FBISD – 3rd 9 weeks 2012 – 2013 (Subject to Change)
FBISD – 3rd 9 weeks 2012 – 2013 (Subject to Change)
|Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |
|January 7 |8 Parts of Similar Triangles |9 5-5 Inequalities in |10 5-5 Inequalities in |11 5-5 Inequalities in Two |
| |& 5-5 Inequalities in Triangles|Triangles |Triangles |Triangles (Hinge Thm.) |
|Campus Staff Dev. | | | | |
|Student Holiday | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| |WS – Parts of Similar | | | |
| |Triangles #1-9 |In class | |Discuss Hinge Theorem in class – |
| |WS – Solving Compound |page 292 (1-28, 31-32) | |p. 293 #-30 |
| |Inequalities | | | |
| |Inform students that they need | | | |
| |to buy a copy of Sphereland and|WS – Inequalities in One |WS - Pythaorgean Theorem More |p. 294 (35-37) |
| |have it by February 9th |Triangle |or Less | |
| | |& | |WS-Inequalities in 2 Triangles |
| | |Finish p. 292 (1-28, 31-32) | | |
|14 8.2 Special Rt Triangles |15 |16 |17 |18 |
|Obj: Derive and apply the |8.2 Special Rt Triangles |8.2 Special Rt. Triangles |Right Triangles |Pyth. Thm. in 3D |
|patterns for special right | | | | |
|triangles. |Obj: Derive and apply the |Obj: Apply the special right |Obj: Solve right triangle |Obj: Apply the Pythagorean |
| |patterns for special right |triangle patterns and |problems. Apply the |Theorem to 3D figures. Assess |
|Study guide – Case 1 & Case 2 |triangles. |Pythagorean Theorem to solve |Pythagorean Theorem to the |special right triangles and the |
| | |problems. |rectangular prism and to the |Pythagorean Theorem. |
|Study for TEST Part I |TEST 1 (Part I) | |regular square pyramid. | |
| |Parts of Similar Triangles & |(Define isosceles trapezoid. | |WS – Pythagorean Theorem in Three|
|Due Wednesday |5-5 Inequalities in Triangles |Do some sample problems.) |Worksheet – Right Triangle |Dimensions |
|p. 428 #15-23, 25-26 | | |Practice | |
|WS 8.2 A | |Worksheet on Right Triangles | |TEST 1 (Part II) |
|WS 8.2 Special Right Triangles | | |Study for TEST Part II |Special Right Triangles & Pyth. |
| | | | |Thm |
|21 |22 |23 |24 8.5 Angles of Elevation & |25 |
| |8.3 & 8.4 Trig Ratios |8.5 Angles of Elevation & |Depression |Review |
|M. L. King Day | |Depression | | |
|No School |Obj: Define and analyze the | |Obj: Apply all of the |Obj: Compare and contrast |
| |trig ratios – tangent, sine, |Obj: Define and apply angles |trigonometric techniques to |methods for solving problems |
| |and cosine. Use the calculator|of elevation and depression to |solve problems. Assess |involving right triangles. |
| |to find segment lengths and |solve problems. |understanding of the | |
| |angle measures. | |Pythagorean Theorem in 3D and | |
| | |p. 447 #1-8 & p. 442 #25, 28-29|trigonometric ratios. | |
| | |(in class) | | |
| | | |WS – Angles of Elevation & | |
| | | |Depression |WS – Ch. 8 Extra Practice (with |
| |WS – Trig Ratios in Right |p. 437 (53-58) |p. 441 #10, 17, 22, 24, 31, 33 |answers) |
| |Triangles |p. 447 #9-18, 23, 28, 29 |Class Activity – Too Tall to | |
| | |p. 434 #10, 22, 23 |Measure |Quiz over Pyth. Thm. in 3D and |
| | | | |Trig. |
|28 |29 |30 |31 6.3 Prove Quad. is a |February 1 |
|Review |Test over Right Triangles |6.2 Properties of |Parallelogram |6.4 Special Parallelograms |
| |(chapter 8) |Parallelograms | | |
|Obj: Compare and contrast | | |Obj: Derive and apply the ways|Obj: Derive the properties of |
|methods for solving problems |Obj: Assess understanding of |Obj: Derive and apply the |of proving that a quadrilateral|special parallelograms. Extend |
|involving right triangles. |chapter 8, right triangles. |properties of parallelograms. |is a parallelogram. Verify |coordinate methods to the |
| | | |that a quadrilateral is or is |rectangle and the rhombus. |
|Go over quiz & worksheet. | |Study Guide |not a parallelogram by | |
| |6.1 Define Special Quads |WS – Parallelograms |coordinate methods. Introduce | |
| |For homework: read pages |p. 316 (12-16, 31-33, 41) |verifying parallelogram from |Study Guide |
| |306-308 and work the following | |coord. of 4 points |WS – Rectangles, Squares & Rhombi|
| |problems: | | |(6.4) (32 problems) |
| | | |Study Guide | |
| |p. 308 | |WS – 6.3 Parallelograms (front | |
| |(1-12, 19-26, 45-48) | |& back) | |
|End of Progress 5 | | |Page 325 (14-19, 26) | |
|4 6.5 Trap. & Isos. Trap. |5 |6 |7 6.7 Proofs using Coord Geom. |8 Comparing & Contrasting Quads. |
| |6.5 Kites & Coord Work |2 6.6 Placing Figures in the |Obj: Prove properties of |Obj: Compare and contrast |
|Obj: Analyze isosceles |Obj: Derive and apply the |Coord. Plane |special quadrilaterals by |quadrilaterals and their |
|trapezoids and apply their |properties of a kite. Classify|Obj: Analyze the best |coordinate methods. |properties. |
|properties to find segment |quadrilaterals by coordinate |placement of figures in the |Use Ex. on page. 349 in class | |
|lengths and angle measures. |methods. |coordinate plane. |and problem 1 to illustrate |Pg. 309 |
| | | |choices of coordinates. |(29-41, 50-53, 56-59) |
|Study Guide |Work a couple more coord. |Use Practice 6-6 as a study |WS – 6.7 Proofs Using |WS –Quadrilateral Relationships |
|WS- Trapezoids (6.5) |examples in class |guide |Coordinate Geometry | |
| |WS – Kites & Coord Work with | |Quiz over Special |Fill in Chart of properties of |
|Quiz over 6.1-6.3 |Quadrilaterals |Pg. 344 (2-7, 9-15, 22-27) |Parallelograms & Trapezoids |quadrilaterals |
| | | | | |
| |Introduce Kite Project |Teach 6.7 today | | |
|11 Midpt. Quads. |12 Review |13 Test on Quadrilaterals |14 |15 |
| | | |10-2 Area of Trapezoids, |10-3 Area of Regular Polygons and|
|Obj: Analyze quadrilaterals |Obj: Review quadrilaterals, |Obj: Assess understanding of |Rhombuses & Kites |10-5 Trigonometry and Area |
|formed by connecting the |their properties, and |Quadrilaterals, chapter 6. | | |
|midpoints of consecutive sides. |coordinate methods for | |Obj: Develop and apply the |Obj: Derive the formula for |
| |verifying each. |Homework: p. 536 |formulas for area of a |finding the area of a regular |
|WS-Quad. from Midpoints (in |10-1 Area of Parallelograms & |(1-9; 12-14; 19-27; 32-39) |trapezoid and for |polygon, including the special |
|class) |Triangles | |quadrilaterals with |cases of equilateral triangle, |
| |(include geoboard methods) |Geoboard Worksheet |perpendicular diagonals – |square, and regular hexagon. Use|
|WS – Connecting Midpoints |Obj: Analyze and apply methods| |rhombus, kite, square, and |trigonometry to find any missing |
|WS – Chapter 6 Review (note: |for finding the area of | |others. |parts. |
|review sheet does not include |parallelograms and triangles, | | |pg. 548 |
|sections 6.6 & 6.7) |including the dissection and | |pg. 542 (4, 8-18, 22-32, 35) |(1-3, 10-18, 24-25, 29) |
|Page 359 (30-34) |surround methods. | | |pg. 561 (1, 4, 7, 8) |
| | | | | |
| | | | |End of Progress 6 |
|18 |19 |20 Continue 10-3 and 10-5 |21 10-6 Circles and Arc and |22 10-4 Perimeters and Areas of |
| |10-3 Work Day | |10-7 Areas of Circles & Sectors|Similar Polygons |
| | |Obj: Find area of triangles by|Obj: Review circumference and |Obj: Apply ratios to find |
|Presidents Day |Have the kids work together in |trig. Find shaded areas by |area of a circle. Apply ratios|perimeters and areas of similar |
|No School |groups to practice finding the |applying all of the area |to find arc length and area of |polygons. |
| |area of polygons. |formulas. |sector. Analyze the area of a | |
| | |pg. 561 (2, 25, 11-17) |segment of a circle as a |p. 555 |
| |Review for 10.1 – 10.2 Quiz |Worksheet with Heron’s Theorem |sector minus a triangle. |(2, 3, 5-10, 13-16, 19-22, 28-32,|
| | |and Circle Area/Perimeter | |35-37, 41-44) |
| |Hw: Study for Quiz | |p. 571 (57-59) | |
| | |Quiz on 10-1 and 10-2 |p. 578 | |
| | | |(22, 25-28, 30, 32, 35, 40) | |
| | | |Worksheet – Arc Length, Sector |Quiz 10-3 & 10-5 |
| | | |Area, Segment Area | |
|2510-8 Geometric Probability |26 Review Chapter 10 |27 Test on Ch. 10 |28 |March 1 |
| | | |Kite Day! |1-2 Drawings, Nets, and Other |
|Obj: Apply concepts of |Obj: Compare and contrast |Obj: Assess understanding of | |Models |
|probability to distance and |methods for finding the |Area and Perimeter – Chapter | | |
|area. |perimeter and area of polygons,|10. | |p. 13 (1-9, 18-20, 35) |
| |circles, sectors, segments, and|Obj: Apply algebraic skills to| |Worksheet |
|p. 584 |composite figures. |find area. | |Isometric dot paper & square dot |
|(1-6, 15-20, 23-26, 32-35, 47) | | | |paper provided for book work |
|Worksheet – Shaded Areas |WS - Chapter 10 Review |HW: Worksheet – Algebra & | | |
| | |Areas | | |
|4 |5 1-2 continued |6 |7 |8 11-2 Surface Areas of Prisms |
|TAKS | |District Assessment |11-1 Space figures and Cross |and Cylinders |
|ELA??? |In groups of 2 or 3, find 8 | |Sections | |
| |different nets for a pyramid | |Obj: Describe and analyze |Obj: Derive and apply the |
| |with a square base. Use | |cross sections of solid |formulas for lateral area and |
| |polyhedrons (click-togethers). | |figures. |surface area of right prisms and |
| | | |Use plastic cubes with colored |cylinders. |
| |p. 13 (11-16, 23-30, 34) | |water to “see” cross sections.| |
| |“Packet” of pattern folding, | | |p. 612 |
| |etc. | |In class using cubes |(5-12, 16, 19, 21, 22, 24, 27-30,|
| | | |p. 603 (46-54) |33-35) p. 253 (1-4 |
| | | |HW: p. 601 (1-19, 21-29, 36) | |
|Spring Break—March 11-15 |
|18 |19 |20 |21 |22 |
|11-3 Surface Areas of Pyramids |11-3 continued |Review |Review for Test |TEST 1.2, 11.1 – 11.3 |
|and Cones |Obj: Apply formulas for |Obj: Solve lateral area and |Obj: Solve lateral area and | |
| |lateral area and surface area |surface area problems, |surface area problems, | |
|Obj: Derive and apply formulas |of pyramids, cones, prisms, and|including some nonformula |including some nonformula | |
|for lateral area and surface |cylinders.. |problems. |problems. |Homework: page 75 #1-19 (TAKS |
|area of regular pyramids and |p. 620 (3, 6, 8, 12, 17, 31-35,|HW: Worksheet - Fun with | |Tune-up) |
|cones. |37-40, 43) |Lateral Area and Surface Area | | |
| | |Worksheet - Review of 11.2 and | |End 3rd Nine Weeks |
|p. 620 |Quiz 1-2, 11-1, & Algebra and |11.3 | | |
|(1, 2, 4, 5, 9-11, 18, 19, 21, |Areas | | | |
|23, 27-30) | | | | |
Obj: Apply theorems about inequalities in triangles. (The sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third. If two sides of a triangle are unequal, then the larger angle lies opposite the longer side. If two angles of a triangle are unequal, then the longer side lies opposite the larger angle.)
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