dramatic Literature |93 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 333 | | |

|English 39B |Children and Literature: Story Telling |94 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 372 | | |

|English 39C |Children and Literature: Multicultural Literature |94 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 374 | | |

|English 39D |Children and Literature |94 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGLT 376 | | |

|ENGLT 327 |Literature of California |03 | |

|ENGLT 333 |African-American Dramatic Literature |03 | |

|ENGLT 334 |Asian-American Literature |03 | |

|ENGLT 337 |Other American Literatures |03 | |

|ENGLT 338 |Native American Literature |05 | |

|ENGLT 372 |Children and Literature: Storytelling |03 | |

|ENGLT 374 |Children and Literature: Multicultural Literature |03 | |

|ENGLT 376 |Children and Literature: Reader’s Theatre |03 | |

|Family & Consumer Science |Cultural Foods of the World |F 98 |99 |

|12 |Changed to: Nutrition & Foods 12 | | |

|Family & Consumer Science |Family Development |98 |99 |

|33 | | | |

|Geography 2 |Element of Cultural Geography |98 |03 |

| |Changed to: GEOG 310 | | |

|Geography 10 |World Regional Geography |97 |03 |

| |Changed to: GEOG 320 | | |

|Geography 21 |Geography of California |97 |03 |

| |Changed to: GEOG 322 | | |

|GEOG 310 |Human Geography: Exploring Earth’s Cultural Landscape |03 | |

|GEOG 320 |World Regional Geography |03 | |

|GEOG 322 |Geography of California |03 | |

|History 11 |World History to 1500 |94 |03 |

| |Changed to: HIST 307 | | |

|History 12 |World History 1500 to the Present |94 |03 |

| |Changed to: HIST 308 | | |

|History 14 |History of the United States: African American Emphasis |F 02 |03 |

| |Changed to: HIST 320 | | |

|History 15 |History of the United States: African American Emphasis |02 |03 |

| |Changed to: HIST 321 | | |

|History 16 A |History of the United States: The American Indian Experience |F 97 |03 |

| |Changed to: HIST 323 | | |

|History 16 P |History of Asian/Pacific Americans |01 |03 |

| |Changed to: HIST 325 | | |

|History 16 W |Women in American History |F 92 |03 |

| |Changed to: HIST 330 | | |

|HIST 307 |History of World Civilizations to 1500 |03 | |

|HIST 308 |History of World Civilizations, 1500 to Present |03 | |

|HIST 320 |History of the United States: African-American Emphasis |03 | |

|HIST 321 |History of the United States: African-American Emphasis |03 | |

|HIST 323 |History of the United States: The American Indian Experience |03 | |

|HIST 325 | History of Asian/Pacific American |03 | |

|HIST 330 |Women in American History |03 | |

|Human Services 19 |Problems of Special Populations | 92 |03 |

| |New Title: to: Issues of Diverse Populations (97) | | |

| |Changed to: HSER 330 | | |

|HSER 330 |Issues of Diverse Populations |03 | |

|Humanities 3 |Eastern Humanities |92 |03 |

| |Changed to: HUM 320 | | |

|Humanities 9 |Humanities of the Americas |93 |03 |

| |Changed to: HUM 330 | | |

|HUM 302 |Global Humanities: Atheism in Creativity, Thought, and Inspiration Traditions |10 | |

|HUM 320 |Asian Humanities |03 | |

|HUM 330 |Humanities of the Americas |03 | |

|JOURN 320 |Race and Gender in the Media |09 | |

|MUFHL 9 |World Music |98 |03 |

| |Changed to: MUFHL330 | | |

|MUFHL 12 |Jazz History |98 |03 |

| |Changed to: MUFHL 315 | | |

|MUFHL 315 |Jazz History |03 | |

|MUFHL 330 |World Music |03 | |

|Nutrition & Foods Nutrition|Cultural Foods of the World |99 | |

|12 |Changed to: NUTRI 12 | | |

|Nutrition 12 |Cultural Foods of the World |99 |99 |

| |Changed to: NUTRI 310 | | |

|NUTRI 310 |Cultural Foods of the World |03 | |

|PER # 1 |Diverse Cultures & Dance |95 |03 |

| |Changed to: DANCE 300 | | |

|Psychology 16 |Psychology of Women in a Multi-cultural Society |F 98 | |

| |Changed to: PSYC 361 | | |

|Psychology 19 |Problems of Special Populations |92 |03 |

| |New Title: Issues of Diverse Populations (97) | | |

| |Changed to: PSYC 365 | | |

|Psychology 28 |No course listed in 97 or 98 catalog |97 |98 |

|PSYC 356 |Human Sexuality |14 | |

|PSYC 361 |Psychology of Women in a Multicultural Society |03 | |

|PSYC 365 |Issues of Diverse Populations |03 | |

|Sign Language 5 |Impact of Deafness |02 |03 |

| |Changed to: SILA 330 | | |

|SILA 330 |Impact of Deafness |03 | |

|Sociology 20 |Women in American Society |94 |03 |

| |Changed to: SOC 342 | | |

|Sociology 5 |Minorities in America |92 |03 |

| |Changed to: SOC 320 | | |

|SOC 320 |Minorities in America |03 | |

|SOC 342 |Women in American culture |03 | |

|Speech 14 |Intercultural Communication |93 |03 |

| |Changed to: SPEECH 325 | | |

|SPEECH 325 |Intercultural Communication |03 | |

|Theater Arts 8 |Diversity in American Drama (1960 – Present) |95 |01 |

| |Changed to: Theater Arts 4 | | |

|Theater Arts 11 |Diversity in American Film |2000 |01 |

| |Changed to: Theater Arts 8 | | |

|TA 4 |Diversity in American Drama (1960 – Present) |01 |03 |

| |Changed to: Theater Arts 306 | | |

|TA 8 |Diversity in American Film |01 |03 |

| |Changed to: TA 318 | | |

|TA 306 |Diversity in American Drama (1960 to Present) |03 | |

|TA 318 |Diversity in American Film |03 | |

|Course |

|New order effective 2007/ 08 |


|Effective 1983 |

|Regardless of catalog rights: |Fall term unless otherwise noted |

|AA/AS degrees from Los Rios or BA/BS degrees or higher * fulfill ALL GE and Competencies | |

|AA/AS from other colleges* fulfill Reading competency ONLY | |

|*(from a regionally accredited college or university in the US) | |

| |Approved |Removed |

|Business 8 |Business Communication |85 |03 |

| |Changed to: BUS 310 | | |

|BUS 310 |Business Communication |03 | |

|English 1A, |College Composition |84 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGWR 300 | | |

|English 1A H |Changed to: ENGWR 480 |87 |03 |

|English 60 |equivalent from outside Los Rios) AND writing exam |84 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGWR 103 | | |

|English 50, 50 A, 50 B|(per Bob Frew) Courses have been deleted |Prior to 82 | |

|ENGWR 103 |Practical Composition |03 |09 |

|ENGWR 300 |College Composition |03 | |

|ENGWR 480 |Honors College Composition |03 | |

|ESL 5 |Composition and Reading |84 |03 |

| |Changed to: ESLW 340 | | |

|ESL 63 |Career Writing Skills |87 |03 |

| |Changed to: ESL 63 W (00) | | |

|ESL W 340 | Advanced Composition |03 | |

|Office Admin. 8 |Business Communication |84 |85 |

| |Changed to: Business 8 | | |

| |

|Course |

|New order effective 2007/ 08 |


|Effective 1983 |

|Regardless of catalog rights: |Fall term unless otherwise noted |

|AA/AS degrees from Los Rios or BA/BS degrees or higher * fulfill ALL GE and Competencies | |

|AA/AS from other colleges* fulfill Reading competency ONLY | |

|*(from a regionally accredited college or university in the US) | |

|Beginning 2013/2014, the following are in effect: | |

|**Los Rios courses at 200 & 300 level that has been approved by the Board for reading competency (“C” or better) | |

|**an equivalent college level reading course at a “regionally accredited college in the US” with a “C” or better.| |

|**completion of either CSU GE breadth or IGETC | |

| |Approved |Removed |

|English 3 |College Analytical and Speed Reading |93 |97 |

|English 4 |College Analytical and Speed Reading |93 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGRD 310 | | |

|English 5 |Academic Text Book Reading |F 97 |03 |

| |Changed to: ENGRD 312 | | |

|English 72 |Critical Reading |88 (retro active) |93 |

| |Changed to: English 4 | | |

|ENGRD 310 |College Reading: Critical Comprehension and Speed Reading |03 | |

|ENGRD 312 |Academic Text Book Reading |03 | |

|ESL 5 |Composition and Reading |94 |96 |

| |Changed to: ESL 5 W | | |

|ESL 5 R |Advanced Reading Skills Through Literature |01 |03 |

| |Changed to: ESL R 340 | | |

|ESL 6 |Advanced Composition and Literature |96 |02 |

|ESLR 340 |Advanced Reading Skills Through Literature |03 | |

|Course |

|New order effective 2007/ 08 |

|MATH COMPETENCY |Fall term unless otherwise noted |

|Effective 1983 | |

|No time limit (Retroactive) F 92 | |

|Regardless of catalog rights: |Approved |Removed |

|AA/AS degrees from Los Rios or BA/BS degrees or higher * fulfill ALL GE and Competencies | | |

|AA/AS from other colleges* fulfill Reading competency ONLY | | |

|*(from a regionally accredited college or university in the US) | | |

|AT 75 |Mathematics for Automotive Technology |91 |03 |

| |Changed to: AT 105 | | |

|AT 105 |Mathematics for Automotive Technology |03 | |

|Computer Science 25 |FORTRAN Programming |84 |89 |

|Computer Information |FORTRAN Programming |89 |08 |

|Science 33 |Changed to: CISP 340 (03) | | |

|CISP 340 |FORTRAN Programming |03 | |

|Elect. 51, |ET 51 A changed to: ET 310 |84 |88 |

| |ET 51 B changed to : ET 311 | | |

|ET 51 A |Mathematics for DC Circuits fundamentals, part I |88 |03 |

| |Changed to: ET 310 | | |

|ET 51 B |Mathematics for DC Circuits fundamentals, part II |88 |03 |

| |Changed to: ET 311 | | |

|ET 310 & 311 |Mathematics for DC Circuits fundamentals, part I & |03 | |

| |Mathematics for DC Circuits fundamentals, part II | | |

|ET 315 |Mathematics for Semiconductor Theory |05 |06 |

|Electronics 60 |Mathematics for Semiconductor Theory |84 |02 |

|MATH |51 or higher (prior to 2003) or 100 or higher (after 2003) |02 | |

|Math A |Elementary Algebra |84 |88 |

| |Changed to: Math 51 | | |

|Math B |Elementary Geometry |84 |88 |

|Math 1 |Intro to Mathematical Ideas |84 |03 |

| |Changed to: MATH 300 | | |

|Math 2 |Mathematical Ideas |87 |03 |

| |Changed to: MATH 310 (03) | | |

|Math 6A-D |Number changed to 9 A – 9 D |84 |92 |

|Math 9 A – D |Calculus I, II, III |92 |03 |

| |Math 9 D = Advanced Math for Engineers | | |

|Math 8 H |Honors Application of Calculus |88 |93 |

| |Changed to: MATH 481 | | |

| | |94 |03 |

|Math 9A |Calculus I |92 |03 |

| |Changed to: Math 400 | | |

|Math 9B |Calculus II |92 |03 |

| |Changed to: MATH 401 | | |

|Math 9 C |Calculus III |92 |03 |

| |Changed to: MATH 402 | | |

|Math 9D |Advanced Math for Engineers |92 |03 |

| |Changed to: MATH 420 | | |

|Math 12 |Introduction to Symbolic Logic |84 |03 |

| |Changed to: MATH 320 | | |

|Math 13 |Intermediate Algebra |84 |88 |

| |Changed to: Math 53 | | |

|Math 15 |Trigonometry |84 |03 |

| |Changed to: MATH 330 | | |

|Math 16A |Analytical Geometry and Calculus |84 |03 |

| |Changed to: MATH 350 | | |

|Math 16 B |Analytical Geometry and Calculus |84 |03 |

| |Changed to: MATH 351 | | |

|Math 24 |Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry |84 |Del. S 86 |

|Math, 29 |Pre-Calculus |84 |03 |

| |Changed to: MATH 370 | | |

|Math 35 |Intro to Linear Algebra |84 |03 |

| |Changed to: MATH 410 | | |

| Math 42 |Finite Math |84 |03 |

| |Changed to: MATH 344 | | |

|Math 43 |Calculus for Business and Economics |84 |03 |

| |Changed to: MATH 340 | | |

|Math 51 |Elementary Algebra |88 |03 |

| |Changed to: MATH 100 | | |

|Math 52 |Geometry |88 |03 |

| |Changed to: Math 110 | | |

|Math 53 |Intermediate Algebra |88 |03 |

| |Changed to: MATH 120 | | |

|Math 61 |Mathematics for Forestry and Horticulture |84 |03 |

| |Changed to: MATH 126 | | |

|MATH 100 |Elementary Algebra |03 |09 |

|MATH 124 |Intermediate Algebra, Part II |09 | |

|MATH 125 |Intermediate Algebra with Applications |10 | |

|MATH 129 |Elementary & Intermediate Algebra |12 | |

|MATH 355 |Calculus for Biology and Medicine I |14 | |

|MATH 356 |Calculus for Biology and Medicine II |14 | |

|Mechanics 75 |Mathematics for Automotive Technology |84 |91 |

| |Changed to: Automotive Tech. 75 | | |

|PHIL 325 |Introduction to Symbolic Logic |03 | |

|Psychology 5 |Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences |84 |03 |

| |Changed to: PSYC 330 | | |

|PSYC 330 |Introduction to Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences |03 |09 |

|PSYC 330 |Introduction to Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences |11 | |

|Statistics 1 |Introduction to Probability and Statistics |84 |03 |

| |Changed to: STAT 301 | | |

|Statistics 1 H |Introduction to Probability and Statistics-Honors |02 |03 |

| |Changed to: STAT 481 | | |

|STAT 300 |Introduction to Probability and Statistics |09 | |

|STAT 301 |Introduction to Probability and Statistics |03 |11 |

|STAT 305 |Statway, Part II |11 | |

|STAT 481 |Honors Introduction to Probability and Statistics |03 |08 |

|Welding 66 A |Mathematics for Welding Technicians |96 |03 |

| |Changed to: WELD 140 | | |

|WELD 140 |Mathematics for Welding Technicians |03 | |

|LS 007A and LS 007B |(from CSU, Sacramento) per email |02 | |

|OTHERS |Approved |Removed |

|200 – 299 level courses NOT degree applicable |F 89 |03 |

|1 – 99 and 1000 level courses NOT degree applicable |Su 03 | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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