ROWAN FLAD - Harvard Anthropology


Harvard University - Department of Anthropology

57G Peabody Museum, 11 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138

(617) 495-1966

Personal Website:

Chinese Archaeology at Harvard:

Orchid ID: 0000-0002-7018-8868



John E. Hudson Professor of Archaeology: Harvard University – Department of Anthropology 2015 – Present

Professor: Harvard University – Department of Anthropology 2012 – 2015

Associate Professor: Harvard University – Department of Anthropology 2008 – 2012

Assistant Professor: Harvard University – Department of Anthropology 2004 – 2008

Adjunct Assistant Professor: Syracuse University – Department of History Fall 2003


Marta Sutton Weeks Fellow: Stanford Humanities Center 2013 – 2014

Affiliated Professor: Hongshan Culture International Research Center – Chifeng College 2008 – Present

Visiting Fellow: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) – Institute of Archaeology 2006

Fellow: Korea Society Fall Fellowship Program October 2004

Visiting Scholar: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) – Institute of Archaeology July 2004

Research Associate: Cornell University – East Asia Program 2003 – 2004

Visiting Scholar: Columbia University – Anthropology Department 2002 – 2003


Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Interdisciplinary Program in Archaeology 2004

M.A., UCLA Interdisciplinary Program in Archaeology 1998

Visiting Graduate Student, Peking University, Department of Archaeology (1 year) 2000 – 2001

Ex., Princeton University at Beijing Normal University, Chinese Language School Summer 1997

Ex., Middlebury College Summer Language Institute, Chinese Language School Summer 1996

A.B., The University Of Chicago, Anthropology, Graduated with General and Department Honors 1994


2017-Present Co-PI, Ancient Asian Rhino DNA project. Collaboration with Brown University, Lanzhou University, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Sichuan Provincial Institute of Archaeology, Gansu Provincial Institute of Archaeology

2011- Present Director, Tao River Archaeology Project. Collaboration with Gansu Provincial Institute of Archaeology, and Peking University.

2010- Present Co-Director, Oracle Bone Database Project. Collaboration with Li Zhipeng (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Archaeology) and Kate Brunson (Brown University)

2005-2011 (Dec.-Jan) Co-Director, Chengdu Plain Archaeological Survey Project. Collaboration with Gwen Bennett (Washington University, St. Louis), Li Shuicheng (Peking University), Pochan Chen (National Taiwan Univeristy), Jiang Zhanghua (Chengdu City Institute of Archaeology)

2005 (August) Field Director, Reconnaissance sampling project at Donghuishan, Collaboration with Peking University. Project Director: Prof. Li Shuicheng.

2004-Present Participant and Field Director, Chinese Salt Archaeology Project, Collaboration with UCLA, Peking University, Chengdu City Institute of Archaeology, National Taiwan University, Tübingen University. To date includes fieldwork and research trips in Sichuan, Chongqing, Shandong, Gansu, and Yunnan. Project Directors: Lothar von Falkenhausen and Li Shuicheng.

2003. Field Director, Sichuan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Department of Archaeology, Peking University. Project Directors: Sun Zhibin and Prof. Sun Hua.

1999 (Feb.-Mar.) Project Member, UCLA-Peking University Collaborative Project on Salt Production in Sichuan and Surrounding Areas. Directors: Prof. Lothar von Falkenhausen, Prof. Sun Hua and Prof. Li Shuicheng.

1999 (Sept.) Archaeologist, Dolmuz Tepe Archaeological Project. Director: Prof. Liz Carter.

1999 (July-Sept.) Trench Supervisor: Alisar Regional Project. Director: Dr. Ron Gorny.

1995 Field Archaeologist Level II: Louis Berger International Inc. - CRM Division

1995. Field Archaeologist Level I: Louis Berger International Inc. - CRM Division

1994 (Aug.-Sept.) Trench Supervisor and Ceramic Illustrator: Alisar Regional Project. Director: Dr. Ron Gorny.

1994 (July) Field School Teaching Asst.: Univ. of Chicago, El Juyo Field School. Director: Prof. Les Freeman.

1992 (July) Field School Student: University of Chicago, El Juyo Field School. Director: Prof. Les Freeman.


Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Workshop Grant, $20,000 (Research Workshop) 2019

Astor Visiting Lecturer, Oxford University 2019

Harvard University, Asia Center, Faculty Grant, $12,500 (Field Research) 2016-2017

Harvard University, Asia Center, Faculty Grant, $4,000 (EAAS Seminar) 2016-2017

Harvard University, GSAS Research Workshops Committee, $1,500 per year (Seminar) 2006-2017

Harvard University, Asia Center, Faculty Grant, $15,000 (GIS and Geophys Workshop) 2015

Honorary M.A., Havard Univeristy 2013

Everett Mendelsohn Excellence in Mentoring Award, Finalist 2013

Harvard University Asia Center Faculty Research Grant, $18,000 (Field Research) 2013-2014

Harvard University, Asia Center, Faculty Grant, $9,000 (EAAS Seminar) 2012-2016

Conference Grants to support workshop on early iron metallurgy in Eurasia 2012

Harvard-Yenching Institute Conference Grant, $10,000

Weatherhead Center for International Affairs Conference Grant, $5,500

Fairbank Center, $500

American School of Prehistoric Research, $5,500

Reischauer Institute Travel and Research Grant, $3,000 2012

Fairbank Center Junior Faculty Research Grant, $3,200 2012

Peabody Museum Collections Research Grant, $3,759.46 2011-2012

Harvard-Yenching Institute, $30,000 (conference support for Tibet conference; Harvard Sponsor / Advisor for application by Lü Hongliang of Sichuan University)


Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, $6,826 (Dissertation Fieldwork Grant; Faculty Advisor for Jade D’alpoim Guedes)


Harvard University Asia Center Seminar Grant, $15,000 (EAAS Seminar) 2008-2011

Luce Foundation Initiative on East Asian Archaeology and Early History, $300,000 (Collaborative Research Grant; Co-PI with Gwen Bennett, Li Shuicheng)


Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, $30,000 (ICRG Grant; Co-PI with Li Shuicheng, Gwen Bennett, Pochan Chen)


Harvard University Asia Center Faculty Research Grant, $15,000 (Field Research) 2008-2009

Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Workshop Grant, $10,000 (Research Workshop) 2008

Harvard University Clark Fund. $6,000 2008

Harvard University Asia Center Faculty Grant, $5,000 (EAAS Seminar) 2007-2008

Hoopes Prize for advising of thesis of Jennifer Gong, $500 2007

ACLS Fellowship sponsored by the Luce Foundation, $36,000 2006-2007

Harvard University Asia Center Faculty Research Grant, $10,000 (Field Research) 2006-2007

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (中国社会科学院) Fifth annual third class award of excellence for: “Pig domestication in ancient China” with Yuan Jing


Harvard University Asia Center Faculty Research Grant, $10,000 (Field Research) 2005-2006

American Philosophical Society, Franklin Research Grant, $2000 (Field Research) 2005-2006

Harvard University Clark/Cooke Fund, $6,000 2005-2006

UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship, $17,000 plus Tuition and Fees 2002-2003

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies Research Assistantship, $10,000 2001-2002

Fulbright (IIE) Scholarship, $20,500 2000-2001

University of California Chancellor’s Fellowship (4 yrs), $15,000 plus Tuition and Fees 1996-2003

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies Stipend, $1,000 2000

UCLA International Studies Opportunity Program Fieldwork Grant, $2,000 2000

UCLA International Studies Opportunity Program Conference Grant, $600 2000

UCLA Archaeology Program Travel Grant, $960 2000

UCLA International Studies Opportunity Program, $600 1999

NRF - Title VI: Foreign Language and Area Studies, $10,000 1999-00

UCLA Friends of Archaeology Research Grant, $1,000 1999

Ahmanson Fellowship, $4,000 1998-99

NRF - Title VI: Foreign Language and Area Studies, $10,000 1998-99

Princeton University in Beijing Summer Language Scholarship, $2,000 1997

NRF - Title VI: Foreign Language and Area Studies, $10,000 1997-98

NRF - Title VI: Summer FLAS Fellowship, $1,400 1997

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies Summer Language Fellowships, $2,000 1997, 1998

Center for Chinese Studies Fellowship (declined), $8,000 1996-1997

University of Chicago Dean’s List 1990-1994

University of Chicago H & G Heyman Scholarship 1991-1994



Rowan Flad and Pochan Chen (2013). Ancient Central China: An Archaeological Study of Centers and Peripheries along the Yangzi River. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rowan Flad (2011). Salt Production and Social Hierarchy in Ancient China: An archaeological investigation of specialization in China’s Three Gorges. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Chengdu Pingyuan Guoji Kaogu Diaochadui 成都平原国际考古调查队 (In Prep). Chengdu Pingyuan Kaogu Diaocha—2005-2010 nian chengguo 成都平原考古调查 -- 2005-2010年成果 [The Chengdu Plain Archaeological Survey – Results from the 2005-2010 Seasons]. Beijing: Kexue chubanshe.

Rowan Flad, editor (2016). Archaeological Research in Asia: Special Issue on Peopling of the Tibetan Plateau.

Liviu Giosan, Dorian Q. Fuller, Kathleen Nicoll, Rowan K. Flad, Peter D. Clift, editors (2012). Climates, Landscapes and Civilizations. AGU Geophysical Monograph Series, Vol. 198. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union.

Zachary X. Hruby and Rowan K. Flad, editors (2007). Rethinking Craft Specialization in Complex Societies: Archaeological Analyses of the Social Meaning of Production. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, No. 17. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association.

Yang Hu, Liu Guoxiang, and Tang Chung, editors (English Language editing by Rowan Flad) (2006). Yuqi qiyuan tansuo – Xinglongwa yuqi yanjiu yu tulu 玉器起源探索- 興隆洼玉器研究與圖錄 [The origins of Chinese jade culture – Xinglongwa jades research and catalogue]. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press.


1. Womack, Andrew, Timothy Horsley, Hui Wang, Jing Zhou and Rowan Flad (In Press). Assessing Site Organization and Development Using Geophysical Prospection at Dayatou, Gansu, China. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports TBD.

2. Hung Lingyu 洪玲玉, Wu Haosen 伍浩森, Ha Ke 哈克, Zhou Jing 周静, Wang Hui 王辉, Chen Bozhen 陈伯桢, Li Shuicheng 李水城, Fu Luowen 傅罗文 (2019) Qijiaping: Qijia wenhua dianxing yizhi yanjiu de xin jinzhan 齐家坪:齐家文化典型遗址研究的新进展 (Qijiaping: Recent developments in the investigation of the type site of the Qijia culture). Submitted to Kaogu yu wenwu 考古与文物 [Archaeology and Cultural Relics] 2019(3): TBD

3. Womack, Andrew, Hui Wang, Jing Zhou and Rowan Flad (2019). Continuity and Change: A Petrographic Analysis of Clay Recipes in late Neolithic Northwestern China. Antiquity TBD.

4. Yitzchak Jaffe and Rowan Flad. (2018) Prehistoric globalizing processes in the Tao River Valley, Gansu, China? In Ancient Globalizations and people ‘without’ history, edited by Nicole Boivin and Michael Frachetti, pp. 131-161. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5. Shuicheng Li and Rowan K. Flad (2018). Archaeology of Salt in China. Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Edited by C. Smith, pp. 1-11. Cham, Springer International Publishing.

6. Rowan Flad (2018) Urbanism as Technology in Ancient China. Archaeological Research in Asia 14:121-134. ()

7. LeLe Ren, GuangHui Dong, HaiMing Li, Dave Rhode, Rowan K. Flad, GuoQiang Li, Ying Yang, ZhongXin Wang, LinHai Cai, XiaoYan Ren, Dongju Zhang, FaHu Chen (2017) Dating Human Settlement in the East-Central Tibetan Plateau During the Late Holocene. Radiocarbon 60(1): 137-150 (doi: 10.1017/RDC.2017.117).

8. Andrew Womack, Yitzchak Jaffe, Lingyu Hung, Zhou Jing, Wang Hui, Li Shuicheng, Pochan Chen, Rowan Flad (2017) Mapping Qijiaping: New work on the type site of the Qijia Culture. Journal of Field Archaeology 42(6):488-502. ()

9. Jianping Zhang, Houyuan Lu, Peter Weiming Jia, Rowan Flad, Naiqin Wu, and Alison Betts (2017) Cultivation strategies at the ancient Luanzaganzi settlement on the easternmost Eurasian steppe during the Late Bronze Age. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 26(5): 505-512. (doi:10.1007/s00334-017-0608-0).

10. Jianping Zhang, Houyuan Lu, Guoping Sun, Rowan Flad, Naiqin Wu, Xiujia Huan, Keyang He, and Yonglei Wang (2016) Phytoliths reveal the earliest fine reedy textile in China at the Tianluoshan site. Nature: Scientific Reports 6: 18664.

11. Chengdu Pingyuan Guoji Kaogu Diaochadui 成都平原国际考古调查队 [Rowan Flad, Tim Horsley, Jade d’Alpoim Guedes, He Kunyu, Gwen Bennett, Pochan Chen, Li Shuicheng, Jiang Zhanghua, Jiang Ming] (2015). Songjiaheba: Chengdu Pingyuan Qingtong shidai xiaoxing juluo de tianye diaocha, fajue ji diquiwuli kantan 宋家河坝:成都平原青铜时代小型聚落的田野调查,发掘及地球物理勘探 (Songjiaheba: The survey, excavation and archaeological geophysics at a small-scale Bronze Age settlement in the Chengdu Plain). Nanfang minzu kaogu 南方民族考古 [Southern ethnoarchaeology] 11: 231-246.

12. Rowan Flad, Timothy Horsley, Jade D’alpoim Guedes, He Kunyu, Gwen Bennett, Li Shuicheng and Jiang Zhanghua (2014). Survey, Excavation and Geophysics at Songjiaheba – A Small Bronze Age Site in the Chengdu Plain. Asian Perspectives 52(1):119-142.

13. Danielle Raad, Li Shuicheng, Rowan K. Flad (2014) Testing a novel method to identify salt production pottery via release and detection of chloride ions. Journal of Archaeological Science 43: 186-191.

14. Rowan Flad (2013). Animal Exploitation at Zhongba during the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Studies of Zhongba, Vol. 3, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 254-293. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

15. Rowan Flad (2013). The Oracle Bones of Zhongba: Divination at an Early Salt Production Site. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Studies of Zhongba, Vol. 3, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 294-337. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

16. Zhao Zhijun and Rowan Flad (2013). Report on the Floatation Results from the Zhongba Site in Chongqing. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Preliminary Studies, Vol. 3, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 394-419. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

17. Rowan Flad (2013). The Sichuan Basin. In A Companion to Chinese Archaeology, ed. by Anne Underhill, pp. 125-146. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

18. D'Alpoim Guedes, Jade, David Carrasco, Rowan Flad, Ethan Fosse, Michael Herzfeld, C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, Cecil M. Lewis, Matthew Liebmann, Richard Meadow, Nick Patterson, Max Price, Meredith Reiches, Sarah Richardson, Heather Shattuck-Heidorn, Jason Ur, Gary Urton, Christina Warinner (2013). Is Poverty in our Genes? : A Reply to Ashraf and Galor. Current Anthropology 54(1):71-79.

19. Rowan Flad (2012). Bronze, Jade, Gold, and Ivory: Valuable Objects in Ancient Sichuan. In The Construction of Value in the Ancient World, ed. by John Papadopoulos and Gary Urton, pp. 258-287. Los Angeles: Cotsen Institute of Archaeology.

20. Tian Xiaosi, Zhu Cheng, Sun Zhibin, Shui Tao, Huang Yunping, Rowan K. Flad, Li Yumei (2011). Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses of mammal bone fossils from the Zhongba site in the Three Gorges Reservoir region of the Yangtze River, China. Chinese Science Bulletin 56(2): 169-178.

21. Clift, Peter D., Rowan Flad, Dorian Q. Fuller, and Liviu Giosan (2011). Studying the Relationship Between Past People and Their Environments: AGU Chapman Conference on Climates, Past Landscapes, and Civilizations; Santa Fe, New Mexico, 21–25 March 2011. EOS 92(24): 205.

22. Rowan Flad (2010). Zhuanye hua shengchan: Ruogan jiben wenti yi ji Zhongba zhiyan de luntan 专业化生产:若干基本问题以及中坝制盐的讨论 (Specialization and Production: General Issues and a Discussion of Salt Manufacture at Zhongba). Nanfang minzu kaogu 南方民族考古 [Southern ethnoarchaeology] 6:11-40.

23. Rowan Flad, Li Shuicheng, Wu Xiaohong, and Zhao Zhijun (2010). Early wheat at Donghuishan. Results from new studies in the Hexi Corridor. The Holocene 20(6):955-965.

24. Chengdu Pingyuan Guoji Kaogu Diaochadui 成都平原国际考古调查队 [傅罗文 (Rowan K. Flad); 江章华; 关玉琳 (Gwen Bennett; 提莫西郝思利(Tim Horsley); 陈伯桢; 贾什莱特 (Josh Wright)] (2010). Chengdu pingyuan quyu kaogu diaocha (2005-2007) 成都平原区域考古调查 (2005-2007) (2005-2007 archaeological survey in the Chengdu Plain). Nanfang minzu kaogu 南方民族考古 [Southern ethnoarchaeology] 6: 255-278.

25. Rowan Flad 傅羅文, Yuan Jing 袁靖 and Li Shuicheng 李水城 (2009). Zhongguo xibei diqu zuizao dongwu xunhua de dongwu kaoguxue ziliao 中國西北地區最早動物馴化的動物考古學資料 (Zooarchaeological Evidence for the earliest Animal Domestication in Northwest China). Kaogu 考古 [Archaeology] 2009(5): 80-86.

26. Rowan Flad, Wu Xiaohong, Lothar von Falkenhausen, Li Shuicheng, Sun Zhibin and Pochan Chen (2009). Radiocarbon Dates and Technological Change in Salt Production at the Site of Zhongba in the Three Gorges, China. Asian Perspectives 48(1): 148-180.

27. Rowan Flad (2008). Divination and Power: A Multi-regional View of the Development of Oracle Bone Divination in Early China. Current Anthropology 49(3): 403-437.

28. Rowan Flad (2008). Zhenren: Guanyu zao qi Zhongguo shi zhuo zhanbu qiyuan yu fazhan de yixie sikao 贞人:关于早期中国施灼占卜起源与发展的一些思考 (Divine Specialists: Some Thoughts on the Origins and Development of Pyromantic Divination in Early China). In Proceedings of the Workshop on Early Chinese Civilization, edited by Jing Zhichun and Ken-ichi Takashima, pp. 85-113. Beijing: Kexue chubanshe.

29. Yuan Jing, Rowan Flad, and Luo Yunbing (2008). Meat Acquisition Patterns in the Neolithic Yangzi River Valley, China. Antiquity 82: 351-366.

30. Zhu Cheng, Ma Chunmei, Ouyang Jie, Li Zhongxuan, Yin Qian, Sun Zhibin, Huang Yunping, Rowan K. Flad, Li Lan, and Li Yumei (2008). Animal Diversities and characteristics of environmental change revealed by skeletons unearthed at Zhongba site of Chongqing City, China. Chinese Science Bulletin 53, Supp. 1: 74-86.

31. Rowan Flad (2007). Rethinking Specialization in the Context of Salt Production in Prehistoric Sichuan. In Rethinking “Specialized” Production: Archaeological Analyses of the Social Meaning of Manufacture. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, No. 17, edited by Zachary X. Hruby and Rowan K. Flad, pp. 107-128. Berkeley: University of California Press.

32. Rowan Flad, Yuan Jing and Li Shuicheng (2007). Zooarchaeological Evidence for Animal Domestication in Northwest China. In Late Quaternary Climate Change and Human Adaptation in Arid China, edited by David B. Madsen, Chen FaHu and Gao Xing, pp. 163-199. Developments in Quaternary Science, Vol. 9. Amsterdam: Elsevier Press.

33. Rowan Flad and Zachary X. Hruby (2007). "Specialized" Production in Archaeological Contexts: Rethinking Specialization, the Social Value of Products, and the Practice of Production. In Rethinking “Specialized” Production: Archaeological Analyses of the Social Meaning of Manufacture. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, No. 17, edited by Zachary X. Hruby and Rowan K. Flad, pp. 1-19. Berkeley: University of California Press.

34. Wu Xiaohong 吴小红, Rowan Flad 付罗文, Li Shuicheng 李水城, Lothar von Falkenhausen 罗泰, Sun Zhibin 孙志彬, Chen Pochan 陈伯桢 (2007). Chongqing Zhong Xian Zhongba yizhi de tanshisi niandai 重庆中县中坝遗址的碳十四年代 (Preliminary Report on the Radiocarbon dates from the site of Zhongba). Kaogu考古 2007(7): 656-667.

35. Zachary X. Hruby, Rowan K Flad, John E. Clark, Takeshi Inomata, and Heather M.-L. Miller (2007). On “Rethinking” Craft Specialization: Responses by the Authors. In Rethinking “Specialized” Production: Archaeological Analyses of the Social Meaning of Manufacture. Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, No. 17, edited by Zachary X. Hruby and Rowan K. Flad, pp. 181-192. Berkeley: University of California Press.

36. Rowan Flad 傅羅文 and Yuan Jing 袁靖 (2006). Sanxia diqu Zhongba yizhi dongwu kaoguxue de chubu yanjiu 三峽地區中壩遺址動物考古學的初步研究 (Preliminary research on the Zooarchaeology of the site of Zhongba in the Three Gorges). Kaogu 考古(Archaeology) 2006 (1): 79-88.

37. Rowan Flad, Jiping Zhu, Changsui Wang, Pochan Chen, Lothar von Falkenhausen, Zhibin Sun, Shuicheng Li (2006). Zhongguo zaoqi yanye shengchan de kaogu he huaxue zhengju 中國早期鹽業生產的考古和化學證據 (Archaeological and Chemical evidence for early salt production in China). In Kaogu fajue yu lishi fuyuan 考古發掘與歷史復原 [Recovering archaeological excavation and history], edited by Chen Xingcan and Michela Bussotti. Faguo Hanxue 法國漢學 [French Sinology] 11: 23-35.

38. Rowan Flad and Pochan Chen (2006). The Archaeology of the Sichuan Basin and Surrounding Areas during the Neolithic Period. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Preliminary Studies, Vol. 1, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 183-259. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

39. Yuan Jing and Rowan Flad (2006). Research on Early Horse Domestication in China. In Equids in Time and Space, ed. by Marjan Mashkour, pp. 124-131. Oxford: Oxbow.

40. Department of Archaeology, Peking University; Institute of Archaeology, UCLA; Chengdu Municipal Institute of Archaeology; Department of Anthropology, University of Alabama (2006). Report on the Preliminary Field Season in 1999. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Preliminary Studies, Vol. 1, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 31-113. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

41. Rowan Flad (2005). Zooarchaeology at Zhongba – Evaluating Fish and Meat-Salting in the Prehistoric Three Gorges, China. Journal of Field Archaeology 30 (3): 231-253.

42. Rowan Flad, Jiping Zhu, Changsui Wang, Pochan Chen, Lothar von Falkenhausen, Zhibin Sun, Shuicheng Li (2005). Archaeological and Chemical Evidence for Early Salt Production in China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (35): 12618-12622. (August 30, 2005).

43. Yuan Jing and Rowan Flad (2005). New Zooarchaeological Evidence for Changes in Shang Dynasty Animal Sacrifice. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 24 (3): 252-270. (May 13, 2005).

44. Rowan Flad (2003). Xin Jiniya, Eganda ji Xi Luoma diguo de yanye shengchan, jiaohuan ji xiaofei – Chongqing diqu xian Qin shiqi yanye shengchan de bijiao yanjiu 新幾內亞、 烏干達及西羅馬帝國的 鹽業生產、交換及消費— 重慶地區先秦時期鹽業生產的比較研究 (Salt Production, Exchange, and Consumption in New Guinea, Uganda, and the Western Roman Empire – Comparative Examples for Contemplating Pre-Qin Salt Production in Chongqing). Yanyeshi yanjiu 鹽業史研究 (Research on Salt Production History) 2003 (1): 95-104.

45. Yuan Jing and Rowan Flad (2003). Two Issues Concerning Ancient Domesticated Horses in China. Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 75: 111-127.

46. Yuan Jing and Rowan Flad (2002). Pig Domestication in Ancient China. Antiquity 76 (293): 724-732.

47. Rowan Flad (2001). Ritual or Structure? Analysis of Burial Elaboration at Dadianzi, Inner Mongolia. Journal of East Asian Archaeology 3 (3-4): 23-52.


1. Fu Luowen 傅罗文 [Rowan Flad] (2018?) Zaoqi sichouzhilu de jishu biange—Gansu Taohe liuyu de kaogu chengguo 早期丝绸之路上的技术变革——甘肃洮河流域的考古成果 (Technological change on the Proto-Silk Road: Archaeological results from the Tao River in Gansu). Zhongguo keji kaogu zonglun 中国科技考古纵论 [Discussion of the Archaeological Sciences in China]

2. Rowan Flad (2018) Forward: In Memory of Pochan Chen. Memory and Agency in Ancient China: Shaping the Life History of Objects. Edited by Francis Allard, Yan Sun, Kathryn Linduff, Pp. xvii-xx. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

3. Rowan Flad (2017) Centers and Peripheries in Ancient China. Landscape: NTU Research and Development 3: 25-26.

4. Rowan Flad (2017) Where did the Silk Road come from? The China Questions 哈佛论中国, edited by Michael Szonyi and Jennifer Rudolph, Pp. 237-243. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

5. Rowan Flad (2017) Notes from the Field: Archaeology in NW China. Harvard Magazine

6. Rowan Flad (2016) Obituary: Pochan Chen 陳伯楨 October 29, 1973 – June 28, 2015. Asian Perspectives 55(1):120-126. 

7. Brunson, Katherine, Li, Zhipeng, & Flad, Rowan K. (2016) "Oracle Bones in East Asia.” Katherine Brunson, Zhipeng Li, Rowan Flad (Eds.). Released:2016-04-04. Open Context. DOI:

8. Fu Luowen 傅罗文 [Rowan Flad] (2016) Cong xifang dao dongfang: Haiyang haoku de yici penjian 从西方到东方:海洋考古的一次碰见 (From West to East: An unexpected encounter with Maritime Archaeology). Nanfang wenwu 南方文物 [Cultural Relics of the South] 2016(3):199-200.

9. Rowan Flad (2016) Forward. Early Navigation in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Maritime Archaeological Perspective, edited by Chunming Wu, Pp. v-ix. Springer Press.

10. Rowan Flad (2016) Recent Research on the Archaeology of the Tibetan Plateau and Surrounding Areas. Archaeological Research in Asia 5:1-3.

11. Rowan Flad (2015) Salt. In The Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopedia, edited by Mary Beaudry and Karen Metheny, pp. 447-448. Alta Mira Press.

12. Rowan Flad (2015). Jiuquan Sanbadongzi yizhi chutu dongqu guge fenxi yanjiu 酒泉三坝洞子遗址出土动物骨骼分析研究 (Analysis of animal bones excavated at the site of Sanbadongzi in Jiuquan). In Ganguya mudi 干骨崖墓地 [The Ganguya Cemetery], by Li Shuicheng, pp. 71-75. Beijing: Kexue chubanshe.

13. Rowan Flad (2013). Review of Prehistoric Societies on the Northern Frontiers of China: Archaeological Perspectives on Identity Formation and Economic Change during the First Millennium BCE, by Gideon Shelach. Asian Perspectives 51(1):134-138.

14. Chengdu Pingyuan Guoji Kaogu Diaochadui 成都平原国际考古调查队 (2012). Songjiaheba – Chengdu Pingyuan qingtong shidai xiaoxing juluo de tianye diaocha, fajue ji diqiu wuli kantan 宋家河坝──成都平原青铜时代小型聚落的田野调查,发掘及地球物理勘探 (Songjiaheba - Survey, geophyiscs and excavation at a small-scale Bronze Age settlement in the Chengdu Plain). Chengdu wenwu 成都文物 [Cultural relics of Chengdu] 2012(1)

15. D’Alpoim Guedes, J., Reich, D., Herzfeld, M., Patterson, N., Bestor, T., Lieberman, D., Comaross, J., Flad, R., Carrasco, D., Shattuck-Heidorn, H., Lamberg-Karlovsky, K., Comaroff, J., Meadow, R., Liebmann, M., Urton, G., Pilbeam, D., Kleinman, A., Good, B. (2012). Response to Ashraf and Galor ‘The Out of Africa Hypothesis, Human Genetic Diversity and Comparative Economic Development’ (October 1, 2012). Available at SSRN: or .

16. Liviu Giosan, Dorian Q. Fuller, Kathleen Nicoll, Rowan K. Flad, Peter D. Clift (2012). Preface. In Climates, Landscapes and Civilizations, edited by Liviu Giosan, Dorian Q. Fuller, Kathleen Nicoll, Rowan K. Flad, Peter D. Clift, pp. vii-ix. Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union.

17. Rowan Flad (2010). Archaeology in China’s Three Gorges. In World Prehistory and Archaeology: Pathways through time, by Michael Chazan, pp. 326-327. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

18. Rowan Flad (2009). Comment on Rod Campbell’s “Networks and Boundaries Approach to Early Complex Polities: the Late Shang Case." Current Anthropology 50(6):840-841.

19. Rowan Flad (2009). Archaeology in Central and Southwest China: Travels in Guizhou. Symbols Spring, 2009:16-20.

20. Horsley, T.J., Flad, R.K., Bennett, G.P., Li, S., Jiang, Zh. and Chen, P. (2009). Investigating ancient landscapes and settlement patterns in the Chengdu Plain, Sichuan, China. Extended abstract in ArcheoSciences, revue d’archéométrie, supplément 33: 187-190.

21. Rowan Flad (2008). New Research Exploring the Origins of Sanxingdui. Backdirt: Annual Review of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology 2008: 30-31.

22. Rowan Flad (2007). Review: Excavating Asian History: Interdisciplinary Studies in Archaeology and History, edited by Norman Yoffee and Bradley L. Crowell. Journal of Asian Studies 66(4): 1105-1107.

23. Rowan Flad (2007). Xinglongwa Jades and the Genesis of Value in Northeast China. In Yuqi qiyuan tansuo – Xinglongwa yuqi yanjiu yu tulu 玉器起源探索- 興隆洼玉器研究與圖錄 [The origins of Chinese jade culture –Xinglongwa jades research and catalogue], edited by Deng Cong and Liu Guoxiang, pp. 224-234. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press.

24. Li Shuicheng and Rowan Flad (2007). Zhongguo de yanye kaogu ji qi qianli 中國的鹽業考古及其潛力 (Salt archaeology and its potential in China). In Shijie wenhua de dongya 世界文化的東亞視角 [East Asia’s View on World Culture], pp. 393-403. Beijing: Peking University Press.

25. Rowan Flad (2006). Review: Archaeology of Asia, edited by Miriam Stark. American Anthropologist 108 (4): 923-924.

26. Tom Wake and Rowan Flad (1999). Identification and Analysis of Vertebrate Faunal Remains from CA-RIV-1974, Riverside Co., California. Report Submitted to CRM Associates, Riverside, CA.


Rowan Flad (n.d.) Salt Technology in Ancient China: Transitions and Continuities. In XXXV Coloquio de Antropología e Historia Regionales “El Pasado Tecnológico: Cambio y Persistencia,” edited by ¿?, pp. TBD.

Yitzchak Jaffe, Anke Hein, Andrew Womack, Kate Brunson, Jade D’Alpoim Guedes, Rongzhen Zuo, Jing Zhou, Jada Ko, Xiaohong Wu, Hui Wang, Shuicheng Li, Rowan K. Flad (n.d.) Complex pathways towards emergent pastoral settlements – New research on the bronze Age Xindian culture of Northwest China. Submitted to Journal of World Prehistory.

Le-Le Ren, Guanghui Dong, Feng-Wen Liu, Jade d'Alpoim-Guedes, Rowan K. Flad, Min-Min Ma, Haiming Li, Yi-Shi Yang, Yu-Jia Liu, Dongju Zhang, Guo-Lin Li, Ji-Yuan Li, Fahu Chen (n.d.) Archaeobotanical and zooarchaeological evidence of trade and exchange between foragers and farmers on the Tibetan Plateau. In Preparation. (Submitted to Antiquity)

X. X. Zhang, X.T. Wu, Z.Y. Jin, R.K.Flad, Q.Q. Lv, X.M. Xue, A.C. Fan, J. Burton, F. Huang, L.Y. Yan (n.d.) Human Sacrifice, Salt Resources, and the Emergence of Complex Societies in North China: Isotopic Studies of Population Movement at Qingliangsi. In Preparation.

Liu, Yiting, Wang, Yang, Rowan Flad (n.d.) Animal Sacrifice in Burial: Materials from China during the Shang Dynasty and Western Zhou Period. In Preparation.


Rowan Flad (2004). Specialized Salt Production and Changing Social Structure at the Prehistoric Site of Zhongba in the Eastern Sichuan Basin, China. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles - Interdisciplinary Program in Archaeology. (Committee Chair: Lothar von Falkenhausen)

Rowan Flad (1998). Honoring the Dead or the Living? Burial Practices and the use of AnimalRemains at the Cemetery Site of Dadianzi, Inner Mongolia, China. M.A. Thesis, University of California, Los Angeles - Interdisciplinary Program in Archaeology.


1. Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Peking University Department of Archaeology and Museology, Tianmen City Museum (2018). The 2014-2016 survey and excavation of the Shijiahe site in Tianmen, Hubei. Chinese Archaeology 18: TBD.

2. Zhouyuan Archaeology Team (2017). The 2014-2015 Excavations of the Zhouyuan Site in Baoji, Shaanxi Chinese Archaeology 17: 32-43.

3. Gansu Provincial Institute of Archaeology (2016). The Excavation of the Mazongshan Jade Quarry sites in Subei County, Gansu Province. Chinese Archaeology 16: 1-12.

4. Fu Yonggan (2015). The Salt-making Workshop Sites of the Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties in Northern Shandong and their Organization of Production. Chinese Archaeology 15: 167-174.

5. Zhongguo Shehuikexueyuan Kaogu Yanjiusuo (2014). The excavation of the pottery workshop site at Liujiazhuang Locus North of Yinxu in Anyang City, Henan. Chinese Archaeology 14: 111-117.

6. Han Jianye (2013). The Miaodigou Age and “Early China.” Chinese Archaeology13: 163-168.

7. Guo Zhiwei (2013). On the custom of burying dogs in prehistoric burials. Chinese Archaeology13: 169-175.

8. He Kunyu (2012). On the subsistence practices of the Shi’erqiao culture – Focus on zooarchaeology. Chinese Archaeology12:189-194.

9. Department of Archaeology, Shandong University and Shandong Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (2012). Tomb No. 139 of the Shang Dynasty at Daxinzhuang, Jinan City. Chinese Archaeology12:43-47.

10. Shandong Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Peking University Center for Chinese Archaeology, Shouguang City Cultural Bureau, Shandong Province (2011). The salt production sites at Shuangwangcheng in Shouguang City, Shandong. Chinese Archaeology11:84-91.

11. Research Center of Oriental Archaeology of Shandong University, Shandong Provincial Institute of Archaeology, and Dongying City Museum of History (2011). The Salt Industry Remains at Nanheya in Dongying City, Shandong. Chinese Archaeology11:74-83.

12. Henan Xinzhai Archaeological Team, Institute of Archaeology, CASS and Zhengzhou Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology (2010). 2002 excavations on the Xinzhai site in Xinmi City, Henan. Chinese Archaeology 10:99-105.

13. Gansu Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Research Center for Cultural Heritage and Archaeology, Northwest University (2010). The Qijia-culture cemetery at Mogou in Lintan, Gansu. Chinese Archaeology 10:15-23.

14. Qian Yaopeng, Zhu Yunyun, Mao Ruilin, Xie Yan (2010). A brief discussion on joint burial in Mogou Cemeter of the Qijia culture. Chinese Archaeology 10:158-163.

15. Wang Jianhua (2010). A study into the gender composition of the population in the prehistoric Middle and Lower reaches of the Yellow River valley. Chinese Archaeology 10:143-152.

16. Qian Yaopeng (2009). On the Traces of Disasters and the Building near the Square in the Lajia Settlement. Chinese Archaeology 9:164-169.

17. Yuan Jing (2008). The origins and development of animal domestication in China. Chinese Archaeology 8:1-7.

18. Wang Jianhua (2008). Research on the prehistoric population age structure in the Middle and Lower reaches of the Yellow River valley. Chinese Archaeology 8:163-167.

19. Wang Qing and Zhu Jiping (2007). Sea-salt production during the Shang and Zhou eras in Northern Shandong. Chinese Archaeology 7: 119-122.

20. Chengdu City Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Relics (2007, 2008). Text for museum exhibit at Jinsha site museum.

21. Chengdu City Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Relics (2006). Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Investigations at an Ancient Salt Production Site in Pujiang County, Chengdu City. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Preliminary Studies, Vol. 1, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 127-145. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

22. Li Xiaobo (2006). Study Report on the Ancient Salt Well in Yushan Township, Pengshui County, Chongqing. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Preliminary Studies, Vol. 1, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 115-125. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

23. Li Xiaobo (2006). The Geological Foundation for the Development of Ancient Sichuan Salt Production. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Preliminary Studies, Vol. 1, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 163-181. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

24. Long Teng (2006). Cliffside Carvings Near Salt Wells in Pujiang County. In Salt Archaeology in China: Ancient Salt Production and Landscape Archaeology in the Upper Yangzi Basin: Preliminary Studies, Vol. 1, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 147-159. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

25. Sun Hua and Zeng Xianlong (2006). Pointed Base Pottery Cups and Scalloped Rim Cauldrons [Fu]: Simultaneous explanation of the Yangzi Gorge Area pre-Qin fishing and salt industries. In Landscape Archaeology and Ancient Salt Production in Sichuan and Adjacent Regions: Preliminary Studies, Vol. 1, ed. by Li Shuicheng and Lothar von Falkenhausen, pp. 287-315. Beijing: Kexue Chubanshe.

26. Houma Archaeological Station of the Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology (2004). The Eastern Zhou Sacrificial Pits at Xigao in Houma, Shanxi. Chinese Archaeology 4: 103-110.

27. Hunan Provincial Institute of Antiquity and Archaeology, Huaihua Municipal Office for Preservation of Ancient Monuments, and Yuanling County Museum (2004). Significant Finds from the Han Period Tomb No. 1 at Huxishan in Yuanling. Chinese Archaeology 4: 111-122.

28. Yue Hongbin (2003). Research on the Orientation of Decoration on Bronzes from Yinxu. Chinese Archaeology 3: 170-175.



• Astor Visiting Lecturer at Oxford University.

• “Appropriating Innovations in Early China.” Paper presented at the symposium Cumulative Han Culture and the Study of Early China at Ludwig Maxmilians University. Munich, Germany. July 7, 2019.

• “The Tao River Archaeological Project (TRAP): Technological Changes Along the Proto Silk Roads in Northwest China 早期丝绸之路上的技术变革--洮河流域史前考古调查与试掘初步收获.” Invited talk at Sun Yat-sen University. Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. July 3, 2019.

• “生产组织”,“城市化”,“全球化”,“人类世”, “技术”,“创新” : 谈考古学的学术理论架构

“Organization of Production,” “Urbanization,” “Globalization,” “Anthropocene,” “Technology,” “Innovation”– Framing Research in Archaeology. Invited talk at the Gansu Provincial Institute of Archaeology. Lanzhou, Gansu. June 29, 2019.

• “Long Distance Influences and Local Adoption: Technological Changes in Ritual and Economy in Late Prehistoric China.” Invited talk at UCLA. June 7, 2019.

• “Brine Processing Pits at Zhongba, China.” Paper presented in the organized session “Salt Roads: Rethinking the Place of Salt in Prehistory: Towards a Global Dialogue” at the Society for American Archaeology Conference. Albuquerque, NM. April 12, 2019.

• “The Tao River Archaeological Project (TRAP): Technological Changes Along the Proto Silk Roads in Northwest China 早期丝绸之路上的技术变革--洮河流域史前考古调查与试掘初步收获.” Invited talk at Sichuan University. Chengdu, Sichuan, China. March 22, 2019.

• “Transitions in Agricultural Technology at the Start of the Meghalayan in the Tao River Valley of NW China.” Paper presented at the symposium Environments and Adaptations in Ancient China: Recent Advanced in Global Context at the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, MI. February 8, 2019.


• “Origins of the Silk Roads.” Invited Lecture at the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Museology. Harvard University. October 25th, 2018.

• “Tracing the Emergence of Horse Exchange Along the Ancient Silk Road through 3D Geometric Morphometrics” (William TAYLOR, Yue LI, Chengrui ZHANG, Rowan FLAD, Nicole BOIVIN). Paper in session on Animal Domestication and Biotic Exchange in East and Central Asia at 2018 ICAZ meeting in Ankara, Turkey.

• “The Tao River Archaeological Project (TRAP): Results of Survey and Trial Excavations at Prehistorical Archaeological Sites in the Tao River Valley. 洮河流域史前考古调查与试掘初步收获.” Invited talk at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Archaeology. June 15, 2018.

• “The Tao River Archaeological Project (TRAP): Technological Changes Along the Proto Silk Roads in Northwest China 早期丝绸之路上的技术变革.” Talk presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology Conference. Nanjing, China. June 8, 2018.

• “洮河流域考古调查国际合作项目.” Invited talk at the Lintao Ministry of Culture, Lintao, Gansu, China June 4, 2018.

• “Little Bronze Things: What they do and how they do it in the Early Bronze Age in NW China.” Paper presented in the organized session “Mattering Imperial Politics: Human-Thing Partnerships in Local Productions of Power” at the Society for American Archaeology Conference. Washington, DC. April 13, 2018.

• “A Song Dynasty Tile Kiln at Qijiaping: Gender and Pyrotechnology in Medieval China.” Paper presented in the organized session “What’s Hot in Pyrotechnology?: Controlling Fire from Campfires to Craftspeople” at the Society for American Archaeology Conference. Washington, DC. April 13, 2018.

• “Long distance human migration in Late Neolithic China: Isotopic Evidence from Qinliangsi Cemetery.” (Xiaotong WU, Xingxiang ZHANG, Zhengyao JIN, Rowan FLAD, Xinming XUE). Society for American Archaeology Conference. Washington, DC, Canada. April 12, 2018.

• “Technological Change on the Proto-Silk Road: The Tao River Archaeology Project, Gansu, China.” Invited Talk at the Early China Seminar, Columbia University. March 23, 2018.

• “Technological Change on the Proto-Silk Roads: The Tao River Archaeology Project, Gansu, China.” Invited Talk at Invited talk at Brigham Young University. March 14, 2018

• “Technological Change on the Proto-Silk Roads.“ Asia Center, Harvard University. March 2, 2018.


• “Technology and Culture Change Along the Early Silk Roads.” Invited paper at the Denver Art Museum. December 15, 2017.

• “Zaoqi zichouzhilu shang de jishu biange 早期丝绸之路上的技术变 (Changing Technologies on the Proto-Silk Road).” Invited talk at Fudan University, Shanghai, December 12, 2017.

• “Investigating Technological Changes Along the Proto Silk Road in Northwest China.” Invited paper at University of Albany. October 13, 2017.

• “Taohe liuyu kaogu diaocha guoji hezuo xiangmu 洮河流域考古调查国际合作项目 (The international collaborative archaeology project in the Tao River valley).” Invited talk at the Sichuan Provincial Institute of Archaeology, Chengdu, Sichuan, China. June 12, 2017.

• “Investigating Technological Changes Along the Proto Silk Road in Northwest China.” Invited talk at Kanazawa University, Japan. April 17, 2017.

• “Urbanism as Technology in Early China.” Invited talk at Ochanomizu University, Japan. April 16, 2017.

• Discussant – “Flooded Ancient Maya Salt Works, Paynes Creek National Park, Belize” Organized session at the Society for American Archaeology Conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada. April 1, 2017.

• “Large Size, Low Density: Prehistoric Sites on the Chengdu Plain.” Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada. March 30, 2017.

• Discussant – “Recent Archaeological Research in China” organized session at the Society for American Archaeology Conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada. March 30, 2017.

• “The Zooarchaeology of Qijiaping – Preliminary Results from the 2016 Season.” Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology Conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada. March 30, 2017.

• “Archaeology of the Proto-Silk Road: New Survey and Excavations in the Tao River Valley, Gansu, China.” Paper presented at the New England Association of Asian Studies Conference. Boston, MA. January, 29, 2017.

• “Technological Change on the Proto-Silk Road: The 2016 Season of the Tao River Archaeology Project, Gansu, China.” Invited Talk at the University of Arizona. January 19, 2017.


• “Changing Technology on the Proto-Silk Road: The 2016 Season of the Tao River Archaeology Project.” Invited talk at Brown University, December 2, 2016.

• “New Research on Technology Change in Early Gansu: The 2016 Season of the Tao River Archaeology Project.” Invited Talk at the University of Toronto, November 18, 2016.

• “The Three Dynasties Project and the Search for an Orthodox Past” in “Politics and the Users of History in China Today” Panel at the 60th Anniversary of the Fairbank Center Symposium, Harvard University, October 7, 2016.

• “New Research on Technology Change in Early Gansu: The 2016 Season of the Tao River Archaeology Project.” Talk Presented at the conference on East-West Interactions at Peking University, Beijing, China. August 12, 2016.

• “Sanxingdui de dushuxing chuyi 三星堆的都市性刍议 (A Modest Proposal on the Nature of Urbanism at Sanxingdui).” Keynote talk presented at the 2016 International Symposium on Sanxingdui Culture and World Civilizations & 30th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Sanxingdui Sacrificial Pits. Guanghan, Sichuan. July 18, 2016

• “Zaoqi zichouzhilu shang de jishu biange 早期丝绸之路上的技术变 (Changing Technologies on the Proto-Silk Road).” Invited talk at the Sichuan Provincial Library, Chengdu Sichuan, July 17, 2016.

• “Zaoqi zichouzhilu shang de jishu biange: Taohe kaogu xiamgmu de jihua yu qishi 早期丝绸之路上的技术变革: 洮河考古项目的计划与启示 (Technological change along the Proto-Silk Road: The Tao River Archaeological Project Plan and Revelations).” Invited talk at Renmin University, Beijing, China. June 26, 2016

• “Technological Change on the Proto Silk Road.” Talk given in the Plenary Session of the Seventh International Conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology, Cambridge, MA. June 8, 2016.

• “Dayatou and Siwashan - Preliminary Report on the 2015 Season of the Tao River Archaeology Project.” Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Conference, Orlando, FL. April 7, 2016.

• “The Oracle Bone Project: Tracing the Spread and Development of Oracle Bones in Ancient China.” Poster presented at the Society for American Archaeology Conference, Orlando, FL. April 7, 2016.

• “Urbanism as Technology in Early China.” Invited talk at Yale University, New Haven, CT. March 4, 2016.

• “Changing Technologies on the Proto Silk Road.” Talk given at the Public Panel: Recent Archaeological Insights into Ancient Chinese Economy: An Afternoon of Presentations in Memory of Pochan Chen (1973-2015) organized under the auspices of The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, February 24th, 2016.


• “Recent Archaeological Research Using GIS in China.” Informal talk for Wuhan University Students at the Panlongcheng Archaeological Work Station. June 21, 2015.

• “Zuowei jishu de chengshihua: Yi zaoqi Zhongguo wei li 作为技术的城市化:以早期中国为例 (Urbanism as technology: Examples from Early China).” Invited “Fen Hanji” Lecture at Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan. June 19, 2015.

• “Results of the 2015 Fieldwork.” Invited Talk at the Gansu Provincial Institute of Archaeology. Lanzhou, Gansu. June 11, 2015.

• “Technology of Urbanism in Early China.” Paper presented at the The Origins and Development of Urbanization in Early China: From a Comparative Perspective Conference at Stanford University, Stanford, CA. April 21, 2015

• “New Research at Qijiaping.” Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Conference, San Francisco, CA. April 15, 2015.

• “Technological Changes and Long-Distance Interaction in Prehistoric Northwest China: New Research on the Qijia Culture.” Invited talk for the Department of Anthropology at the College of Wooster, Wooster, OH. March 5, 2015.


• “Technology Changes in Late Prehistoric Northwest China: New Fieldwork on the Qijia Culture.” Invited talk for the Department of Anthropology at Washington University, St. Louis, MO. October 14, 2014.

• “Comparing prehistoric salt production and associated social networks in Shandong and the Three Gorges.” Paper presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology conference, Ulan Baatar, Mongolia. June 9, 2014.

• “Results of the 2014 Preliminary Fieldwork.” Invited Talk at the Gansu Provincial Institute of Archaeology. Lanzhou, Gansu. May 31, 2014.

• “Opening New Fields: The Origins and Development of Complex Society in Ancient Sichuan, China.” Invited talk at the Archaeology Research Facility, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA. April 21, 2014.

• “Prehistoric globalizing processes in the Tao River Valley, Gansu, China?” Invited talk at the Stanford University Archaeology Center, Palo Alto, CA. April 12, 2104.

• “Opening New Fields: The Origins and Development of Complex Society in Ancient Sichuan, China.” Invited talk at the Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford, CA. January 28, 2014.

• “Evolving Landscapes of Occupation in the Prehistoric Chengdu Plain.” Paper presented at the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association conference, Siem Reap, Cambodia. January 16, 2014.


• “Opening New Fields: The Origins and Development of Complex Society in Ancient Sichuan, China.” Invited talk for the Department of Anthropology at UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA. November 13, 2013.

• “Salt Technology in Ancient China: Transitions and Continuities.” Paper presented at the XXXV Coloquio de Antropología e Historia Regionales “El Pasado Tecnológico: Cambio y Persistencia” in Zamora, Mexico. October 23, 2013.

• “Gansu Taohe liuyu you shiqian de quanqiuhua ma? 甘肃洮河流域有史前的全球化吗? (Did prehistoric globalization take place along the Tao River in Gansu?)” Invited talk for the Department of Archaeology and Museology at Peking University in Beijing, China. June 7, 2013.

• “Chengdu Pingyuan Kaogu Diaocha yu shehui fuzahua 成都平原考古調查與社會複雜化 (Archaeological survey in the Chengdu Plain and the development of complex society).” Invited talk for the Department of Archaeology at Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong. June 4, 2012.

• “Gansu Taohe liuyu you shiqian de quanqiuhua ma? 甘肃洮河流域有史前的全球化吗? (Did prehistoric globalization take place along the Tao River in Gansu?)” Invited talk for the Department of Archaeology at Sichuan University in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. May 29, 2013.

• “Prehistoric globalizing processes in the Tao River Valley, Gansu, China.” Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Conference, Honolulu, HI. April 5, 2013.

• Discussant – “Cultural Change from Man to Han in South China” by WU Chunming. Harvard-Yenching Institute weekly talk series. March 29, 2013.

• Discussant – “Developments in Chinese Bronze Production” by ZHANG Changping. Harvard-Yenching Institute weekly talk series. March 1, 2013.


• “Ritual and Technology in Chinese Ceremonial Weapons.” Harvard Art Museums Gallery Talk with Ariel O’Connor, September 19, 2012.

• “Opening New Fields: The Origins and Development of Complex Society in Ancient Sichuan, China.” Invited talk in the Early China Seminar, Columbia University, September 15, 2012.

• “Chengdu Pingyuan Kaogu Diaocha yu shehui fuzahua 成都平原考古調查與社會複雜化 (Archaeological survey in the Chengdu Plain and the development of complex society).” Invited talk at the Turfanological Institute in Turfan, Xinjiang, China. June 25, 2012.

• “CPAS Sample Methodologies and Results.” Paper presented at the Society for East Asian Archaeology conference, Fukuoka, Japan. June 9, 2012.

• “Surveying Rice Paddies: Negotiating Different Approaches to Survey in Southern China.” Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Conference, Memphis, TN. April 21, 2012.

• “Not Your Average Zhou: Dispersed Settlements and Political Authority in the Chengdu Plain of Sichuan During the Bronze Age.” Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology Conference, Memphis, TN. April 21, 2012.

• Discussant – “A Study on the Interchange of 5th – 7th Century East Asian Gilt Bronze Buddhist Sculptures” by YANG Eun-gyeung. Harvard-Yenching Institute weekly talk series. March 8, 2013.

• “Archaeological Research in China.” Invited Lecture at the Harvard-Radcliffe Chinese Students Association (HRCSA). March 6, 2012.

• “Archaeological Investigation of Emerging Complexity in China’s Sichuan Basin.” Invited Lecture at the University of Wisconsin, Department of Anthropology, Madison, WI. March 2, 2012.

• “Bone Divination, Animal Sacrifice, and Power in Early China” Invited Lecture in the Center for East Asian Studies and Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. March 1, 2012.

• “Ancient Sichuan: The Origins and Development of Complex Society in the Chengdu Plain.” Fairbank Center Director’s Talk. Harvard University. February 21, 2012.

• “Ancient Sichuan: The Origins and Development of Complex Society in the Chengdu Plain.” Invited Lecture at the University of Chicago, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations. Chicago, IL. February 6, 2012.


• Discussant – “Historical and archaeological contexts of Korean glass during the Three Kingdoms Period” by KWON Oh Young, Silk Road Glass in Korea conference, Harvard University. September 30, 2011.

• “The Chengdu Plain Archaeological Survey: Prehistoric Settlement Patterns on the Eastern Side of the Tibetan Plateau.” Paper presented at the International Conference on the Prehistory of the Tibetan Plateau 青藏高原史前研究國際學術會議 in Chengdu, Sichuan. August 24, 2011.

• “Practicing Archaeology in China.” Invited lecture at the UCLA Yangguanzhai fieldschool in Xi’an, Shaanxi, China. July 8, 2011.

• “Chengdu Pingyuan Kaogu Diaocha dui Xinshiqi shidai de xin renshi 成都平原考古調查隊新石器時代的新認識 (New understandings of the Neolithic based on the results of the Chengdu Plain Archaeological Survey)” with Pochan CHEN, Josh WRIGHT, and Gwen BENNETT. Invited lecture at the Sichuan Provincial Institute of Archaeology, Chengdu, Sichuan, China. July 6, 2011.

• “Historiography and the Topography of Archaeological Research in the Upper and Middle Yangzi Region.” Paper presented at the 76st Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology in Sacramento, CA. March 30-April 3, 2011.

• “Geology and Geoarchaeology of the Baodun Culture Paleolandscape, Sichuan Province, China” – Edwin HAJIC, Rowan FLAD, and Gwen BENNETT. Poster presented at the AGU Chapman Conference on Climate, Past Landscapes and Civilizations in Santa Fe, NM. March 21-25, 2011.

• Discussant – “Osteological research on skeletons from the Xipo site” by WANG Minghui. Harvard-Yenching Institute weekly talk series. March 4, 2011.

• “The emergence of complex society in 2nd Millennium China: A view from Sichuan.” Invited Lecture at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. January 20, 2011.


• “Zhongguo bugu de laiyuan yu Sanxia de zhanbu 中国卜骨的来源 与三峡的占卜 (The origins of Chinese oracle bone divination and divination in the Three Gorges).” Invited lecture at the Chengdu City Institute of Archaeology, Chengdu, Sichuan, China. December 31, 2010.

• Discussant – “Exploring the ancient Ba-Shu relationship from the perspective of world-system theory” by Pochan CHEN. Harvard-Yenching Institute weekly talk series. September 17, 2010.

• “Divination and Power: the Development of Oracle Bone Divination and other Human-Animal interaction in Early China” Invited “All-campus Lecture” at Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY. November 23, 2010.

• “New Data on the Spread of Wheat and Barley into China from Inner Asia.” Lecture to the Inner Asia Group at Harvard University. October 6, 2010.

• “Oracle Bones in Southwest China: Local Developments of a Ritual Tradition.” Invited “TONG En-zheng Memorial Lecture” at Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT. September 23, 2010.

• “Dating ancient wheat at Donghuishan” – WU Xiaohong, Rowan FLAD, LI Shuicheng, ZHAO Zhijun. Talk presented at conference on Ordos Archaeology, August, 2010.

• Discussant – “Exchanges between Southern Korea and Kyushu Viewed from Tombs Containing Bronze Mirrors - With the Focus on the Fourth to First Centuries BC” by LEE Chungkyu, Early Korea - Japan Interactions: New Perspectives on Old Issues conference, May 2, 2010.

• Discussant – “Trans-Himalayan Interaction during the First Millennium BC" by LU Hongliang, Harvard-Yenching Institute weekly talk series. April 21, 2010.

• “Research at Songjiaheba: Survey, Excavation and Geophysics at a small settlement site.” Paper presented at the 75st Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology in St. Louis, MO. April 14-18, 2010.

• Panelist – Charting the life histories of artifacts and goods in East Asian prehistory and history. Session at the 75st Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology in St. Louis, MO. April 14-18, 2010.

• Discussant – “Precise Radiocarbon Dating for the Origins of Chinese Civilization in the Central Plains Area” by WU Xiaohong. Harvard-Yenching Institute weekly talk series. April 8, 2010.


• “Bronze, Jade, Gold, and Ivory: Valuable Objects in Ancient Sichuan.” Presentation in the Constructions of Value in the Ancient World conference, Los Angeles, CA. November 13-15, 2009.

• “Geographical Heterarchy and Early Complexity in Ancient Sichuan.” Invited Lecture at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA. May 6, 2009.

• Discussant – Charting the life histories of artifacts and goods in East Asian prehistory and history. Session at the 74st Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology in Atlanta, GA. April 22-26, 2009.

• “2005-09 nian tianye shouhuo chubu jieshao 2005-09 年田野收获初步介绍 (Summary of Fieldwork Results: 2005-09).” Presentation the Sichuan Provincial City Institute of Archaeology. January 20, 2009.


• “Regional Archaeology, Geographic Heterarchy, and Survey: Theory, Fieldwork, and the Gap Between.” Invited Lecture, Brown University. Providence, RI. December 2, 2008.

• “Investigating Early Complex Societies in China: Notes on projects, past and present.” Invited Lecture at the Harvard-Yenching Institute. Cambridge, MA. October 24, 2008.

• “Introductory Remarks” and “Overview of the CPAS Project.” Presentations in the Spread of Agriculture in East Asia: Understanding Early Settlements in the Chengdu Plain workshop at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. October 14, 2008.

• Discussant – Workshop on “Pottery Production and Society.” Workshop organized by the Early Korea Project at Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. Aug. 2, 2008.

• “Chubu de jieshao Chengdu pingyuan de diaocha fangfa 初步的介紹成都平原的調查方法 (Preliminary introduction to the survey methods of the Chengdu Plain survey).” Invited lecture for the Xiangfan City Institute of Archaeology. Xiangfan, Hubei, China. July 5, 2008.

• “Yanjiu shehuii fuzaxing de xinjieduan: Chubu de jieshao Chengdu pingyuan de diaocha fangfa 研究社會複雜性的新階段:初步的介紹成都平原的調查方法 (A new stage of research on social complexity: Preliminary introduction to the survey methods of the Chengdu Plain survey).” Invited lecture for the Department of History, Wuhan University. Wuhan, Hubei, China. July 4, 2008.

• “Chubu de jieshao Chengdu pingyuan de diaocha fangfa 初步的介紹成都平原的調查方法 (Preliminary introduction to the survey methods of the Chengdu Plain survey).” Invited lecture for the Guizhou Province Institute of Archaeology. Guiyang, Guizhou, China. July 2, 2008.

• Discussant – Workshop on the Rice Paddy Field at Tianluoshan in Zhejiang. Hosted by Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Archaeology. Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. June 18, 2008.

• “Yanjiu shehuii fuzaxing de xinjieduan: Chubu de jieshao Chengdu pingyuan de diaocha fangfa 研究社會複雜性的新階段:初步的介紹成都平原的調查方法 (A new stage of research on social complexity: Preliminary introduction to the survey methods of the Chengdu Plain survey).” Invited lecture for the Department of Archaeology, Jilin University. Changchun, Jilin, China. June 16, 2008.

• “The Chengdu Plain Archaeology Project – Surveying Rice Paddies in the Search for the Origins of Sanxingdui.” Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology, Beijing, China. June 3-5, 2004.

• “Interregional Interaction in Central China: Modes of Cultural Transmission” Paper presented at the 73nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Vancouver, BC. March 29, 2008.

• “Interregional Interaction in Central China: Intersecting Landscapes” Paper presented at the Workshop on the Archaeology of Culture Contact in East Asia in Vancouver, BC. March 26, 2008.

• “Kaogu diaocha de lishi yu zuijin de fazhan: Chubu de jieshao Chengdu pingyuan de diaocha fangfa 考古調查的歷史與最近的發展: 初步的介紹成都平原的調查方法 (The history and recent development of archaeological survey: Introduction to the survey methods of the Chengdu Plain project).” Invited Lecture at Sichuan University. Chengdu, Sichuan. Jan. 14, 2008.

• “Chengdu pingyuan de shehui fuzahua jincheng: Zhong-mei lianhe kaogu de fangfa he chubu de jieguo 成都平原的社會複雜化進程: 中美聯合考古的方法何初步結果 (The process of emergent social complexity in the Chengdu Plain: Preliminary results and methods from the China-US collaborative project).” Invited lecture for the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Beijing, China. Jan. 4, 2008.


• “Transformation of Ritual Traditions: Shang Animal Sacrifice and Three Gorges Oracle Bone Divination.” Paper presented at the conference on Ciliao yu quanshi – Renleixue zhishi de dangdai lijie 資料與詮釋—人類學知識的當代理解 (Data and explanation –Modern understandings of anthropological knowledge) in Taipei, Taiwan. November 9, 2007.

• “The Chengdu Plain Archaeological Survey: Understanding early complex society in the Sichuan Basin, China.” Invited Lecture for Department of Anthropology, University of Connecticut. Storrs, CT. Nov. 1, 2007.

• “Food Preservation in Ancient Contexts: Zooarchaeological Signatures and Experimental Archaeology.” Paper presented at the International Conference: Zooarchaeology – Chinese Perspectives and Global Developments in Zhengzhou, China. July 15, 2007.

• “Surveys, Settlements, and Sanxingdui: Early Complex Society in Sichuan.” Paper presented at Ancient Texts In Their Local Context: International Workshop On The Early Chinese Manuscript Discoveries From Cili, Hunan in Ithaca, NY. June 13, 2007.

• “Toward a Centrality of the Periphery: Focusing on Archaeology in the Three Gorges.” Paper presented at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Austin, TX. April 27, 2007.

• “The Origins of Sanxingdui – An Early Complex Society in Sichuan.” Invited Lecture for Archaeological Institute of America. Rochester University, Rochester. April 12, 2007.

• “The Origins of Sanxingdui – An Early Complex Society in Sichuan.” Invited Lecture for the Department of Anthropology, University of Florida. Gainesville, FL. April 5, 2007.

• “Teaching Early China in the Undergraduate Curriculum: Challenges, Innovations and Future Prospects” – Roundtable Discussant at Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting. Boston, MA. March 24, 2007.

• “The Origins of Sanxingdui – An Early Complex Society in Sichuan.” The Quigley Lecture. Invited Lecture for Archaeological Institute of America. Columbia University, New York. February 20, 2007.

• “The Three Gorges Dam and Archaeology.” Invited Lecture for Archaeological Institute of America. Hofstra University, Long Island. February 18, 2007.

• “2005-07 nian tianye shouhuo chubu jieshao 2005-2007 年田野收获初步介绍 (Summary of Fieldwork Results: 2005-2007).” Presentation at the annual research summary conference of the Chengdu City Institute of Archaeology. January 31, 2007.


• “Seeking the origins of Sanxingdui: Archaeological Survey in the Chengdu Plain, China.” Invited lecture at Koç University, Anatolian Civilizations and Cultural Heritage Management MA Program. October 5, 2006.

• “Kaifang de shiye: Cong Zhong-wai hezuo tianye kaogu timu suoxiangdao de 开放的视野:从中外合作田野考古项目所想到的 (Opening the eyes: Reflections on the issues in field archaeology brought out by Chinese-international collaborative research).” (Second Author with Li Shuicheng). Presentation given at Conference on International Collaboration in Chinese Archaeology. Peking University. April 2006.

• “The Faunal Remains from Zhongba and Their Interpretation.” Paper presented at the International Conference: The Ancient Salt Industry of the Sichuan Basin in Comparative Perspective in Tübingen, Germany. June 28-30, 2006.

• Discussant – The Archaeology of Religion and Ritual. Session at the 71st Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology in San Juan, Puerto Rico. April 27, 2006.

• “Seeking the Origins of Sanxingdui among the Rice Paddles: Archaeological Survey in the Chengdu Plain,” Invited Lecture, University of Michigan, Department of Anthropology. March 9, 2006

• “Assessing the Significance of Late Neolithic Walled Sites in the Chengdu Plain.” Paper presented at the 70th Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology in Salt Lake City, Utah. March 31, 2005.

• “Divine Specialists: Some thoughts on the emergence and development of pyromantic divination in Early China.” Paper presented at the Workshop of Early Chinese Civilization: Social, Cultural, and Historical Dynamics of Early Chinese Civilization in Archaeological, Paleographical, Philological, and Historical Perspectives. March 10, 2005. Also Faculty – Student Seminar in the Department of Anthropology, Harvard University. April 12, 2005.


• Commentary – “In the World of Art: History and Perspectives.” Invited moderator and discussant at the Harvard East Asia Society 8th Annual Graduate Student Conference. March 5, 2005.


• “Threats to China’s Cultural Heritage.” Invited lecture at Symposium on Cultural Heritage Management, Boston University. October 21, 2004.

• “You dongwu kaoguxue kan Zhongba yizhi de jige wenti 由動物考古學看中壩遺址的幾個問題 (Discussing several questions about the site of Zhongba from the perspective of zooarchaeology).” (In Chinese). Invited lecture at Hubei Province Institute of Archaeology, Wuhan, Hubei, China. July 1, 2004; and at the Institute of Archaeology, CASS, Beijing, China. August 3, 2004.

• “Kaoguxue de shengchan lilun yu fangfa – shilun Hongshan wenhua yanjiu ke kaolu de jige wenti 考古學的生產理論與方法—試論紅山文化研究可考慮的幾個問題 (Archaeological method and theory – Preliminary thoughts on some issues that can be considered in future research on the Hongshan culture).” (In Chinese). Paper presented at the International Conference on Hongshan Culture, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, China. July 27, 2004.

• “Zooarchaeology in the Prehistoric Three Gorges: A View From Zhongba.” Paper presented at the Third International Conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology, Daejeon, South Korea. June 17, 2004.

• “The Oracle Bones of Zhongba: Salt Production, Divination, Ideology, and the Control of Resources.” Paper presented in the Symposium on Early Salt Production in China in Comparative Perspective, UCLA, May 15, 2004.


• “Archaeology in the Three Gorges Dam Region: A View from the Site of Zhongba.” Invited lecture in the Brooks Museum Lecture Series, SUNY Cortland. October 15, 2003.

• “Salt production at Zhongba - Some Preliminary Results.” Paper presented at the Early China Roundtable, New York, NY. April 26, 2003.

• “Specialized Activities at Zhongba - An Early Chinese Salt Production Site.” Paper presented at the 68th Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology, Milwaukee, WI. April 10, 2003.


• “Salt as a Specialized Product in Prehistoric Sichuan. Paper presented in the organized session Rethinking Production in Archaeology.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, LA. November 23, 2002.


• “Shilun Sichuan pendi dongbu de “zhuanmenhua shengchan” – Cong xinshiqi dao Handai de Zhongba yizhi 式論四川盆地東部的專門化生產 (Preliminary discussion of “specialized production” in the eastern Sichuan Basin – the Neolithic to Han period site of Zhongba).” (In Chinese). Paper presented at the “Juluo yanbian yu zaoqiwenming” guoji xueshu taolunhui 聚落演變與早期文明國際學術討論會 (The international conference on scholarly work concerning “settlement change and early civilization”), Peking University, Beijing. December 2001.


• “Animal Sacrifice and Mortuary Patterns: Contemporaneous Burial Programs in Early Bronze Age Inner Mongolia.” Paper presented at the Second International Conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology, Durham, England. July 7, 2000.

• “Excavations at Zhongba, A Neolithic through Early Han Period Salt Production Site in the Eastern Sichuan Basin.” Paper Presented at the Second International Conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology, Durham, England. July 7, 2000.


• “The Social Life of Graves: Social Dynamics and the Process of Burial at the Site of Dadianzi - Inner Mongolia.” Paper presented at the 64th Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology, Chicago, IL. March, 1999.


2019 The Art and Archaeology of Ritual and Economy in East Asia: Symposium and Festschrift in Honor of Lothar von Falkenhausen. (Organizer) Los Angeles, CA. June 5-6, 2019.

2019 New Archaeological and Archaeological Science Research at the Shang Period site of Taijiasi, Middle Huai River Valley, Anhui, China. (Organizer). Cambridge, MA. April 16, 2019

2019 New Thoughts on Current Research in East Asian Archaeology. (Organizer and Chair) Session at the 84th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Albuquerque, NM. April 13, 2019.

2019 Sichuan University – Harvard University Chengdu Plain Archaeological Site Research and Study Trip Plan (四川大学哈佛大学成都平原考古遗址研习营). Organized research trip and lecture series at Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan. March 16-23, 2019.

2018 The Tao River Archaeological Project and Related Papers. (Organizer). Session at the 8th International Congress of the Society for East Asian Archaeology. Nanjing, China. June 8, 2018.

2017 Critical Perspectives on the Practice of Digital Archaeology. (Organizer) Cambridge, MA. February 3-4, 2017.

2016 Society for East Asian Archaeology, 7th International Congress. (Organizer) Cambridge / Boston, MA. June 8-12, 2016.

2016 International Symposium on Contact and Interaction in the Zhou World. (Organizer / Moderator) Cambridge, MA. May 17-18, 2016.

2016 Guava Cat Archaeology – Papers in Memory of Dr. Pochan Chen. (Organizer) Session at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Orlando, FL, April 6-10, 2016.

2016 Asian Archeology: Recent Discoveries and Controversies (Moderator / Discussant). Harvard-Yenching Institute Public Roundtable. Cambridge, MA, March 28, 2016.

2015 Breaking Iconoclasm: Destroying and Rebuilding Past and Present Heritage. (Organizer) Cambridge, MA. December 2, 2015.

2015 Helpful Guidance for an Effective Search Process. (Panelist). Organized by the Office of Faculty Development and Diversity, Harvard University. September 17, 2015.

2015 Magnetometry Workshop for the Gansu Provincial Institute of Archaeology. (Organizer) Lintao / Guanghe, Gansu. June 5-9, 2015.

2015 GIS Workshop at the Gansu Provincial Institute of Archaeology. (Organizer) Lanzhou, Gansu, China. June 11-15, 2015.

2015 The Qijia Culture of Northwest China – Entering a New Era of Research. (Organizer / Chair). Session at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in San Francisco, CA. April 15-19, 2015.

2013 Early Asia-Pacific Navigation: A Perspective on Maritime Archaeology (Moderator). Harvard University. June 21, 2013.

2013 Questions of Chronology in Ancient China (Organizer). Session at the 78th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Honolulu, HI. April 3-7, 2013.

2012 The Rise of Iron Technology in East and West Asia. (Organizer, Moderator, and Chair). Workshop at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. October 10-13, 2012.

2012 The Chengdu Plain Archaeological Survey – Methods and Results. (Organizer and Chair). Session at the fifth international conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology, Fukuoka, Japan. June 6-10, 2012.

2011 International Conference on the Prehistory of the Tibetan Plateau 青藏高原史前研究國際學術會議(Organizing Advisor and Session Chair). Conference sponsored by the Harvard-Yenching Institute and the Center of Tibetan Studies of Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, PRC. Aug. 21-24, 2011.

2011 New Directions in Archaeology (Organizer and Chair). Conference sponsored by the Harvard Standing Committee on Archaeology, Cambridge, MA. April 15-16, 2011.

2011 Climate, Past Landscapes, and Civilizations (Co-Convener). AGU Chapman Conference in Santa Fe, NM. March 21-25, 2011.

2010 The Location of Chinese Archaeological Theory. (Co-organizer). Session at the Theoretical Archaeology Group (TAG) meeting in Providence, RI. Apr. 30-Mar. 3, 2010.

2010 Current Progress and New Results in International Collaborative Fieldwork in China. (Organizer). Session at the 75th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in St. Louis, MO. April 14-18, 2010.

2009 GIS Workshop at the Chengdu City Institute of Archaeology. (Organizer). Chengdu, Sichuan, China, December 14-18, 2009.

2009 People Colonizing New Worlds. (Session Chair) Harvard Australian Studies Committee Symposium, April 17-18th, 2009.

2008 The Spread of Agriculture in Asia: Understanding Early Settlements in the Chengdu Plain. (Organizer and Chair). Workshop at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. October 14-17, 2008.

2008 Workshop on the Issue of Contact and Spread of Early Agriculture in Northeast Asia. (Translator and Moderator). Workshop in Dalian, Liaoning China hosted by Dalian City Institute of Archaeology and Institute of Archaeology, CASS. June 9, 2008.

2008 Early Complex Societies in the Sichuan Basin and Surrounding Areas. (Organizer, Moderator and Chair) Session at the fourth international conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology, Beijing, China. June 3-5, 2008.

2008 Chinese Zoomorphic Imagination Workshop. (Session Chair). Workshop at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. May 24th, 2008.

2008 Workshop on the Archaeology of Culture Contact in East Asia. (Member of Organizing Committee; Session Moderator). Pre-conference workshop at the 73nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Vancouver, BC. March 26, 2008.

2007 Inter-regional Interaction in Bronze Age China and Eurasia: A Multidisciplinary Approach. (Co-organizer and Moderator). Session at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Austin, TX. April 27, 2007.

2005 In the World of Art: History and Perspectives. (Invited moderator and discussant) Session at the Harvard East Asia Society 8th Annual Graduate Student Conference. March 5, 2005.

2004 Environmental Archaeology in China. (Co-Organizer, Moderator, and Chair) Session at the third international conference of the Society for East Asian Archaeology, Daejeon, South Korea. June 17, 2004.

2002 Rethinking Production in Archaeology. (Co-Organizer, Moderator, and Chair) Session at the 101st annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, LA. November 23, 2002.


2018: The Salt Blog: “Ancient Maya: Astronomers, Farmers ... And Salt Entrepreneurs?”

2018: Interview: Asian Perspectives editors Mike T. Carson and Rowan K. Flad. Augusts 7, 2018.

2017 Filming – Chongqing Television: The Salt of Ba.

2017 Filming – Beijing Television: The Story of China: 5000 Years of Chinese Civilization.

Smith, K.N. (2016) Geologists find evidence of China’s Great Flood. Discover Auguest 4, 2016.

Rosenberg, John S. (2016). Chinese Pottery: The First Five Millennia. Harvard Magazine June 16, 2016.

Qiu, Jane (2016). Silk Road Heads for the Hills. Scientific American. April 1, 2016:

Interview on “Indiana Jones: Myth, Reality and 21st Century Archaeology with Dr. Joseph Schuldenrein” for VoiceAmerica Variety Channel: . April 9. 2014

Interview on Ancient Central China for “New Books in East Asian Studies”: . 2013

Interview on Salt Production and Social Hierarchy in Ancient China for “New Books in East Asian Studies”: . 2011

“Treasure Tomb of the Warrior Queen” National Geographic TV presentation (Trailer at ). 2010.

The Search for China’s Roots. Harvard University Gazette CVI (5):6-7. (Nov. 4-17, 2010)

Kan, M. 2010 From Anyang to Qin Shi Huang: is This the Golden Age of Archaeology in China? Heritage Key

Lawler, A. 2009. Archaeologists Raise The Old With the New. Science 325:936-940.

Lawler, A. 2009. Beyond the Yellow River: How China Became China. Science 325:930-935.

Dongfei shaiyan ren 東非曬鹽人 (The salt-evaporators of Eastern Africa). Wenming 文明 [Civilization] April 2009.

What Lies Beneath, The Treasures Untold. US-China Today (05/07/2009).

Anthropology News. Grant Recipients (March 2009)

Anthropology News. Grant Recipients (February 2009).

The Science Show. Australian Broadcasting Corp. Radio National.

Chinese salt evidence spared from flood. Harvard University Gazette CI (3):11-12. (Sept. 29, 2005)

Salt and early civilization. Science News for Kids. (Aug. 31, 2005).

4000 nian qian Sichuan ren jianchengshi yan gongyequ 4000 年前四川任建成食鹽工業區 (4000 years ago, people in Sichuan created a workshop for producing edible salt). Jingbao 竞報 [The First](August 29, 2005).

Proof of salt. Chemical and Engineering News 83(35): 13. (Aug. 29, 2005).

On a Chinese River, Archeologists Discover Salt's Ancient History. Los Angeles Times (August 27, 2005).

A Seasoned Ancient State: Chinese site adds salt to civilization's rise. Science News Online 168(9): 132 (Aug. 27, 2005).

Salt source for ancient Chinese chefs revealed. New Scientist Magazine 2514:14. (Aug. 27, 2005).

3000 nianqian Badi zhiyanye cujin Hua Xia tongyi 3000 年前巴地制鹽業促進華夏統一 (3000 years ago salt production in the Ba area promoted connections with Central China). Dongfang ribao 東方日報 [East China Daily], pp. 4c. (Aug. 24, 2005).

Archaeologists find evidence of large scale salt production in China. People’s Daily Online (Aug. 23, 2005).

Gewürze: Salzreich - Alteste Salzproduktion des chinesischen Binnenlandes entdeckt. SpektrumDirekt Wissenschaft Online (Aug. 23, 2005).

Salt production started in ancient China. Science News. (Aug. 23, 2005).

Salt production started in ancient China. (Aug, 23, 2005).


Fluent in English, Mandarin Chinese. Some reading of Japanese, German, Spanish.


Harvard University:

Freshman Seminar on Contested Archaeologies of East Asia – FS70L (Fall 2016, Fall 2018)

Archaeological Theory – Anthropology 2070a (Fall 2015, Fall 2017)

Freshman Seminar on Technology in Ancient China – FS (Spring 2016)

Ancient Economy – Anthropology 2210 (Spring 2015)

Archaeology of Ritual and Religion – Anthropology 2085 (Spring 2012, Spring 2018)

Pro-seminar in Archaeology (Small-Scale Societies) – Anthropology 2250a (Spring 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2014)

Economic Archaeology: Trade and Culture Contact – Anthropology 2090 (Spring 2006, Spring 2011)

Early China: Archaeology and Texts – Anthropology 2092 (Fall 2010)

Introduction to Archaeology – Anthropology 1010 (Fall 2005, Fall 2007, Fall 2008, Fall 2010, Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2015, Fall 2016, Fall 2018)

Archaeology of Production – Anthropology 2240 (Spring 2005, Spring 2009, Spring 2013, Spring 2017)

Issues in Chinese Archaeology – Anthropology 2091r (Fall 2008, Spring 2016)

The Record of Material Culture: Lithics, Pottery, Metallurgy – Anthropology 1220 (Spring 2008)

The Archaeology of Early / Ancient China – Anthropology 1210 (Fall 2004, Fall 2005, Fall 2007, Spring 2012, Fall 2014, Fall 2017)

Rediscovering Past Societies – Anthropology 1000 (Fall 2004)

Syracuse University:

Introduction to Chinese History – History 320 (Fall 2003)


PhD Thesis Committees

• Veronica PETERSON, G1 student in 2019-2020, Department of Anthropology. [Chair]

• Kristen PEARSON, G1 student in 2019-2020. Harvard University, Department of Inner Asian and Altaic Studies. [Chair]

• SU Xin, G1 Student in 2018-2019. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Chair]

• ZHANG Chengrui, G2 Student in 2018-2019. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Chair]

• Jonathan THUMAS, G2 Student in 2018-2019. Harvard University, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations. [Committee Member]

• Alex KIM, G4 Student in 2018-2019. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Committee Member] Ph.D Prospectus: “Genome-wide archaeogenetics of Central Siberia and the reassembly of the northern world.”

• Eric JOHNSON, G4 Student in 2018-2019. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Committee Member] Ph.D. Prospectus: “Indigeneity and Industrialization: Assessing style, production, and consumption of shell beads between New Jersey and the Plains, 1750–1900”

• Alexis HARTFORD, G6 Student in 2018-2019. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Committee Member] Ph.D Prospectus: “From the State to the Home: Public and Private Ritual Practices at Teotihuacan, Mexico”

• Katherine ROSE, G6 Student in 2018-2019. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Committee Member] Ph.D. Prospectus: “Space, Culture, and Death: An anthropological comparison of Nubian and Egyptian mortuary landscapes”.

• Jada Wing-Tung KO, G6 Student in 2018-2019. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Chair] Ph.D. Prospectus: “Examining Foodways and Memory Politics in Archaeological and Ethnographic Contexts.”

• Ziliang “Alex” LIU, G7 Student in 2018-2019. Harvard University, Department of History of Art and Architecture. [Committee Member]

• Zoe EDDY, Ph.D. conferred Spring 2019. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Co-Chair with Ted BESTOR] Ph.D. Prospectus: “When God Was A Keychain: Commercial Goods and Ainu Indigeneity in Hokkaido, Japan.”

• Jon CLINDANIEL, Ph.D. conferred Spring 2019. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Committee Member] Ph.D. Thesis: “Toward a Grammar of the Inka Khipu: Investigating the Production of Non-numerical Signs.”

• Edward ALLEN, Left Program in 2018 Harvard University, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations. [Prospectus Committee Member] (PhD student at Shanghai University)

• Ari CARIMANICA, Ph.D. conferred Spring 2018. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Committee Member]. Ph.D. Thesis: “Land, Labor, and Water of the Ancient Agricultural Pampa de Mocan, North Coast, Peru.” (College Fellow, Harvard University)

• Andrew WOMACK, Ph.D. conferred Fall 2017. Yale University, Department of Anthropology. [Committee Member] Ph.D. Thesis: “Crafting Community: Exploring Identity and Interaction through Ceramics in late Neolithic and early Bronze Age Northwestern China.” (Lecturer, McGill University; Post-doctoral Fellow, Stanford University)

• Chris FOSTER, Ph.D. conferred Fall 2017. Harvard University, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations. [Committee Member] Ph.D. Thesis: “Study of the Cang jie pian: Past and Present.” (Post-Doctoral Fellow, Oxford University)

• Yitzchak JAFFE, Ph.D. conferred Spr. 2016. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Chair] Ph.D. Thesis: “Negotiating the frontier- uncovering regional variation in the Western Zhou expansion (1046-771 BCE).” (Visiting Assistant Professor, NYU-ISAW; Assistant Professor, Haifa University).

• Max PRICE, Ph.D. conferred Spr. 2016. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Committee Member] Ph.D. Thesis: “Pigs and Power: The Evolution of Swine Husbandry Practices and Social Complexity in Northern Mesopotamia from the Late Neolithic through the Early Bronze Age (ca. 6500-2100 cal. BC).” (Post-Doctoral Fellow, Kiel University; Lecturer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

• Nathaniel ERB-SATULLO, Ph.D. conferred Spr. 2016. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Committee Member] Ph.D. Thesis: “The Rise of Iron in the Land of the Golden Fleece: Metal Production in Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Colchis.” (Lecturer, Oxford University)

• Bridget ALEX, Ph.D. conferred Spr. 2016. Harvard University, Departments of Human Evolutionary Biology and Anthropology (Ad Hoc Degree). [Prospectus Committee Member] Ph.D. Thesis: “Establishing Contexts of Encounters between Neanderthals and Modern Humans.” (College Fellow, Harvard University).

• Dylan CLARK, Ph.D. conferred Spr. 2016. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Committee Member] Ph.D. Thesis: “Living on the Edge: The Residential Spaces, Social Organization and Dynamics of Isla Cerritos, an Ancient Maya Port Community.” (Program Director, InHerit).

• Bastien, VAROUTSIKOS Ph.D. conferred, Spring 2015. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Committee Member] Ph.D. Thesis: “The Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in South Caucasus: Cultural Transitions and Technology transfers.” (Post-Doctoral Fellow, CNRS France; Director of Development, ICONEM).

• Philip JOHNSTON, Ph.D. conferred Spr. 2015. Harvard University, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. [Committee Member] Ph.D. Thesis: “The Economy of Western Andalusia During the Phoenician Colonization, 800-550 BC.”

• LAM Wengcheong, Ph.D. conferred Spr. 2015. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Chair] Ph.D. Prospectus: “Production of commodity and iron economy in Early China: a case study of a Western Han iron workshop at Taicheng, China.” (Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong)

• Joshua WALTON, PhD. conferred Spr. 2015. Harvard University, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations. [Committee Member] Ph.D. Thesis: “The Regional Economy of Southern Levant in the 8th-7th Centuries BCE.” (Post-Doctoral Fellow, Askelon Excavations, Harvard University; Lecturer, Capital University)

• Marta SOBUR. Left Program in 2014. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Committee Member] Ph.D. Prospectus: “South-eastern Arabian Subsistence Economy. Archaeomalacological analysis of coastal adaptation in the United Arab Emirates from the Neolithic to the Iron Age.” (Adjunct Assistant Professor, Oregon State University)

• Nawa SUGIYAMA, Ph.D. conferred Spr. 2014. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Committee Member] Ph.D. Thesis: “Animals and Sacred Mountains: How Ritualized Performances Materialized State-Ideologies at Teotihuacan, Mexico.” (Tenure-track Assistant Professor, University of California, Riverside)

• WEI Qiaowei, Ph.D. conferred Spr. 2013. Shandong University, Department of Archaeology. [Collaborating Professor]. Ph.D. Thesis: “Social Change at North Shandong Region during Shang and Zhou Period: Focusing on the Theory of Practice in Archaeology.” (Associate Professor, Shanghai University)

• Jade D’Alpoim GUEDES, Ph.D. conferred Spr. 2013. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Chair] Ph.D. Thesis: “Adaptation and Invention during the Spread of Agriculture to Southwest China.” (Tenured Associate Professor, University of California, San Diego)

• Allison R. MILLER, Ph.D. conferred Spr. 2011. Harvard University, Departments of East Asian Languages and Civilization and History of Art and Architecture. [Committee Member] Ph.D. Thesis: “Rock-cut Tombs and the Formation of the Western Han Imperial State.” (Tenured Associate Professor, Southwestern University)

• Carrie BREZINE, Ph.D. conferred Spr. 2011. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Committee Member] Ph.D Thesis: “Dress, Technology and Identity in Colonial Peru.” (Administrator, University of Michigan)

• Roderick CAMPBELL, Ph.D. conferred Spr. 2007. Harvard University, Departments of East Asian Languages and Civilization and Anthropology. [Co-Chair with Michael PUETT] PhD. Thesis: “Blood, Flesh, and Bones: Violence, Food, and Kinship in the Social Economy of the Late Shang.” (Tenured Associate Professor at NYU, ISAW)

• Barbara SMITH, Ph.D. conferred Spr. 2005. Harvard University, Department of Anthropology. [Chair] PhD. Thesis: “The Affects of Agricultural Transition on Health and Morphology in Neolithic North China.” (Adjunct Faculty, Chapman University)

MA Thesis Committees

• SHEN Jie, G1 MA student in 2018-2019. Harvard University, Regional Studies East Asia. [Chair]

• Ting-Yi WANG, MA conferred Spring 2018. Harvard University, Regional Studies East Asia. [Committee Member] MA Thesis: “The Representation of Battles in Pictorial Bronzes and Textual Sources”.

• Christopher KIM, G2 Student in 2016-2017. Harvard University, Regional Studies East Asia [Pre-Thesis Advisor].

• Spencer SMITH, MA conferred Fall 2016. Harvard University, Regional Studies East Asia. [Chair] MA Thesis: “A History of the “Sichuan” Peppercorn in Early China”.

Pre-Dissertation Advisory Committee Member

▪ Dalyn GRINDLE (Anthropology)

▪ Sarah LOOMIS (Anthropology)

▪ Joe CRONIN (Anthropology)

▪ Matthew MAGNANI (Anthropology)

▪ Sadie WEBER (Anthropology)

▪ Janis CALLEJA (Anthropology)

▪ Max PRICE (Anthropology)

▪ Nathanial Van VALKENBERG (Anthropology)

▪ Vincent LEUNG (East Asian Languages and Civilizations)

▪ David UNGER (History of Science Department)

Graduate Secondary Field Advisor (Archaeology)

▪ Henry GRUBER (History)

External PhD Examiner

▪ A. Yasmeen HINEDI – PhD Thesis: “Influence of the Silk Road trade routes on the craniofacial morphology of populations in Central Asia” – Graduate Center of the City University of New York, Department of Anthropology (Spring 2018).

▪ YANG Yishi 杨谊时 – PhD Thesis: “河西走廊事前生业模式转变及影响因素研究 The transition of human subsistence and it influencing factors during prehistoric times in the Hexi Corridor, Northwestern China” – Lanzhou University, Department of Geology (Spring 2017)

▪ HUO Yuxia 霍玉侠– PhD Thesis: “树轮宽度记录的中国北疆地区气候变化研究 Tree-ring width records of past climate variability in Northern Xinjiang of China” – Lanzhou University, Department of Environmental Sciences (Spring 2017)

▪ Dazhi CAO – PhD Thesis: “The Loess Highland in a Trading Network” – Princeton University, Department of Art and Archaeology (Spring 2014).

▪ Xiangming DAI – PhD Thesis: “Craft Production, Settlement Patterns and development of Social Complexity in Southern Shanxi and Western Henan, China” – Latrobe University, Archaeology Program. (August 2005).

Undergraduate Advisees

▪ Hiroko KUMAKI (Class of 2011). *Hoopes Prize Winner for Thesis: “Ethnoarchaeological Research on the Historical Landscape Management of the Salineras de Maras”

▪ Katherine BRUNSON (Class of 2008). *Hoopes Prize Winner for Thesis: “Shifting Animal Exploitation Stratgies in Late Neolithic China: A Zooarchaeological Analysis of the Longshan Culture Site of Taosi, Shanxi Province”

▪ Jennifer GONG (Class of 2007). *Hoopes Prize Winner for Thesis: “Inequalities in Diet and Health During the Intensification of Agriculture in Neolithic China” [Chair]

Undergraduate Thesis Examination Committee Member

▪ Smamantha NOH (Class of 2015)

▪ Andrew LOREY (Class of 2013)

▪ Andrew HAMM (Class of 2012)

▪ Marissa GLYNIAS (Class of 2012)

▪ Anne Forde LEVANDOWSKI (Class of 2009)

▪ Anne AUSTIN (Class of 2006)

▪ Ravikiran RAJU (Class of 2006)

Undergraduate Pre-Thesis Advisor (Anthropology)

▪ Jamie PATERNO OSTMANN (Class of 2021)

▪ Karina GONZALEZ-ESPINOZA (Class of 2021)

▪ Nam Hyun KIM (Class of 2021)

▪ Olivia OWENS (Class of 2021)

▪ Paul TAMBURRO (Class of 2021)

▪ Vivekae KIM (Class of 2021)

▪ Rhea BENNETT (Class of 2020)

▪ Maria BOYLE (Class of 2020)

▪ Morgan LAWTON (Class of 2020)

▪ Andrea Takantjas MARTINEZ (Class of 2020)

▪ Mathilde RIBORDY (Class of 2020)

▪ Samantha PERRI (Class of 2020)

▪ Jacqueline ZANDERS (Class of 2020)

▪ Brittany ELLIS (Class of 2019)

▪ Angela ORTIZ (Class of 2019)

▪ Norman STORER (Class of 2019)

▪ Diana GERBERICH (Class of 2018)

▪ Vera JIN (Class of 2018)

▪ Ailie KERR (Class of 2018)

▪ Paul O’HARA (Class of 2018)

▪ Caroline RAKUS-WOJCIECHOWSKI (Class of 2018)

▪ George GOODWIN (Class of 2017)

Undergraduate Secondary Field Advisor (Archaeology)

▪ Mohamed EL-ABTAH (Class of 2021) [Still need to meet]

▪ Mack FITZPATRICK (Class of 2020)

▪ Mary Katherine DEWANE (Class of 2020)

▪ Matti HARRISON (Class of 2020) [Still need to meet]

▪ Drake MARSHALL (Class of 2020)

▪ Katherine PAGILONE (Class of 2020)

▪ Rodrigo CORDOVA (Class of 2019)

▪ Kellen DUGAN (Class of 2019)

▪ Bel EVANS (Class of 2019)

▪ Grant GODDARD (Class of 2019)

▪ Laura LU (Class of 2019)

▪ Manny MEDRANO (Class of 2019)

▪ Jocelyn MEYER (Class of 2019)

▪ Francseca NOELETTE (Class of 2019)

▪ Peter OTNESS (Class of 2019)

▪ Julia STRAUSS (Class of 2019)

▪ Josephine THEILE (Class of 2019) [Still need to meet]

▪ Madeline WOODS (Class of 2019)

▪ Raylin XU (Class of 2019)

▪ Emma CITY (Class of 2018)

▪ Regan KOLOGY (Class of 2018)

▪ Phoebe LAKIN (Class of 2018)

▪ Casey MOORE (Class of 2018)

▪ Alison OLIVA (Class of 2018)

▪ Hannah WARNTJES (Class of 2018)

▪ Lorena BENITEZ (Class of 2017)

▪ Abbey FRAZER (Class of 2017)

▪ Sarah GRAHAM (Class of 2017)

▪ Rachel HARNER (Class of 2017)

▪ Lizzie PATE (Class of 2017)

▪ Emily CICCIOTE (Class of 2016)

▪ Sumya KARKI (Class of 2016)

▪ Santiago PARDO SANCHEZ (Class of 2016)

▪ Tina QIAN (Class of 2016)

▪ Christopher VALENTI (Class of 2016)

Freshman Advisees

▪ Alison CHEN (Class of 2022)

▪ Daniel FOSTER (Class of 2022)

▪ Austin GOLDSMITH (Class of 2022)

▪ Abby NOYES (Class of 2016)

▪ Harry CHOI (Class of 2016)

▪ Nicole MALONEY (Class of 2016)

▪ Tyrell WALKER (Class of 2014)

▪ Allen MACLEOD (Class of 2014)

▪ Dolapo LAWAL (Class of 2014)

▪ Lucy ZHANG (Class of 2011)

▪ Richard Hyunho LEE (Class of 2011)

▪ Halle PHILLIPS (Class of 2011)

Post-Doctoral Visiting Scholar Host / Anthropology Department Affiliate Sponsor

▪ FAN Jianan (Short-term Visiting Scholar from Sichuan University, 2019)

▪ LI Haichao (Sichuan University, Fairbank Visiting Scholar, 2019-2020)

▪ QU Tongli (Peking University, Harvard-Yenching Scholar, 2019-2020) [Primary Host: Christian Tryon]

▪ ZHAI Shaodong (CASS, IOA, Harvard-Yenching Scholar, 2019-2020)

▪ ZHANG Wenjie (Xiamen University, Harvard-Yenching Scholar, 2019-2020)

▪ CHEN Youcheng (Capital Normal University Fellowship, 2019-2020)

▪ Kasper HANUS (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Polish National Science Centre Fellowship, 2019-2020)

▪ YAGI Hiroyaki (Harvard-Yenching Mesoamerican Archaeology Training Program, 2018-2019) [Co-Host with William Fash]

▪ GE Yun (CASS, IOA, Harvard-Yenching Mesoamerican Archaeology Training Program, 2018-2019) [Co-Host with William Fash]

▪ JI Youngbae (Pusan University, Harvard-Yenching Mesoamerican Archaeology Training Program, 2018-2019) [Co-Host with William Fash]

▪ PARK Jiyoung (Seoul National University, Harvard-Yenching Mesoamerican Archaeology Training Program, 2018-2019) [Co-Host with William Fash]

▪ WANG Yifan (Shandong University, Harvard-Yenching Mesoamerican Archaeology Training Program, 2018-2019) [Co-Host with William Fash]

▪ WEN Yadi (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Harvard-Yenching Mesoamerican Archaeology Training Program, 2018-2019) [Co-Host with William Fash]

▪ LI Yinghua (Wuhan University, Harvard-Yenching Scholar, 2018-2019)

▪ LYU Peng (CASS, IOA, Harvard-Yenching Scholar, 2018-2019) [Primary Host: Richard Meadow]

▪ HE Xiaolin (Wuhan University Fellowship, 2018-2019)

▪ YANG Eungyeung (Pusan University Fellowship, 2018-2019)

▪ ZHANG Changping (Wuhan University Fellowship, Fall 2018)

▪ ZOU Qiushi (Wuhan University, CSC Fellowship, 2017-2018)

▪ DUAN Yuanyuan (Sun Yat-Sen University Fellowship, 2017-2018) [Co-Host with Mark Byington]

▪ XU Jian (Sun Yat-sen University, Harvard-Yenching Visiting Scholar, 2017-2018)

▪ Mark BYINGTON (Harvard University Department of Anthropology Associate, 2016-2020)

▪ FENG Yue (Peking University, Harvard-Yenching Mesoamerican Archaeology Training Program, 2016-2017) [Co-Host with William Fash]

▪ LI Moran (CASS, IOA, Harvard-Yenching Mesoamerican Archaeology Training Program, 2016-2017) [Co-Host with William Fash]

▪ LONG Xiao (Shandong University, Harvard-Yenching Mesoamerican Archaeology Training Program, 2016-2017) [Co-Host with William Fash]

▪ ZHONG Hua (CASS, IOA, Harvard-Yenching Mesoamerican Archaeology Training Program, 2016-2017) [Co-Host with William Fash]

▪ YANG Lin (Jilin University, Harvard-Yenching Mesoamerican Archaeology Training Program, 2016-2017) [Co-Host with William Fash]

▪ LIU Yiting (Sun Yat-Sen University, CSC Fellowship, 2016-2017) [Primary Host: Richard Meadow]

▪ WANG Yang (Sun Yat-Sen University Fellowship, 2016-17)

▪ REN Lele (Lanzhou University, CSC Fellowship, 2016-17)

▪ Brian LANDER (Harvard Center for the Environment Fellow, 2015-17)

▪ ZHU Ping (Minzu University, CSC Fellowship, 2015-16)

▪ Kate BRUNSON (Fairbank Center Fellow, 2015-16)

▪ Ling-yu HUNG (Indiana University, Fairbank Center Fellow, 2015-16)

▪ LI Shuicheng (Peking University, Harvard-Yenching Coordinate Researcher, 2015)

▪ CAO Bin (Renmin University, CSC Fellowship, 2015)

▪ ZHANG Jianping (CAS, CSC Fellowship, 2015)

▪ JIN Guiyun (Shandong University, Harvard-Yenching Scholar, 2013-14)

▪ YANG Qian (Peking University, Harvard-Yenching Fellow, 2013-14)

▪ Minkoo KIM (Chungnam University Visiting Scholar, 2013-14)

▪ ZHENG Junlei (Jilin University Visiting Scholar, 2013)

▪ Felix RIEDE (Arhus University Visiting Scholar, 2013)

▪ Yangjin PAK (Chungnam University Visiting Scholar, 2012-13)

▪ WU Chunming (Harvard-Yenching Scholar, 2012-13)

▪ ZHANG Changping (Harvard-Yenching Scholar, 2012-13)

▪ WEI Qiaowei (Harvard-Yenching Fellow, 2011-12)

▪ YANG Eungyeung (Harvard-Yenching Scholar, 2011-12)

▪ WANG Minghui (Harvard-Yenching Scholar, 2010-11)

▪ Pochan CHEN (Harvard-Yenching Scholar, 2010-11)

▪ ZHANG Wenjie (CSC Fellow, 2010-11)

▪ YANG Zhefeng (Chinese Academy of Sciences Fellow at Harvard, 2010)

▪ PARK Sun-mi (Korea Institute Fellow, 2010)

▪ MA Xiaolin (Anthropology Department Affiliate, 2009-10) [Primary Host: Richard Meadow]

▪ WU Xiaohong (Anthropology Department Affiliate, 2009-10)

▪ LÜ Hongliang (Harvard-Yenching Scholar, 2009-2010)

▪ LI Zhipeng (Luce / ACLS Scholar, 2008-09) [Primary Host: Richard Meadow]

▪ QU Tongli (Joint Training Program: Peking University-Harvard University) [Primary Host: Ofer Bar-Yosef]

▪ YUAN Jing (Harvard-Yenching Coordinate Researcher, 2007)

▪ Pochan CHEN (Associated Scholar, Department of Anthropology, 2007)

▪ SHAO Wangping (Associated Scholar, Department of Anthropology, 2006-08)

▪ ZHU Jiping (Luce / ACLS Scholar, 2006-07)

▪ WU Xiaohong (Harvard-Yenching Coordinate Researcher, 2006) [Co-Host with Ofer Bar-Yosef]


American Anthropological Association, Society for American Archaeology, Society for East Asian Archaeology, Society for the Study of Early China, Association of Asian Studies, Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, Archaeological Institute of America



Editorial Board, Current Anthropology 2019 – Present

Advisory Committee, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 2018 – Present

Editorial Board, British Archaeological Reports, Asian Archaeology Series 2018 – Present

Advisory Committee, Fudan University Center for Archaeological Science 2017 – Present

Review Board, Asian Archaeology 2016 – Present

North America Representative, Society for East Asian Archaeology 2016 – Present

Board of Directors: Esherick-Ye Family Foundation 2016 – Present

Co-Editor, Asian Perspectives 2015 – Present

Academic Board: Institute for Field Research 2015 – Present

Editorial Board, Nanfang Minzu Kaogu 南方民族考古 2014 – Present

Editorial Board, Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology 考古人類學刊 2014 – Present

External Senior Advisor, Origins of Mongolian Culture Project, P.R.China 2013 – Present

Advisory Committee Member, Shanghai Archaeology Forum 2013 – Present

Advisory Committee Member: Chinese Acad. Soc. Sci., Inst. of Arch. 2007 – Present

Translator: Chinese Archaeology 2003 – Present

Editorial Board, Cambridge Archaeological Journal 2015 – 2018

Reviewer: Promotion Review for Research1 University File 2019, 2018 (2), 2017, 2016, 2015 (2), 2014 (2), 2013 (2), 2012, 2010

Ad hoc reviewer: Science Advances 2019

Ad hoc reviewer: Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology 2019

Ad hoc reviewer: NYU Press 2018

Ad hoc Reviewer: Oxford University Press 2018, 2013, 2012, 2011

Ad hoc reviewer: Antiquity 2018, 2016, 2012, 2011, 2009, 2008

Ad hoc reviewer: Archaeometry 2018

Ad hoc reviewer: Cambridge Archaeological Journal 2017

Ad hoc reviewer: Early China 2017

Ad hoc Reviewer: Ring Center for Multidisciplinary Research 2017

Ad hoc reviewer: American Anthropologist 2017

Book Proposal Reviewer: Routledge Press 2017, 2016

Ad hoc reviewer: Journal of Archaeological Science 2017, 2013, 2011, 2008, 2006, 2005

Ad hoc reviewer: National Science Foundation, Dissertation Fellowships 2017, 2011, 2008, 2005

Ad hoc reviewer: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2017, 2007

Reviewer, Stanford Humanities Center Visiting Fellow Proposals 2016

Museum Label Translations, Qijia Museum, Guanghe, Gansu, China 2016

Museum Label Translations, Chengdu Municipal Museum, Sichuan, China 2016

Local Organizer: 7th International Conference of the SEAA 2016

Ad hoc reviewer: Archaeological Research in Asia 2016, 2015

Ad hoc reviewer: Journal of Field Archaeology 2016, 2010, 2009, 2005

Ad hoc reviewer: Science 2016, 2004

Nomination Committee: Shanghai Archaeological Forum Awards 2015

Ad hoc reviewer: Asian Archaeology 2015

Ad hoc reviewer: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 2015

Ad hoc reviewer: Journal of Archaeological Research 2015

Board of Directors: Institute for Field Research 2011 – 2015

Ad hoc reviewer: The Holocene 2015, 2011

Ad hoc reviewer: National Geographic Foundation 2015 (2), 2012, 2009

Book Proposal Reviewer: Cambridge University Press 2015, 2008

Book Proposal Reviewer: Springer Press 2015, 2006

External Reviewer: Hiring Committee for Leading Asian University 2014

Ad hoc reviewer: Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 2014

Ad hoc reviewer: National Science Foundation, Senior Research Grants 2014, 2013, 2009, 2008

Ad hoc reviewer: Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2005

Ad hoc reviewer: Silpakorn University Journal 2012

Book Review Editor: Journal of East Asian Archaeology 2004 – 2012

Ad hoc reviewer: Journal of Social Archaeology 2012, 2009

Advisory Committee Member: Freer and Sackler Chinese Arch. Project 2011 – 2012

Ad hoc reviewer: Rice 2011

Ad hoc reviewer: Quaternary International 2011

Committee Member: Soc. for Am. Archaeology organizing committee 2010 – 2011

Ad hoc reviewer: Environmental Archaeology 2010

Ad hoc reviewer: Quaternary Research 2010

Ad hoc reviewer: German-Israeli Found. for Scientific Research and Dvpt. 2010

Ad hoc reviewer: Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 2009

Ad hoc reviewer: Hong Kong Research Grants Council 2009

Ad hoc reviewer: Current Anthropology 2008

Ad hoc reviewer: Journal of Eurasian Prehistory 2008, 2007

Guest Lecturer: “World Civilizations,” Koç University, Turkey 2006

Ad hoc reviewer: Journal of Asian Studies 2005


Member of Board of Overseers: Digital Scholarship Support Group (DSSG) 2018 – Present

Faculty Associate: Harvard University Center for the Environment 2015 – Present

Executive Committee Member: Fairbank Center 2014 – Present

Affiliated Faculty Member: Council on Asian Studies 2012 – Present

Committee Member: Standing Committee on Higher Degrees for IAAS 2012 – Present

Committee Member: Harvard-Yenching Institute, Faculty Advisory Committee 2012 – 2015, 2017 – Present

Affiliated Faculty Member: Weatherhead Center for International Affairs 2011 – Present

Affiliated Faculty Member: Department of Inner Asian and Altaic Studies (IAAS) 2010 – Present

Advisory Committee Member: Harvard Ceramics Program 2008 – Present

Organizer: East Asian Archaeology Seminar 2005 – Present

Chair: Department of Anthropology 2019 – 2020; 2014 – 2015

Chair: Standing Committee on Archaeology 2015 – 2019

Faculty Oversight Committee for the Sardis Expedition 2018 – 2021

Committee Member: Committee on Appointments and Promotions, Harvard FAS 2017 – 2018

Director Advisory Committee Member: Fairbank Center 2016 – 2018

Dean’s Faculty Resources Committee 2014 – 2018

Committee Member: Hoopes Prize Evaluation Committee 2018, 2017, 2015, 2012, 2011

Advisory Committee Member: Early Korea Project 2008 – 2016

Delegation Member: Fairbank Center Delegation to West China Research Center 2016

Committee Member: Asia Center Student Funding Proposal Review Committee 2016, 2008, 2006

Host: Social Science Division Tenure Track Lunch 2016, 2015

Panelist: Helpful Guidance for an Effective Search Process Fall 2015

Social Science Council 2014 – 2015

Committee Member: Standing Committee on Archaeology 2009 – 2015

Board Member: Cora Du Bois Fellowship Board 2015

Committee Member: Harvard-Yenching Doctoral Scholar Committee 2015, 2014, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

Committee Member: Standing Committee on AM Degree for RSEA 2013 – 2014

Committee Member: Fairbank Center Student Funding Proposal Review Committee 2013

Guest Lecturer: EALC 97ab, Prof. Michael Szony Spring 2013

Committee Member: Educational Policy Committee 2012 – 2013

Freshman Advisor: Harvard College 2012-13, 2010-11, 2007-08

Faculty Council Member: Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences 2007 – 2008

Committee Member: Committee on Graduate Education 2007 – 2008

Panel Member: Bok Center Graduate student event Spring 2006

Committee Member: Howard T. Fisher Prize in GIS Review Committee Spring 2005, 2006


Anthropology Department Curriculum Committee 2011 – Present

Committee Member: Archaeology Program Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 2010 – Present

Evaluation of Graduate Student Applications to Anthropology Dept. Archaeology Wing. 2004 – Present

Director of Undergraduate Studies: Department of Anthropology 2015 – 2019

Head Tutor: Archaeology 2015 – 2019

Guest Lecturer: Urban Revolutions, Prof. Jason Ur Fall 2018

Guest Lecturer: Anthropology 2070b, Prof. Christian Tryon Spring 2018, 2016

Committee Member: Junior Faculty Mentorship Committee 2005 – 2017

Chair: Archaeology Program Undergraduate Curriculum Review Board 2017 – 2018

Guest Lecturer: Anthropology 2250b, Prof. Gary Urton Fall 2017

Guest Lecturer: Anthropology 1010, Prof. Matthew Liebmann Fall 2017

Chair: Tenure File Review Committee 2019, 2017

Committee Member: Tenure File Review Committee 2016 – 2017

Anthropology Department Space Committee 2011 – 2016

Committee Member: Thai Anthropology Search Committee 2015 – 2016

Committee Member: Senior Lecturer Review Committee 2015 – 2016

Guest Lecturer: Anthropology 2211, Prof. Bill Fash 2017, 2015

Chair: Department of Anthropology 2014 – 2015

Guest Lecturer: Anthropology 98x, Prof. Richard Meadow 2014, 2012, 2011

Convener: Archaeology Program 2012-13, 2011, 2009

Guest Lecturer: Anthropology 1045, Prof. Jason Ur Spring 2013

Chair: Paleolithic Archaeology Faculty Position Search Committee 2012 – 2013

Organizer: Archaeology Publications Working Group 2008 – 2013

Archaeology Program General Exam Committee 2011, 2007

Guest Lecturer: Anthropology 1040, Profs. Bar Yosef and Meadow Fall 2010, 2005

Committee Member: Archaeology Wing Graduate Curriculum Review Board 2005 – 2009

Guest Lecturer: Early States, Prof. C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky Fall 2009

Guest Lecturer: Extension School Introduction to Archaeology, Dr. Mary Prendergast Summer 2009

Committee Member: North American Archaeology Faculty Position Search Committee 2007 – 2008

Guest Lecturer: Social Analysis 50, Prof. C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky Fall 2007

Guest Lecturer: Anthropology 2070b, Prof. Noreen Tuross Spring 2006

Guest Lecturer: Anthropology 2650a, Prof. Lorand Matory Fall 2005

Guest Lecturer: Anthropology 1010, Dr. Daniel Adler Spring 2005

President: UCLA Archaeology Graduate Student Association 1997 – 1998


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