GRADE 2 Health Lesson #7 PAGE 1


Your S__ __ __ __ __ __ is one of the main parts of the digestive system.

Your stomach is the part of your body that helps change food so your body can use it.

The digestive system breaks the food particles down into smaller and smaller pieces. So small that the blood cells take the nutrients from the food to all parts of our body.

Lets follow the path of the digestive system.

The digestive system begins in your M__ __ __ __.

Your T__ __ __ __ chew your food into make it into SM__ __ __ER pieces.

Your TON__ __ __ moves the food around your mouth when you are chewing.

The food mixes with a liquid in your mouth called S__ __ __ __ , which makes the food easier to SW__ __ __ __ __.

The food then goes down a tube in your throat called the ESOPHAGUS.

The esophagus takes the food to your ST__ __ __ __ __. The stomach breaks the food down into even smaller pieces.


The food then goes into the SM__ __ __ INTESTINES. The small intestines is like a long tube that is curled around. In the small intestines is where the food nutrients is taken by the blood to all parts of the body.

From the small intestines the food that cannot be used by the body enters the

LA__ __ __ INTESTINES that removes the solid waste from the body.


1 - __ __ __ __ your food well.

2 – Drink plenty of __ __ __ __ __.

3 – Eat H__ __ __ __ __Y foods.

GRADE 2 Health Lesson #7 PAGE 2


A Diet is the food you __ __ __.

Food gives us __ __ __ __ __ __.

The energy that food gives us helps us do three things. Can you name them?

1 – Food gives us energy to W__ __ __.

2 – Food gives us energy to P__ __ __.

3 – Food gives us energy to T__ __ __ __.

You should eat foods that are: 1 – Low in __ __ __ __.

2 – Low in __ __ __ __ __.

3 – Low in __ __ __.

A Healthy diet is eating a variety of foods from the FIVE FOOD GROUPS.

Can you name the five food groups?

The __________________ food group gives us calcium to help build strong B_______

and T__________.

The __________________ food group gives us protein to help build strong M________

The __________________ food group gives us fiber for good digestion.

The __________________ food group gives us nutrients to help our body’s grow.

We can grow a lot of these in a garden in our backyard.

The __________________ food group gives us vitamins to help us stay healthy and help

fight off germs.

GRADE 2 Health Lesson #7 PAGE 3

After each food item put the LETTER of the food group in which it belongs.

Print the letters D for the Dairy Group

P for the Protein Group

V for the Vegetable group

F for the Fruit group

G for the Grain group

1 – Yogurt ________________ 2 – Green Beans __________________

3 – Peanuts _______________ 4 – Pancakes _____________________

5 – Potatoes ______________ 6 – Fish _________________________

7 – Taco Shell ____________ 8 – Peaches ______________________

9 – Swiss Cheese __________ 10 – Eggs ________________________

11 – Turkey ______________ 12 – Wheat Bread _________________

13 – Rice ________________ 14 – Strawberries _________________

15 – Broccoli _____________ 16 – Ice Cream ___________________

17 – Chicken _____________ 18 – Carrots _____________________

19 – Grapes ______________ 20 – Regular cheese pizza __________

21 – Lettuce ______________ 22 – Hamburger __________________

23 – Cantaloupe ___________ 24 – Waffles _____________________

25 – Pasta ________________ 26 – Celery ______________________

27 – Corn on the Kolb ______ 28 – Cereal ______________________

29 – Peas ________________ 30 – Spinach _____________________

31 – Tomatoes ____________ 32 – Pears _______________________

33 – Walnuts ____________ 34 – Raisins ______________________

35 – Oatmeal _____________ 36 – Fat Free Milk _________________

37 – Asparagus ___________ 38 – Pumpkins ____________________

GRADE 2 Health Lesson #7 PAGE 4

39 – Cherries _____________ 40 – Mango ______________________

41 – Olives ______________ 42 – Spinach ______________________

43 – Bananas ____________ 44 – Hot Dog Roll __________________

45 – Blueberries __________ 45 – Pork Chops ___________________

46 – English Muffins ______ 47 – Zucchini ______________________

48 – Sunflower Seeds ______ 49 – Steak _________________________

50 – Almonds ____________ 51 – French Fries ___________________

52 – Crackers ____________ 53 - Onions _______________________

54 – Green Peppers _______ 55 – Brussel Sprouts ________________

56 – Garlic ______________


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