Resourceful Websites for Alien Earths Project

Resourceful Websites for Alien Earths Project

Lesson 1: Alien Earths

- The mission of the SETI Institute is to explore, understand and explain the origin, nature and prevalence of life in the universe. We believe we are conducting the most profound search in human history - to know our beginnings and our place among the stars.

- Exploration of the solar system, exoplanets, and criteria for life on a planet

- Interactive programs: Planet Families, Europa-Sim

- An overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of the planets, moons, and other objects in our solar system

- Plant research

- Lots of multimedia and articles

- Official NASA website

Lesson 2: Introduction to Gravity

- Catch a Planet Program

- Alien Earths Planet Families Simulation

- My Solar System, an interactive simulation

Lesson 3: Conic Sections

- Conic Sections Explorer

Lesson 6: Orbit of Satellites Around Candidate Planet/Moon

- Good Satellite Video

- NASA Satellite Real-time Tracker

- This site shows the real time position of all the satellites around the earth, including the space station and the space shuttle if it happens to be flying. You can zoom in, out and rotate your view.

Lesson 7: Stop Action Project

- Resource for creating a Stop Action

Additional Resources:

- A site from NASA "for teenagers"

- has a 3-D model of the Solar System

- Exoplanet Exploration

Conic Sections

- Additional information

-Conic Sections Applet


- Shows the tracking of Near Earth Objects (NEOs), which ones have been discovered

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- This website is a part of the NEAT website that tracks NEOs (Near Earth Objects).

- Website has an interactive Java window that lets you see how close one asteroid came to us this winter. The closest position was on Dec 13, when the asteroid was 0.116 Astronomical Units from Earth.

-Question answered by an astrophysicist about the likelihood that the asteroid belt was formerly a planet

- An article about the likelihood of a killer asteroid hitting earth.

- Will we get hit by an asteroid? – a short article from .


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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