Ans. Candling goose eggs is the easiest way to monitor ...

365760066675MANAGEMENT OF GEESE1.What is the scientific name of geese ?Ans. Anser anser(European geese, Toulouse, Embden, Pilgrim etc) ,A. cygnoides(Chinese geese)2. Incubation period of geese. Ans. 28 days to 35 days depending on size of egg3. What is the egg weight ?Ans. The average goose egg weighs roughly 150g. Head of Anser cygnoides(left), and Anser anser(right) (Source: Guy, 1996)4. How eggs are turned in incubator?Ans.Best results are obtained if eggs are turned over completely at least four times daily, that is, through an angle of 180° (as shown in the diagram at right) and not 45° as with chicken eggs. Best hatching results are obtained if eggs are set horizontally.33623253543305. Optimum incubation requirement.Ans. Goose eggs hatch at a temperature of about 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit. Goose eggs require unique humidity settings from other types of hatching eggs; maintain a 50-55% humidity for the first 27 days, then an increase to 75% for the remaining days.? Some breeders recommended removing the eggs for 15 minutes per day and spraying them with lukewarm water. Others recommended submerging them in water that is 99.5 degree F for 1 minute every other day from the 15th day of incubation and then daily during the last week.?6.How to determine fertility of eggs?Ans. Candling goose eggs is the easiest way to monitor growth of the embryo and determine if the eggs are fertile. It is important to pick the best eggs for incubation in order to have the best possible fertility rate. Candling goose eggs can be done at 7-10 days into the incubation process.???7.How brooding is done?Ans. Temperature requirement is same like that of chick brooding in different weeks.8. Terminologies related to goose.Ans.GANDER : male goose(5-6 kg) GOOSE or HEN : female goose(4-5 kg) GOSLING : baby goose9.Importance of goose rearing.Ans. Geese are raised for their meat, down or eggs. The feathers on the neck, or the “down,” can be harvested twice a year. Domestic geese can also serve as protectors because of their watchdog like behavior. They hiss and honk loudly when they feel threatened or when strangers appear.10.What is pairing of goose?Ans. Geese are monogamous and are believed to pair for life.11. Are geese omnivores?Ans.Yes12. What is average hatchling weight ?Ans. 100-110 gm13. Systems of rearing of geese ?Ans. Same that of chicken. The goose has the fastest initial growth rate of birds kept for meat production. This rapid growth rate, combined with the fact that they are susceptible to overcrowding, means that it is very important that geese have adequate space during the brooding period. On average, maximum density per square metre should not exceed 14-20 birds during the first week, 7-14 birds during the second week and 4-5 birds during the third week. At six weeks of age, the density of geese raised on deep litter should not exceed four geese per square metre, and only three after 13 weeks. For those raised on a slatted floor system, the respective values are seven and five birds per square metre.?In free range system, stocking densities of 60 geese per acre (150 geese per hectare) are possible.?14. Marketing age of geese.Ans. Because of the relatively high cost of the buildings and equipment needed when raising geese under confined conditions, geese are normally brought to market weight as quickly as possible. Broiler type geese can go to market at 8-9 weeks of age at a body weight of 4.0 kg and heavy type geese can go to market at 12-14 weeks of age at a body weight of 6.0 kg.?15. What is down or Feather Production?Ans.Goose down and feathers are produced for the garment and household linen industries. The most valuable product is the down, followed by the fine feathers. Most commercial products use a combination of down and fine feathers. The more down used, the higher the value of the product. The down is obtained from the breast area of the goose.To obtain feathers and down when slaughtering the geese, it is common to first use a hot water scald (140°F to?154°F, or 60°C to?68 °C, for one to three minutes). The coarse feathers are then plucked by hand and the rest removed either by a plucking machine or by hand. The feathers are then dried and sorted.Down and feathers from live geese are usually collected when geese are around nine to ten weeks of age, when they would be molting naturally. Harvesting feathers during the natural molt makes the removal of the down and feathers easier. Growing geese can then be plucked every six weeks, which coincides with the time of each successive molt. All breeds can be plucked, but the white plumage is more valuable.16.Fatty Liver (Foie Gras) ProductionAns.Foie gras (French for "fatty liver") is produced by force-feeding geese (and sometimes ducks) with a high-energy diet. Force-feeding usually takes place between 9 to 25 weeks of age for a period of 14 to 21 days. As a result of the high intake of dietary energy, the liver increases from an initial weight of 80 g to a final weight of 600 g to 1 kg.The choice of breed for foie gras production is based on the ability of the goose to produce an enlarged liver in the desired period of time, as well as the temperament of the goose. The geese will be handled five to six times a day, so a nonaggressive breed is required. Two breeds of geese are commonly used in foiegras production: the Toulouse (United States) and Landes (Europe).When processing geese raised for foie gras, the liver is the main product desired, so?care must be taken when defeathering to not damage the liver. There is equipment designed specifically for defeathering geese raised for foie gras, but geese can also be plucked by hand. The fatty liver should be extracted and cooled as fast as possible. This provides a good quality product in?which there is reduced fat-loss during cooking. Importing foie gras in India is banned.35528254826017.Sexing of goslings.Ans.Vent sexingGoslings can be vent-sexed at 1-2 weeks, but they are small and delicate.?18. When goose starts laying ?Ans. Geese start laying at their 7 months of age. Provide sufficient nesting boxes inside their house. Provide one nesting box for every 2 to 3 female geese. The box must have to be at least 2 square feet on average.?19.Mating ratio.Ans.1 male to every 3-5 females.20.How geese are suitable for sustainable animal production system ?Ans. 1.It can consume and digest large amounts of high fiber feedstuffs. 2. Its behavioural pattern make it easy to manage. 3. It has a rapid growth rate , the fastest of avian species used for meat. 4. Its feathers and fatty liver are valuable additional products. 5. Suitable for backyard farming with water bodies21. Average egg production.Ans. 30-50 eggs in a laying year , eggs are laid in spring upto August-September, continues to lay for 5-6 years of age ................

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