

Natural Healing Workshops – 2010

Shelley Keith is widely recognized as the premier authority on the revolutionary “Clark Protocols” in Southern Africa.

She will be hosting a 2-day basic "Clark" Seminar on 28 & 29 August 2010, followed by a 1-day advanced “Clark” course on 30 August 2010 (Venue: Quantum Wellness Training Academy, Block M, Central Park, Midrand, South Africa)


For individuals, allopathic and complementary practitioners alike, it will be an opportunity to learn a dramatically new and astoundingly effective way of understanding both the causes of disease, as well as how to eliminate them using all natural means. (Includes herbs, lifestyle changes, as well as new powerful electronic testing and treatment devices) This is a not to be missed opportunity for everyone seriously interested in health, vitality and healing in the 21st century!! Book early to avoid disappointment, as seats are limited.


Information from Dr Clark’s latest book

“The Cure and Prevention of all Cancers” will be discussed!

2 Day Basic Clark Course

Dates: 28 & 29 August 2010

Time: 8.30 am registration Start 9.00am. Finish 5pm

Cost: (includes lunches, teas, certificate and manual). Bookings essential


This course covers: Parasites and Toxins in disease; The Parasite Program; The Bowel cleanse; Kidney cleanse; Liver cleanse, Zapping, Specialized detoxification. Also now covers the updated dental cleanse, tooth and food zappers as well as some of the newer information from the latest books and Shelley's last visit to the Clark clinic in Mexico.


1 Day follow-up/advanced Clark course


Dates: 30 August 2010

Times: 8.30 am registration Start 9.00 am. Finish 5pm

Cost: (includes lunch, teas, certificate, and manual. Bookings essential


This course specifically focuses on the more advanced technologies including plate zapping, homeography, food zapping, and syncrometer testing. It also contains information from Shelley's trips to the Clark clinic in Mexico especially relating to Dr Clark's approach to cancer and includes information from the newer books including the latest one published in early 2008 “The Cure and Prevention of Cancers” See below for more course details.

Advanced Body Chemistry Workshop: How to understand blood test results the Dr Clark way and to manage body chemistry more closely.

We strongly encourage those wishing to work seriously with the Clark protocols to attend this course.

DATE: 24 October 2010

TIMES: 8.30 am registration Start 9.00 am. Finish 5pm

COST: includes lunch, teas and manual and certificate

This 1 day course explains the significance of blood test results in managing and understanding the body chemistry. It looks at it from a Dr Clark perspective in that a) we assist you to convert the local labs results into values that are comparable to the labs Dr Clark uses for the purposes of comparison with her ideal ranges b) It explains the understanding that Dr Clark has developed using her syncrometer research into the causes of various blood abnormalities c) it gives a summary of the approaches Dr Clark advocates for rectifying them d) helps to take any “guess work” and potential risks out of the process of detoxification and e) will provide you with new tools to work with- a blood test conversion table as well as a generic Table of supplements.


This course is most suitable for trained, experienced and/or registered practitioners, who seek a deeper understanding of the damage done to the body by various toxins and who are looking for new tools to assist their patients back to optimal health. It also allows the practitioner to better understand the types of body chemistry changes to anticipate in the process of detoxification and how to better support the body in the process. The course outlines many common blood test results and explains Dr Clark’s perspectives on them. It also covers a range of detoxes specifically targeting the so called top 5 immune destroyers as well as some other significant toxins which Dr Clark associates with body chemistry disturbances. It will assist the practitioner to better decide on both the priorities and order of work to be undertaken with their client. It also significantly implicates the role of dental toxins and as such would be extremely valuable for dentists to more fully understand the so called Clark dental cleanups.


Non practitioners and lay people interested in understanding their own bodies better would also benefit from the course as would less experienced practitioners as it will a) teach you how to better assess the body’s overall state of health and any potential risks associated with detoxification. b) allow you to assess the primary toxins associated with any particular blood chemistry abnormalities and c) provide a new perspective on both the nutritional interventions and life style changes most valuable in a variety of circumstances.



Venue Details: Quantum Wellness Training Academy, Block M, Central Park, 16th Road, Midrand, South Africa

For more information and to book call 033 3307613 or email us on


Please book early, as seats are limited.


More Course Details




1) Complementary Health Practitioners wanting to expand their capacity to assist their clients particularly where their current modality demonstrates limitations for certain conditions.


2) Allopathic practitioners looking for new options to offer their patients especially for conditions that fall into the traditionally "incurable" category. (Especially HIV/AIDS and Cancer, but also migraines, gallstones, arthritis, ME, etc)


3) Individuals interested in empowering themselves to assume greater responsibility for their own health and healing.


4) Existing followers of the Clark programs. These workshops will provide you with a basic refresher and renewed inspiration to achieve your health goals. They will also provide you with the perfect opportunity to bring along those family and friends you have been trying to educate. The new follow up day will give you exposure to the very latest Clark research and technologies


5) Animal Health Practitioners; Dr Clark's work includes programs for animals.






Learn the basics of a revolutionary yet astoundingly common sense new approach to removing the underlying causes of disease. Dr Hulda Clark is a renowned biophysicist and researcher in the US who is the author of several books aimed at empowering individuals and practitioners alike to deal more decisively with the physical causes of disease. Her findings are based on her extensive research using a device called a syncrometer, which utilizes resonance to detect various toxins and parasites in the body. This has led to the formulation of new understandings regarding certain familiar diseases and as a result new approaches to dealing with them. Her "protocols" encompass some of the following:-




How to rid the body of parasites (this includes larger parasites like round worms, tapeworms, flukes etc as well as bacteria and viruses). Hulda Clark's work emphasizes the role that parasites play in disease in a way that would traditionally not be anticipated. She identifies a new generation of disease which she calls "Fluke disease" based on the interplay between familiar parasites and our generations' more pervasive use of specific toxins especially solvents. (Fluke diseases would include HIV, Cancer, Diabetes, MS, Alzheimer's, Lupus, to name a few.) She teaches the use of various natural remedies, mostly herbal, for the purposes of clearing the body of parasitical infestations. She also emphasizes and specifically teaches how to assist in the prevention of reinfection when immunity is low.


Hulda Clark writes extensively about a device which she developed over 40 years ago and for which she has become famous in alternative health circles. It is based on the work of other researchers before her (Raymond Rife and Robert Beck to name a few). It is affectionately called a "zapper" because it "zaps" pathogens throughout the system using a 30 kHz positive offset square wave to create resonance. Learn how this device works and how to use it for best results.( The 1 day follow up course will cover variations on the use of this technology in more directed and powerful ways. It is called Plate zapping. It will also cover "homeographic" drops made with this technology)




Learn about which toxins in our environment affect the body and how they contribute to disease. We know instinctively that the world is "toxic" and worry about air pollution and bad living habits like alcohol and smoking, but seldom consider the toxicity of everyday things. It appears that we assume that since one can buy a product on the shelf it must be considered safe. Hulda Clark's work uncovers the unexpected toxins lurking in our own homes and in the consumer products we use daily (e.g. household cleaners, body products, food products as well as dental materials etc) Her protocols extend to the identification of the role specific toxins play in specific diseases and provide methodologies to avoid them as well as safe alternatives.


Learn how to assist the body in its efforts to remove toxins. Dr Clark uses a host of natural remedies and procedures including her famous kidney and liver cleanses. In her more recent books Dr Clark also offers insight into the damage that certain toxins like Freon, Asbestos, Lanthanides, PCB's and Azodyes do in the system and details not only how to rid the body of them but how to undo the damage they leave behind.




Both the 2 day and the 1-day follow up workshops will be presented by Shelley Keith who is widely regarded as the foremost authority on the Clark programs in Southern Africa. 10 years ago she founded an organisation called Natural Healing whose primary mission was, and still is, to promote and support the implementation of the Clark research protocols in Southern Africa. Natural Healing also manufactures a comprehensive range of basic "Clark" supplements and strives in all things to adhere as closely as possible to the exact requirements laid down by Dr Clark for their manufacture. This is to ensure both cleanliness and efficacy. Shelley's passion for and understanding of Hulda Clark's work emerged out of her own protracted battle with ill health. Having spent 4 years bedridden and wheelchair bound; with poor prognosis for recovery she is herself a testimony to the efficacy of the Clark programs. She has also visited Dr Clark at her clinic in Mexico on 2 occasions to become more aufait with all the latest approaches being used by Dr Clark and her team especially with regard to Cancer and HIV/AIDS.


All the information provided in the workshops are for information only and refer largely to Dr Clark's findings and books. Shelley is not a medical doctor and any advice, either explicit or implied is not intended to replace qualified medical advice and management. Please ensure you consult a healthcare professional before commencing any program of self-health. Please note that reference to Dr Clark's findings do not necessarily imply that other scientists have corroborated these findings. Other scientists may disagree. Also Natural Healing by implication makes no medical claims or promises with regards to the products we sell. They are not as yet registered by the medicine's control council and as such cannot be advocated for medical use

Shelley Keith

Natural Healing

P.O.Box 101018 Scottsville 3209

Tel : 033 3307613 Fax: 033 3302698



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