'career level guide Architect.doc'

|Criteria |Definition |Competency Level I |Competency Level II |Competency Level III |

| | |Developing Architect |Seasoned Architect |Career Architect |

|Summary |Brief explanation of the essence of |Applies professional knowledge, skills, and|Provides professional architectural |Provides advanced professional |

| |the job |training to perform design related tasks |services in design, construction, |architectural services for complex, |

| | |for all project team members during the |alteration or renovation of University |high profile projects |

| | |programming and design phase of projects |buildings and facilities |An expert in most aspects of design |

| | | |Makes independent contributions to |and construction management. |

| | | |projects based on professional training |Extremely knowledgeable of |

| | | |or functional experience |construction management. |

|“Short Test” |Key job characteristics that |Degreed/certified in profession or |Works independently on moderately complex|Recognized mentor and technically |

|for Classification |significantly differentiate one level |equivalent level of knowledge |projects/problems |credible role model to junior staff |

| |from another |Provides assistance in evaluating design |Contributes effectively to the collective|May coordinate work of Architects |

| | |alternatives |team effort (e.g., offers ideas, |and other support staff. |

| | |Demonstrates understanding of architectural|solutions, resources) |Monitors high profile construction |

| | |fundamentals |Possesses good communication skills to |work programs to meet compliance |

| | |Shows ability to learn |effectively interact with other |with construction documents |

| | |Demonstrates abilities in program |University, State and City agencies or |Lead resource for dealing with |

| | |development |departments. |challenging technical issues |

| | |Understands design development through | | |

| | |Schematic Design, Document Design and | | |

| | |Construction Design phases. | | |

| | | | | |

|Basis for Progress Through This |Requisite capabilities that must be |Demonstrates increasing independence and |Demonstrates increased professional |Leads and oversees highly complex |

|Level |demonstrated consistently before |decreasing need for work direction |capabilities |high profile projects |

| |advancement can be considered |Succeeds in an ever widening range of |Demonstrates continual success in |Demonstrates expert professional |

| | |projects |performing increasingly more complex |capabilities and project leadership |

| | |Successfully manages small projects |projects and studies that require both |Possesses a compelling “track |

| | | |seasoned technical skills and judgement |record” of successful, complex |

| | | |Develops and completes projects/programs |assignments, accomplished with |

| | | |in a timely manner and within budget |independence and creativity and |

| | | | |within budget |

| |Characteristics that describe the |Entry-level professional |Possesses proficient knowledge of |Possesses an advanced and broad |

|Knowledge/ |nature of the knowledge and experience|Knows fundamental architectural concepts |professional architectural services |knowledge of design and construction|

|Experience |required to perform the job |Demonstrates experience in project |(e.g., design, document preparation, and |management |

| |successfully |coordination and working with others to |construction administration) |Provides formal technical and/or |

| | |complete projects |Uses professional judgement to manage |functional direction to other |

| | |Possesses a Bachelor’s degree/certification|projects and resolve problems |professionals |

| | |or equivalent level of knowledge |Anticipates issues and effectively |Applies expertise to manage highly |

| | | |secures problem resolution. |complex high profile projects |

| | | | |Possess advanced knowledge of |

| | | | |architectural design concepts and |

| | | | |technologies. |

| |Architectural skills need to |Performs square footage takeoffs |Prepares free hand scale and AutoCAD |Designs projects using AutoCAD |

|Architectural Skills |accomplish work |Researches existing documents/drawings and |drawings and documents for building |Develops projects/programs and |

| | |existing conditions |construction |designs and provide preliminary |

| | |Reviews documents prepared by the design |Plans project layouts and integrated |estimates for projects |

| | |team at the critical stages of the design |engineering elements into unified design |Develops/manages technical drawings |

| | |process (i.e., schematic design, design |Prepares design requirements, material |and specifications to bid and |

| | |development) |and equipment specifications, cost |construct projects |

| | |Interprets user needs into sketch form for |estimates, and construction schedules |Proficient in all levels of budget |

| | |design team use |Develops initial program requirements |development, and cost control |

| | |Assists in reviewing and analyzing project |Estimates costs associated with budget |methodologies |

| | |cost and other numeric data |development | |

| | |Assists in program development | | |

| |Key interpersonal and communication |Communicates technical concepts to others |Effectively communicates and provides |Works with senior management to |

|Communication Skills |skills needed to accomplish work |in a way that builds understanding |feedback to upper management on issues |discuss highly complex/high profile |

| | |Effectively answers project questions |that impact projects |program recommendations and issues |

| | |specifically related to the work performed |Interacts with users to understand their |Ensures communication is understood |

| | |Effectively communicate and provide |requirements |and accomplishes intended objectives|

| | |feedback to clients, and outside agencies |Effectively communicates with City, State| |

| | |on issues that impact projects. |and other University departments on | |

| | | |technical issues. | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Interaction with Others |Key skills needed to transmit |Responsible for the timeliness and quality |Interfaces well with other professionals |Provides technical guidance to |

| |information to others directly or |of own work assignments and participates |on projects |architectural. |

| |indirectly |with work team. |Provides technical guidance to assigned |Oversees project work of assigned |

| | |No formal supervisory or work guidance |architectural staff. |staff. |

| | |responsibility | | |

| | |Leads by example | | |

|Impact/ |Accountability parameters of the job |Responsible for successfully completing |Accomplishes assigned results for |Achieves results, and ensures |

|Consequences | |assigned tasks |projects, or for significant aspects of |timeliness, and integrity of all |

| | | |larger, complex assignments |projects |

| | | | |Responsible for schedule and work |

| | | | |performance by others |

| | | | | |

|Work Complexity |Characteristics that define the |Works under guidance of a more experienced |Performs a broad range of work with |Makes critical contributions to |

| |demands of the job |professional |minimal supervision |managing and solving complex and or |

| | |Meets assigned deadlines |Understands interdependency of deadlines |large technical challenges |

| | | |and budgets on multiple projects, and |Takes a comprehensive approach to |

| | | |preserves the integrity of others’ |identifying problems, understanding |

| | | |deadlines and overall project progress |implications, and creating solutions|

| | | |and success |that support overall project |

| | | |Independently identifies problems and |progress and success |

| | | |solves problems relying on own resources |Manages consultants and other |

| | | |to resolve them |resources as necessary to insure the|

| | | | |successful completion of project(s).|

|Guidance/ |The degree of oversight and |Performs work as directed by supervisor |Performs work independently with limited|Works independently; supervision |

|Supervision Received |instruction required or received from |Relies on more experienced staff |technical guidance |received is for routine department |

| |others |Most work is subject to frequent review |Receives guidance on more complex |management/process tasks (e.g. |

| | |Refers questions and issues to the senior |questions and issues from the senior |performance reviews) |

| | |level architects. |level architect |Independently performs assignments |

| | | | |based on general guidance from |

| | | | |supervisor. |

| | | | |Confers with supervisor on unusual |

| | | | |matters |

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