Budget Transfer Workflow - University of Wyoming

Budget Transfer Workflow

Budget transfer workflow is the ability to initiate and approve budget transfers on-line. These budget transfers are done in the Financials system (PISTOL) and are only available for Section I funds (Ledger Group APPROP - funds 1100, 1311, 1317, and 40XX). In order to enter transfers on-line, you must have access to the system as either an initiator or an approver.

Initiating a Budget Transfer

It is always a good idea to check the balance (available budget) in the account you are transferring “from”. You will not be able to complete the transfer on-line if funds are not available. To initiate a budget transfer:

Go to: Commitment Control

Budget Journals

Enter Budget Transfer


Hit “Add” to get to the Budget Lines page.


Line 1 is always the “from” account and must be entered as a negative amount. You will need to expand the line to see the Reference and Journal Line Description fields out to the right.

Fill in line 1 for the “from” account:

Budget Period – always the current fiscal year

Account – B1000 (full-time salaries), B1100 (overtime), B1200 (part-time salaries), etc.

Fund – your fund code (1100, 1311, 1317, 40XX)

DeptID – (also referred to as Org number) Each initiator only has access to the DeptID’s for their department, e.g., your state account Org.

Bud Ref – the Fiscal Year of the dollars you are transferring (one of the years in the current biennium). Transfers between Fiscal Years are not permitted.

Amount – the amount you wish to transfer preceded by a minus sign

At this point, if you hit the yellow “RSA” button, you will see your remaining spending authority for the information on line 1. If it is less than the amount you have entered, reduce the amount or exit the page. If you do not have enough funding, you will not be able to save or submit the journal.



On the right-hand side of the page, you will see Ref, Journal Line Description, and the Approval Instance Status. Leave Ref blank and enter any description you would like (e.g., to contractual). If this is a Permanent Transfer, please type “Permanent” in the description of at least one line. (Permanent means that the budget amount is transferred in the budget period referenced as well as the following budget periods.) The “I” under status means you are “initiating” this transfer. Hit the “plus” button to get to the second or “to” line of the transfer. Then enter the information in line 2 like you did in line 1. The amount in this line will be the same amount but positive (you can only enter two lines per transfer).


If everything looks correct, hit “Save”. If there are no errors, this will assign a journal ID.


In this case, Journal ID: 0001138489 was assigned. Please make a note of the Journal ID. If, for any reason, you need to contact the Budget Office concerning this transfer, knowing the Journal ID is very helpful. Also, if you were to leave this page without submitting the journal into workflow, you will need the journal number to access it again.

You are now ready to submit the budget transfer into workflow. When the journal was saved, the “Submit for Approval” tab appeared on the far right of the page.


Click on “Submit for Approval”. This will take you to a page where you can either “Cancel” which will bring you back to this page and you can make changes or you can hit “OK” to enter your transfer into workflow. If you hit “OK”, the Approval Status will change to “P” for Pending. The transfer will appear in the Worklist of the person who approves budget transfers for your department. In addition, an e-mail is automatically sent to this person to let them know they have something in their worklist.

At this point, you can either exit the page or hit “add” to submit another budget transfer.

If, for any reason, the transfer you entered is denied, it will be sent back to you accompanied by an e-mail. You will need to access it through the worklist (see below), make modifications, and submit it again. If you decide not to submit it again, please contact the Budget Office so the journal can be deleted. When your transfer is received and posted by the Budget Office, you will receive an e-mail telling you that the budget transfer has occurred.

Approving a Budget Transfer

If you are a designated “approver” for budget transfers, you will receive an e-mail when someone in your area has entered a budget transfer and submitted it into workflow. To look at the transfer, in the PISTOL menu, go to Worklist.


Then select worklist from the menu. Click on the link (in blue, toward the right of the page) to the journal number. This will take you to the budget transfer page that is pending approval. Look over the details of the transfer to see if you will approve or deny what has been entered. Then go to the far right portion of the page and either leave as “approve” or change to “deny” and hit “submit for approval”. Then hit “OK” to send the transfer to the Budget Office (if approved) or back to the initiator (if denied).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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