End Time Babylon—the System and the Nation

End Time Babylon—the System and the Nation

Answers to What, Where, Why, How, When?

I used to play the piano for a large church in Long Beach. The choir would march in each Sunday morning to a rousing chorus. One of their favorites was “We’re Coming out of Babylon”. No one really understood what that meant other than a vague idea about our not being involved in the world system.

I made my public profession of faith in Temple Baptist Church in La Habra, California, on the evening of Mother’s Day--May 13, 1951. Later on I learned that the Father’s days begin at sunset, so I count May 14th —the day of the re-birth of Israel—as my spiritual birthday also (by the Roman calendar). Coming out of Babylon, to me, meant not getting involved in the sins of the world.

In the early 1990’s as I was reading the whole book of Jeremiah, I came to chapters 50 and 51, which spoke about Babylon. The Father’s Spirit spoke to me clearly: “It is America”. Then He proceeded to show me, verse by verse, why America, the country, as well as the world system, is end-time Babylon.

As with the usual pattern of His teaching me in the Word, He then took me to other chapters regarding Babylon, and verse by verse showed me about America. I thought I was onto something that no one else knew. It wasn’t long before I found out that the Spirit had told many people, including a pastor under house arrest in Mainland China, Dimitru Dudaman of Romania-- who came to America to tell us that America would be destroyed by fire--and other pastors and teachers in churches, as well as an end-time prophecy teacher on television. When the Spirit gets ready to reveal knowledge, He tells many people all over the world. That is the joy of being taught by the Spirit of Yahuweh (the Father), for the revelation comes straight from Him, and is not filtered through man’s reasoning, man’s denominational bent, man’s opinion, man’s twisting of Scripture, man’s selfish ambitions and agendas, or man’s sin.

Reading whole books and letting Him do the cross-referencing is such a joy, because it also builds intimacy and trust, so that we know His voice. He speaks in many ways to us, but primarily through the Truth of His Word as we seek it from Him. He is “the Spirit of Truth”. If you love the truth, you will want it first hand--without pollution, distortion, or twisting--without it bring watered down by man to adjust it to his belief-system.

In the second century, the Alexandrian (Egypt) school of Biblical interpretation taught man to allegorize the Scriptures – spiritualizing them to making them say whatever the teacher or reader wanted them to say. Thus they became mystical, philosophical and moldable to the opinions of each individual. The literal interpretation was almost lost. The literal interpretation demanded that man be responsible to obey Yahuweh. By allegorizing the Scriptures, man could twist them to say anything he wanted said. Thus we have over 2,000 denominations and organizations, and 1.9 billion people who call themselves

“Christian”, and very, very few people know the Word as taught by Spirit.

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Man became dependent on priests and pastors and church-approved teachers to teach him the Word. Therefore, being spoon-fed like a baby or toddler, people became dependent on sermons for their spiritual food. Now many are dependent on books, tapes, videos, TV preachers, seminars, conferences, special speakers, big-name celebrities, and other means of fast feeding, which leave almost no time for interaction and intimacy with the Holy Spirit of Yahuweh to teach the pure, unadulterated truth. Thus believers in Messiah are weak, have malnutrition, and are opinioned in wrong thinking, deceptions and down-right lies. Reading whole books in the Word with the Spirit to teach brings responsibility to obey the Word, and to be in right-standing with the Father and the Messiah. It is through obedience that we become set-apart to the King, with right-standing in His Kingdom, and faithfulness to His Covenant with His People. He has so much to share with us, but most are content to get a “spiritual hamburger” here and there, and concentrate on the world system’s demands the rest of the week, while their spirit starves. It is those who are led by the Spirit of Yahuweh that are the sons of Elohim (God)—Romans 8:14.

End-time Babel has risen to its full height now, and is once again the super power over the whole earth. End-time Babel is also a world system controlled by the “god of this world”--Lucifer/Satan.

In Matthew 4, we see that Satan offered Messiah the kingdoms of this world if He would only bow down to him. Satan was not fooling—man gave the kingdoms of the earth to him in Genesis chapter 2. Satan’s kingdom (“the world system”) permeates everything we touch from morning to night. His philosophy and agenda are being carried out to the full extent now, and he hopes soon to sit on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in a human body, to be worshipped by the world in the place of the Elohim of Israel. His agents have been concentrating their efforts to get him on that Mount, to sit as god and control the world, for a long time--especially since the 1700’s. The plan is about to come together, and its finalities are definitely being executed. The Word of the Father is clearly stated about these coming events.

We are not facing “the end of the world”. For, as we see in Isaiah 65 and 66 and Revelation 19-22, the world will never end. But, we are looking at the end of the age in which man will rule the earth. For man was given 120 Jubilee years (each Jubilee year being 50 years long)—thus 6,000 years (Genesis 6). Now, we are in the time-period in which man will be given his last chance upon the earth to do things the Creator’s way, or Lucifer’s way. At the time when the final separation between allegiances has taken place, the Messiah will return in the wrath of the Father to judge the nations and all who have chosen to follow Lucifer and his elite world-ruling agents.

The plan of Lucifer for world control began in the Garden of Eden. He began by deceiving man into thinking that he could be a god, and could know what Yahuweh knows, and control his own world. He has been working to get rid of Yahuweh and His tree of life (His Torah: The Instructions and Teachings of the Kingdom of Heaven) for more than 6,000 years.

After the flood, a man named Nimrod arose to carry out Lucifer’s plan for world control. He built a tower in Babylon—“the tower of Babel” as it came to

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be called. “Babel” means “confusion”. It was here that the Father and our Savior confused the tongues of men and scattered mankind across the face of the earth. But, the spirit of Nimrod’s dream never left man’s thinking for very long. Nimrod created his own religion, with Lucifer’s help--with his wife/mother, Semaramis, being the Queen of Heaven—the “mother of god”. Their son was named Tammuz, the sun god who died in the winter and rose again each year in the spring. Nimrod also took this title of sun god. Festivals were created that honored Tammuz in the winter—the winter solace and his birthday on December 25-- when he was said to have died because the light of day was shortened. In the spring at the festival of the mother goddess (Ishtar, Astarte--Easter), she was believed to have been impregnated with him once again, by the crossing of Taurus through the belly of Virgo (the Virgin)—thus the pagan fertility symbol of the “cross”. (Messiah was nailed to a pole, tree, stake—“stauros” in Greek). The “cross” was introduced as a symbol of the Greco/Roman Christian religion by the Emperor Constantine in 325CE—when he began the Roman Catholic Church as the uniting religion of his empire. The symbol of the Apostles and disciples of Yahushua, the Messiah of Israel, was the Menorah—the seven-branched candlestick—which celebrated His life.

In the springtime, the sun god was said to have been raised from the dead, for the days of sunshine were longer. This is a counterfeit of the Festivals of Yahuweh in the springtime—which picture Messiah’s death, burial and resurrection. Constantine was focused on getting rid of Yahuweh, His Torah, and anything Hebrew, and fashioned his sword into the shape of a cross, and proceeded to slaughter Jews and Torah-observant believers in Messiah.

Different cultures had different names for the mother-goddess and her son through the centuries. We know some of these names from Greek and Roman mythology, but in the Roman Catholic Church, Mary became the Queen of Heaven and Jesus became her little boy. Statues of the mother-goddess and her little son in her arms are found in all cultures—even in China and India, Africa and remote islands. In all of these statues, the mother is large, and the baby small and looks helplessly dependent on mother. We will discuss Revelation 17 later on, but the first few verses, while speaking of end-time Babylon in general, also reveals the Roman Catholic Church from its inception in 325CE to the present day.

Thus the governmental, economic and religious systems which began with Nimrod, have now unified their joint philosophical goals and become a world government, with ten economic regions being formed to control world finance, and a one world religion coming together under the Roman Catholic Church, with Mary not only as the Queen of Heaven, but also the foremost promoter of world peace (in all religions). The ten economic regions are called by the United Nations: “The Ten Kingdoms”. Even the top leaders of American Evangelical and Charismatic Christianity, along with some Messianic groups in America and in Israel, have joined in unity with the Vatican since 1994. And the Vatican has become the umbrella for all world religions.

We have a one world government; we just don’t have the ultimate one world

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ruler on the throne of Yahuweh yet. One world government was declared publicly to most of the world (not to American) from Washington on CNN and BBC Europe, by NATO spokesman James Reuben. I saw it myself with others.

BBC said this one world order was headed by the G-8 nations, NATO as the core military power, and “Clinton and Blair” as its leaders.

In order for the rise of the world ruler, the Luciferic elite world leaders must get rid of the one remaining super power, and reduce it either to a third world nation or destroy it totally so that it has no more power to rule. The financial systems of the world will return to their base in Germany, where the system of the central bank originated with the Rothchild family in the 1700’s. The organization that spawned the beginnings of Lucifer’s plan was the Illuminati—created by the Jesuits through one of their priests, Adam Weishaupt, in Bavaria

on May 1, 1776. From the Illuminati and the religious philosophy of the false Jewish Messiah Shabbati Tzvi (1700’s), who said that Yahuweh had reversed the Torah and now everything is opposite and mankind can do anything he wants, about 200 organizations have arisen. Because the Illuminati was originally fought by European leaders, it hid in Freemasonry, from where it controls the world system today. In America, the Council on Foreign Relations became the arm of the Illuminati at the turn of the 20th century. From there the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberger Group, the Club of Rome, the Club of 300, the Skull and Bones, many New Age groups, and other organizations have arisen to carry the message of one world rule.

On August 15, 1871, the leader of American Freemasonry sent a plan to

Guissepe Mazzini, head of the Illuminati in Europe and founder of the MAFIA (The “M” stands for Mazzini). It called for three world wars and the creation of three governmental forms that would bring in world chaos. From this chaos, a

world order would emerge and a world ruler. The motto of the Illuminati is: “Out of chaos, unity”. That’s what’s going on now—the creation of enough chaos, so that the ultimate plan of Lucifer can be brought to pass.

Pike, who wrote Morals and Dogmas—the Masonic “Bible”—clearly states that the god of Freemasonry is Lucifer and that Masonry is dedicated to the “pure Luciferic doctrine”. In this plan that Pike sold to top American leaders, and especially to one family who would see it through, World War I would begin by the overthrow of the Czar of Russia and the creation of atheistic Communism. The Jews and Bible-believing Christians were the targets of extinction, along with those who would not accept the new rule of government. Communism is far from dead today. Jesuits in Mexico, Central and South America, parts of Africa and southern Asia are wearing military clothing, carrying big guns, and killing Jews and Bible believing Christians to force what they call “Liberation Theology” on the people—but is no more than Communism in disguise.

The second part of the plan was to create World War II by forming a Fascist government in Germany. Hitler was chosen as the leader. The purpose was to especially get rid of religious Jews in Europe, and to cause such a hideous state for Jews worldwide that they would want to go back to establish their own state in the area now called Israel. Previously, European Jews were prospering so well that few wanted to go back to their ancient homeland.

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In the late 1800’s Jews had been going back--many of these were socialistic Jews, establishing the kibbutz system. These hard-working people drained swamps and established agriculture and villages and towns and prepared the way for the millions to come. But, the great influx of Jews and the establishment of the state of Israel was not fulfilled until after World War II. Much to the chagrin of the world powers promoting the Mazzini/Pike plan was

the return of so many religious Jews into the settlements--primarily in Gaza and what is now called “The West Bank” (Samaria). To this day, Jewish leaders say that the problem with Israel is the religious Jews, even though Israel is about 70-80% secular. The false Jewish messiah, Shabbati Tzvi was crowned the Messiah in Gaza. That’s what was behind the “Gaza First” initiative. Men like Shimon Perez are “Sabbatians”—or followers of Shabbati Tzvi. You can’t have a totally opposite Torah, godless state, with Torah-observant people in it. That’s behind the persecution of the settlers.

The Mazzini/Pike plan called for World War III to come from a pitting of “Labor Zionism”-- political Zionism (a Socialistic government)--with the Arab world. Because the world leaders knew that these two groups would never reach any kind of peace, the result of this conflict would bring the chaos needed to achieve the goal of world rule.

The world rulers under Lucifer’s control are now about to pull off World War III, nuclear holocaust, to provide the avenue by which the world ruler can take over. The year 2006-2007 has been labeled key years for world nuclear holocaust. Even now, the IDF is preparing for what could happen in 2006, especially from Syria and Iran. World hatred for America, which is growing around the world, even in Europe, is also part of the plan—to draw fire.

The motto poster for the European Union is the Tower of Babel, and their Parliament Building is designed to look like the Tower of Babel. Their symbol also is of a woman riding a beast, molded into statues and painted on walls of government buildings throughout the European Union.

Where is the Elohim of Israel in all of this game playing of man and Lucifer? People have asked me that—good question! With Russia and America both owning technology that can control world weather patterns, create earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, set off volcanoes, and scramble the minds of people, where is Yahuweh in all of this? HE IS IN CONTROL OF ALL OF THIS! Just as He has used man and Satan in the past to do His will, so He is letting man and Satan run their course now. Then when He steps in, as the Word says, “the world will know that I am Yahuweh”.

Lucifer, or Hallel, of Isaiah 14:12-14, means “the shining one, the illuminted one”. He was the one in the Garden who “illumined” Eve and her “son” Adam, so Greek Gnostic philosophy says. (That is why in I Timothy, Paul makes the correction: “Adam was formed first, and then Eve”). Eve, so they say, became illumined by the good god Lucifer, (“gnosis” means knowledge, as in the tree if the knowledge of good and evil). It goes on to say, as is the religion of Masonry and the other Illuminati groups, that Yahuweh is the bad one who kept illumination from Eve, limiting her by His Torah—Tree of Life. Therefore, the

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goal is to get rid of Yahuweh and His Word—especially His Torah (the first five books of the Bible, giving His teachings and instructions for right living on this earth). Therefore, the world system has been at war with Yahuweh ever since.

Revelation 22:14 says much: “Blessed are those doing His commandments, so that they may have right to the tree of life, and to enter through the gates of the City”.

Revelation 19-22 will come to pass no matter what man or Lucifer do. Yahuweh is in control of all that Lucifer does. As with Job, Satan/Lucifer can only go so far. Ultimately man and devils play into the hands of Yahuweh’s plans and agenda.

Therefore, because Yahuweh wanted His people to return to the Land, He used evil man to do it. His people did not want to return to their Land—they were enjoying their lands of captivity too much to return to the swamp infested, deserted Land of their forefathers. Most of the Jews of America are doing too well here to even think of returning to the troubled State of Israel. What must Yahuweh do to cause them to want to go home? Yahuweh is gathering them to save out a remnant who will receive Yahushua as their Messiah and be saved. Lucifer is gathering them for their destruction.

Even before Israel’s founding as a State, Israel has been ruled over by evil-minded people, bent on the goal of one world government, headquartered in Jerusalem. The original plan of the U.N. in 1947 was to create two “states” within what is called Israel, and to make Jerusalem the International Capitol of the world, with the U.N. as the overseers. Oslo tried to revive that. But, because the Muslim world is focused on the death of every Jew on earth, there can be no “two state solution”, or any peaceful capitol, as long as a Jew remains alive. That’s what the Muslim leadership has been loudly telling the world since the Jews began to return in the 1920’s. The agents of the Illuminati—Masons and CFR especially—have tried to control the government of Israel since 1947. Yet, once again: Yahuweh is in control of everything!

Yahuweh is bringing back His people to separate out a remnant unto Himself. Lucifer is bringing back, so he thinks, a people to promote the Shabbati Tzvi state, the godless state where evil will reign. Who wins? HalleluYAH—WE KNOW THAT OUR FATHER SITS IN THE HEAVENS LAUGHING, AND IN GREAT WRATH, FOR THEIR TIME IS SHORT, AND HIS MESSIAH WILL SIT ON MT. ZION AS ELOHIM TO BE WORSHIPPED BY ALL FOREVER!

The history of the founding of the State of Israel and Israel’s control by the Luciferic system of man is well documented in many books. But, behind it all--orchestrating everything--is our Father—Psalm 2. The end of Lucifer and the false messiah and anti-messiah to come is well documented also—in the Word of Yahuweh. We must firmly get into Yahuweh’s camp--for those straggling the line in the middle will be jerked into Lucifer’s camp easily when all the trouble begins.

All world rulers are part of this Luciferic plan--all “first world” leadership being in the Illuminati groups, primarily the Masons and Council on Foreign Relations. No nation is sovereign anymore. Unfortunately, since the beginning of the Mazzini/Pike plan, the United States and England, with the Vatican,

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have been the major controllers of the circumstances of the plan.

The history of Babylon is also quite clear. The whole system of Nimrod proceeded to go from Babylon in Shinar, to Pergamos (now in Turkey). There

the throne of Satan was built, which is now in the Pergamum Museum in Berlin. Hitler had a copy of this throne built and put in Nuremberg. He had a throne for himself put in the middle of it. From this platform altar he declared the “final solution”—the eradication of all Jews. In Revelation 13:2 it says that Satan, the Dragon, will give the world ruler his throne.

Once again, the plan is to complete the “final solution” of Hitler, and destroy Yahuweh and His Torah off of planet earth. The frustration to the Luciferic community is that not only are Jews keeping the Torah of Yahuweh, but now the first century teaching of Yahushua and the Apostles has returned. Believers in the Messiah of Israel Yahushua or Yahshua (I AM Salvation; called

also Yeshua—salvation) also observe and set aside the Shabbat, the Festivals, the dietary laws and honor the will of Yahuweh. This return to the original truth and gospel of the Apostles in belief and practice is a great torment to Luciferians. The Greeks and Romans did everything they could to get rid of these people, and now here they are back in substantial numbers. Now, even many Christians are returning to their Hebrew roots, and practicing the signs of separation unto Yahuweh, keeping His covenant and preparing for His coming to earth.

Nimrod’s kingdom moved from Babylon to Pergamos to Rome under Constantine the Great (early 4th century). “St.” Augustine said: “Rome is the second Babylon”. The practices and beliefs of Rome, which carried full force into the Roman Catholic Church, created by the Emperor Constantine in 325CE, indeed carried the desire for one world rule under them, with the pope—the Caesar—as world ruler. Their desire has always been for world domination and for the control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem as a throne for the Pope. The Jesuit Order was actually created for this purpose.

Constantine was the first Pope, taking the title of Pontifix Maxiumus. A fairly recent quote from a Jesuit leader, whose order—Jesuit: Society of Jesus—was created to promote the world rule of the Vatican, says that the Pope must rule from the Temple Mount, “for the glory of the god that sits in St. Peter’s Chair”.

From Rome, and through the Greek philosophy of Plato and Gnosticism--basic Communist and homosexual-rule philosophy, as well as the belief in Atlantis and the superior white race of the Arians—the goals of Nimrod spread into Western Europe. These goals began to be nurtured by Europe over the last few centuries, and now the goal of world rule intoxicates European leaders. Thus Babylon went from Rome into Western Europe and then on to its base in the United Nations and the country that houses it.

The financial world as we have it today began in Germany with the Rothchild family, having come into the U.S. with Alexander Hamilton from the late 1700’s. Masons began to spread the Illuminati doctrine from the inception of America. Therefore, it was easy for America’s leadership to promote Pike’s plan for world rule.

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As wonderful as our nation has been in the past, it never was dedicated to the Elohim of Israel. America never set aside Shabbat as the day to worship Yahuweh, the Elohim of Israel, which is the eternal sign of those set-apart to Him. Nor, did America ever establish the seven Festivals of Yahuweh as its “holidays”. Yet, many Christians kept the spirit of the Torah as best they knew how up until doctrines were introduced in the 1930’s and 1940’s which tried to eliminate anything to do with the Elohim of Israel from Christianity.

The anti-messiah spirit really began working around the early 1900’s to form

and shape world rule for the anti-messiah. Psychological and physical experiments began to be done on the American public. Diseases have been produced in test tubes with Americans as the guinea pigs. Mind programming, and twisting of truth began to be taught in schools, on television, and now on internet and all media. The “god of this world” is now on a raging tare to rule the world because he knows that Yahuweh has him on a string, and his time is short--“He who sits in the heavens laughs”.

Lucifer’s agents, hungry for wealth and power, are now working furiously to

bring Nimrod’s dream (Satan’s dream) to pass. The Word of our Elohim stands forever! Therefore, Satan has one eye on the throne of Yahuweh on the Temple Mount, and the other eye on the clock that is ticking away his time on earth!

From Western Europe, the plan of Nimrod came squarely to rest in New York at the United Nations building. There are two major “rites” of Freemasonry—the York Rite and the Scottish Rite. The promoters of the York rite established “New York” as their principle stronghold. America has long since left the Constitution.

In 2004, President George W. Bush was awarded the “Charlemagne Award”. Charlemagne had himself crowned in Rome by the Pope in 800CE. The Holy Roman Empire was called “The First Reich”. Under German rule, at the time of World War I, the Czar called his reign “The Second Reich”. Hitler thus called his rule, “The Third Reich”. Hitler worked closely with the Vatican all through his rule. As from its inception, the Roman Church and the slaughter of the Jews have been hand in hand. The restoration of Europe under the Pope has been the dream of the Vatican, and the Jesuits are dedicated, as well as the Luciferic community, to make this restoration a done deal. Joseph Nye, a Harvard professor, in writing of the United States said: “Not since Rome has any one nation loomed so large above the others”. The Roman Empire has indeed been re-created—and the United States is on its side.

The Charlemagne Award is a yearly award given to someone who has done the most for uniting Europe. Former President Clinton received this award also. A united Europe, under the Pope of Rome, has been the Church’s dream since their dream was taken away from them by the Protestant Reformation. Now, with America’s top Evangelical, Charismatic and Denominational leadership denying the Protestant Reformation and returning to the fold of the Vatican, even working to unite all religions under the Vatican, the dream of Rome is about to be realized. On May 1, 2004, when the ten new nations united with the other fifteen in the European Union, representatives from the

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ten new ones were immediately sent to the Vatican. Reuters News Service has a picture of them on the floor, on their faces, before the Pope. Top European leadership is not secretive about their desire to again unite under the Vatican.

Since the 1930’s under President Roosevelt, the Presidency has been given “emergency powers” that can override any authority on earth.

Right now, President Bush has more power given to him by the government than any man on earth. That is why he can declare any private decision he makes for the American people “legal”. But, the elimination of the world’s last great super power is at hand, and the transfer of wealth and power back to the base of Western Europe is also at hand. The plans of the Luciferic elite for America are horrendous. The rug is literally being pulled out from under us, and most Americans don’t know anything is wrong. This nation has been undermined literally since its inception, and especially in the last 130 years. Right now the Legislative Branch of our government has been making rules against us for quite a long time—under our noses, without anyone really paying much attention. Those paying attention are regarded as fanatics—because they know too much. In our world today, to stay safe, we have to stay dumb or play dumb. The whole Luciferic plan is based on secrecy, clandestine meetings, hidden agendas, and the murder of anyone who discloses its secrets. This has

been the way that Nimrod’s plans have been executed since the days of Nimrod with its “secret” priesthood. That is why the woman of Revelation 17 is called “Mystery Babylon the Great”. She moves in the darkness, like her master—Satan. Satan “appears as an angel of light” as do his agents, for he is the king of the kingdom of darkness. Therefore, most people are fooled by appears to be good. Most people will fall because they are deceived into thinking something is good, when it is pure poison.

There are some who are now trying to warn the American public of what is really going on, but few even want to hear. Most Americans just want life to go on as usual, with their money-making secure, their homes, their cars, their lifestyle in general to remain the same or to get better. They vote their pocketbook, and hide their eyes from the associations of those they vote for. We have methodically been set up psychologically, emotionally, and physically. Americans are consistently being programmed in fear by false reports from the news media, lies and deceptions told nightly on the news. The Muslim extremists are not the ones to fear, for they are also pawns on a chessboard.

American culture is becoming more and more New Age--shallow, frivolous, and

rebellious--generally playing into the hands of the worshippers of Lucifer.

I recommend highly that you see the Christian movie: “The Time Changer”. Compare what it was like in the 1890’s with today. Personally, I have to hide my eyes for the most part, when even walking in front of a TV, for even the advertisements are filthy, and defile the mind.

The church for the most part has returned to its Greco/Roman base in paganism, and is becoming more and more New Age, centering in on what their brand of god will do for you. Self-centeredness, the “I AM” mentality (Gnostic philosophy) has risen to its height—and the church is one of the chief agents of this philosophy. Mainstream Christianity is unifying under the Vatican, and

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going off into all sorts of fads and tangents, even joining the philosophical bandwagon of the New Age Movement. Modern Christianity is so far away from what Yahushua left us at His ascension that it would be unrecognizable by the Apostles and the first century believers.

The United Nations building is a center for the worship of nature (Mother Gaia), of Luciferic gods, and of the worship of Lucifer himself. It is the epitome of the tower of Babel. Babel is not only a system, it is also a nation.

Note: Chaldea (or the Chaldeans) is another name of Babylon and its people.

Note: The prophecies of the Prophets in the Tenach (misnamed the “Old Testament) are usually on two levels—1) Regarding the day in which the prophet lived, and 2) Regarding future happenings at the time of Messiah’s Kingdom on earth. Expressions like “that day”, or “the day of Yahuweh”, or “in that day and at that time”, or “in the latter years” are referring to the end days of the world system—the time of Yahuweh’s wrath, and the coming of the Messiah’s Kingdom to earth.

The Word gives approximately one hundred characteristics of end-time Babel, and all fit America like a glove. So, I must warn as many as possible—not from some fanatical right-wing religious soap-box, but from sound understanding through years of research, watching, and seeing things

coming to pass before my eyes that are not being reported to most of the Western world’s people—especially not to America.

I must tell you the truth. There is going to be massive destruction of this nation and its people. This is not some cryptic philosophy. This is not my opinion. I wish I didn’t have to speak of these things. But, this is reality—this is what is being planned for you. America is soon to go under martial law. Concentration camps, torture chambers, gas chambers, ovens, and other means of mass extinction are well in their place for Americans who will not take “the mark of the beast”—the identification chip of the one world government. This chip is being touted now as good and right, and soon in order to function in this world, everyone will be chipped or die. It is no sci-fi silliness, no opinions of radical right-wingers, no craziness of the paranoid—no, it is fact—old U.S. It is not the fearful ranting of some gun-toting right-wing militia group either. Military bases long closed, have either been turned into huge concentration camps or given to foreign troops. Now it is coming out, that America is torturing prisoners in special camps in places in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and Cuba. But, sad to say, that American leadership in World War II along with British royalty, backed the torture and murder of Jews in Hitler’s death camps, backing many of their atrocities in the name of experiements.

Now, our military men and women are spread out in approximately 100 countries around the world—many dying for the goals of Luciferic leaders.

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There are few left to guard this country. So already, this country in inundated with foreign troops to police us when we are attacked, or when some disaster


During the Katrina horror, Dutch and Mexican Marines were called in. Chinese troops are already in California, and when the “big one” happens (already predicted by FEMA), the Chinese are ready to help out.

What was used on Jews under Hitler is in our country now, ready to be used on those who are “rebellious”, “resisters”, and who may be “harm to the government”. These “harmers” include those who home school their children,

those who don’t take vaccinations, those who read their Bible too much and teach it, those who give to Christian causes too much, those who say that Jesus or Yeshua is the only way to heaven, those who believe in the second coming of Jesus/Messiah, those who witness the gospel, those who teach against homosexuality, those who are anti-abortion, those who in any way will stand against takeover by the one world ruler.

Are you in that category? If so, you need to know how to prepare for what is coming. Yahuweh talks about those who set up “idols in their heart”. Most Americans are basically “good-hearted people”. They just love this world system too much. They are like Lot’s wife, who was a good woman, but who looked back too long. These are people who love their homes, their lifestyle, their money, their jobs, their friends, their social status, even their families more than they love the Elohim of Israel--“Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of Elohim (God)”—II Timothy 3. The Christians want eternal life—they believe in Yahushua’s death and resurrection, but their belief system has not led them to obey Him, or to get to know Him, or to really even think about His coming. Most hide in their busy-ness and don’t want to think about anything “bad” happening. Those with “idols in their heart” will either deny Him, and take the “mark” of the beast, or they will die in war, or by disease, but few will accept torture and martyrdom. The word “martyr” means “witness”, and it is a

lifestyle of death to self, getting rid of all idols of the heart, of submission, obedience, yieldedness and dependency on Yahuweh for everything. It is a lifestyle of “following the Lamb wherever He goes”. It is a lifestyle of death to our own will.

If a person has idols in their heart, they won’t give them up when it will cost them their lives, or the lives of their family. Seeing a loved one tortured is not something we think about—but in so many countries around the world, believers are being tortured, killed, or put in prison to do slave labor. It is estimated that at least 20 an hour are dying for their faith in this world, by religious extremists or by wicked governments. In China, and south-east Asia,

for example, they live in tribulation all the time—never knowing when they will have to give their lives for their faith. In America and the Western world, we don’t know what it is like to live under the threat of those who hate us for our faith. But, it is soon to come here. Now, it is OK for the government to spy on the individual American citizen, to enter homes without the owners knowledge, and to do anything to see if they are doing something that may “harm the government”. That is just an expression for anyone who might resist

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takeover by the world ruler.

Historically Nimrod’s Babylon—Lucifer’s Babylon--with all its goals and dreams, found an incubator in the American society and culture. Our technology is making a one world system very easy—T.V., Internet, satellite communication, cell phones, etcetera. I have written an article on the New World Order, listing twenty-six things that are already in place. But, since writing that last year, more things are evident that we indeed live in Nimrod’s tower.

In order for the whole system to work, the incubator must be destroyed, and the goals and plans returned in force to their home base in Western Europe. Therefore, America has been purposely set up to be hated by all nations and to draw fire from our enemies. Even Europeans hate Americans for the most part, as do Australians, and most of the world’s governments and people. The Arab world is dedicated to our destruction—after Israel’s—in their “famous” statement: “Saturday first and then Sunday”.

Our loving heavenly Father has warned us in His Word—calling for us to get out of end-time Babel unless we want to be caught up in her sins and the resulting judgment of Yahuweh on it. Yes, the destruction of end-time Babel is Yahuweh’s destruction on the foremost backer of Nimrod’s tower. Just as in Genesis 11, He came to scatter the people and destroy the tower, so He begins with destroying the facilitator of the system of Nimrod. In doing this, He also judges the whore—the religious system of Babel—that has forsaken Yahuweh and substituted their own gods in place of Him. Judgment begins on the “house hold of Elohim”—the church system--which now is in league more than ever with the whore system of Babylon.

In this study, I go through the main chapters, verse by verse, which shows that

America is end-time Babel, and that we must wake up and do something that will prepare ourselves and our loved ones to go through its destruction.

I realize that American pride in their country has risen to an all-time high, via the propaganda continually by the news media. But, Jeremiah 9:24-25 tells us that if we are going to boast and be proud of anything, to boast in the fact that we know Yahuweh, who is good, just and righteous.

I have seen for myself that one of the chief ways that a country gets excuse to

attack another country, or to do harm to its own citizens, is to create a disaster within its own borders, and blame whoever they want to blame for their own purposes. Nero burned Rome and blamed it on the believers in Messiah, giving Rome an excuse to murder them. Hitler did that—blaming the Jews for his blowing up some things that his men blew up. Russia used the blowing up of some apartment buildings in Moscow as an excuse to destroy the nation of Chechnya.

Americans also have been lied to, manipulated, controlled, and quarantined from the rest of the world, and are not hearing the truth that is coming out in other countries, or what is happening under their own noses.

Did you know that there was a publicly announced one world government? Did you know that Europe has a rover on Mars—a very strong space program? Did you know that approximately 6,000 Americans died in the Tsunami in December

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of 2004, and all you were showed was the same old picture of 9/11/01? Why? -- Because 9/11 was the “ground zero” for the new world order and the reason to begin implementation of Part III of the Mazzini/Pike Plan. It was the ground zero for the instigation of world hatred towards America, and an excuse to go into the Middle East to begin the road to World War III. Americans are being fed fear as a steady diet regarding Al Quida coming to get us, and the nation is becoming paranoid over Middle Easterners. Most of these reports have been proved to be fake reports.

Did you know that while Americans were fed tabloid news of O.J. Simpson, literally millions of our brothers and sisters in Messiah were slaughtered by Muslims in southern Sudan and Indonesia? Why aren’t you told about what is going on in the rest of the world? I found out first-hand by a miraculous meeting in Africa with a U.S. National Security Agent (since deceased) that there is a purposed media blackout to the American people. I also found out that there is a purposed deception going on where many people in the world think that Americans live in a police state, and it is too dangerous for them to come here. Russians are told this, and others get that idea from our violent movies. We are being undermined and set-up, and when we do become a police state, most of the world will think it is life as usual over here. I even had a young Italian man tell me that he would never come to the United States because it is too violent a society over here.

Pride is destroying American thinking. People are not thinking clearly, not doing their own research, but being programmed to think the way the world government wants you to think, so that you will receive the mark, the vaccine, the chip, and all that it wants to give you for your destruction.

Psalm 33:10-12: “Yahuweh brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He

thwarts the plans of the peoples. The counsel of Yahuweh stands forever—the plans of His heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose Elohim is Yahuweh—the people whom He has chosen as His own inheritance”.

Please know that the Land of Israel is the Land that He has chosen for the inheritance of His people. Look at the inheritance of all the tribes in Ezekiel 48. He is the Elohim of Abraham Isaac and Jacob—the Elohim of Israel. Jacob’s name was changed to Israel by the Father, and the seed of Jacob, throughout the earth, is now feeling the calling in their spirit to return to Yahuweh, to His Torah (Teachings and Instructions) and to His Land.

America, like all of the nations outside of Yahuweh’s borders, is a land of captivity--of dispersion (Diaspora). It is not “God’s country”—it never was and never will be. American pride in this nation will cause multi-millions to take the “mark of the beast” thinking their doing their patriotic duty. America is a beautiful country. I love my country. But, it is not Yahuweh’s Land.

As close to 9,000 Israelis were being removed from their homes in Gaza and Samaria in August 2005, their belongings taken from them (still not returned to them for the most part), their homes destroyed, the U.S. Legislators passed a bill that Americans can have their homes and property taken by the

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government without their consent, if it suited the needs of the government.

The plans for martial law in this country are already in effect in some ways, and Americans are not really free anymore if they cross certain lines. But, most Christians are so worldly, so bound up in the Babel system that they don’t realize they are being slowly destroyed piece by piece.

It is the story of the frog in the water. Throw a frog into boiling water and

It will jump out quickly. Put a frog in lukewarm water, and turn up the heat a little at a time until it boils, and the frog will sit there and boil to death. Americans have been sitting in water for at least 70 years, and the heat is now at the boiling point. Very few “froggies” are realizing that they are slowly boiling to death. But, when the chaos comes, and the fire begins, they will die with no chance of escape.

He has given people dreams, visions, prophetic words, revelation knowledge of the Scriptures, (this has been going on for 150 years) and warnings after warnings in natural disasters, in world events, from events in Israel, but few of His people are waking up to reality. Christian leaders like Lester Summerall and Kenneth Hagan, Sr., saw vivid visions of the destruction of America.

I have taught on these things for years, but now as a watchman I must put the shofar to my mouth a blow it loud and clear.

He is calling His people to get rid of anything and everything that has to do with Lucifer’s system. Unless you prepare, when end-time Babel is hit suddenly--for it will fall in one day, New York in one hour--you will not escape. Yahushua has told us: “Remember Lot’s wife”.

There will be a brief “window” of fleeing time, just as Lot was given a short time to get out. Our Father has prepared a network all over the United States from the north of Alaska to the north of Maine, and down into the Gulf of Houston, to help those who will be fleeing out of this dying country. There is much to do with this escape route, and I have written about it in other articles. You must concentrate on downsizing your lifestyle, and getting yourself mentally and emotionally and physically detached from the Babel system as quickly as possible.

We don’t want to be caught in what the wrath of the Father allows. He loves us! That’s why He is warning His children to get out of His way. He has to judge sin, and what we have done to Israel. He has to separate out His set-apart people from those whom He has to destroy. Therefore if His set-apart people do not heed His warnings, it is not His fault if they die along with the wicked.

Get out of this debtor system as fast as possible. Sell what you have, give to the truly poor, the widow and the orphan. Put your treasure in heaven, so that when the Kingdom of Heaven comes you will have your stake in it. Break

with “friends”, and even family, who are uninterested in the things of Elohim, and who are pulling you backwards from being focused on His agenda. Read Matthew 10:29-39 and Luke 14:25-33 prayerfully—to “hate” in the Hebrew context, means to not put yourself under subjection to human control, or to

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submit to someone or something that is not of the Father’s Truth. Cut down on all busy-ness so that you have ample time to study the Word, pray, hear from Him, enter into worship and praise, and learn to depend on Him for everything.

Put your priorities straight. Get rid of everything that you do not absolutely need for living. Radical lifestyle change is a must. Center in on things that have eternal value.

No, I do not advise you to buy rice and beans, or stock up like it was Y2K again. I certainly do not advise you to do anything out of soul-centered fear and anxiety. Those who store food will have their food taken from them. Those who try to defend themselves will be killed. If your sole faith is not in your Messiah, your Father, then you will be sorely shocked at what man is capable of doing to man. In great portions of the Bible, over 224 prophecies, the Bible focuses in on the time of the end—the time of tribulation and His coming for His set-apart ones, and the destruction of the wicked, and His Kingdom on earth. This must be our focus.

There are some that believe that Messiah is returning to America. What utter foolishness! What Bible are they reading? Believe it or not, several thousand people actually belief that He will come to Utah and build His temple there, because, they say, Utah is really Yudah (Judah). Isn’t that amazing thinking? It is amazing what the minds of people are coming up with, and yet they claim to believe the Bible. The Bible clearly shows that He will rule from Jerusalem

in the land given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Isaiah 2:2-3 is not Utah.

He has one people group, one covenant with that people group, one goal for that people group, and one land that He calls “Mine”. The Bible clearly states that if we want in on Yahuweh’s covenant that we come to Him through Messiah Yahushua by faith, and then as good citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, guard and observe the Covenant of our new citizenship—given to His people forever. This is not some religious philosophy. Yahuweh did not start a religion. Messiah Yahushua, nor His Apostles, started any religious system. Man creates religions. Elohim is reality. Let us not hide in foolish speculation, or the ideas of foolish mankind, but read the whole Word—and let the Holy Spirit teach you the whole Truth from cover to cover.

I will now begin with Jeremiah 50 and 51 then proceed to other chapters that distinctly identify America as end-time Babel, like Revelation 17 and 18, Isaiah 47, Isaiah 13, 14 and 18, and parts of Jeremiah 25 and Habakkuk 1.

Get out a good translation of the Scriptures and read each verse along with my commentary. Then read the comments based on history and current events that I have given you. The Word speaks for itself!


Verses 1-7: The attack on end-time Babel will come from the north. It is specifically during a time period AFTER the return of Israel to their land and AT THE TIME just before Messiah returns for His people.

“In that day and at that time”: This is a Messianic expression as to the time of

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Messiah’s coming. “The children of Israel shall come, and the children of Judah together”. The children of Judah are evident, as are the Levites, by DNA testing and documents. “Jew” refers to the tribe of Judah, and generally refers to those of the ancient southern kingdom (Judea) who now mainly inhabit modern Israel—of the tribe also of Levi and Benjamin. But the other tribes (there are 12, plus Levi), are not distinguishable by human means at this time, because they were scattered into the whole earth and “lost” to themselves AMONG the gentiles. Gentile means: “foreigner, alien, stranger, barbarian, pagan, and heathen”. If you are in Messiah, you are NOT a gentile!

In Matthew 15:24, Yahushua says that He only came for the “lost sheep of the house of Israel”—the 10 northern tribes that were scattered into all nations from 1,000 to 722BCE—to restore them to the Covenant and the Torah through Messiah. In doing so, He also restored the house of Judah to Himself, and include any gentiles who wanted to come into the covenant of Israel by faith. He “renewed” the covenant in His own blood to “Redeem”(buy back) all of the sons of Jacob. (Ephesians 2:8-29; Jeremiah 31:31-34) See Ezekiel 37 and many other passages of Scripture tell us about this end-time great phenomenon of the return of ALL THE TRIBES OF JACOB by His sovereign goodness.

In the last 15 years especially, the phenomenon of the two houses of the whole house of Jacob are now coming together, going to Israel, returning to their Hebrew roots. The inheritance of all the tribes in the Kingdom is listed in Ezekiel 48, and the gates of the heavenly Jerusalem are named for the twelve tribes. The “144,000”, who follow the Lamb wherever He goes in these last days, are listed by individual tribes. (Revelation 7 and 14) The prophecies of Jacob in Genesis 49 to his sons are “for the latter days”. The lies of Replacement Theology, that the “church” replaced Israel, have kept many from returning to the covenant with the Father, but our Father is faithful, and He does not break His promises. “Forever, O Yahuweh, Your Word stands firm in the heavens”. (Psalm 165:89)

Jeremiah 50:1-7 puts this information on end-time Babel squarely between 1948 and the return of Messiah!

Verse 8: “Flee from the midst of Babel, come out of the land of the Chaldeans…” Look at Jeremiah 51:6, 45, Revelation 18:4, Isaiah 48:20 and Zechariah 2:7.

These are commands to His people to come out of what He is about to destroy. He is lovingly and desperately calling us to wake up and see what is about to happen, so that we do not get caught when He comes to judge the wicked. He loves us!

In the time of ancient Babylon there was NO need to flee. No one wanted to leave Babel—life was good there. When Cyrus the Mede came in and took Babylon, he did it in one night, under the city gate. No blood was shed other

than King Belshazzar’s. (Daniel 5) The people of Yahuweh never fled from the nation of ancient Babylon! Jeremiah 50-51 is prophecy about NOW.

Verses 9-10: End-time Babylon is destroyed by “An assembly of great nations from the north”. Right now, we are threatened by Russia, China, North Korea,

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and a combination of Arab nations whose weapons are supplied by Russia. Russia, since at least the 1970’s, has been supplying weapons to the Arab nations, like Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and others. The Russian military is now in Gaza to “train” PLO military and police. Missiles from North

Korea have been found in remote parts of Alaska already.

Verse 11: The main reason for judgment on Babylon is that “They plunder His

inheritance.” Throughout Scripture the inheritance of Yahuweh are the children of Jacob—see Jeremiah 51:19. America’s technology, most of its scientific achievements, medical discoveries, and wealth, has come from Jews.

Verse 12: Babel’s “mother” is greatly ashamed. England’s leaders work with American leaders, but generally the British people do not like America, neither do most Europeans. I know this to be true—I’m experienced the disdain and disgust and judgment when they find out I’m an American—in Russia, in Europe, in the Middle East, among Australians and etcetera.

Verses 13:15: Babylon is judged for “she has sinned against Yahuweh”.

(I recently wrote an article entitled Judgment on America—Why? I list 100 major sins that America is openly guilty of before the world, even promoting these sins to the world. Please ask for it if you don’t have it.)

Also, I have written an article entitled: The Pattern of the Judgment of Yahuweh. Yahuweh doesn’t judge haphazardly. He has a definite ten-pattern that He has used down through history to judge His people, and to separate out His remnant from the wicked He is about to destroy. He judges for three basic reasons and three only: 1) For rebellion and rejection of the Torah (the Teachings and Instructions of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth), 2) for the rejection of Himself as Ruler over mankind, and the rejection of His Torah’s rule, and 3) For harm done to His people (the tribes of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) and to His land (Israel). America has sinned against Yahuweh Himself as a nation by rejecting His Person and His rule, by breaking His Laws and by forcing His people to give up His Land. The Bible is now being treated in courts of “law” as a “hate book” as it is in Canada. Remember: “Sin is the transgression of the Torah”: I John 3:4

Verse 15: “It is the vengeance of Yahuweh…as she has done, so do to her”. The boomerang effect is in operation.

Verse 16 with Jeremiah 51:33: The time of destruction in Israel and in America is at the time of the fruit harvest--end of August to mid-October time frame.

Verses 17-19: “He judges the sovereign of Babel and his land. “In those days and at that time”: He brings back and pardons His people—returning them to Carmel, to Bashan (the Golan Heights), to Mt. Ephraim and Gilead. This is at the time of Messiah’s return. Some of these areas now are Jordan territory and PLO territory.

Verses 21-23: Babel is called “the hammer of the whole earth”. That phrase literally means the world’s policeman—as a judge’s gavel so end time Babel passes judgment on the nations of the world. Only America does that—and

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goes on to carry out retaliation as it sees fit. But, it becomes “a ruin among the nations”.

We’re talking about a land here, a country--not a city. We are talking about

a country in existence from 1948 to the return of Messiah Yahushua, who is the world’s superpower. Colin Powell and Dick Chaney have both said how hard it was being the world’s only superpower.

Verse 24: Yahuweh strives against Babel because they strove against Him. Especially since the 1940’s American culture has worked hard to remove Him from American culture--bringing in such things are evolution into the schools, and other such lies about creation.

Verses 25-26: “End-time Babel is attacked from her “uttermost borders”. Not only is she attacked from the north but also from the south. Our southern tip is Florida. Cuban missiles (Russian of course) have been found in dry river beds of southern Texas. From our border with Mexico, besides tourists, it is estimated

that one in four that cross the border are not Mexican but of Middle Eastern origin. Our southern border from California through Texas, 30 miles into the U.S. and 30 miles into Mexico, is patrolled by U.N. troops—foreign troops-- mostly from former Soviet Union nations. I was told this in 1995, but I came upon a “checkpoint” between Las Cruses and El Paso in 1996, and was asked if I was a U.S. citizen by a very tall man with a green uniform holding a very large gun, and speaking with a very foreign accent.

“Let her have no remnant”: By this time the fleeing out of America, that is already becoming more and more of a reality, will have happened. The ground will be so full of radiation, chemical and biological and nuclear materials that no one would be able to grow food on it, let alone live on it.

Verses 27-28: Where has the remnant fled to? They have gone to Mt. Zion, where they declare the vengeance of Yahuweh. Where is He calling His people back to? He is calling them back to their land inheritance that He gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For a while, during the darkest days of the tribulation when the anti-messiah rules in Jerusalem, His people will survive in the place of safety that the Bible and the U.N. talk about—Edom in southern Jordan—“the wilderness” or “the mountains” that the Bible talks about. Right now He is calling His people back to His Land, or to Edom as a forerunner, so that He can separate out His remnant for salvation. He has set aside Edom and Moab in the darkest of the days of Tribulation to protect His set-apart ones. (Daniel 11:41 for example)

Just be realistically aware that if you stay in America, for whatever reason—the Father’s leading, or your own stubbornness--at some point you will face death.

Many will be martyred for their faith. Many will die from the results of attack and disease, famine and the ravaging beasts of the earth that survive.

That is why I give the general warning to people now to prepare for the Matthew 24:15-25 warning, that when fleeing is necessary from either Israel or anywhere else in the world, don’t go back for coat, for suitcase, for grandmother’s baby shoes, or anything else that is sentimental. The world’s economies will fall, also. As Matthew 24:25 says, so I say: “See, I have

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forewarned you”.

It is a good idea to have all your most important papers, some currency of exchange, an updated passport, and other identification papers, plus a good coat and a couple of outfits of clothes, good shoes, and whatever is absolutely necessary in a small to medium suitcase in a closet by your door, handy when needed. Be sure you only go by the leading of the Spirit, for in times of panic, your mind shuts down, and only your spirit is alive to receive wisdom.

Be prepared by downsizing your life totally, getting out of debt, moving into a small place and preparing spiritually to hear Him. Before Gulf War II, the American Ambassador visited Americans in Aqaba, Jordan. He gave these practical hints that I pass on to you--above.

Verse 29: “Repay her--for she has been proud against Yahuweh”. Teaching children that the earth evolved from a big bang over 65 million years, and that

they came from monkeys is a lie, but it also mocks Yahuweh. To tamper with

His core of life—DNA—to reconstruct food with no seeds, and clone animals and humans, is mocking Yahuweh. Stem cell research is a horrible thing. Fruit and grain, animals and human beings produced without seed, all speak loudly that Yahuweh is not necessary—that man now can create life by himself—life in his own image.

Verse 30: “In that day…”--another end-time phrase, the military of Babylon will fail, and will not be able to protect the nation.

Verse 31: “Oh proud one…your day has come”. There is no nation on earth that has the pride of America. Pride in a nation that Yahuweh calls “Diaspora”—“captivity”--among the heathen is foolishness. There is only one Land that Yahuweh calls His—the land of Israel within the borders that He gave Abraham.

Incidentally, the borders of His Land do not extend to modern Iraq, but from the headwaters of the Euphrates down to Be’er Sheva in the south. The headwaters of the Euphrates River begin just to the east of the headwaters of the Jordan River, near Mount Hermon in the north of Israel. Let’s go by the Word, the whole Word and nothing but the Word, and leave behind the deceptions that man has taught us through the years!

Verse 32: “I will kindle a fire in her cities”: This is a nation with cities!

Verse 33: “This refers to what the U.S. backed in 1938 in rejecting the Jews from entering America, sending them back to their death in Hitler’s camps

Verses 34-38: Yahuweh’s sword is on the heads of the “wise men…upon liars, mighty men, horses/chariots, mixed people and treasures”. I’m sure the “chariots” are cars, as Nahum describes them.

Regarding the “mixed people”, or the “mingled people” (KJV), if ever there was a nation of mixed people groups it is America! Babel means “confusion” of languages—and we have a representation of most of the world’s people groups, and their cultures, and their languages in America.

Because Babylon oppressed His people, “Their Redeemer is strong, Yahuweh of Hosts is His Name”, He is taking vengeance.

Cars, houses, jobs, social standing, money, projects and collections, jewelry and who they know—there is much boasting about “idols”.

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Rachael, wife of Jacob, took her father’s household idols and sat on them. They represented her inheritance, and she wasn’t about to leave them. Lot’s wife couldn’t leave her home, friends or family members, so she stood looking back at the destruction of Sodom, then was caught in the breaking up of the salt flat of the Dead Sea, and the steaming fire and sulphur and salt covered her to her death.

Verses 39-42: “Destruction shall be “as Sodom and Gomorrah” –fire from the sky, whether by cosmic disaster, or by nuclear missiles. “Many sovereigns shall be raised up from the ends of the earth”—nations with coastlines.

Verse 43: “Fear seizes the President”—even he is not prepared for these things.

Verses 44-47: “At the sound of Babel’s capture, the earth shall be shaken, and the outcry shall be heard among the nations”. We see from Revelation 18 why the nations are crying out. It is not because they love America. It is because world economy collapses.

Remember that in the taking of ancient Babylon, Cyrus (Koresh), whom Yahuweh called “My servant”, diverted the water system under the gates of Babylon, so that his men could enter under the gates with no problem. They did so at night, surprised the inhabitants of the city, killed the King, and took

over. There was no massacre, no slaughter, and no annihilation of the people. And, the Jews were never told by Yahuweh to flee out of ancient Babylon. In fact, through the Prophet Jeremiah, the people were told to go into Babylon peacefully and there they would prosper for 70 years. Therefore, Jeremiah 50 and 51 has NOT happened yet. The timing of end-time Babel’s existence is during the time of Messiah’s return.

The ancient city of Babylon began to be rebuilt under Saddam Hussein, but it won’t be rebuilt, and as you can plainly see the nation of Iraq is not going to rise to be a world superpower.


Verses 1-4: Yahuweh sends the destroyer who will “winnow” the land and leave it empty. Winnowing causes the chaff to blow away, but the wheat to be spared. The word “tribulation” comes from the word “tribulum”, which is a farm instrument that separates wheat from chaff. It is His love that sends the tribulum and judgment, to separate out those who are His from those who are not, and to rescue those set-apart ones who have suffered in this Luciferic world system. He had to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah to get our “righteous Lot”. If He did not destroy Sodom and release Lot from its wicked grip, Lot would have ended up defiled and ruined and destroyed along with the rest of the city’s inhabitants.

Verse 5: Neither the tribes of Israel or the tribes of Judea are winnowed by

Yahuweh, “though their land is filled with sin against the set-apart One of Israel”. Because He deals differently with His Land than He does with the rest of the world, He is coming to redeem His Land and His people, and pour out His Spirit upon them—the promises of Ezekiel 36 are amazing.

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Verse 6: “Flee from the midst of Babel and let each one save his life…do not be cut off in her crookedness, for this is the time of the vengeance of Yahuweh--the recompense He is repaying her”.

Verse 7 with Revelation 17:4: “Babel was a golden cup in the hand of Yahuweh, making drunk all the earth. The nations drank her wine—that is why the nations went mad”. Revelation 17:4 tells of the golden cup in the hand of the whore: “And the woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup filled with abominations and the filthiness of her whoring”.

The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor holds up the cup—the “holy grail”. This statue was given to America by France. She depicts Mary Magdalene, who, according to the hideous Masonic legend, married Jesus and produced children. According to this legend Morovee of France was the first of this “Morovingian Bloodline” to sit on the throne in Europe. Therefore, this statue represents the “secret or mystery” of the 33rd degree Freemasonry of the York Rite, and the dream of their illuminati leadership to put one of the Morovingians on the throne in Jerusalem. Today, three prominent Movovingians, holding the title “King of Jerusalem”, are world leaders—Prince Charles of England, King Juan Carlos of Spain, and Otto Von Hapsburg of Austria. This might be a stupid-sounding dirty story—but the world’s rulers believe it, and are trying to sell it to the public in the Da Vinci Code book and movie.

Verses 8-12: Babel is ambushed by surprise attack. The people and leaders of

Babel, the military also, are not prepared. This is called “righteousness”, which is reported in Zion as “the work of our Elohim”.

Verse 13: “You who dwell on many waters, great in treasures, your end has

come—the measure of your greedy gain”. America sits on many waters—flanked by two oceans, and criss-crossed with rivers. America is great in treasures, and greedy for gain. We are the world’s leader in trade and commerce. The world’s finances rise and fall by the Wall Street Stock Market.

Verses 14-16: Yahuweh brings the judgment. He uses man to do many things, but in the big picture, He is the one orchestrating everything.

Verses 17-18: “All mankind has become too brutish to know”. As in the “days of Noah”, mankind is doing whatever evil comes to his mind, and justifying it as noble, good, right, just, and for the good of others. Violence and sexual perversion have covered the earth, and are the prime topics of movies and videos and TV shows. Mankind as a whole cannot be reasoned with, for deception and the insanity of Lucifer has permeated man’s thinking. Man thinks of himself as a god, and puts down anyone who gets in his way. This attitude is worshipped in many ways in America by its “heroes”. Also, America is a world center of metal gods—molded things—like cars.

Verses 19-29: He will use His people, Israel, as a battle ax, as weapons of battle, and He will destroy nations because of them. “Israel is the tribe of His inheritance. Yahuweh of Hosts is His Name”.

Verse 29: “Every plan of Yahuweh shall be established against Babel to make the land of Babel a ruin, without inhabitant.”

We have been trained in tolerance of evil from our public schooling upward.

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We have been trained to make excuses for wrong doing—to tolerate wrong. Christian teaching has facilitated this concept in some ways. We’ve been told that “love” tolerates, makes excuses, for sin. But, that’s the Greek definition of “love”. The Hebrew definition is quite different—it says that if we love someone, we walk in integrity and truth towards them, and do not submit to what is wrong, but rebuke wrong. We also must not compare ourselves, as individuals or as a nation, with those we consider to be ugly nasties—those who murder people, who terrorize people, and do horrendous things in “third world nations”—while we are good, nice, sweet and lovely with little to no sin. Sin is the breaking of the eternal set-apart Instructions of the Kingdom of Heaven, and our culture and religion have taught us that we don’t have to obey the Law of Yahuweh, for it was done away with. Who said that? -- Shabbati Tzvi said that—remember him? But, also the leaders of Greece and Rome did everything they could to eliminate Yahuweh and His Torah as being Old and discarded, obsolete and replaced. “The heart is deceitful and wicked above all things, and who can know it”. (Jeremiah 17:9) We need to repent! We need to let the Spirit show us the ugly nasties in our own life, so that we might be pure and set-apart before Him.

Modern Christianity has taught us that “gain is godliness”—that the glory and the gold are to be expected by those who have faith. This is not a Scriptural principle. We must remember that all great empires were financially prosperous. Egypt was wealthy. The nations of Assyria, Media, Persia,

Babylon, Greece, and Rome were all wealthy and prosperous and powerful. Now the “new world order” is the amalgamation of all other world empires. It is the most wealthy and powerful of all the others put together. The reason

why the G-8 nations are the leaders of the one world government is because they are the most wealthy and/or powerful nations.

As I Timothy 6:5-10 tells us that gain is NOT a sign of godliness. Just because America is blessed financially and materially doesn’t mean it is because we are godly. America never has called Yahuweh their Elohim. The Word says that the nation is blessed who calls Yahuweh their Elohim. Individuals are blessed as they obey the instructions of Yahuweh to aid the poor, the widow, orphan and stranger, and to give out the Word of Elohim. America, as a nation, because of its involvement with the plans of the Illuminati, has become powerful and wealthy in order to carry out the plans of Lucifer. The American people that serve the Elohim of the Bible have been blessed in order to bless others. Psalm 112 tells us the blessings of the individual who fears Yahuweh, and keeps His covenant. The god of this world is also the god of money (mammon). Our leaders since the late 1900’s have sold their souls to Satan, and he has repaid them with much wealth and power. Remember the admonition by Yahushua: “You can’t serve Elohim and mammon”. Read carefully Matthew 7, and see that few find the “narrow gate” to life—FEW IS FEW. He says to His followers: “Unless you forsake all, you cannot be My disciple” (Luke 14:33).

Never forget that the true follower of Messiah Yahushua is promised persecution, suffering, and death, sorrow, and grief in this world. We are not

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better than He was—and if He suffered, we will also suffer for His Name’s sake. “All who live godly in Messiah Yahushua WILL suffer persecution”. (II Timothy 3:12) We are called to enter into the “fellowship of His sufferings”. (Philippians 3:10) In the eternal state, those who have suffered with Him, reign with Him. (II Timothy 2:11-12) So, acquiring things in this life is no sign of any reward in the coming Kingdom. Self-centered religion is only fantasy. Don’t fool yourself—if you belong to Yahuweh, and you obey His set-apart signs of identification with Him, you will be hated, killed and joyfully eliminated from the world system.

Verses 30-33: “The mighty men of Babel have ceased to fight, they remained in their strongholds. Their might has failed…” All communication has been cut off. There is no escape. A runner has to go inform the President that the nation has been taken. Right now, the elite leaders of America are preparing for destruction to hit, by building great places for their safety.

Verses 34-36: The people of Zion and Jerusalem cry for the blood of Babel because of the violence done against the Jews by her. In 1938, America led the nations in turning away the Jews who were fleeing from Hitler. They were sent back to the death camps. America is now forcing on Israel what is designed by the world’s Luciferic agents for Israel’s destruction.

Verse 37-44: Babel will be left without inhabitant. “…the praise of all the earth been seized. How Babel has become a ruin among the nations!”

Verse 42: “The Sea has risen over Babel. She has been covered with the roaring of its waves. Her cities have become a ruin”. This has already happening.

Verse 44: “…nations shall no longer stream to him. Even the wall of Babel shall

fall”. The world’s people stream to America. The nations stream to the United Nations, and to the wealth of America.

Verse 45: “Come out of her midst, My people! And let everyone deliver his soul from the burning displeasure of Yahuweh”.

Verses 46-48: As in Revelation 18, Heaven rejoices over Babel’s destruction.

Verse 49: “Babel is fallen for the slain of Israel”. Self-explanatory!

Verse 50: “You who have escaped the sword…remember Yahuweh and let Jerusalem come to your heart”. There are those who will flee from Babel, and they are to remember their homeland and its capitol, Jerusalem.

Verse 51: “Strangers have come into the set-apart place of the house of

Yahuweh”. Who set this scenario up? Who is seeking to give all of East Jerusalem to the Palestinians for their capitol?

Do the Palestinians want a capitol and a state? No! They want the whole country and every Jew on earth dead. They have publicly stated this over and over. There was no Palestinian people group before the 1960’s when Yassir Arafat created them as a people group to gain power over the Jews. Yet, they are puppets of the world government elite also, for they are usable and disposable, as are all who get in their way of world rule.

Verses 52-53: “`Though Babel shall mount up to the heavens, and through she should make the height of her strength inaccessible, ravagers shall come to her

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from Me’, declares Yahuweh”. End time Babel has a space program! She has a space station from which she hopes to defend herself. But, it won’t work. All of America’s technology will not save her from destruction.

Verses 54-58: “The nations weary themselves for fire”. This happens at the time of World War III. Verse 54-55: “Listen! A cry from Babel, and great destruction from the land of the Chaldeans, because Yahuweh is ravaging Babel, and shall silence her loud voice. And her waves shall roar like great waters, the noise of their voice shall resound because the ravager shall come against her…for Yahuweh is the El of recompense, He shall certainly repay”.

Verses 59-64: “…it is a ruin forever…`So does Babel sink and not rise from the evil that I am bringing upon her”.

ISAIAH 47 (Note wording: Compare with Revelation 18)

Isaiah 47:1-3: The “queen”, Babel, who has enthroned herself, is left without a throne—naked and shamed.

Verse 4: Israel declares: “Our Redeemer, Yahuweh of Hosts is His Name, the Set-Apart One of Israel”. This goes back to Isaiah 46:3, where Yahuweh is addressing the “house of Jacob”—the remnant of the whole house of Israel”.

Verse 5: “”For no more do they call you `Mistress of Kingdoms’. Revelation 18:7 is the parallel Scripture, for end-time Babylon says: “I sit as Queen”.

End-time Babel rules over the rulers of the earth either on its own, or through the United Nations. When the one world government was declared in May of 1999 publicly, BBC said that it was the G-8 nations (America, England, France, Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan and Russia), with NATO as the “core military”, headed by “Clinton and Blair”. You see that Bush and Blair, defying the U.N., went into Iraq—even defying other G-8 nations and generally ignoring the world’s protest.

Verse 6: Jews were given into the care of the United States from approximately the end of World War II until this time.

Verses 7-9: “You said, `I am mistress forever’”. Verses 8-9 from the Hebrew Tenach: “And now hear this, O pampered one—who dwell in security, who

think to yourself `I AM, and there is none but me; I shall not become a widow of know loss of children’. These two things shall come upon you suddenly in

one day: Loss of children and widowhood shall come upon you in full measure, despite your many enchantments and countless spells”.

Verse 10: “You were secure in your wickedness; you thought `no one sees me’. It was your skill and your science that led you astray. And you thought to yourself `I AM, and there is none but me’”.

The doctrine and message of Lucifer from the Garden of Eden was: 1) Has Yahuweh said?, and 2) You shall be as gods, knowing good from evil. The gods of America are not only pride in the nation, trust of the government, money, social standing and material possessions, but also the worship of knowledge and high honor to those with PhD degrees, dependency on science, technology,

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doctors and medical science. America honors the heroes of might, of sports, or intellectual genius, of movie and music industry fame. Americans depend on insurance policies, Social Security, their doctors prognosis, the drugs their doctor’s prescribe, their psychiatrist’s analysis, the news anchor’s predictions, and on and on. It is a nation of idolaters.

I heard a Pastor say: “Whatever you fear losing is your god”. But, it is a true statement. Millions of Americans also depend on the daily horoscope, or their own personal fortune teller, star-gazer, medium, to direct their lives. In the latter part of Former President Ronald Reagan’s Administration, he admitted that he did nothing without first consulting his astrologer. Of course his wife Nancy provided him with her astrologer. Hillary Clinton channels the dead spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt. Being 33rd degree Masons, most of our Presidents from George Washington onward, and our government leaders, worship Lucifer in some form or other, and are dedicated to fulfilling his plans—whether for his glory or their own glory. For Americans to depend on such leaders, some who also worship the owl, is ludicrous. It is a requirement for all world leaders--including America’s leaders—in order to advance in politics that they be a Mason or member of the CFR or some related Illuminati group. Former President Ronald Reagan was not a Mason when he took office. After the attempted assassination of President Reagan, he was conferred with an honorary 33rd degree Masonic status.

Witchcraft, the occult, paganism, the worship of Isis, the worship of the owl, “mother Gaia” or mother earth worship, worship of the ancient sun gods, and other such nonsense are a very large part of American culture now. For example, a huge statue of Isis sits in Nashville, Tennessee, and a High Priestess of Isis is functioning to her glory. This statue holds an owl. The depths to which our society has sunk are unfathomable. The glorification of sex and violence has even permeated children’s cartoons, and homosexuality is being taught at kindergarten level in many of our nation’s schools, as well as how to channel “spirit guides”. Many churches are also now mixing their basic faith with the occult practices and philosophies of hard-core paganism. Beware of Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Life—he is in with Ken Blanchard—a New Age leader and other New Age leaders. The whole of modern western organized Christianity is in with the one world rulers, and the Vatican—don’t be fooled by what appears to be “nice”.

Verses 11-13: Yahuweh mocks those who turn to astrology for their guidance.

But, also remember that as in Revelation 9:21 and Revelation 18:23, that “sorceries” is the Greek word which we translate as “pharmaceuticals”—drugs.

America is the world’s foremost drug trafficker (legal and illegal) and drug producer (prescription and illegal).

After all of Yahuweh’s judgment Revelation 9:21 shows the wicked heart of man: “And the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold and silver, and of brass and of stone, and of wood, which are

neither able to see, nor to hear, nor to walk. And they did not repent of their murders, nor of their drug sorceries, their whoring, or of their thefts”.

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(Revelation 18:23: “For your merchants were the great ones of the earth, for by your drug sorcery all the nations were led astray”.)

Verse 11: “Ruin shall come upon you suddenly, which you know not’.

Most Americans are asleep. They don’t want to hear that judgment is coming. The false prophets of popular Christianity in America are saying that only glory and revival are coming, and “nothing is going to happen to us”. The fearful follow them with great interest, giving them money to promote their lies and deceptions. As with the flood at Noah’s time, the destruction will come suddenly. Only a few will be found “in the ark” of safety. (I have written an article entitled, The Message of the True Prophet. It will tell you how to discern a real prophet of Yahuweh from a false prophet—ask for it.)

Verses 12-15: Men like Dimitru Duduman and many others who have seen visions and dreams, who have heard the prophetic Word of Yahuweh, and who have studied current events, have warned that America will be destroyed by “fire”—“as Sodom and Gomorrah”—fire from the sky. Yahuweh mocks those who trust in their gods, idols, and in man. For only in the ark of His presence is their safety. We are allowed to dwell in the “secret place” of Yahuweh—in His light—as we are obedience children, humble, yielded, submitted and guarding His covenant, and loving Him with all of our heart, mind and soul, and our neighbor as we love our self. Those who love the world and love what is in the world, will be destroyed with the world!

James 4:4 and I John 2:15-17: “Adulterers and Adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with Elohim? Whosoever, therefore who intends to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of Elohim”.

“Do not love the world or that which is in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. Because all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life--is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust of it, but the one doing the will of Elohim remains forever.” John goes on to say several times in this short book that loving Elohim means to guard His commandments. It is also a theme of John chapters 14-15.


Verses 1-3: “Babylon has fallen” because “the nations have drunk the wine of the wrath of her whoring and “the merchants of the earth became rich through the power of her riotous living”. John wrote this in 95CE—long after the empire of ancient Babylon was dead and gone. Revelation is a book of the

present time--moving into the near future.

Heaven rejoices when Babel falls…and we should to. If we will rejoice at its destruction, then we must now get out of all of it that we can and still remain in this world. We must let go of all of its entanglements that are strangling us and our family.

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In Isaiah 21:12 we read: “The watchman cries from Mt. Seir, `Babylon is fallen, Babylon is fallen’”. Mt. Seir is the primary mountain of Petra—in Jordan. Now what is a watchman doing there--crying out that Babylon has fallen? (For the answer, please ask for my article: Important Instructions Regarding the Re-Gathering and the Preservation of the Tribes of Israel in These Last Days.)

Revelation 18:4--also see Jeremiah 50:6; 51:8, 45; Isaiah 48:20; Zechariah 2:7: “COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE, LEST YOU PARTAKE OF HER SINS, LEST YOU RECEIVE OF HER PLAGUES”. This is a command! I do not amplify it. I just repeat it. How you handle His command may affect your life in this world and the next. It is not a suggestion!

Yes, He calls us out of the world system. Turn that TV off and stop the programming of your mind by demonic forces. Get out of debt. Do whatever is necessary to separate yourself from the world system and unto Yahuweh. Those who stay clinging to their life as usual out of fear, laziness, complacency, or just stubbornly hanging on to the good life, will have to face death. Let reality hit! Those who refuse to go along with the policies of the Illuminati will die.

Don’t be scared by threats of an Al Qaida attack—most of that is no more than mind-programming in fear. A fearful society will do anything their government leaders tell them to do. Listen to Yahushua in Matthew 10:28: “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul--but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna” (hell). (I have written an article/study entitled: The Fear of Yahuweh—a topic almost totally neglected in American churches. It will help you get priorities straight.)

Revelation chapters 13-18 is not science fiction or fantasy. It is a reality. Most will die by war, disease, famine, or by the beasts of the earth. Some will be able to help Jews and believers escape before they either escape or die. But, this nation will be totally destroyed and uninhabitable, because of the effects of radiation and chemicals on the soil, air, water, buildings, food supply, medicine, and other things needed to live. Disease and famine will be rampant. Yet, the good news is that there will be a remnant that escapes and who will, in the eternal Kingdom, bring an offering to Yahuweh in Jerusalem at the Feast of Tabernacles.

The main thing to focus on now is your relationship with the Father and His Messiah, and your preparation for the coming Kingdom on earth. Focus on eternal treasures now—eternal rewards—eternal values. Life as we know it will soon end, and only those whose eyes are on the coming King will survive it. Do you “love truth”? Do you “love His appearing?” Are you flexibly submissive and 100% obedient to what the Lamb tells you to do? Are you in the process of “forsaking all”? I have done this, and I know of several others that have too. Are we miserable at the loss of our “things”? NO!

If your heart has lost its idols, and you are preparing for whatever He is leading

you to do, then you are on the right track.

I don’t want to scare anyone for the sake of scaring anyone. I just must wake

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people up to the fact that what they have feared from all those worthless pre-tribulation rapture predictions of life on earth “afterwards” is really real, and is going to happen to all mankind.

Please ask for my 1-page study sheet, Nuclear Holocaust. World War III is very close—perhaps closer than we realize. I personally believe that it will begin in some way with Iran and/or Syria most likely—though don’t quote me on that. I’ve studied and taught on the end times for much of 40 years now, and now am seeing the prophecies take on flesh and blood structure in current events. Nuclear holocaust to begin the 3 ½ years of purging, beginning in the Middle East, is spoken of all through the Scriptures.

Don’t be like the ostrich and stick your head in the sand. Just look at the ostrich and laugh—for its head is in the sand, but its grossly oversized body is sticking out for all to see. Remember that His ultimate love for His set-apart ones is to come in His anger and destroy what is hurting His set-apart ones—the system of Lucifer! So, His set-apart ones need to prepare for Father’s purging of the earth—which is for our FREEDOM!

Verses 5-6: “Her sins have mounted up to heaven”. Wake up America! Walt Disney was a well-know Wicca Witch, and the “fairy godmother” was a demonic apparition. We have exported Disney’s witchcraft to the world under the guise of “good family entertainment”. And also realize that Santa is the god Saturn—an apparition of Satan. We’ve been deceived and lied to, manipulated, controlled, experimented on in all ways, and basically “lab rats” of the world system. PLEASE don’t get mad at what I report here. Love truth and throw away all the illusions!

Verse 7: “She esteemed herself and lived riotously…in her heart she says, `I sit as queen and I am not a widow, and I do not see mourning at all’”. Beware of boasting in anything that is not Yahuweh and Yahushua. Don’t boast in false religion either—Nimrod created religion, not Adam.

Jeremiah 9:23-24: “Thus says Yahuweh, `Let not the wise boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty boast in his might, nor let the rich boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am Yahuweh, doing kindness, right-ruling and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight’, declares Yahuweh”.

Verse 8: Her plagues come in one day and she is burned with fire—famine ensues quickly.

Verse 9: The kings of the earth who committed whoring and lived riotously with her shall weep and mourn when they see the smoke of her burning.

Babylon is filled with Israelites and Jews (all the tribes are present in America). We were created as a nation to bless the world with the truth of Yahuweh and to return the world to His rule. We were given the message of the Messiah. Many missionaries went forth to win the world to Messiah and to translate the Bible into the languages of the nations. We were blessed to bless His People and His Land. But, instead, America became the world’s money-market, the

world’s Mall, the world’s pornography center, drug center, homosexual center,

abortion center, divorce center, center for greed and selfishness.

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America, instead of being faithful to Yahuweh, instead of passing Laws to unite us with His Covenant—to set aside the Shabbat, to honor His seven Festivals, to honor His Creator laws of eating, to honor Him as the only Elohim of heaven

and earth—America passed laws to honor pagan days and ways. Thus she became “unfaithful” as a whore, a prostitute to Lucifer’s world system, and detached herself from her Maker, her Husband, and her Elohim. A whore is one who leaves faithfulness to become unfaithful. Thus Revelation 17 is also America—the great whore of Babylon, who holds the golden cup in her hand and sits as queen, making the earth drunk on her whoredom. Without responsibility to the Elohim of the Bible, mankind can do anything he wants to do—any evil that comes into his mind. Truly we are back in “the days of Noah”—Genesis 6.

One major goal of Lucifer is to eliminate reproduction by natural means and for his agents to create children as wanted for whatever purpose wanted, according to the desire of the one wanting children. Thus homosexuality is promoted because it eliminates reproduction of children by Yahuweh’s method.

Verse 10: “Woe! Woe! -- The great city Babel, the mighty city, your judgment has come in one hour.” Now we see that Babel is also a city. What city? In this chapter it is very clear that it is New York City—present headquarters of the world government.

Verse 11: “And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over her, because no one buys their merchandise anymore”. What city with a harbor is the primary U.S. city for the merchandise of the world to come into the U.S.?

Continuing on with verses 12-13, we see what merchandise comes and goes from this harbor: “Merchandise of gold and silver, and precious stone and pearls, and fine linen and purple, and silk and scarlet, and all citron wood, and every object of ivory, and every object of most precious wood and bronze and iron and marble, and cinnamon and incense, and fragrant oil and frankincense, and wine and oil, and fine flour and wheat, cattle and sheep and horses and carriages, and bodies and souls of men”.

The twenty-five commodities listed here are ONLY sold daily through the Wall Street Stock Exchange, with the exception of gold, which is also traded daily through London. Number twenty-six “the bodies and souls of men” is also an American “commodity”. America is the world’s greatest trafficker in human lives--in its gigantic prostitution industry, which includes child pornography, the selling of sex slaves world wide, the trafficking in drugs world wide, as well as the thousands of “sweat shops” in third world nations, where many children work for 16 hours a day for as little as 10 cents an hour, if that much, adults being treated the same, in American factories overseas. Look at the place where your designer jeans were made—China, Bangladesh, Mexico, Indonesia, or Brazil? Prisoners in China are used in these sweat shops for free labor, many of them being prisoners because of their faith in Jesus. The grandfather of former President George Bush, Sr. used Jewish prisoner from Auschwitz to work in the factories of his companies in Poland. But, not too

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long ago, a bill was enacted that allows American companies to be built in third world nations--allowing their owners to pay the nationals pathetic wages to produce their products.

Verse 14: “All your riches and splendor are lost to you, and you shall find them no more, not at all”.

Verse 15: “…those who became rich by her shall stand at a distance for fear of her torture weeping and mourning”. Radiation, chemicals, biological disease,

soil contamination—nothing will be able to live in this environment for very long.

Verses 16-18: “Woe! Woe!—to the great city that was dressed in fine linen and purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls!” New York is a city where people dress up in rich clothing to go to Broadway plays, to eat in expensive restaurants, to go to expensive night clubs, to hear great musical concerts, to see operas, and to attend movie premiers.

Verse 17-18: It is a city with a great harbor: “For in one hour such great riches was laid waste. And every shipmaster, and every passenger, and sailors, and as many as work the sea for their living, stood at a distance and cried out when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying `what is like this great city?’”

New York is home to the greatest banks and financial institutions in the world, like Citicorp and Chase Manhattan Bank. It is home to world trade centers. It is home to the most lucrative stock market in the world. As the stock market of America goes, so goes the economy of the world. Did you know that the world’s economy is based on what happens in America? When New York is destroyed, the world’s economy will collapse.

Verse 19: “Woe! Woe! -- The great city, in which all who had ships on the sea became rich by her wealth! For in one hour she was laid waste”.

Verses 20-24: “Rejoice over her, O heaven, and you set-apart apostles and prophets, for Elohim has completely avenged you on her!” Verse 23: “For your merchants were the great ones of the earth, for by your drug sorcery all the nations were led astray. For in her was found the blood of prophets and set-apart ones, and of all who were slain on the earth”.

You might question that this last sentence doesn’t fit the rest of the scenario. It appears to be out of place, doesn’t it? Yet, you must realize also that for over one hundred years, America, as well as our “mother” England, has been at the helm of the destruction of millions of Jews and Bible-believing Christians in their promotion of the Mazzini/Pike plan. And, as ordered by the Luciferic leadership, America was chosen as the nation to start World War III, and to prepare the way for the anti-messiah’s rule. I know this sounds almost impossible to believe, but for those who have studied beyond what our teachers have fed us, we know that this is simply fact. It’s time we stopped worshipping a nation that our Father calls “captivity”—Diaspora, and realize that we have been undermined and deceived, and now we need to wake up.

I grew up in America. I have loved my country and its people. I’m one of those that always cried at the singing of “The Star Spangled Banner”. America has been good to me and my family! Yet, I know that now it is not the country that

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I knew in years past, for now all the things that have been under the surface are now surfacing. And for what America is now doing AGAIN to His people in Israel, and for what America has planned to do to His people in this country (Jews and Bible-believing Christians and Messianic believers), our loving heavenly Father must judge, in order to rescue and release His set-apart people.

We must see it as it is—His ultimate love for us. If you saw some deadly thing about to happen to your children, wouldn’t you act in anger, rage, and severe emotion? He is the Father, and He comes to rescue His children from what they do not understand is about to devour them.


I have written an article regarding the world’s kingdoms entitled Nebuchadnezzar. In this article, I go into detail on Revelation 17. But, for here, I will be brief, discussing only the first few verses as it pertains to end-time Babel.

Yes, this “whore” also includes the Roman Catholic Church, started by Constantine the Great in 325CE—a whore, pagan religion that departed from anything to do with the Elohim of Israel, and the Jewish Messiah of Israel—hating Yahuweh, hating His Torah, hating anything Hebrew. America has worked with the Vatican for close to one hundred years to carry out the agenda of Lucifer. Top Evangelical and Charismatic leaders in America re-united with the Vatican (March 1994), and are working to join together all religions under the Vatican. Many of America’s top religious leaders, multimillionaires because of their popularity, belong to the Council on National Policy. This is a secret group—check it out. You will be shocked that many favorites among Christians are working for a one world religion, and in the pocket of Rev. Sung Myung Moon, who was declared the Messiah by about 81 members of Congress in 2004, in a government Washington D.C. building, promoted by the Council on National Policy. Rev. Moon, a multibillionaire, is a big contributor to Jerry Falwell’s University, Beverly La Haye’s Concerned Women for America, and the National Christian Broadcasters.

Remember that when John wrote the Revelation, the empire of Babylon was long gone. Thus, he is speaking of an end-time Babylon that is a world super power. If you saw the funeral of Pope John—March 2005—you saw world leaders bowing by the casket of John Paul—a pathetic sight.

It is hard to believe, but the world’s rulers are calling for the Pope to be the “Prince of Peace”, this includes some of America’s top Evangelical leadership.

In verse 4, this whore is dressed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup filled with abominations and the filthiness of her whoring, and upon her forehead, having a name written—MYSTERY BABYLON,THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF THE WHORES AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH”.

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“The great” refers to her being the super power of the earth. “Mystery Babylon”: Since Nimrod, the ruling leaders of the earth have been involved in what is called the “mysteries”. This is Luciferic knowledge handed down from the days of Nimrod, passed on within secret societies and religions to our day. That is why the Masons are so secretive, for example. They, like the ancient Knights Templars, believe they are the guardians of the “mysteries”. That’s why only the highest degrees are told the “purity of the Luciferian doctrine”. This is how Lucifer has, and Lucifer will, control the minds of men in a world ruler—because very few people on the earth know what is really happening. There is a purposed news block-out to the U.S., because you’re not supposed to know what the Luciferic agenda is up to. But, we must know what our enemy is up to, or else he will trap us. However, beware: Don’t focus on Lucifer, but on Yahuweh. We must align with the winner—not the loser.

The whore sits on “many waters”—Revelation 17:1. Revelation 17:15: “The

waters which you saw, where the whore sits, are peoples, and crowds, and nations and tongues”.

In Revelation 17:3 and 7, we see that she rides the “beast”—the world system, the composite of all world systems rolled into one final system or “world order”. She uses the world system to become drunk with the souls of mankind in her love of wealth and power. The “eye” on the dollar bill is symbolic of the Illuminati—the “all seeing eye” of Horus, the sun god. The “Great Seal” was designed by Jefferson and John Adams—both 33rd degree Freemasons, and Ben Franklin who was a Rosicrucian—of the order of the Knights Templar—a very Luciferic group that is supposed to protect the “holy grail”. Alexander Hamilton was sent by the Rothchild family of Germany to begin the “central banking system” in the U.S. This Rothchild plan has enslaved the nations to a few elite leaders of the world’s shadow government by their control of the nation’s money. Who do we owe our trillions to? Check it out.

I tell you all these things to break you loose from any adoration of America that you might have left. It is time to obey the first commandment! These Ten Commandments, removed from America’s public places, are the terms of the

marriage covenant between Yahuweh and His People—all TEN. The first commandment is basic: “You shall not have any other gods in My face”. That means that He wants an exclusive love affair with His set-apart ones, with no other gods of this world even close to Him.

ISAIAH 13 AND Excerpts from chapter 14

Isaiah 13:1-14:23: This is actually in an end-time setting as the ruler of Babylon carries out Lucifer’s desire to sit on the throne of Yahuweh in Jerusalem. It is at a time just before Messiah comes with Yahuweh’s wrath.

The goal of Lucifer (the shining, illumined one) is to sit on the Temple Mount—“on the sides of the north”—where the Most Set-Apart Place sat that housed the Ark of the Covenant within the Temple. End-time Babel has indeed been the incubator and facilitator of the plan of Mazzini/Pike, and the Luciferic

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community of the Illuminati to create the necessary chaos to put the “beast”, the “lawless one”, the “anti-messiah”, the “man of sin”, on the Mount of Yahuweh.

Verses 1-5: “Yahuweh assembles the army against Babel. They come from a distant land. Ancient Babel was captured by neighboring kingdoms—of Media and Persia. “They shall be afraid…they are amazed at one another—their faces aflame”. Look at Zechariah 14:12: “And this is the plague with which

Yahuweh plagues all the people who fought against Jerusalem: their flesh shall

decay while they stand on their feet, and their eyes decay in their sockets, and their tongues decay in their mouths”. This is a result of being within eight miles of a nuclear explosion…fire envelopes the people beyond the point of impact of nuclear bombs.

Verses 6-10: These verses describe the earth’s total destruction. This destruction is described in many passages of the Bible. The earth shakes to such a degree that the orbit is changed, to be restored to what it was before the flood of Noah’s day.

Verses 19-22 “And Babel, the splendor of kingdoms and comeliness of the Chaldean’s pride shall be as when Elohim overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah”.

How did He overthrow Sodom and Gomorrah? Read Genesis 19.

“She shall never be inhabited”. Ancient Babylon continued on very nicely

under the Medes and Persians. A land that can no longer be inhabited forever, as these passages indicate, must be contaminated with chemicals to the point where it is radio active and untouchable by any living thing. We now have such technology of war to render a land untouchable and uninhabitable.

Isaiah 14

Verse 4: “You shall take up this proverb against the King of Babel, `How the oppressor has ceased, and the gold-gatherers ceased’”. The debt system of America is the most horrendous in the world. It has made slaves out of most Americans. People’s whole lives are consumed with paying off debts, as well as to satisfy the high taxes inflicted on the laboring class.

Verse 21-22: The King of Babel is like Lucifer—arrogant, proud and haughty. He has great desire to see Lucifer enthroned. All of the Illuminati groups, to which 80% of American leaders belong, are dedicated to putting their man on the Temple Mount to rule the world. Every American President, with the exception perhaps of Abraham Lincoln, has been a top Freemason. Most of

them have been related. Bloodlines are very important within the plans of the Illuminati. Lucifer’s agents are looking for their reward. They are very proud, haughty, and arrogant and think of themselves as gods, because they think they are unstoppable.

(Read Isaiah 13 along with: Isaiah 6:11-13; 10:21-23 and chapter 24, and II Peter chapter 3:1-14, Deuteronomy 28:62; Zechariah 14; Zephaniah 1 and 2, Micah 7:13; Matthew 24:22; Joel 3:1-2; Mark 13:19-20; Luke 17:26-29; Jeremiah 25:29-33; Isaiah 66:16; Ezekiel 21:4-5 and Jeremiah 4:23-28).

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Verse 1: “Woe to the land, overshadowed by whirring wings--beyond the rivers of Ethiopia”. This means westward from the Nile, westward from Israel.

Verse 2: This land “sends enjoys by sea”. This land’s people are “a nation tall, and smooth-skinned”—“a people dreaded from their beginning onward”.

Verses 3-6: Within the time-frame when “woe” is pronounced over this nation, the resurrection of the just occurs as Messiah comes. The resurrection of the just is described in this chapter as the “harvest”.

Verse 7: A remnant of people from this nation, “in that time”, bring an offering to Yahuweh on Mt. Zion. At this time a remnant escapes the “woe”.

We know that there will be a great fleeing from America, and that those who flee will end up on Mt. Zion worshipping Yahushua. We also know from the

Festivals timing, and many passages of Scripture, that the Messiah comes to set

up His Kingdom at the time of the fruit harvest—somewhere from the end of August to the beginning of Sukkot (the Festival of Tabernacles).

This chapter does not speak of end-time Babylon, but it is included in the chapters of the end-time judgment—between Isaiah 17 and 19. Judgment comes during the last 3 ½ years before Messiah returns in different forms. But, the judgment on nations comes just before, at, and just after He returns.

Jeremiah 25:1-15, 29-33

Joel 3:2: “…I shall gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of

Jehoshaphat (the north end of the Kidron Valley in from of the Eastern Gate in East Jerusalem). And I shall enter into judgment with them there for My people, My inheritance Israel, whom they have scattered among the gentiles, and they have divided My Land.” (Italics mine)

Matthew 25:31-32: “And when the Son of man comes in His glory and all the set-apart angels with Him, then He shall sit on the throne of His glory. And all the nations shall be gathered before Him, and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates his sheep from the goats”.

Jeremiah 25 is also about the judgment on end-time Babel and on all the nations, as to how they treated Israel.

Excerpts from verses 29-33: “`…For I am calling for a sword on all the inhabitants of the earth’, declares Yahuweh of hosts…Yahuweh roars from on high, and utters His voice from His set-apart dwelling place. He roars mightily over His fold, a shout as those who tread the grapes, against all the inhabitants of the earth…Tumult shall come to the ends of the earth, for Yahuweh has a controversy with the nations. He shall enter into judgment with all flesh. The wrong He shall give to the sword…And in that day the slain of Yahuweh shall be from one end of the earth even to the other end of the earth”.

Some people call me “controversial”. Some like that and some fear what I have to say. But, I am not controversial. I am a mother and grandmother who is 61 years old. The Father has just called me to bring the controversy of

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Yahuweh before His people so that they will be prepared in Truth and righteousness! (Look at the word “controversy”: Isaiah 34:8; Jeremiah 25:31; Ezekiel 44:24; Hosea 4:1 and 12:1; Micah 6:2)

Jeremiah 25:1-15 speaks of end-time Babylon, as well as Babylon in 586BCE. Before, during, and after World War II, one nation and one only is primarily responsible for setting Part III of the Mazzini/Pike plan into effect. This same nation has been the meeting ground for the Illuminati groups, and the completion of the dream of Nimrod’s tower of Babel. One nation stands for the giving of Jerusalem to the enemies of Yahuweh—even the City of David. It is America. It pulled all of this off through a very few elite families, one in particular, with the great help of England’s royal family. This elite family is now in control for the final stages of the Mazzini/Pike Plan. Don’t be shocked. I am only relating a very few things to you. We cannot go by what looks or sounds good. The “mark of the beast” will appear to be right and good.

From 1938, America led the nations in refusal to take in Jewish refugees from Germany and Poland. America helped to fund (with England’s royal family) Hitler’s Third Reich (even using Jews in those camps as slave labor for American-owned factories). America now is setting up the Land of Israel and its people for total destruction through the “American-backed Road Map”. America is forcing a “Palestinian State”, forcing settlers to get out of Samaria and East Jerusalem, forcing of Israel to not defend itself but to actually give up their land to their enemies, and now forcing Israel to allow the Arab Israeli citizens to vote for Hamas or the PLO in their January 2006 elections. Secretary of State, Condolezza Rice firmly said, even as the Gaza residents were being pulled from their homes, that the “West Bank” and “East Jerusalem” must also be evacuated and given to the Palestinians.

America does not acknowledge Jerusalem as the capitol of the Jewish Homeland, but has their Embassy in Tel Aviv.

America has built five bases within tiny Israel, and a huge one soon to open near the Tel Aviv airport, as a part of the Wye River Accord, from which they hope to command military action within Israel. America soldiers dressed up like IDF soldiers and helped with the disengagement from Gaza. America sent General William Ward to train PLO terrorists in Gaza as police, and the former President of the World Bank to oversee the financing of the PLO. America is sending in multi-millions of dollars to finance the PLO—and hardly any money, if any, is going to help the Palestinians. I could go on and on as to how America has been the forerunner of destruction to the Jewish people and their Land.

My friends—stop proudly defending what Yahuweh is about to destroy—and understand that He is just and right. America, from the early 1900’s, has worked for Part I, Part II and now Part III of the Mazzini/Pike plan. It is now working on the World War III aspect of the plan, so that world chaos can be created to force the necessity of a world ruler. From 1947, the U.N. never did intend to give Israel the whole land, but through two resolutions intended a two-state solution with Jerusalem as an international city, overseen by the United Nations. But, their plans were foiled when seven Arab nations attacked

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Israel on May 15, 1948. Oslo revived that intention of the United Nations. Now, America is working to see that there is a two-state solution—with Israel having totally indefensible borders—unable to defend itself at all. It is working for Jerusalem to be an international city, governed by the United Nations, with the Temple Mount under the control (as it is now) of the Vatican. Therefore, America is the serious hard-worker to prepare Jerusalem to receive the anti-

messiah world ruler. The Arabs keep disturbing the plans, because they don’t want a “two state solution”—they want all of the land for themselves.

In Jeremiah 25:1-15, we have a second layer of prophecy for these last days.

Babylon is used to correct and protect Israel for 70 years. Jeremiah told Judah that if they served Babel for 70 years they would prosper. They did prosper well under Babylon’s rule—so well that after the 70 years they did not want to return to Jerusalem in 539BCE—only about 10% returned.

There are now more Jews in America (both the house of Judah and the house of Israel—all twelve tribes represented) than in any other nation. Today only about 15 Jews remain in Iraq. Anti-Semitism is rising to an alarming rate world wide, also in America, yet as the Jews of Germany in the 1930’s, few look at the signs of coming danger, and remain in end-time Babylon. In the 1940’s America opened its doors for Jews.

Because prophecy is on two levels—one historical, in the days of the Prophet, and one future for our day--we see that end-time Babel also has had 70 years to rule the world and to protect Jews. America has done well in protecting Jews within its borders.

America’s great power began to rise markedly under President Roosevelt. We

became the world’s greatest super power, and have remained so. President Roosevelt made binding deals with the Arabs in the 1930’s, pledging support to them over support to anyone else—deals regarding oil that remain to this day. President Roosevelt put many things into effect--the “emergency powers act”, the “Federal Reserve System”, and other things that laid a ground work for the eventual destruction of the American people. Experiments began to be done on the American people, beginning especially in the late 1930’s—1940’s—which

involved psychological, emotional, and physical experiments. These experiments became part of American cultural life.

The destruction of end-time Babel is at hand, and the time when Jews and Israelites will have to flee this nation or die, is at hand. The 70 years of their prosperity is almost over, and many Jews already know that the handwriting is on the wall.

Read carefully Habakkuk 1:4-11. I wanted to go over this verse by verse in this article, but I have already given so much. This is about Chaldea—Babel—and includes many characteristics of end-time Babel that pertain to America.

In verse 8 it says: “They fly like the eagle”. All of our recent wars began with air assaults.

We must not act in fear. We must act only as we hear from the Ruach. In being a believer and knowing Him for over 55 years now, I find that when we are in fear, He CANNOT get through to us, because our minds and emotions (soul realm) are in control. For Him to be in control, we cannot be in fear and

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trying to reason out what to do. We must know before hand and act on it, what we are to do--based on the peaceful instructions of the Ruach to us personally.

Just realize that this world system is going under judgment to the total extinction of it. Be aware that all religions are going under judgment to the total extinction of them—Christianity, Messianic belief, Judaism, and all the rest. Get out of ALL the systems of man—for all are vying for control of your mind and emotions and actions. The god of this world will lie to you, deceive you, and lead you down the “broad way to destruction”.

Do not trust in man to help you. Everyone will be out for himself. Children will betray their parents—some willfully and some by trickery. (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 24) Yes, we’ve been undermined, programmed, experimented on, lied to, deceived, manipulated, and used and abused. But, don’t waste your time being mad about it—run to Yahuweh and submit to Him and obey His command: “Be set apart as I am set apart”.

The enemy in this country is not a bunch of radical Arabs. Paranoia over Arabs (or anyone coming from the Middle East) has become ridiculous. Most Arabs just want to live their lives and not be bothered—like most all of the world’s people. The enemy of the Christians, the Jews, and all mankind are the Luciferic world elite leaders. The world’s people are all pawns of the goals of Lucifer to one extent or the other. They are using everyone they can for their purposes, and those they can’t use, they will eliminate. That is why the Bible is fast becoming a “hate book”—it stands for resisting the plans of Lucifer.

It is time to let go of all your busy-ness, all of your agendas and ambitions, and

get into the Word—whole books at a sitting—and let the Ruach of Yahuweh speak to your spirit and give you peace, rest and direction.

Yes, there is a land of refuge that the world community has set aside—and is mentioned second only to Jerusalem as an area in the end days—it is Edom—southern Jordan. But, don’t look to a land of refuge for your security. Look to Him, who is your rock of shelter. The martyrs rule and reign with Him. Just prepare to stand firm and not deny Him. Do not take the mark (chip) of the world ruler. You will be called stupid, mindless, and even “dangerous” for not going along with what will be called “good”. Don’t go by what looks good. Go by what the Ruach tells you in your spirit.

I give you this information as a warning. There is much information that I can’t put in this article. I do not have any other reason for giving you this information except to try to save your eternal life. If you do not prepare, your mind won’t be able to handle the horror of it all—especially when it comes to your children or spouse.

When the mind shuts down, the only thing you’ll have is what you have put into your spirit. When I almost died of malaria in 1997 in Tanzania, my mind shut off. I did not know my own name. But, from my spirit were very powerful verses from the Bible. I was dying. Yet, I had them prop me up in a chair, and I preached three sermons, about 2 hours each. How did I do that? The Ruach

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in my spirit told me what to say, a sentence at a time. I said what He said. My translator translated what I said. (Isn’t this similar to the admonition of Messiah in Mark 13:9-13?) I preached in a fiery sermon under His anointing on the coming of Messiah, to the shock of all—yet I did not have the ability to even tell anyone my own name.

The spirit of man is what is perfected at the new birth. It is what contacts the realm of Yahuweh/Yahushua. It is where Elohim speaks and directs. Our mind and emotions are in the soul realm—which goes by reason and reacts according to what the five senses dictate. If we rely on our mind and emotions in these days of horror, we could go insane quickly. Our reasoning mind may tell us to commit suicide, or jump from a 20 story building, to try to protect ourselves by killing someone. Unless our reason is totally under the control of the Ruach, and it is His reasoning, we are capable as human beings of doing all sorts of horrible things. That’s why the admonition in Romans to let the Word transform our mind so that it matches the “mind of the spirit”.

When the mind wants to go insane, the spirit can be settled down into peace, by the action of the Ruach Yahuweh within our born-again spirit. The thing that disturbs me the most is that multitudes have prayed a “sinner’s prayer”, yet it is estimated by evangelists that only a small percentage of those who pray that prayer are really born again. People can easily adjust their minds to accept a belief system that gets them out of hell. But, to go on in covenant responsibility to the Elohim of Israel and His Messiah is another story. The new birth begins with repentance and commitment to the covenant of Yahuweh—as we pass from death unto life, from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Light. I have written an article entitled What Is The True New Birth that lists twenty-six things that happen when a person is truly born again.

Since the cheapening of the gospel message in the late 1900’s to make big name evangelists look good by all the “converts”, many prayed a prayer, began

to go to church, and perhaps even got excited for a while, but then most

returned to living like anyone else in the world. They never really got to know Him. Unless we know Him and know His voice, how can we hear from Him when our life is threatened--when we face the gas chamber, the oven, the guillotine, and the torture of ourselves and especially of our children and others we love? These are very serious things that I must warn you about.

I pray for the remnant of His people every day, sometimes many times a day. There is a “marked remnant” by Yahuweh, who will be alive and remain unto the coming of Messiah Yahushua. That is by His sovereign choosing alone. Look at these passages of Scripture and let the Spirit speak to you: Ezekiel 9:1-12, and Malachi 3:16-4:6; Revelation 3:7-14; chapters 7 and 14, 21-22.

There are three groups of “saved” people in the eternal state. One group lives on the new earth. One group represents the people on the new earth, and one group lives in the presence of the Bridegroom and Father forever—never leaving the New Jerusalem. This is like a wedding: There are the guests (the majority of the people. There are the attendants (the next largest group).

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Then there is the Bride and the Bridegroom. Only the Bride lives with the

Bridegroom. There are the thirty-fold, the sixty-fold and the hundred fold. Look at the characteristics for each group. If you are truly born again—you are in one of these groups. Look at Mark 4 and the parable of the “sower”. Only the fourth group endures to the end and produces fruit. Pray over these things, and the Spirit will give you peace.

According to all of my study and research, according to the mathematics in the Word of Elohim, according to quotes by world leaders, and according to all that I see and hear, 2006 and the next three to four years will be very traumatic for the inhabitants of this world, for the plans of the Luciferic agents is feverish to bring about World War III, and the resulting appearing of the world ruler. Your intimacy with the Elohim of Israel will give you great strength and joy to face these coming days in “perfect peace”.

Prepare, prepare, prepare! Stay in repentance from all sin. Ask Him to show you your sin, so that you can be pure before Him. Get rid of what sentimentally attaches you to this world system, including attachment to old religious beliefs that are pagan. Get into the Word and seek Truth with all your heart. You will find it. You will find Him—the source of Truth. If you love truth, you won’t be swept away by deception. (II Thessalonians 2) Yahuweh will send deception upon those who do not love the truth. Stay flexible in all things, and detach your heart from any idols that may be there. He will show you what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. HE IS FAITHFUL!

Love and blessings, joy and peace,


December 30, 2005

Updated December 15, 2011

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