Jordan University of Science & Technology

Jordan University of Science and Technology

Faculty of

Department of

Semester 200

Course Syllabus

|Course Information |

|Course Title |Advanced Adult Health Nursing |

|Course Code |NUR 415 |

|Prerequisites |NUR 315, NUR 340, NUR 352 |

|Course Website | |

|Instructor |Wejdan Khater, RN, PhD |

|Office Location |N1 |

|Office Phone # |23623 |

|Office Hours |Sun & Tue 1-2 pm. |

| |Mon & wed 10-12 am |

|E-mail | |

|Teaching Assistant(s) |NA |

|Course Description |

| This course focuses on the process of decision making in managing the care of adult clients experiencing critical conditions that are life |

|threatening and/or involve multiple body systems. Complex medical-surgical conditions in adults are discussed in terms of pathophysiology, |

|etiology, diagnosis, and treatments that are based on current research. A collaborative care approach will be stressed to meet the |

|critically ill client and his family’s physiological, psychological, and developmental needs taking into consideration the client’ s and his|

|family’s sociocultural context. Students will use critical thinking and problem solving skills to integrate knowledge acquired in class into|

|the nursing process while caring |

|Textbook |

|Title | Critical care nursing: A holistic approach |

|Author(s) |Morton, P., Fontaine, D., Hudak, C., & Gallo, B |

|Publisher |Lippincott Williams & Wilkins |

|Year |2005 |

|Edition |8th ed. |

|Book Website | |

|Other references | |

|Assessment |

|Assessment |Expected Due Date |Percentage |

|First Exam |22/3/2007 |30% |

|Second Exam |24/4/2007 |30% |

|Final Exam |TBA |40% |

|Assignments |NA | |

|Participation |NA | |

|Attendance |NA | |

|Course Objectives |Percentage |

|1. Create a specific plan of care in partnership with clients and families experiencing acute and/or complex |25% |

|multi-system conditions. | |

|2. Learn leadership and management skills, coordination and evaluation necessary to interact and provide care for |15% |

|clients with acute health conditions. | |

| 3. Implement therapeutic nursing interventions and develop caring relationships with clients and families in the |15% |

|acute care setting. | |

| 4. Apply relevant theoretical concepts and nursing research findings when planning care for clients in diverse |15% |

|acute care settings. | |

|5. Use effective communication skills in collaborating with other health care professionals to promote health in |10% |

|clients experiencing acute and/or complex and multi-system conditions. | |

| 6. Evaluate clients and families responses to the plane of care and modify accordingly. |10% |

|7. Implement the code of professional practice, including legal, ethical, regulatory and professional standards with|10% |

|consideration for sociocultural diversity among clients and families. | |

|Teaching & Learning Methods |

|Content will be presented in a variety of ways including: Lecture/demonstration; small group activities; role playing; and audiovisual aids |

|(AV); interactive classroom discussions of assigned case studies to clarify concepts, and to promote group and individual competencies in |

|critical thinking and learning. Success of learning experiences depends on full participation by each student. Students are expected to |

|complete assigned readings, view videos, etc. prior to coming to class. Students are responsible for any information presented in class |

|(verbal, written, or AV material), in required readings, and in readings/audiovisuals on reserve. Students are also accountable for reviewing |

|information presented in previous courses. |

|Useful Resources |

|-Nursing Skills Laboratory |

|-Videos on in Nursing Skills Lab. |

|-Reserve in the library |

|Course Content |

|Week |Topics |Chapter in Textbook (handouts) |

|1 |Introduction and orientation to the course |Chapter 17; pages 216-228 |

| | | |

| |I. Review of Assessment of Clients with CVS Conditions: | |

| |-Discuss 4 important considerations in preparing a patient for | |

| |cardiac examination. | |

| |-locate the areas of auscultation of heart sounds. | |

| |-discuss the mechanisms for the 1st and 2nd heart sound. | |

| |-discuss the phases of the cardiac cycle in relation to the heart | |

| |sounds. | |

| |-discuss the clinical significance, timing, and location of the | |

| |3rd & 4th heart sounds and selected murmurs. | |

| 2 |II. CVS Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests: |Chapter 17; pages 228-248 |

| |-describe the laboratory studies used in diagnosis of CV | |

| |conditions. | |

| |-describe the role of cardiac enzyme (CK, LDH, Troponion) studies| |

| |in diagnosis of an acute MI. | |

| |-compare and contrast the use of creatine kinase (CK) and lactate | |

| |dehydrogenase (LDH) isoenzyme studies. | |

| |-interpret cardiac enzymes studies when providing care for patient| |

| |with CV conditions. | |

| |-describe at least 4 diagnostic procedures used for | |

| |diagnostic purposes for clients with CV conditions. | |

| |-outline the client and family teaching needs pre, intra, and post| |

| |diagnostic procedure (stress testing, catheterization, echo, | |

| |angiography). | |

| |-understand the management of expected complications for invasive | |

| |and non-invasive cardiac studies. | |

|3 |III. Hemodynamic Monitoring: |Chapter 17; pages 269-288 |

| |-describe the normal characteristics of normal systemic arterial, | |

| |right atrial, right ventricular, pulmonary artery, and pulmonary | |

| |capillary wedge pressures & waveform. | |

| |-discuss the basic components necessary to monitor pressure | |

| |readings. | |

| |-accurately identify steps, procedures, and interventions to | |

| |measure hemodynamic measures (pressures, cardiac output). | |

| |-discuss major complications that can occur during hemodynamic | |

| |monitoring. | |

| |-identify interventions (nursing & collaborative) to manage | |

| |complications above. | |

| |-accurately troubleshoot equipment during hemodynamic monitoring | |

| |(i.e. pulmonary artery pressure). | |

|4 |IV. Dysrhythmias (Cardiac Conduction Disturbance) |Chapter 17; pages 248-269 |

| |-discuss/review of cardiac conduction system. | |

| |-identify the criteria for normal sinus rhythm. | |

| |-discuss and identify the ECG waves in relation to the cardiac | |

| |cycle. | |

| |-discuss methods for calculating the heart rate from an ECG strip.| |

| |-discuss the criteria for identifying an abnormal cardiac rhythm. | |

|5 |IV. Continued (Dysrhythmias) |Chapter 18; pages 298-302 |

| |-discuss selected atrial, ventricular, and conductive dysrhythmias|Chapter 18; pages 346-364, 368-370 |

| |describing their: | |

| |etiology, pathophysiology, clinical significance, and | |

| |management | |

| |-discuss the nursing and collaborative management for clients with| |

| |cardiac dysrhythmias. | |

|6 |V. Management of Clients with Acute Myocardial infarction (AMI) |Chapter 21; pages 429-445 |

| |-review circulation to the cardiac muscle. | |

| |-describe the continuum of pathophysiological events/changes that | |

| |occur between angina and AMI. | |

| |-discuss nursing and collaborative management for client with AMI | |

| |including management of: | |

| |Oxygenation needs, pain, nutrition, cardiac muscle reperfusion, | |

| |and pharmacological. | |

| |-discuss patient and family teaching needs while in recovering in | |

| |the critical care unit and discharge planning. | |

| |-discuss complications prevention and health promotion for | |

| |patients with AMI. | |

|7 |VI. Cardiac Surgery and Surgical Procedures (PTCA, Stent, IABP). |Chapter 18; pages 305-324, 328-346 |

| |-discuss and describe selected cardiac surgical procedures in | |

| |regards to their: | |

| |Indications, contraindications, and physiological effects | |

| |Pre, intra, and post procedure management (nursing & | |

| |collaborative) | |

| |Possible complications and nursing interventions to prevent | |

| |possible complications. | |

|8 |VII. Care of Client with Multisystem Organ Failure Condition |Chapter 54; pages 1251-1274 |

| |(Shocks) | |

| |-identify the different types of shocks. | |

| |-discuss the etiology and pathophysiology and clinical | |

| |implications of shocks. | |

| |- explain the nursing and medical management therapy and its | |

| |rational for the different types of shocks. | |

|9 |Pulmonary Alterations |Chapter 24; pages 506-515 |

| |VIII. Assessment and Diagnostic Tests of the Respiratory System. |Chapter 25; pages 527-532; 539-563 |

| |-discuss/review assessment of respiratory system | |

| |-compare and contrast normal and abnormal breath sounds. | |

| |-discuss selected pulmonary diagnostic tests (i.e. arterial blood | |

| |gas (ABG), pulmonary function test, radiology, sputum, CT, | |

| |Thoracentesis, Pulse oxometry, Bronchoscopy) identifying their: | |

| |Indication, management(pre-post), and clinical significance. | |

| |-identify normal and abnormal values for ABG and their clinical | |

| |significance. | |

| |-describe the procedure for obtaining ABG sample. | |

| |-analyze ABG readings and provide an accurate interpretation. | |

| |-identify indications for chest tubes and their physiological | |

| |effects. | |

| |-discuss the nursing interventions necessary to prevent | |

| |complications and maintain patency for chest tube drainage system.| |

|10 |IX. Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF) & Acute Respiratory Distress |Chapter 26; pages 597-604 |

| |Syndrome (ARDS). |Chapter 27 |

| |-discuss etiology, pathophysiology, and clinical manifestations of| |

| |ARF and ARDS. | |

| |-describe the nursing and collaborative interventions to manage | |

| |the care of clients with ARF or ARDS. | |

| |-identify types, modes, physiological impact, and complications of| |

| |mechanical ventilators. | |

| |-discuss the nursing interventions necessary when weaning a | |

| |patient from a ventilator. | |

|11 |X. Care of Client with Chest and/or Abdominal Trauma |Review Chapter 26; pages 572-578 |

| |-identify possible mechanisms of chest and/or abdominal injury |Chapter 55; pages 1277-1293; 1296-99 |

| |associated with trauma. | |

| |-describe various types of chest/abdominal injuries and their | |

| |associated symptoms. | |

| |-identify the nursing and collaborative management therapy for | |

| |chest/abdominal injury and their rational. | |

|12 |Neurological Alterations |Chapter 33; pages 753-758, 759-60 (cranial|

| |XI. Assessment of Clients with Neurological Conditions |nerve III); 765-773 |

| |-discuss the value of gathering neurological data in an organized |Chapter 34 |

| |and objective manner. | |

| |-recognize the patterns of assessment data that imply a | |

| |significant change in pathology for patient care. | |

| |Relate the procedure of selected neurological tests to nursing | |

| |implication for patient care (i.e. Glasco Coma Scale, VS, etc.). | |

| |-recognize the meaning and clinical significance of the changes in| |

| |the intra cranial pressure (ICP). | |

| |-describe the cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and techniques to | |

| |obtain ICP. | |

| |-identify interventions used to maintain cerebral perfusion flow. | |

|13 |XII. Acute Head Injury |Chapter 36; pages 839-858 |

| |-identify possible mechanisms of head injury associated with | |

| |trauma. | |

| |-describe various types of head injuries and their associated | |

| |symptoms. | |

| |-identify the nursing and collaborative management therapy for | |

| |head injury and their rational. | |

|14 |XIII. Care of Clients with Burn Condition |Chapter 53 |

| |-describe the classifications system of burn injury. | |

| |-describe the major physiological and psychological effect of | |

| |burn. | |

| |-discuss the phases of recovery following burn injury. | |

| |-develop a nursing care plane appropriate for each phase of | |

| |recovery for burn injury with rational. | |

|15 |Final Exam Week | |

|Additional Notes |

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