NEW THERAPIST TRAINING - Rhythmical Massage Therapy ...

Notes from the Treasurer:NEW THERAPIST TRAININGThe membership of the RMTA has wholeheartedly supported efforts over the last few years to re-establish a therapist training in North America. ?Membership dues, donations, volunteer hours and gestures of good will and shared purpose have all contributed to achieving this goal. The new RMTA-sponsored training had a special and fruitful beginning in Fair Oaks in May with the participation of 11 highly qualified students from the U.S., Canada and Mexico, committed both to their professions and to Anthroposophy. ???Instructors Margaret Kerndt and Marlies Schade presented an introduction to the massage movements - the archetypal forms, as well as an immersion (at times literally) in the elements through which these forms become manifest. ??The mood throughout was sensitive and reverent, especially in the massage practice, and all participants seemed to livingly realize something they met in the work, which deepened or added to what they already knew from their own practice and life experience. We were fortunate to begin our work in conjunction with the International Postgraduate Medical Training (IPMT) course. ?This meant that our students participated in early morning eurythmy with 95 other doctors, nurses and therapists led by Glenda Monash. ??Daily lectures with Albert Schmidli challenged us to plunge into the phenomenology of the salt, sulphur, and mercury realms ?- and beyond. ?In the evenings Michaela Gloeckler spoke eloquently on the inner development of the therapist. ?Shared meals and break times encouraged informal meetings and conversation among this large group of health care professionals working out of Anthroposophy - and gave our students a sense for the potential for rhythmical massage therapy to be an integral part of a comprehensive team of colleagues.The training initiative group decided to allow students to attend this first session without commitment to the full 3-year training, in part because initial enrollment was slightly lower than healthy budget projections required. ??The group also agreed to offer a 3-day "catch-up" session from October 25-27 so new students who meet our pre-requisites can still join the course. ??We encourage all who might be interested to contact us soon, as space is limited. ?Applications and information are available on the RMTA website, .2908300869950004889500125793555245 RMTA MEMBERSHIP AND ANNUAL DUESThe RMTA is now incorporated as a non-profit in the State of California. ??As a public charitable organization, membership in the RMTA is open to all who are interested in supporting our efforts to provide the benefits of Rhythmical Massage Therapy to those in need of this health-promoting treatment. ?Joining the RMTA is a way individuals can support the training, outreach, publications and continuing education efforts of our group. ?The Association is led by a volunteer Board of Directors all of whom are members of RMTA and who serve for 3 year terms. ?Current Board members are Marlies Schade, President, Judith Brockway-Aventuro, Vice-President, Kathy Strutz, Secretary-Treasurer and Marie Blitz. ???The last annual members meeting took place in October 2013 in Spring Valley, NY. ????This year's October annual meeting will be by teleconference and notice will be sent to current members about specific date, time and agenda.Membership in RMTA runs from May 2014 to May 2015. ??A membership form is attached to this newsletter and outlines two tiers of benefits and suggested dues. ??Additional donations to the training, including the student tuition assistance fund, are gratefully accepted.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Kathy Strutz, Secretary-Treasurer2476503450590002349504911090006921502782571311785049784000 ................

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