As Netanyahu faces another election, White ... - Gaza| PA

NYTDateTitleAuthorOpinion?Pejorative language?Showing both sides?7-Apr-19Anti-Semitism Is Back, From the Left, Right and Islamist Extremes. Why?PATRICK KINGSLEY, AURELIEN BREEDEN"They perceive Israel as a country that has done its best to preserve its ethnic and religious character at the expense of a Muslim minority"Blames anti-Semitism on the "conflict between Israel and the Palestinians"“Western anti-Semitism has tended to trace the contours of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, spiking and ebbing in correlation with spasms of violence between the two sides- doesn't discusss how anti-semitism has existed long before the modern State of Israel”7-Apr-19Boycott Israel’s Election? A Palestinian Rapper Says NoDAVID M. HALBFINGERNo, only portrays the way a Palestinian feels, and not Israelis7-Apr-19A Debut Novelist Explores Her Family’s History, and Palestine’sJOUMANA KHATIB“war that led to occupation and the displacement of scores of families?”References "Palestine" which didn't exist as an identity during that period8-Apr-19As Netanyahu Seeks Re-election, the Future of the West Bank Is Now on the BallotDAVID M. HALBFINGER“incremental entrenchment of Jewish settlements on Palestinian land is often called “creeping annexation”10-Apr-19After Tight Race, Netanyahu Appears Poised to Form Israel’s Next GovernmentISABEL KERSHNER, DAVID M. HALBFINGER“with a?racist faction”“Mr. Netanyahu spent much of the past year undermining law enforcement officials and the gatekeepers of Israel’s liberal democracy, railing against the police, the attorney general and what he called the “leftist” mainstream media, trying to delegitimize his critics and organizations working for Palestinian rights. His government has also worked to curb the powers of the Supreme Court., occupied West Bank, Mr. Netanyahu was unable to rely on his usual politics of fear, presenting himself as the only candidate able to provide Israelis with security.”“What the exit polls suggest is that Israelis have voted to preserve the status quo,” he said. “They have said ‘no’ to peace and ‘yes’ to the occupation.”10-Apr-19Airbnb Reverses Policy Banning Listings in Israeli Settlements in West BankJULIA JACOBS“Most of the world considers the settlements, built on land Israel captured in the 1967 war, to be a violation of international law”?10-Apr-19As Israel Holds a Pivotal Election, Voters Tell Us What Matters Most to ThemLARA TAKENAGA“Though we sought feedback from citizens of all backgrounds, and reached out in English and Arabic, our 200 responses were overwhelmingly from Jews, perhaps because many of Israel’s nearly two million Arab citizens plan to?boycott the election.”10-Apr-19A Guide to Our Israel Election CoverageALAN YUHASBiased against Bibi- negative language to describe him10-Apr-19Netanyahu’s Talk of West Bank Annexations Is a Blow to Peace but No Surprise, Palestinians SayRICHARD P?REZ-PE?Apotentially fatal blow to the already tattered prospects for a peace agreement with side-by-side states, and could unleash a new round of violence, Palestinians warned on Monday., “The war crimes being carried out by Netanyahu and his government are causing irreversible damage to this entire region,” the party said in a statement. “We will oppose and battle the annexation of every inch of Palestinian occupied land and we will demand to have U.N. resolutions honored and have all of the settlements dismantled.”11-Apr-19Benny Gantz Led Israel’s Army. Now He Eyes a Long Siege of Netanyahu.DAVID M. HALBFINGER & ISABEL KERSHNER“Blue and White will also have to resist what are certain to be the wily Mr. Netanyahu’s efforts to divide and conquer”11-Apr-19Netanyahu’s Coalition May Help Stave Off IndictmentISABEL KERSHNERBut Mr. Netanyahu’s critics suspect that he may promise right-wing parties that he would support the annexation of some Jewish settlements in the West Bank in exchange for their support for an immunity law.occupied West Bank11-Apr-19In Netanyahu’s Win, Arabs See Another Nail in the Coffin of a Palestinian StateBEN HUBBARD“Israel seized the territory from Syria in the 1967 war”“Mr. Netanyahu’s win could play into the hands of Arab militants, such as those in Hezbollah and Hamas who call for Israel’s destruction, because it bolsters their argument that negotiating with Israel is a waste of time.- presenting terrorist organizations as legitimate partners in negotiation”14-Apr-19Palestinian Boycott Activist Denied Entry to United StatesMEGAN SPECIA“is part of Israel’s escalating repression against Palestinian, Israeli and international human rights defenders in the B.D.S. movement,” Mr. Barghouti said in a statement. He called for an end to what he called “U.S. complicity in Israel’s crimes against our people.”No. He is being denied entry for legit reasons which the article doesn't mention17-Apr-19Israel Invokes Anti-Boycott Law to Order Human Rights Worker DeportedISABEL KERSHNER“settlements in the occupied West Bank”No. He is actively calling for the destruction of the country so why should he be allowed in? deport a rights defender over his peaceful advocacy,- it's not peaceful it's destructive28-Apr-19For Palestinian Families, ‘No Light at the End of the Tunnel’DAVID M. HALBFINGER, MIRIAM BERGER“Palestinians have wanted to shake free of Israeli domination since the West Bank was first occupied in the Arab-Israeli War of 1967”?PA has control of WB, not Israel. Reason there is not 2 state is because PA/Hamas/PLO refuse to work with Israel“affiliated with Hamas, the Islamist militant group”- TERRORIST group28-Apr-19Israel’s ultra-Orthodox Parties Embrace Technology and Emerge StrongerISABEL KERSHNER“the occupied West Bank”6-May-19As Gaza Fighting Intensifies, Israelis and Palestinians Bury Their DeadDAVID M. HALBFINGER, ISABEL KERSHNERBut as much as they loathe one another, they are also codependent: Hamas uses its defiance of Israel to portray itself as the true voice of Palestinian resistance, and Israel’s right-wing government exploits Gaza’s unruliness to argue that it lacks a partner for peace talks.”15-May-19U.S. Ambassador Says Israel Is ‘on the Side of God’DAVID M. HALBFINGER“The remark reflected a common belief among evangelical Christians, but was also the latest sign of an anything but evenhanded approach to the conflict by the Trump administration”donor to the Israeli settlement enterprise?in the occupied West Bank19-May-19German Parliament Deems B.D.S. Movement Anti-SemiticKATRIN BENNHOLD?“part of a strategy to delegitimize any attempt at international solidarity with the Palestinian cause”- and BDS is part of a strategy to delegitimize an solidarity with Israel2-June-19Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan Faces a Crossroads After Coalition Talks in Israel CrumbleMARK LANDLER“branding it a blueprint for Israeli domination.”6-June-19New Palestinian Premier Warns of a ‘Very Hot Summer’DAVID M. HALBFINGER“Israel and Western countries see those payments, which began in the 1960s, as incentivizing terrorism. But the Palestinians see them as a vital form of welfare that rewards the sacrifices made by freedom fighters and their families, and say that many prisoners had no part in violence and did not receive fair trials. Unilateral deductions by Israel, they say, violate the agreements under which Israel collects revenue for the Palestinians.”- trying to defend terrorism10-June-19U.S. Ambassador Says Israel Has Right to Annex Parts of West BankDAVID M. HALBFINGER“and could be a fatal blow to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”18-June-19The Iran Crisis, ExplainedMICHAEL CROWLEY“In the near term, Iran is probably trying to drive a wedge between the Trump administration and European allies in hope of finding relief from the sanctions that are constricting its economy.”20-June-192020 Democrats on Israel's Record on Human RightsALEXANDER BURNS & SYDNEY EMBEROnly asking about Israel’s human rights record, why not China or North Korea23-June-19Hamas Leader Says Israel Isn’t Upholding Cease-Fire TermsDAVID M. HALBFINGER?Title is misleading and places blame on Israel, when Hamas is at fault too24-June-19Palestinian Leader Abbas Brushes Off Trump Plan for InvestmentISABEL KERSHNERFocus on what Palestinians want and not on what Israel needs30-June-19Palestinian Who Attended Trump-backed Bahrain Conference Is Arrested in West BankISABEL KERSHNER“in which Palestinian and settler businesses work together.”- ISRAELIWashington Post4-Apr-19Measles outbreaks are sickening ultra-Orthodox Jews. Here’s why many of them go unvaccinated.MICHELE CHABINFocusing on ultra-Orthodox Israeli's when this is a global health issue7-Apr-19Trump says Rep. Omar ‘doesn’t like Israel,’ one day after arrest in threat caseSEUNG MIN KIM, FELICIA SONMEZ“seized from Syria during the 1967 Middle East war, and most of the international community considers the annexation an illegal occupation”7-Apr-19A pro-pot party could tip the scales in Israel’s upcoming electionRUTH EGLASHPortrays Fegilin as a right wing nut-job and writes off his policy proposals as simply crazy8-Apr-19Arab Israeli candidates launch last-ditch effort against Netanyahu and voter disillusionmentLOVEDAY MORRIS“It also elevated the status of Hebrew over Arabic and said that only Jews have a right to self-determination in the Jewish state of Israel.”8-Apr-19Beto O’Rourke on Benjamin Netanyahu: ‘Racist’HOLLY BAILEY“Netanyahu’s proposed annexation, O’Rourke said, ‘will make peace in the long term impossible.’ ”- peace is impossible because the Palestinians refuse to work with Israel11-Apr-19Netanyahu’s election win would complicate Mideast peace plan, analysts sayCAROL MORELLO“But annexation will spell the end of a two-state solution that Palestinians desire”11-Apr-19Netanyahu’s main rival concedes defeat in Israeli election, clearing path for prime minister to secure fifth termLOVEDAY MORRIS, RUTH EGLASH“Israeli-occupied West Bank, which are considered illegal by much of the international community.?“14-Apr-19Trump administration’s new anti-Semitism envoy says BDS movement is anti-SemiticCAROL MORELLO“The website also says that Israel maintains ‘a regime of settler colonialism, apartheid and occupation over the Palestinian people’ ”5-May-19More than 200 rockets fired into Israel from Gaza; Israel responds, killing 3RUTH EGLASH, HAZEM BALOUSHA, LOVEDAY MORRIS“Gazans have been holding weekly demonstrations along the border, protesting the dire humanitarian situation in the strip that worsens daily and the ongoing land, sea and air blockade imposed by Israel since Hamas forcibly took power in 2007. Egypt opens its border with Gaza only sporadically.?“7-May-19Israel and Gaza militants agree to cease-fire after weekend of violenceLOVEDAY MORRIS, RUTH EGLASH, HAZEM BALOUSHA“the weekly demonstrations of Palestinian residents at the border fence with Israel”- often cover for terror attacks8-May-19Israel plans to deport a U.S. human rights activist. Democrats are pushing back.ADAM TAYLOR“sparred publicly”- she tweeted an Anti-Semitic trope 8-May-19How an international song contest played into the latest flare-up between Israel and GazaLOVEDAY MORRIS, RUTH EGLASHMilitant factions in Gaza- terrorist orgs.13-May-19House Republicans criticize Rep. Tlaib over remarks on Holocaust, IsraelFELICIA SONMEZExplains away what she said and the fact that she is rewriting history14-May-19Trump joins GOP criticism of Rep. Tlaib over remarks on Holocaust, IsraelJOHN WAGNER, FELICIA SONMEZ“for previous comments that have been interpreted as anti-Semitic”- that ARE ANTI-SEMITIC19-May-19Trump’s sanctions on Iran are hitting Hezbollah, and it hurtsLIZ SLY, SUZAN HAIDAMOUSWriting about Hezbollah as if they are a business operation and not a recognized terrorist organization19-May-19Israel brushes off Eurovision boycott calls with a big assist from MadonnaRUTH EGLASH“the Israeli-occupied city of Hebron”16-June-19Attempted deportation of Palestinian man reveals tangled legal odysseyKAREN DEYOUNG“West Bank, it was part of Jordan. Israel has occupied it since the 1967”He was in the US illegally and the article bends over backwards to make his plight look sympathetic17-June-19Netanyahu inaugurates Trump Heights, Israel's newest town on the Golan HeightsRUTH EGLASH“on the occupied Golan Heights”24-June-19Kushner conference was supposed to bring Israelis and Palestinians together. Neither side is likely to show up.ANNE GEARAN, SOUAD MEKHMET, LOVEDAY MORRIS“in much of the Arab land occupied by Israel”“Occupied West Bank”27-June-19Kushner presents vision of a Middle East at peace but no details how to get thereLOVEDAY MORRIS“ending Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories”LA Times3-Apr-19Journalist or terrorist? Palestinian’s death at Gaza border a year ago still unresolvedNOGA TARNOPOLSKY & RUSHDI ABU ALOUFPortrays Murtaja as entirely innocent, uses flowery, nice language to describe him7-Apr-19Netanyahu vows to annex West Bank settlements if re-elected as Israeli leaderNOGA TARNOPOLSKYOnly discusses the negatives of annexation, but not the positives10-Apr-19Israel election: Netanyahu again appears poised to claim prime minister’s postNOGA TARNOPOLSKY & LAURA KING“Israeli sovereignty to Jewish?settlements in the West Bank. Such a move could upend decades of peace efforts and would be regarded as illegal by most of the international community”11-Apr-19Israeli government in Benjamin Netanyahu’s fifth term is likely to turn hard right but face stiff oppositionNOGA TARNOPOLSKY & TRACY WILKINSON“and show little inclination to negotiate peace with Palestinians, But the new, hard-right political constellation in the incoming government appears to make any major diplomatic moves toward Palestinians unlikely. Netanyahu is also probably hoping the far-right parties will be able to shield him from prosecution on looming corruption charges”“Jewish supremacists,threatened to annex”5-May-19Israel strikes Gaza after Palestinian militants unleash a barrage of rocketsNOGA TARNOPOLSKY, RUSHDI ABU ALOUF“Hamas, the Islamist paramilitary group that controls Gaza”- a terrorist organization?7-May-19Intense rocket fire at Israel-Gaza border leaves at least 27 dead in two daysNOGA TARNOPOLSKY & RUSHDI ABU ALOUF“Hamas paramilitary group that rules the blockaded Palestinian enclave”- Hamas is a terrorist organization28-May-19Trump’s still-murky Israeli-Palestinian peace plan already meeting stiff oppositionTRACY WILKINSON“that Israel seized from Syria in the 1967 Six-Day War” “Israeli occupation of the West Bank?““and he uses “Judea and Samaria” to refer to the West Bank and environs. Many Israelis favor those Hebrew biblical references, which diminish Palestinian claims.”2-June-19As Netanyahu faces another election, White House peace plan may be the first casualtyNOGA TARNOPOLSKY, LAURA KING“the long-disputed Golan Heights, seized from Syria in 1967.”27-June-19Palestinian’s denounce Trump’s economic ‘Peace to Prosperity’ PlanNABIH BULOSOnly focusing on Palestinians who don’t like the plan, no mention of all the good it can doWall Street Journal7-Apr-19Netanyahu Says He Will Extend Israeli Sovereignty Over West Bank If Re-ElectedFELICIA SCHWARTZ“lands it seized in the 1967?“7-Apr-19The Potential Kingmaker in Israel: An Ultranationalist Who Wants to Legalize PotDOV LIEBER“wants Israel to annex the entire West Bank and strip non-Jews of their voting rights unless they pledge loyalty to the state”11-Apr-19Netanyahu Rode Israel’s Rightward Shift to Successful Election ResultFELICIA SCHWARTZ & DOV LIEBER“Palestinian leaders criticized the electoral outcome. Hanan Ashrawi, a senior Palestine Liberation Organization official, said in a statement that Israeli voters chose representatives “that are unequivocally committed to entrenching the status quo of oppression, occupation, annexation and dispossession in Palestine and escalating the assault on Palestinian national and human rights.”14-Apr-19Israeli Millennials, Tilting Right, Helped Elect NetanyahuFELICIA SCHWARTZ, DOV LIEBER“It is likely to be a lasting shift because of?the rising ultra-Orthodox population, which tends to vote for religious parties that align with Likud in governments.”“Israeli military occupation of the West Bank.”?8-May-19Qatar Sends Palestinians Aid After Deadly Gaza Clash With IsraelDOV LIEBER“Hamas officials and analysts in Gaza have said it is the enclave’s dire humanitarian and economic situation that is fueling violence with Israel, which enforces a strict embargo on goods coming into the strip.”?– embargo because of attempts to smuggle weapons10-June-19Some Palestinians Give Up on Their Own StateFELICIA SCHWARTZ“Still, Israeli and Palestinian visions of a “one-state solution” are so different as to be incompatible”17-June-19Israel Unveils New Settlement in Disputed Golan Heights Named ‘Trump Heights’DOV LIEBER“area of the disputed Golan Heights”“Many of the Druze there see themselves as Syrian, and refuse to accept Israeli citizenship.”- untrue. Many Druze are proud/happy to live in Israel23-June-19Trump Middle East Peace Plan Calls for $50 Billion in InvestmentFELICIA SCHWARTZFocuses on all the reasons the economic plan won’t work, and not the many reasons it could work ................

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