Come, Enter the Mikvah

Extremism The fallen ones extremely fear the Light-Brigade of Yahuwah! Today, January 19, 2021 the news says that the FBI is purging the National Guard Troops of those they consider to be “extremists.” What is an extremist by their definition? By their definition anyone who is passionate about what they believe enough to try to carry it out with violence, or trying to force it on others in some way, mentally or physically, is an extremist. That struck me as to who the FBI would be purging out before the National Guard has to guard Biden’s inauguration tomorrow. The FBI is asking each guardsman who they voted for. Hum … 90% they’ve found, so far, voted for Trump. When we think of extremism, we think of religious extremism – the passion for one’s God that leads them to kill, steal, and destroy, i.e. their lust to make everyone submit to their God drives them to believe they are working for their God, and that concept approves whatever method is needed to get all to bow to him. Messiah warned us of this brand of extremism in John 16:1-3, and in Mark 13:9-13. Radical religious and political extremism is the basis of Revelation 13 and the worship of anti-messiah. The 7-headed Beast, who ruled over 7 kingdoms, 6 ancient, 1 present, must be forced on the world for people to worship him or die. Religious extremism is the ultimate extremism, but when it is coupled with fear, and political extremism it is an ultra-ultimate extremism. This ultra-ultimate extremism is now being forced on the world’s people, and mind-control, mind-manipulation is enhancing it. Fear drives people to bow to it, and to align to what they’re told to do, knowing horrible consequences for disobedience. We’re back at Daniel 2 and Daniel 6, i.e. bow to Nebuchadnezzar, worship him, obey him or suffer the fiery furnace judgment. Bow to Darius the Mede, worship him, obey him, or suffer being thrown into a den of lions. Soon it will be “do as we say” or face the guillotine. Human rulers rising in power over the earth now are controlled by the rulers of Ephesians 6:11-12 – “principalities, powers, world-rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places.” The fallen angels of varying ranks and their Nephilim hybrids now rule, Extremism, thus, is in governments, in nation-worship, in King-worship (or Presidential worship), in passion for a human being to make them ruler and lord.Extremism is passion of the carnal mind that demands everyone go along with what someone believes or else. Is this not the foundation of Communism? Is this not what is being thrust on the world now, to prepare for the ultimate extremism – worship of the Beast? One thing to remember in the extremism of the world’s human rulers and citizens, is the lust for power over everyone else. This lust to be a god is found in most all human nature right now, as it reflects the coming “god of this world” and his Beast-son. It’s all about changing the nature of people as well as their DNA so that they bow to the ruling extremists from the kingdom of darkness. This great extremism is being thrust on the world’s people so that across board everyone must submit their minds to what they’re told do, or else. Attempts at mind-programing earth’s people and mind-control over them has been going on since the Nachash in the Garden of Eden. Yahushua Messiah died and rose again to free us from the power of the fallen ones to program our minds and control our minds and thus control us. He set us free. Yet, man keeps going back to the Nachash, and believes he can be his own “god,” even so called born-again believers. They do not know that when they are born-again, they transfer out of the kingdom of this world, the kingdom ruled by Satan, and are brought into the Kingdom of Light, to submit to another Ruler as Master. Know this above everything else: The Greatest Extremist in all of the universe is Yahuwah, followed by His Son, Yahushua!!! He said “Be set apart as I am set-apart.” “Let the set-apart be more set-apart.” Where did Satan learn extremism? All he can do is counterfeit the genuine and pervert it to evil, in order to counteract the nature, ways, thinking, and Word of Yahuwah. That’s Genesis 3. He can’t create anything, nor can his army of fallen ones. However, Yahuwah’s extremism only imparts His Life, love, peace, joy, goodness, faith, justice, righteousness, and wisdom to His creation as demonstrated in the Garden of Eden. As His people, we are being called to go back to the Garden and live in the fulness of who He is. This is the extremism that the world is calling for, real peace, real love, real compassion, real everything. Mankind is not experiencing the onslaught of the counterfeit. So, today, January 19th, 2021, who among the National Guard would be an extremist? Pro-Trump supporters of course. 90% of those in the National Guard, it was discovered by the FBI questioning the last couple of days, are pro-Trump, pro-conservative, pro-truth. However, no one in their carnal mind can be totally “pro-truth” in its fullest meaning without being 100% under the control of the Truth – the Word of Yahuwah and the Persons of Yahuwah and Yahushua. Human extremism, by itself, is rooted in the carnal mind (soul) and emotions. Fear rules, fear of punishment for not obeying the powers of man. Truth has indeed “fallen in the street.” Indeed it is hated by those who are under the control of the prince of lies – the “god of this world,” - the Dragon, Satan, and the coming Beast of Revelation 12 and 13. There is one extremism that Satan and all of his forces have not stirred up, which they do not control, which they fear with all their being. Only one! All other extremism, even national pride and strong beliefs in justice according to one’s perception of it, is punishable by man as they see fit – right or wrong. But one stands by itself, and this is the extremism that Satan is after to destroy it off the earth. He and his forces have done all they could to lie, deceive, kill-off, and destroy totally all who are this type of extremist, yet they know there is a small remnant group who is, will be, marked in the forehead by Yahuwah, sealed with His Name, setting them apart so that they cannot be destroyed, not even by death, nor can they be mentally manipulated to destroy themselves. The FBI is trying to purge out all those who might be potentially dangerous because they are “right-wing extremists,” justice-lovers who may even try to harm Joe. It’s possible. I am not saying the FBI is wrong about their suspicions. They may be very right, and if so, may they act righteously! We do not want anyone harmed in this time of great pressure. We also do not want anger and hate to rise up among peace-loving people because the injustice is so great. Talk about extreme – never in the history of America has there been such great injustice thrown openly in the face of its citizens expecting us all to swallow it. Our peace is knowing that over all of it, Yahuwah is in absolute total control! The fallen ones know it, and they fear those who are His side. There is one type of extremism that Satan fears because its origin is not from him, nor his fallen angel friends and their offspring Nephilim. Satan’s goal is to sit on high in the place of Yahuwah and destroy Yahuwah and Yahushua. (Isaiah 14) He is amassing his army to stand against the return of Yahushua, as in Revelation 19-20, and other Scriptures. Their goal is to kill all who have faith in Them. The great fear of Satan, as I wrote in “Satan’s Greatest Fear…”/Mikvah of Set-Apartness, is the miraculous aligning of the soul with the re-born spirit of Yahuwah’s blood-bought children that is setting apart this greatly feared remnant. King Herod feared that the baby, then a toddler, the wise men from Parthia sought, whom they called “king of the Jews,” would grow up to usurp his power over the people of Judea, so he ordered all male babies and toddlers under the age of 2 to be killed. He sent his army forth to slaughter all whom he feared would usurp his power. In like manner, Satan, driven by fear of losing his power over humanity, will go forth to try to rid earth of all who are radically set-apart to faith and submission to obedience, and hope in Yahuwah and Yahushua, by martyrdom. We are the targets of His evil fears. Satan is acting on fear, and so are His fallen ones, for they see that Yahuwah has sealed/is sealing a small number who cannot die. The fallen ones cannot do anything to them anymore once they are transformed into a body like Messiah’s body at His resurrection – being “the first fruits of the resurrection.” (Revelation 3:7-13; 7:1-8; 14:1-5; Daniel 11:32) These go forth at the time of the rule of the Beast/”antichrist.” It is fear that drives the decisions of the politically extremists, the religious extremists, and all extremists who converge in unity to destroy all those who are set-apart until Yahuwah and Yahushua. All evil ones showed great fear, paranoia, violent fear, in the last couple of weeks that Trump might actually pull of his win. All extremism is focusing now through fear to eliminate those who stand against their goals of putting the Beast on the throne of the world. These have no problem with killing every man, woman, and child on earth who is not on their side. Those among the “marked ones”, these “sealed ones” of Yahuwah, and all who are in alignment with Them at any stage of their spiritual growth, is to see every man, woman, and child saved, redeemed from the kingdom of darkness, firm in faith and thus on their way to the heavenly Kingdom and eternal life. That is the true passion of all who are born-again and Spirit-filled – the non-religious who really personally know, intimately know, Yahuwah and Yahushua. These are pro-life – pro-spiritual life in Messiah, thus they are pro-eternal life, and pro-natural life in health, peace, joy, and love. Messiah told us: “pray for your enemies. Pray for those who despitefully use you.” He did not say to hate them. That spirit is of the fallen kingdom. Beware – do not be sucked into agreement with the will of the fallen ones. Actually now, because of the “great falling away,” the great apostasy among church pastors and their members, and of Messianic congregations and their teachers, the world’s extremists are moving together along a broad way that leads all to destruction. Those remaining true to the nature, ways, and thinking of our loving heavenly Father, are on a very narrow path to a very narrow gate that leads to life (Matthew 7:13-14) Deceptions and lies are the #1 thing Messiah warned about. Because by them even “the chosen,” could be damned. The chosen, the elect, are those whose names were written in the Lamb’s book of Life before the foundation of the world. (Ephesians 1:1-5; I Peter 1:1-3) The extremists who are extremely and radically set-apart from the kingdom of darkness unto the Kingdom of Light are those who are under the total control of the Spirit of Yahuwah, and are not subservient to man’s system, or a Beast system. These born-again ones who have forsaken rule by carnality and the “god of this world” that programs it, do not ant to hurt anyone. We only impart life to others, to care for others in physical ways, to encourage them, to strengthen them in hope and in faith. They do not want to harm anyone! We do not participate in riots or rallies like the world’s people. We are the “children of light,” who follow the commands of He who said “I am the light of the world.” We are the restrainers of evil on the earth. We hold back the onslaught of those who want to kill, steal, and destroy. Therefore, as the light of the noon day, we allow no darkness to control our lives. We shine brighter and brighter - so brightly that the darkness cannot penetrate our mind or emotions. They cannot penetrate the re-born spirit! We are life-givers, lovers of beauty and order, discipline and obedience to the highest of all laws – the Word of Yahuwah, written and spoken into our spirit by His Spirit. Extremists who are mind-controlled by man, either in loyalty to them, or by fear, are not under the control of the Spirit – that includes Christians and Messianics not under the control of the Spirit. Religious people feel they have to convert everyone to their beliefs. There is no Spirit-control in that. It is carnality. These do not impart His life to others, but only their own reasoning and their own passions. Thus, these merely religious extremists join the ranks of all other religious extremists. What difference is a radical extremist Muslim who wants to destroy all “infidels” that do not bow to Allah from a professing Christian who hates all black people, and like KKK members approves of hanging them? Muslims and Christians of this sort are united in spirit with their hate and their desire to kill. There are Buddhists also who kill all who do not bow to Buddha, like those in the Goby Desert of Mongolia. There are extremes in all religions, even the New Age Movement that appears to be so docile and loving. In their worship of Gaia, they want to reduce earth’s population down to 500,000,000 and get rid of everyone else in the name of protecting “Mother Earth.” How sweet and nice is that! All religions of man have their murderous side, and are controlled by the dark kingdom. Yahuwah demands radical set-apartness, especially now. (Revelation 22:11b) Only one tiny remnant on earth is holding back the onslaught of Satan and his forces. Both types of this remnant are targeted because of their loyalty to Jesus or Yeshua/Yahushua. Revelation 7 describes both aspects of the end-time remnant. So, if you have become livid, extremely angry, at the injustice against Donald Trump and want to see the evil ones punished, and get too entrenched in your carnal mind that you hate, and want vengeance, please note that you are an extremist on the side of the forces of Satan. I plead with Yahuwah’s children: Do not join the forces of Satan in your anger, hate, and lust for revenge on the forces of human beings who are naively under the power of the fallen ones, for you too may be under their power. Maintain His peace, joy, and love for mankind and pray for Yahuwah’s will to be done – not yours. I know! Injustice is very hard to take – especially such blatant injustice. We have been watching a real Bolshevik-type Communist coup in America, and also worldwide. We must not explode in anger, nor swallow anger either and implode. It only makes your body sick and breaks down your immune system. We must submit all of what we are watching to the Spirit of Yahuwah in praise and worship of Him. The greatest thing we can do to make the enemy sick is to praise and worship Yahuwah and Yahushua boldly – loudly as we can – and with the passion of our re-born spirit. We are the real love extremists who love life, and want the life of the Creator to flood every human being, even those who are evil right now. Yahuwah does not want any to perish but all to come to repentance, as Ya’cob/James tell us. He waited from the Flood until now to pour out His judgment on the earth. His wrath will come with His Son’s descent, as we read throughout the Tenach and the Messianic Scriptures. Life, light, and love are radically extreme and the forces of Satan hate it because it is connected to the One who threw them out of heaven. They fear greatly those who cling to Yahuwah via the blood of Yahushua (Revelation 12:11).The greatest weapon of warfare that we have is our confession of our faith in the saving “grace,” the “Amazing Grace,” of Yahushua/Jesus and our faith that we will be resurrected and live in the Kingdom of Light forever. Keep focused on Revelation 21:1-7. Maintain your joy, which is the power of His mightiness within you! The love of Yahuwah and Yahushua for mankind is the strongest force on earth. Unite with this force! Now that’s radical; that’s extreme! Let His extremism shine, not your religious beliefs. Love your Savior so much that you go forth with unveiled face that radiates His light to all around you, and draws people to His salvation. The evil ones fear the rising of the Light-Brigade of Yahuwah!! Be an extremist that terrifies Satan and his fallen army into fear of you! “Be bold, be strong, for Yahuwah your Elohim is with you.” “He is for you, not against you.” Go back and read and listen to “The Blessing Brings Down the Spirit Cloud” article. Use the link to listen to the song. It is posted under the Mikvah of the Spirit.Shalom, shalom! Stay in prayer over this time especially, for we’re in for a rough ride, - but then … “Come Yahushua Come!”In His love, YedidahJanuary 19, 2021 ................

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